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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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Game #5


Day 3


 If you want to play an Animal Crossing game with combat in between the collectathon that this game is for you.

Or you could play Rune Factory when you don't like One Piece.


I started to watch One Piece a month ago I guess and allready bought six out of currently 13 DVD boxes. :D

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If you guys do this event again, would it be possible to adjust the rules to maybe 'games you only have a couple trophies on'? I'd like to play next time around but I only have 1 unplayed game...


It wouldn't really be kill your completion though then, as just continuing on with games you have already started is just improving the completion  :hmm:

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If you guys do this event again, would it be possible to adjust the rules to maybe 'games you only have a couple trophies on'? I'd like to play next time around but I only have 1 unplayed game...



It wouldn't really be kill your completion though then, as just continuing on with games you have already started is just improving the completion  :hmm:


Or maybe for next time the person who hits the lower the completion? Now that I think about it, it might not work especially if someone has completed all their games and has a higher completion. But I'm really horrible in math, so what do I know...

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If you guys do this event again, would it be possible to adjust the rules to maybe 'games you only have a couple trophies on'? I'd like to play next time around but I only have 1 unplayed game...


It wouldn't really be kill your completion though then, as just continuing on with games you have already started is just improving the completion  :hmm:


Or maybe for next time the person who hits the lower the completion? Now that I think about it, it might not work especially if someone has completed all their games and has a higher completion. But I'm really horrible in math, so what do I know...

For me it's less about killing completion and more about trying out games in your backlog that aren't high on your list.

If I wanted to fully kill my completion, I would not play ten games for three days each but I would play all unplayed games I have until I have one trophy, then move on to the next.

Taking that into account, I could agree with a spiritual successor to this event where the rule is a maximum of one trophy obtained. I would not say multiple trophies obtained is allowed, however, since that would probably mean you've put a bit of time in them already.

Zombie Jesus, are you sure you have only one unplayed game? Have you put all PS+ games in your library? :-)

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Game #6: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2

Second day
Total playtime: about an hour and a half





Fuck this game. There, I said it.


Played half an hour today. Got through level 3 and then, a long way into level 4, I lost all my five lives. Not because I suck but because of the lousy controls. This game can, as was said in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, get F'd in the B.

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I like the game so far and want to see what comes next. I especially like the trophy descriptions. They are like novels. I mean here an example:


"This is proof that you've equipped items that activate an Elemental Union bonus skill. Basic skills all correspond to one of five different elements. Equip skills of the same element that line up directly adjacent to each other, and you'll form an Elemental Union based on how many skills are in the line. Check it out on the skill sheet!"


See? And all this to basiclly say equip two items with skills of the same element.



Oh god, they pulled that again. I always thought they just want to test the maximum length a trophy description may have. Seems like the descriptions are as long or even longer than the ones from Tales of Hearts R. An example:

:bronze: Unbreakable Bond: Kor and Chalcedony

This award stands as proof that you have forged an unbreakable bond between Kor and Chalcedony. Over the course of their many battles, both against one another and by each other's sides, they have learned an enormous amount. May the friendship between these brothers in arms last a thousand years!

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So, we're halfway there... How's everybody feeling?


I still like this way of trying out new games, as far as I'm concerned I'd definitely like to continue on into August.

I'm having a good time, and I'm thrilled with the amount of participation we're getting.  I'm still planning on catching up and playing a portion of every game on my list so I'm not the big failure here.


Last night I started TBoUT2 with my wife since it seems like the kind of game she'll enjoy watching.  I then fired up Starwahl once she fell asleep on the couch.  I'll post my updates later, but I think using this method I'll be able to get all 10 in before the buzzer, though I'll play SSX only during the 7th game slot.


Game #6: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2







Right from the go, this game annoyed me with the faux 8-bit techno music. Then, the game annoyed me with bad controls and a main character that did not do what I tried to get him to do.


I'm not sure you're aware, but the original Bionic Commando WAS actually an 8-bit NES game.  It's actually one of my favorite on that console, and I played a ton of games back then.  Bionic Re-armed was an updated version of the original game.  They added a few things, and changed almost all the bosses, but for the most part the level design is exactly like the original game.  The music is also roughly the same, though cleaned up a bit.  They also didn't change the controls much, though it is more responsive.  In the first game you can't even jump :D  I haven't played the 2nd one, but I'm imagining it's very similar.  If you go in expecting a ps3 psn title I could imagine being sorely disappointed.  If however, you go in expecting a remaster of a great NES game, it's a little easier to deal with.





Mamorukun Curse!

Day 3

Trophies: 31/66 (51%)



Every once in a while though, you'll find a gem. Mamorukun Curse! was fortunately the latter and was $1 well spent. It was a good introduction to the shmup genre and the learning curve wasn't too steep. Even if you have never played these types of games before or just suck at them, you can learn the basics on the lowest difficulty settings and make it through the story and arcade levels without too much trouble. However, truly mastering the game and completing the harder difficulties appears like it could be very difficult.


Really glad you enjoyed it.  I picked it for for $2 and didn't play it forever.  When I finally got around to it earlier this year I had a great time.  It was also my first real Shmup game and I was able to get it with effort, I believe in you! :highfive:




July 16-18

Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest


The controls are pretty responsive and the levels aren't overwhelming. I did the training and the first level. A couple of trophies later and I'd say it was a good experience. Not a bad workout either. :)

Got this game with my move as well.  My kids played about an hour one day, and I keep meaning to go back and earn the .44% platinum, but I keep having other stuff to work on.  I'm glad you say it's actually kind of fun, will be looking forward to the rest of your updates.



If you guys do this event again, would it be possible to adjust the rules to maybe 'games you only have a couple trophies on'? I'd like to play next time around but I only have 1 unplayed game...

It's been answered but I'll give you the "official" response.  As Rach said it's not actually so much about Killing the completion % as it is trying out games you own and just haven't gotten around to yet, I just thought the title was catchy. :shrug:  There might be a spin-off event at some point where we focus on games with low % to start with, which seems like it might be more your bag.  I only say this as you mentioned you only have 1 un-started game. 


also, lol @effdeegee.  I didn't recognize his name right off the bat.  However, as this is an event you get to choose your own games to play I think it's a slightly different beast, and I wouldn't immediately disqualify him from participating.




Game #6:

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (ps3_10.png)



I bought these a couple months ago because my wife after I tried the demo and it seemed funny.  They were not as good as I hoped, but I don't regret spending the very low amount I did for both of them.  It can be extremely annoying occasionally, as it's very unclear what you're supposed to do, as with the seagull (if you haven't done that yet)  I had to regularly look at a guide when I got stuck, since I don't like walking back and forth through the same 4 areas 8 times looking for the one item I missed.  They were good for an occasional small laugh, but not real fun to actually "play".  Hope it gets better for you.

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Demon's Souls

Day 1

Trophies: 0/38 (0%)




So it's finally time for you to play my favourite ps3 game xD . I actually imported the US version of the game back when it released, as the EU version was only going to be released almost a year later. RIP first ps3 I owned.... Anyway, there's one thing you should know. It has a unique mechanic which is world and character tendencies., The whiter it is, the easier are the enemies, but its also less likely to get loot, while dark tendency has the opposite effect. and also opens up mini boss fights throughout the game. It's generally advised to try to get to max white tendency on the first run and only later turn it dark  The change depends on certain boss or mini boss kills, as well as dying in human form, among other things. Also, when playing online, it changes tendency to a global server one that can't be influenced. so even if it seems counter-intuitive, It'd advise against doing so, if you're going for the plat. I had to do 4 or 5 additional playthroughs, because I went online on my first one...

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Game #6: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2

Second day

Total playtime: about an hour and a half





Fuck this game. There, I said it.


Played half an hour today. Got through level 3 and then, a long way into level 4, I lost all my five lives. Not because I suck but because of the lousy controls. This game can, as was said in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, get F'd in the B.


Nah man, you just suck.  :P


I'm joking, the controls and swinging mechanics can take a while to handle and get used to. Can't tell you how many times I'd swing or shoot my claw in the wrong direction, usually resulting in my death. Once you get more comfortable with the controls though, the game is fairly easy. Do you have the health regeneration upgrade equipped? It makes combat and the bosses a joke. Doesn't help much if you are dying from falling in pits or spikes though. 


I'm not sure you're aware, but the original Bionic Commando WAS actually an 8-bit NES game.  It's actually one of my favorite on that console, and I played a ton of games back then.  Bionic Re-armed was an updated version of the original game.  They added a few things, and changed almost all the bosses, but for the most part the level design is exactly like the original game.  The music is also roughly the same, though cleaned up a bit.  They also didn't change the controls much, though it is more responsive.  In the first game you can't even jump :D  I haven't played the 2nd one, but I'm imagining it's very similar.  If you go in expecting a ps3 psn title I could imagine being sorely disappointed.  If however, you go in expecting a remaster of a great NES game, it's a little easier to deal with.


Really glad you enjoyed it.  I picked it for for $2 and didn't play it forever.  When I finally got around to it earlier this year I had a great time.  It was also my first real Shmup game and I was able to get it with effort, I believe in you! :highfive:


I played Bionic Commando on the NES back in the day but I haven't played Bionic Commando Rearmed. One of those games that I'll probably pick up if I see it at a good price in a sale. It should be pointed out that Rearmed 2 almost universally got lower reviews than the original Rearmed. This one wasn't a remake of a classic so it's all original levels, story, etc. They also added a jump button which was a weird choice given the franchise. You can find a lot of weapons and upgrades but most aren't necessary at all. You can get through the entire game with just your basic pistol. A couple of the upgrades like the grenade launcher are helpful and used to find hidden items, but most items aren't even needed or useful. It was an alright game that had a few good qualities and highlights, just nothing special. I'd like to play the original Rearmed since most people say that is a better game.


As for Mamorukun Curse!, I got the 1 cc trophies for Fululu and Luchino yesterday. Might try to sneak in a few more before the event ends. Thanks for the confidence. Going to need all the support I can get.  :)  



I can already see why people love these games. The world tendency mechanic was one of those things I didn't fully understand and made my head hurt when I glanced at a guide. How do you avoid going into online mode? Just stay signed off of PSN while playing the game? Also, if I started the game online, can I switch to offline or do you have to start over to do that? The game hasn't mentioned much about world tendency yet so I haven't worried much about it. Doesn't really matter for this event I guess since I'm probably going to start a fresh game when going for the platinum. Still good to know these things so thanks for the info. 

Edited by MStalker58
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I can already see why people love these games. The world tendency mechanic was one of those things I didn't fully understand and made my head hurt when I glanced at a guide. How do you avoid going into online mode? Just stay signed off of PSN while playing the game? Also, if I started the game online, can I switch to offline or do you have to start over to do that? The game hasn't mentioned much about world tendency yet so I haven't worried much about it. Doesn't really matter for this event I guess since I'm probably going to start a fresh game when going for the platinum. Still good to know these things so thanks for the info. 


Yeah, not signing in does the trick. IIRC there's no way to revert tendency once online, therefore starting from scratch is the best bet (unless the online world tendency was actually closer to white than greyish or black). The game doesn't really bother to explain tendencies very well, if at all. Some items drop from specific enemies/npcs that only spawn at full white others only at full black tendency and are a plat requirement, if memory doesn't fail me.


The best info I could find on them when I played was here:





Edited by voodoo_eyes
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 I can already see why people love these games. The world tendency mechanic was one of those things I didn't fully understand and made my head hurt when I glanced at a guide. How do you avoid going into online mode? Just stay signed off of PSN while playing the game? Also, if I started the game online, can I switch to offline or do you have to start over to do that? The game hasn't mentioned much about world tendency yet so I haven't worried much about it. Doesn't really matter for this event I guess since I'm probably going to start a fresh game when going for the platinum. Still good to know these things so thanks for the info.

The only thing to keep in mind about tendency(for now) is that dying WHILE HUMAN makes the world darker(harder), and killing bosses moves it one step lighter. There's no penalty for dying if you're already dead. :) While undead you only get 50%hp, but you can get a ring that makes it 70% and is a huge help. Being dead also prevents you from being invaded or joined.

You will resurrect any time you kill a boss. To combat this immediately go back to the nexus, run to the top, and jump off. Dying in the nexus has no adverse affects, other than you know, killing you. Don't forget to pick up your Souls. Then go back to whatever level and continue.

I did most everything in the game before worrying about any of the tendency and was still able to finish this way. Saving one boss per world is the only thing you need to consider, cause you'll need it to reach full white eventually.

Another thing you might have seen mentioned and a huge help. The levels are not linear in terms of difficulty. I had major troubles with 1-2, and did almost every other, X-1 and X-2 level before I went back and finished it. Move around if you get stuck or have trouble with a level.

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You will resurrect any time you kill a boss. To combat this immediately go back to the nexus, run to the top, and jump off. Dying in the nexus has no adverse affects, other than you know, killing you. Don't forget to pick up your Souls. Then go back to whatever level and continue.


So that's what those people were doing. I kept touching bloodstains and watching people run up there and jump off the very top in the Nexus. Thought they were just goofing around or something. That explains a lot.  :D

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 Zombie Jesus, are you sure you have only one unplayed game? Have you put all PS+ games in your library? :-)

I actually don't have PS+ lol. I can't see the need to shell out $50/year for a subscription that only gives out games I don't want to play. I also don't have a PS4, which would effectively mandate the subscription. On further examination of my backlog, I actually have 9 unplayed games, which I can provide upon request.


Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this right here. :ninja:

While I agree that it was more than a bit on the selfish-asshole side of the behavior spectrum to do what I did, I feel the need to point out that my poor performance in that competition was due in part to my non-understanding of the rules of the game. I was not prepared for what I was asked to do, and, as I have apologized for that already (or, if I haven't, this post should serve as that apology), I feel your latent hostility towards me for that incident is a bit overwrought. I may be missing something, though. Anyway, as the rules of this event state that only games you already own are to be played, I feel I am in no danger of having to drop out, since I only buy games I am willing to play, and there is nothing in my backlog I would not play for at least 3 days.




All that being said, I have examined my backlog and discovered 8 games I was not aware i owned, bringing the total to 9 unplayed games. Unfortunately, that still leaves me a bit short of the required 10 (even less so if you consider that one of the 9 is just the first episode of a series and so probably doesn't count), so unless I can get in with 1 game I only have a couple trophies on, I'm going to have to take advice and not play. Thanks for the consideration, though.

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