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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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I actually don't have PS+ lol. I can't see the need to shell out $50/year for a subscription that only gives out games I don't want to play. I also don't have a PS4, which would effectively mandate the subscription. On further examination of my backlog, I actually have 9 unplayed games, which I can provide upon request.

I also don't have a ps4, but I know that I'll get one eventually. I've subscribed to ps+ on and off over the last two years and I currently have around 30 games waiting for me when I finally do get my ps4. Yes, some of these I really couldn't care less about, but several of the games I'm legitimately excited to play and would've probably shelled out money for eventually. I find one or more games I'm interested to play almost every month, and the cloud save feature and extra game discounts are huge bonuses as well.

I definitely won't be doing another one of these immediately, but in 2 or 3 months I'll probably run another. I was thinking about having 9 unplayed games and a bonus game under 5%. Nothing is decided yet either way.

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Game #6:

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (ps3_10.png)



I'm sure many know the classic adventure-series Monkey Island, a story about a guy called Guybrush Threepwood who wants to become a pirate and soon gets in a conflict with the fearsome ghost pirate LeChuck. The Special Edition is an improved version of the original adventure with updated audio and visuals and a new interface.


For me personally it's the first Monkey Island ever played so I don't know what awaits me. I was too young when the first game was released and back in my childhood I was more the type of person that enjoyed playing platformers or racing games on my GameBoy or SNES so I barely came in contact with point-and-click adventures (the only ones I remember are the Discworld-games my brother played). I only started to play adventures one or two years ago with my highlights being the revamped Day of the Tentacle on Vita and the Deponia-series on PC. And compared to those games the PS3-version of Monkey Island ain't that much fun. Main reason as you may guess are the controls.

An analog stick is not designed to replace a mouse. Especially when there's no possibilty to alter the sensitivity.  :angry:  I already had some struggles while finding the cooking pot for a task as it was not much fun to navigate through the kitchen of the scumm bar and find that thing. It's nice that the game has a hint system telling you what you should do next but an item highlighting (like in DotT) would have been much more useful. Another thing I still have to get used to is the actions menu which is activated by pressing :l2: as it happened to me quite often that I lost the action by choosing the wrong order. Still don't know for sure if I have to choose either action or the item first. :hmm:


Can't say much about the story yet except the fact that Guybrush has to complete three trials to become a pirate: Fight against a sword master, finding a treasure (which I found by accident) and stealing an item. The save file tells me that I already finished 15% of the game (after one hour) so this may be the first game where I will be able to finish the story during this event.


On a sidenote:

As I was so frustrated of Monkey Island I decided to play another hour in Battle Princess. Yes I know I didn't like it that much but I realized that I had several rings in my inventory that gave the characters plus 20% on movement speed. And guess what? The movement speed went from sloth to geezer for some characters and from geezer to normal person for others. Now the gameplay is a lot better IMO and it's somehow fun to play other characters now. Even leveled up some characters from the lower 10s to late 10s or mid 20s. (e.g. Violone). 


My first Monkey Island game was Curse of Monkey Island on my Windows 98 pc. I never managed to get the ship, crew and map to leave the island :(





Demon's Souls

Day 1

Trophies: 0/38 (0%)


My very first Souls game. This was the game I was most hesitant to include in my list just because it was so time consuming and I knew I wouldn't make much progress in 3 days. However, I've put this series off for too long and also have Dark Souls and Dark Souls II just sitting in my backlog. Figure it's time to give it a try. So, yesterday before starting on the game I attempted to glance at a guide and some info on the game. That was a mistake. After looking at a wall of information that included links to several other sub-guides on specific features of the game, my head started to hurt. Screw all that! I'm just going to do a completely blind playthrough and treat this like a 3 day demo. Whenever I come back to this game I'll probably just start over completely. That way I don't have to worry about missing something or totally screwing up right now.


I spent some time editing my character's appearance and information. Decided to choose the Royalty class because that's the only thing I remembered from glancing at the guide and who doesn't want to be a royal? After that it was on to the training level. To start the game I have a basic shield in my left hand and a rapier in my right hand. Make my way through the tutorial until I stumble upon a boss. Yes, a boss in the tutorial. I'm guessing this boss was just to familiarize myself with the "You Died" screen. Have a feeling that I'm going to be seeing that screen a lot.  After getting smashed by the boss, I am transported to the Nexus which appears to act as the hub for the game. Not much to do right now though. I talk to a couple of people, check out a blacksmith but can't afford much right now so I enter the portal to the first level.


I died several times within the first few minutes of entering Boletarian Palace. Right near the beginning I was jumped by several enemies. Feeling overwhelmed since I was still learning the controls, I decided to back away from them. Unfortunately, I wasn't too aware of my surroundings and backed directly into a fire that burnt me to a crisp. Next up, I came to a hole in the ground but there was some shiny blue light coming from the hole and I could see some objects down there. Surely I can just jump down there and explore some, right? Wrong. I died once again. :angry:


Finally, I made some good progress as I slowly inched my way through the area killing enemies until I came to a branching path. Decided to go straight and check out that route first. Went into a building that seemed to go down forever into the darkness, so I decided to turn around and check out the other area first. By the way, there are messages scattered throughout the game. Some of these are from the actual game, but some are left by other players I believe. Anyways, I inspected a message that warned me of a formidable foe ahead. Pfffft...I got this. So I turn the corner and spot some knight with glowing red eyes off in the distance. The Soul Arrow has killed most enemies with 1 hit so far, let's try that out on this guy. Direct hit and....nothing. I think I just pissed him off because now he's moving around a little.......OH SHIT he's running straight at me. I run away to buy some time to change weapons and prepare to fight. Turn around and.....I'm dead.  :facepalm:


For anyone who hasn't played the game, I should point out that when you die, you lose all of the souls you have collected. I knew this was an element of the game but it's not as bad as I imagined and I think it's an interesting mechanic. Luckily you don't lose your equipment, items, or anything like that. Just the souls, which appear to be like the currency you use to upgrade things in the game. Once you die, you respawn at the beginning of that area and have to backtrack to reach the point where you previously met your demise. If you make it back, you can touch your bloodstain to reacquire all of your lost souls. If you die before making it back, you lose all of them. I'm sure I'll be cursing it later on, but right now it really adds some tension to the game.


After backtracking through the level, I recovered my souls and decided to call it a day. We'll explore that other path today and just avoid that red-eyed knight for now.  ;)


Demon's Souls is the only Souls game I couldn't play and therefor hope to get a PS4 remaster to finally play the beginning of the Souls series.

The Souls series is one of my favourite game series.

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Quote time I see... This multiquote thing is brilliant.


The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition


I'm a fan of point and clicks. Loved those games when growing up. Even though I never played Monkey Island (thought it was weird that there was no speech), I did play Fate Of Atlantis, Day Of The Tentacle, Sam & Max Hit The Road...


I liked Monkey Island even though I think the other three I mentioned are more fun. Tentacle remains my all-time favourite but Atlantis was a very good 'grown-up serious' game. I thought Hit The Road had a bit of an anti-climax but since then I've bought the Sam&Max collected comics and I now understand that that was the whole point and a Sam&Max story can only end like that..


I managed to go through Monkey Island without a guide and without too much backtracking. I guess it's all about knowing what to look for (blindly click everything), understanding the weird thing that is point and click logic, and listening to small hints. The logic is actually weirder in Monkey Island because it's somehow both a point and click game and a parody of one.


I'm not sure you're aware, but the original Bionic Commando WAS actually an 8-bit NES game.  It's actually one of my favorite on that console, and I played a ton of games back then.  Bionic Re-armed was an updated version of the original game.  They added a few things, and changed almost all the bosses, but for the most part the level design is exactly like the original game.  The music is also roughly the same, though cleaned up a bit.  They also didn't change the controls much, though it is more responsive.  In the first game you can't even jump :D  I haven't played the 2nd one, but I'm imagining it's very similar.  If you go in expecting a ps3 psn title I could imagine being sorely disappointed.  If however, you go in expecting a remaster of a great NES game, it's a little easier to deal with.



Nah man, you just suck. :P

I'm joking, the controls and swinging mechanics can take a while to handle and get used to. Can't tell you how many times I'd swing or shoot my claw in the wrong direction, usually resulting in my death. Once you get more comfortable with the controls though, the game is fairly easy. Do you have the health regeneration upgrade equipped? It makes combat and the bosses a joke. Doesn't help much if you are dying from falling in pits or spikes though.

I played Bionic Commando on the NES back in the day but I haven't played Bionic Commando Rearmed. One of those games that I'll probably pick up if I see it at a good price in a sale. It should be pointed out that Rearmed 2 almost universally got lower reviews than the original Rearmed. This one wasn't a remake of a classic so it's all original levels, story, etc. They also added a jump button which was a weird choice given the franchise. You can find a lot of weapons and upgrades but most aren't necessary at all. You can get through the entire game with just your basic pistol. A couple of the upgrades like the grenade launcher are helpful and used to find hidden items, but most items aren't even needed or useful. It was an alright game that had a few good qualities and highlights, just nothing special. I'd like to play the original Rearmed since most people say that is a better game.

 I was aware that the origins were in much older games though I did not know they were specific to the NES. I don't think being based on an old game is an excuse for having lousy controls and music now though. What if Donkey Kong Country would have had only the same music as the original Donkey Kong, or the same controls... I'm all for remembering the past fondly but we have to keep going forward while doing so.


I did get the health regeneration and the grenade upgrades. When I gave up yesterday, I fell into the same (small) pit three times even though it was already far below me and I was two or three levels up - the game made me go back and forth a few times, each time going up a level. The bad thing is that each time when I fell (because the controls were unresponsive), I knew the pit was coming up and tried to catch the plank above the other end. First two times, my hook 'missed' and hit the wall even though the graphics connected with the plank. The third time he didn't throw the hook at all but went sliding against the left wall. So I tried jumping to the other side and throwing my hook up. He jumped, did not throw his hook and went sliding against the right wall, straight into the spikes. Fuck that.


Demon's Souls

My response is also to the responses you've already gotten but quoting all that would be hell.


Never played that one but I am playing Bloodborne at the moment (or I will again after this month at least), and I've played a bit of Dark 1 and 2. They're definitely games you have to get the hang of but they're so rewarding afterwards...


I'm glad Bloodborne just has a 'play offline' option. As for Dark Souls, I just disconnected from the internet before starting the game. I did not look at completion, I just did not want some jackass to ruin my day.


I actually don't have PS+ lol. I can't see the need to shell out $50/year for a subscription that only gives out games I don't want to play. I also don't have a PS4, which would effectively mandate the subscription. On further examination of my backlog, I actually have 9 unplayed games, which I can provide upon request.

I also don't have a ps4, but I know that I'll get one eventually. I've subscribed to ps+ on and off over the last two years and I currently have around 30 games waiting for me when I finally do get my ps4. Yes, some of these I really couldn't care less about, but several of the games I'm legitimately excited to play and would've probably shelled out money for eventually. I find one or more games I'm interested to play almost every month, and the cloud save feature and extra game discounts are huge bonuses as well.


Well if you don't like the games then don't pay for plus :-)


I started with plus little over two years ago, when I got a PS4. I got a PS3 and Vita only last year so at first it was only the PS4 games (though I still put the other games in my backlog). As Hemiak said as well, just put the games in your library and you'll have a nice collection for when you do go to the new generation.


Personally, I like PS+. For another argument in another topic, I checked each and every month in my PS+ time and every month I got at least one game which I ended up enjoying, except for June 2016 - and even then I got Gone Home, which is a game I really wanted to get but it just ended up being a disappointment. So I guess for that month I'm just glad I did not have to pay for Gone Home.


I also don't like multiplayer (in general, there are exceptions), from the start I bought PS+ just for the + games (and the occasional extra discount).


I definitely won't be doing another one of these immediately, but in 2 or 3 months I'll probably run another. I was thinking about having 9 unplayed games and a bonus game under 5%. Nothing is decided yet either way.

October or later please, I'm too busy with work and planning an anniversary party in September. (That probably means November, with the VR coming out in October.) Edited by BillyHorrible
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Stupid broken Sherlock Holmes making me mad and not playing anything. Well since I screwed the pooch I'm gonna try to catch up, I actually got another copy of Sherlock Holmes. Since that game basically made me stop playing I think I'm going back to play that and see where I can go from there :/

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500 replies and 10,000 views in less than a month, ol' Hemmy boy! Not too shabby at all. :)

Just past the midway point of the event and I feel I need to take it upon myself and publicly chastise the participants displaying the lowest levels of consideration for, and dedication to, Hemiak's contribution to our community. You're lame and I hope karma is creative with your comeuppance.

I'll be playing the final session of Medieval Moves tonight and I'll do the review in a bit.

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Just a quick update here. Had a work cancelation so I'm headed home. I hope to knock out a few more challenge maps in Starwhal. I did some research and it seems like the cumulative-trophy progress tracking has been patched. Really crossing my fingers this is true.

Pre patch there were 4 separate 4+ hr sessions that had to be completed without restarting or freezing. Two of them could be idled, but still that would have effectively rendered the Plat unobtainable for me.

This is good news because I think I'd like to have this as my 100th Plat for several reasons

I like that it's UR and I'll be on the 50 first achievers list.

I also like the Plat image.

Also, Cosmic Baller is a pretty badass Plat name. B)

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I'd like to apologize for whatever ass hole made you feel bad. That's the last thing I want this event to be about. Shit happens, and when all is said and done, these are video games, and real life is far more important.

You take care of yourself and your family. If you get your motivation back before the month is out, feel free to jump back in. If not don't worry, we're good.

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I've pondered whether or not to give a full disclosure into my absence, but as I've literally just had the worst week of my life to date (and I'm still not out of the woods)  I feel as though I have nothing else to lose.


After coming back from a spur of the moment break, I was extremely unwell - dizziness to the point where I could barely lift my head up, tiredness like I've never experienced and other undesirable symptoms.  As it turns out, I was pregnant....which defies medical opinion as I was historically told this was an impossibility.  During this time I lost interest in doing everything I enjoy - gaming, baking, reading...everything.


Sadly though, I'm no longer pregnant.  I've had a lot of pain - both physical and emotional the past few days and I'm struggling at a very personal level.  I've almost been completely reliant on my husband during this time.


Yesterday was the first time I thought about gaming, as a way of a distraction so I turned the PS4 on and tried playing some Final Fantasy X.  I wanted something familiar that I could just sit back and play....but within a few minutes of turning it on I got a message from someone on my friends list deriding me for playing it again rather than playing something new.  I promptly turned it off and went to bed.


It reinforces my mentality of being kind to everyone, as you never really truly know what's going on in someone's life behind the screen.


I hate letting people down when I've signed up for something, and I hate feeling like I'm making excuses.  My situation has been an unexpected one that has blindsided me....so I'm sorry everyone for being one of the people that hasn't given the commitment and dedication this event deserves.


I want to wish you all the best for the rest of the event, as I feel during this time I need to take a break from everything to get the full rest and recovery that I need.


Thanks for your time and sorry, once again.


You have my sympathies. No one can possibly imagine how you must be feeling.


I dare say that everyone appreciates, that you decided to share that information with us. Even though you didn't have to do so, especially considering it being about such a private matter. There definitely isn't a necessity for an apology though, for not continuing with the event. It's supposed to be fun, so there is no point in doing something you won't be able to enjoy, whatever the reason may be.


I hope you both manage to surpass the shock and pain, even though it may take some time.




PS: If I may, I'll leave the suggestion of turning the console to offline mode for a while. It may seem harsh or unkind to the folks on the friendlist, but I'm certain that everyone gets to the point where other people can just fuck off (to put it bluntly). I believe that everyone needs some peace and quiet at times.

Edited by voodoo_eyes
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Hate to hear that and can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Sorry that you are going through this and hope you recover and feel somewhat better soon. My sympathies and thoughts are with you. 


As for the event, absolutely no need to apologize at all. At the end of the day, this is just for fun and a way to meet some fellow forum members while discussing games. Doesn't mean anything compared to real life issues. I'm sure everyone understands and we'll be thinking of you.

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Game 4 - The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

Final Update - 3 hrs


I got in about another hour and a half tonight and made some decent progress.  I'm reading all the text and exhausting all the dialogue options so I'm probably taking quite a bit longer to get through everything than somebody speed running with a guide, but that's fine.  I solved some puzzles, met my father who is a very nice man, and spoke with my mother a couple more times.  I only got stuck once but was able to figure everything out without a guide.  Usually when you're stuck, you just go talk to the people available and a new dialogue option will have opened up.  I really like the highlight button, you hit :square: and it displays every object you can interact with on screen.  It's very useful when you're not sure what to do next.  You can just cycle through all the items in your bag with highlight ON and anything new options are displayed. This wasn't super necessary for most of the level I finished, but definitely helped out once or twice.  I drank the potion I mixed the other night, found out what my ailment was, and decided to go on a journey.  I then figured out how to cast a magic spell and found some gold to pay for passage.  All in all a decent night's work.  It also seems like the next time I play I will be controlling a new character, who is a gnome mage.  The game has it's moments, but so far hasn't grabbed me.  I also thought this was going to be my wife's favorite game from the entire event and she's pretty unimpressed with it so far, though she doesn't mind me playing it.  All in all I'll definitely work through the game... eventually, but it's not going to be priority one when the event ends.


Anyways, it's 11:59pm and SSX is loaded and waiting downstairs, I'll update you tomorrow.

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Just take your time and you don't have to feel ashamed for relying on persons like your husband in such situations. I hope that you gain motivation to follow some of your interests again. It may take some time but that's ok. There are ups and downs for everyone.


And like voodoo_eyes suggested: if you feel like playing something, turn the console into offline mode. You shouldn't have to legitimate your personal actions to anyone that just randomly pops in and asks something or makes a nasty/unpleasant comment. And if you don't feel like putting your status into offline mode. Just don't activate WiFI or pull the Ethernet-cable from the consoles.

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It reinforces my mentality of being kind to everyone, as you never really truly know what's going on in someone's life behind the screen.


This is so true and a lesson for everybody.  I can't possibly imagine what you are going through, but you have my deepest sympathies.  I know it may not feel like it now, but time heals all wounds, so take your time to rest and heal.  Much love, x

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Update regarding Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes:


Well the game's busted...


I tried loading up the game to continue where it froze previously, as a result the console froze this time around, tried again same happened. So I deleted the save and started from scratch. Start a new game, get a couple of new trophies, finish the first couple of missions, and I'm back to that loading screen from my previous run, that has been going now for the past 15 minutes... I think I can safely assume that there won't be any more progress there.



So, should I grab another game to replace this one, or give my final thoughts on this one on day 3? (technically I got close to 3 hours already, since I ran through this twice now I'm at 2h40...)


Gutted as this one was actually fun :/

Edited by voodoo_eyes
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