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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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If anybody wants to help me decide on my games for next month, you can take a look at my games here :


Post suggestions in either place and I'll see them.


I'll make a few comments on the games I've played. The first 3 games listed are in the top tier above the others and are ones I'd definitely recommend.


The Last of Us: Many people consider it to be one of the best PS3 games and you have the plats for the Uncharted trilogy so I'm assuming you enjoyed them. I actually liked TLOU more than those. Probably the #1 game I'd recommend from your list.


Max Payne 3: Yes it has both challenging trophies and it's time consuming (though most of the MP can be done solo) but the actual game is great. Think you'd be able to handle the hard aspects and it's one of those fun challenge in my opinion.


South Park: The Stick of Truth: Great humor and very good if you are a fan of the show. You're basically playing a very long episode of South Park but having seen the show isn't needed to enjoy it.


God of War/Infamous 2/Assassin's Creed II: I'm going to group all of these together. Very popular and good franchises but not quite my favorites. Don't see any GoW games on your profile but have you played any of them on PS2? If not, I'd recommend one of those for sure. I'm burnt out on AC but it looks like you've only ever played Black Flag and got 1 trophy. Not sure if you hated it, but AC II is one of the better games in the franchise.


Oddworld: Which game is that? I just finished Stranger's Wrath (only 1 I've played) and enjoyed it. Looking forward to playing the other games.


Mad Riders: Enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. It's pretty fun if you like arcade racers with lots of jumps, shortcuts, boosts, etc. My only complaint is the game is rather short and wish there was more. Worth pointing out this is one of those 100% games where you'd have to buy DLC if you cared about completion and all that. Also, I'm totally not suggesting this just in the hopes that you'll want to do the multiplayer with me.  :)


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: If you liked Far Cry 3 you'll probably love this one. More over-the-top with 80's cheese and neon lights.


Nova-111: Another game from PS+ that I liked more than thought I would. It's got some interesting concepts and the mix of real-time gameplay and turn-based was done very well. Not the greatest game or anything, but glad I gave it a try. Think Billy played it in the last event and he seemed to like it too.


I Am Alive: A decent and different take on the post-apocalypse genre. 


Hitman Trilogy: Great games if you like stealth. Not sure if you played this on PS2 or not though.


Grid Autosport: HELL NO!!! No, no, no. Just no. Seriously, it's an alright sim racer if you like those (not a big fan myself) but if you have any desires for the plat, it's a 100+ hour long boring ass grind.

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Another +1 for South Park: Stick of Truth.  Played through it reasonably recently and had an absolute blast, I don't tend to watch much of the show but still got a lot of the jokes and whilst some of it is a little juvenile, it was the type of good humored fun I needed.


My other picks from your list:


Geometry Wars 3 - Husband and I both enjoy this game and I surprised myself with how good I managed to get.  You could get a lot done on it within a 3 day play period and it's one of those games that you can pick up and play whenever you feel in the mood.  It's a great two stick shooter and it's also a good work in progress for your challenge accepted pp :)


Murdered: Soul Suspect - Kind of a pretty short game, but has a lot of interesting lore.  

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Based on the list you provided Hemiak, I'll add my vote for these games.



Assassin's Creed 2, God of War, PoP: Warrior Within, Hitman 2(?), Infamous 2 - Similar opinion to Stalker, all of these games come from respected franchises and there's nothing wrong with picking a few from the bunch.


South Park: TSOT - A relatively short RPG and it could help bring some laughs.


Brothers, Hohokum, From Dust - These indie games stick out and could provide a unique experience from the norm. That and one or two of them could be accommodated for the holidays.

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If anybody wants to help me decide on my games for next month, you can take a look at my games here :


Post suggestions in either place and I'll see them.


I'm just posting here, don't need another thread being constantly updated in my content :)


These are my picks:



Assassin's Creed II (duh)

South Park: The Stick Of Truth

The Last Of Us


Nova-111 (see how it compares to my run in this event)

Unmechanical Extended (isn't this a PS4 PS+ title though?)



Broken Age

Super Meat Boy

Transformers Devastation (seeing as one playthrough will only net you five or so trophies, this is a great percentage killer)

Road Not Taken


Tropico 5

Velocity 2X



Flame Over (I'd play it on PS4 though)

Kick & Finnick


Murasaki Baby


OR OR OR... You could see if the both of us can have the exact same list in PS+ games! I think there,s more than enough we both have and both have never played... The list below is stuff on your PS+ lists that I'd consider playing for the event, everything in bold is what's on my own shortlist for the event.



Badlands (what's the hashtag for? also, I think you mean BADLAND and you could play it on PS4 as well, that's what I will do)

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (I played the intro on X360 years ago though)

Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood (I played about five minutes of Gunslinger but nothing of this title)

Mad Riders





Lords Of The Fallen

Magicka 2 (only on my list if I can play it together with people I know, not interested to play this on my own or with randoms)

Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Rocket League (not really interested in this game actually but I guess I could be peer pressured in playing along with others)

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

Tricky Towers



Actual Sunlight

Code: Realize



Also, I came to the thread hoping to see a link to the new event :(


Also also, I hope we'll get some more awesome games for PS+ next month!


Also also also, I would not mind playing From Dust and I Am Alive but I have played about two or three hours of those games on the X360 so I don't think I should be allowed to use those myself.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Also, I came to the thread hoping to see a link to the new event :(

And instead of that it was just another shameless self-promotion. :D

Similar to this thread itself:



Another Hemiak Shamelss Rip-off Production




Here are the things I would choose from your backlog:

Batman: Arkham Origins (+DLC):

It's Batman.


I'm choosing this myself (bought it on release and never played it until now :| ) but it sounds like a fun yet still challenging co-op (optional) puzzle-platformer. AFAIK.

Geometry Wars 3:

I only heard good things about this shoot 'em up/ship-scroller/whatever.

God of War 1:

This is a game if you want something to cheer you up. The violence is so hyperbolic that it made me laugh quite a few times. The graphics may be outdated and the gameplay is a bit clunky but the basic game is still nice (the sequels are far superior, though).

Murdered: Soul Suspect:

Always seemed to be a nice game for in-between. Don't know what it really is, though.

South Park: The Stick of Truth:

I'm not into South Park but from what I have seen this seems like a really nice RPG and a must-have for South Park-fans.

Tokyo Jungle:

I choose this 'cause I want to hear some other opinions about this game.


I only chose PS3-games as I know that you still have no PS4 and AFAIK you have no Vita.

Edited by Crimson Idol
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  • Murdered Soul Suspect - I loved this one. It's not action-packed, but has a good story, setting and a few interesting mechanics.


Murdered: Soul Suspect - Kind of a pretty short game, but has a lot of interesting lore.  


This game is currently on sale for $3.74 and I was thinking about picking it up but I'm hesitant after looking at some reviews. Normally don't pay much attention to reviews but it seemed to get universally bad scores so I started second guessing buying it. After seeing your all's comments, I'm thinking about changing my mind again and giving it a try but can't decide.  :hmm:

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Thanks everybody for the suggestions. There were some clear standouts, some of which were predictable, but there were also a few surprises. There were also a couple that didn't get picked as much as I had thought. I'll tally everything and finalize my list in the next couple days. I'm moving this weekend so won't be around much.

I plan on getting the new thread up Monday or Tuesday.

@Billy - the hash tag is for games with one or more unobtainable trophies.

@Stslker - I just picked up Murdered in this sale as well. I was in the same boat as you, but seeing it for under $4 I decided to pull the trigger.

And instead of that it was just another shameless self-promotion. :D

I'd be offended if it wasn't so blatantly obvious. xD

The Shameless ripoff part was added when I looked back at a bunch of my topics. I apparently have a habit of taking someone else's individual ideas, modifying them, and reposting as group events. :dunno:

Also, as the current version is winding down, anyone can feel free to use this thread to get suggestions or whatnot for the next installment.

Edited by Hemiak
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This game is currently on sale for $3.74 and I was thinking about picking it up but I'm hesitant after looking at some reviews. Normally don't pay much attention to reviews but it seemed to get universally bad scores so I started second guessing buying it. After seeing your all's comments, I'm thinking about changing my mind again and giving it a try but can't decide.  :hmm:


Don't do it, it's an awful game! A half-decent story hidden beneath a huge pile of stupid game decisions.

feel free to use this thread to get suggestions or whatnot for the next installment.

I've actually started thinking about my last post and it would be very cool if a few people tried to do the same games. PS+ probably sonce many people will have those.

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I'd be offended if it wasn't so blatantly obvious. xD

The Shameless ripoff part was added when I looked back at a bunch of my topics. I apparently have a habit of taking someone else's individual ideas, modifying them, and reposting as group events. :dunno:


Phew, glad that it was obvious enough. :D


Personally I think it's okay to use an idea and use it for a group event as long as you give credit, which you have done. And eff was pleased with this. So it's ok, I guess. 


I'm moving this weekend so won't be around much.

Good luck with that. Hope everything works out as planned. :)

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  Don't do it, it's an awful game! A half-decent story hidden beneath a huge pile of stupid game decisions.


Well the PS store went down right when I was considering it, so that might have made the decision for me. Going to take that as a sign from the universe that I should hold off on it. Hoping there will be a Halloween Sale next week (NA store) and that could have several games I'm interested in. Probably best to save the extra money for that. Plus, Murdered: Soul Suspect seems like a game that will frequently be in other sales if I ever decide to give it a try.

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Don't do it, it's an awful game! A half-decent story hidden beneath a huge pile of stupid game decisions.



I actually enjoyed it, even the collectible aspect because it shed some information into the lore of the

Salem Witch trials

(which has been something that's always interested me)  I liked the murder mystery and supernatural elements.  Granted that the game can lack depth of gameplay at times, I thought it held up pretty well and have now finished it twice on both my old account and this one.




As for the second kill your completion event, I'm on the fence about joining or not due to other things I will have going on during the course of November.  If I do join most of the games will probably relatively short games (sub 20 hours)

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Here's a list of the games I could start in the next event. People could give their opinion on which games I should try, and/or they could see if they might want to start (some of) the same games.


Leo's Fortune

The Playroom




Galak-Z: The Dimensional

Lords Of The Fallen

Magicka 2 (only if we can find a group to play with)

Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

Tricky Towers



Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom


Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Mad Riders


Super Stardust HD



Actual Sunlight

Code: Realize

Surge Deluxe

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Here's a list of the games I could start in the next event. People could give their opinion on which games I should try, and/or they could see if they might want to start (some of) the same games.



    Leo's Fortune

    The Playroom




    Galak-Z: The Dimensional   

    Lords Of The Fallen   

    Rebel Galaxy

    Resident Evil

    Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

    Tricky Towers




    Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom


    Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

    Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

    Mad Riders


    Super Stardust HD




    Actual Sunlight

    Code: Realize

    Surge Deluxe 



Out of those, the only ones I can recommend are Actual Sunlight, FC Blood Dragon and Rebel Galaxy. The latter being fantastic, it looks great the music is amazing and the gameplay is fun, the ship controls similar to the naval missions in AC IV and Rogue.The side gripe I have with that game, is that the side missions get somewhat repetitive.

FC Blood Dragon, is Far Cry, but better and Actual Sunlight is an interesting experience from a psychological standpoint.


Gat Out of Hell, was alright, it's Saints Row, but with Demons... fun for a while until it gets tedious. Although I thought it was better than IV,


Most of the rest of your games listed, I don't have as they weren't my cup of tea when I checked out gameplay for them. Hence why I didn't bother downloading them from plus.

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Resident Evil

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell



Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Mad Riders


Actual Sunlight

Code: Realize

Surge Deluxe

^These are all I have played. Resident Evil is a classic, and the remaster looks so darn good.


Gat Out of Hell was pretty fun. The story was really short, though. I've liked every game in the series.


Bound in Blood was really good. I was surprised. Online is still possible to play/obtain trophies from, too, despite it supposedly being shutdown. 


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is great. Over the top, with an '80s vibe. 


Mad Riders was a fun racer.


Code: Realize was good, but I liked Amnesia more. You haven't made much progress on that it looks like, so maybe you'd enjoy this one more. Or not at all. xD They're really not for everyone. 


Actual Sunlight and Surge Deluxe I didn't really care for. 

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Out of those, the only ones I can recommend are Actual Sunlight, FC Blood Dragon and Rebel Galaxy. The latter being fantastic, it looks great the music is amazing and the gameplay is fun, the ship controls similar to the naval missions in AC IV and Rogue.The side gripe I have with that game, is that the side missions get somewhat repetitive.

FC Blood Dragon, is Far Cry, but better and Actual Sunlight is an interesting experience from a psychological standpoint.


Gat Out of Hell, was alright, it's Saints Row, but with Demons... fun for a while until it gets tedious. Although I thought it was better than IV,


Most of the rest of your games listed, I don't have as they weren't my cup of tea when I checked out gameplay for them. Hence why I didn't bother downloading them from plus.


I did not bother with one or two PS+ games at the start but eventually I just started adding them to my library regardless. I'm glad I've done so now because I would have missed some real gems otherwise.


Alos I think you're the first person I hear about actual Rebel Galaxy experience so thanks for that.


^These are all I have played. Resident Evil is a classic, and the remaster looks so darn good.


Gat Out of Hell was pretty fun. The story was really short, though. I've liked every game in the series.


Bound in Blood was really good. I was surprised. Online is still possible to play/obtain trophies from, too, despite it supposedly being shutdown. 


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is great. Over the top, with an '80s vibe. 


Mad Riders was a fun racer.


Code: Realize was good, but I liked Amnesia more. You haven't made much progress on that it looks like, so maybe you'd enjoy this one more. Or not at all. xD They're really not for everyone. 


Actual Sunlight and Surge Deluxe I didn't really care for. 


I actually only play Vita at a select few opportunities. Used to play before going to sleep as well but now when I lie in bed I have all of South Park on an old iPad (trying to get through it all before Fractured Butthole is released) and I'm reading again.


I did not loathe Amnesia or anything but to say I loved it would be too much. I think I went into it with the wrong mindset. I thought I could go around making my own decisions and so I tried breaking up with that asshole jerkface several times and then I got a "bad" ending in him not wanting to be with me... uhm, good? I'm used to making my own decisions in Telltale stuff and the likes but I think with Amnesia I had to do the opposite, act like people expect me to act and hope for the best.


Once I have a "Vita" opportunity again I might actually just do another Amnesia runthrough. It's getting colder again so soon my wife will want me on the couch in the evenings instead of in the mancave, often that means she's watching something while I'm either reading, or playing the Vita.

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I did not loathe Amnesia or anything but to say I loved it would be too much. I think I went into it with the wrong mindset. I thought I could go around making my own decisions and so I tried breaking up with that asshole jerkface several times and then I got a "bad" ending in him not wanting to be with me... uhm, good? I'm used to making my own decisions in Telltale stuff and the likes but I think with Amnesia I had to do the opposite, act like people expect me to act and hope for the best.

Code: Realize is a bit more loose with that aspect. Depending on the choices you make, you'll end up on one of the guys' routes. Rather than it being forced every playthrough. 

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Here's a list of the games I could start in the next event. People could give their opinion on which games I should try, and/or they could see if they might want to start (some of) the same games.


Leo's Fortune

The Playroom




Galak-Z: The Dimensional

Lords Of The Fallen

Magicka 2 (only if we can find a group to play with)

Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

Tricky Towers



Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom


Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Mad Riders


Super Stardust HD



Actual Sunlight

Code: Realize

Surge Deluxe



Furi - Gets some great reviews from the people who have played it, definitely seems like one of the better offerings from PS+ over the past few months


Ultratron - A friend recommended this one to me and although I have not yet personally played it, I typically trust their recommendations


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - I've never heard a bad review, I played the demo and thoroughly enjoyed the part of it I played


Super Stardust HD - Can't go wrong with a twin stick shooter

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Here's my list of games I could choose. The bold ones are games I'll choose to 99% and the italic and undrlined ones are on my profile with 0%

Everything is on PS4 by the way. And I put it in a spoiler because it's a lot of games.


Action Henk

Ape Escape 2

Arc: Twilight of the Spirits

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

Badland: Game of the Year Edition

Bioshock 1/2/Infinite



Dishonored Definitive Edition

Dragonball Xenoverse

Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme Legends

Ether One

Fahrenheit/Indigo Phrophecy


Final fantasy Type-0 HD



Game of Thrones (Telltale)


God of War 3: Remastered

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Hand of Fate


inFamous: First Light


Just Cause 3


Kings Quest

LA Cops

Life is Strange

Little Big Planet 3

Lords of the Fallen


Metro: Redux (I think that's both Metro games)

Mirrors Edge Catalyst

Murdered: Soul Suspect

NBA 2K16


Okage: Shadow King


Peggle 2


Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Risen 3

Saints Row IV

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell


Sleeping Dogs


Super Meat Boy

Switch Galaxy Ultra

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Tales From the Borderlands.

The Amazing Spider Man 2

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Release: 28th)

The Legend of Korra

The Sun and Moon

The Unfinished Swan

The Walking Dead Season Two

The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition

The Wolf among us

Transformers Devastation

Tricky Towers


Uncharted 3


Valiant Hearts

Valkiyria Chronicles


Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

World of Final Fantasy(Release: 28th)



That's a complete list with all my unplayed games regardless if I know another game of the franchise or have played it on the 360 or anywhere else.



Here's a list of the games I could start in the next event. People could give their opinion on which games I should try, and/or they could see if they might want to start (some of) the same games.

Leo's Fortune
The Playroom
Galak-Z: The Dimensional
Lords Of The Fallen
Magicka 2 (only if we can find a group to play with)
Rebel Galaxy
Resident Evil
Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
Tricky Towers

Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Mad Riders
Super Stardust HD

Actual Sunlight
Code: Realize
Surge Deluxe


The only game I played is Gat out of Hell. It's a short but good game if you like Saints Row. Althought it's a bit grindy at the end due to the various kill trophies.

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Here's my list of games I could choose. The bold ones are games I'll choose to 99% and the italic and undrlined ones are on my profile with 0%

Everything is on PS4 by the way. And I put it in a spoiler because it's a lot of games.


Action Henk

Ape Escape 2

Arc: Twilight of the Spirits

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

Badland: Game of the Year Edition

Bioshock 1/2/Infinite



Dishonored Definitive Edition

Dragonball Xenoverse

Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme Legends

Ether One

Fahrenheit/Indigo Phrophecy


Final fantasy Type-0 HD



Game of Thrones (Telltale)


God of War 3: Remastered

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Hand of Fate


inFamous: First Light


Just Cause 3


Kings Quest

LA Cops

Life is Strange

Little Big Planet 3

Lords of the Fallen


Metro: Redux (I think that's both Metro games)

Mirrors Edge Catalyst

Murdered: Soul Suspect

NBA 2K16


Okage: Shadow King


Peggle 2


Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Risen 3

Saints Row IV

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell


Sleeping Dogs


Super Meat Boy

Switch Galaxy Ultra

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Tales From the Borderlands.

The Amazing Spider Man 2

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Release: 28th)

The Legend of Korra

The Sun and Moon

The Unfinished Swan

The Walking Dead Season Two

The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition

The Wolf among us

Transformers Devastation

Tricky Towers


Uncharted 3


Valiant Hearts

Valkiyria Chronicles


Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

World of Final Fantasy(Release: 28th)



That's a complete list with all my unplayed games regardless if I know another game of the franchise or have played it on the 360 or anywhere else.




The only game I played is Gat out of Hell. It's a short but good game if you like Saints Row. Althought it's a bit grindy at the end due to the various kill trophies.



From your list, the ones I played and enjoyed were:


  • Arslan: The Warriors of Legend - Personally one of the best "Musou" games out there.
  • Final Fantasy: Type-0 - One of my favourite games, since I prefer Real-time over Turn.based combat it was the perfect FF for me.
  • God of War 3 Remastered - Best GoW game
  • Life is Strange - Good game, although a tad too teenage angsty
  • Murdered Soul Suspect - I thought it was great, others didn't :dunno:
  • Rebel Galaxy - Love that game, plat is a long grind though
  • Sleeping Dogs - Really good game, similar to GTA, but melee combat focused
  • Soma - I liked it, it's sort of survival horror although it doesn't have many scares. Rather an oppressive feeling, of solitude
  • Tales from the Borderlands . My favourite Telltale game
  • The Wolf Among Us - another good Telltale game
  • Uncharted 3 - It's Uncharted, can't really go wrong with that


The ones I ddin't find all that great were:


also using spoilers, to keep the size of the post reasonable.

  • Ether One - was alright, I ended up despising it due to it still being broken in some areas, where it freezes at a checkpoint, thus making the only save file useless. Use a guide to avoid major headache, if you should choose this one
  • Game of Thrones - didn't like it, it looked awful and the choices have no real impact. Also some dialogue choices resulted in responses that had nothing to do with the option chosen. Additionally the framerate was arse, lip-sync was terrible and sound cut out from the last episode. This was on ps3 though
  • Infamous First Light - Didnt like that one either, It had like a 2 or 3 hour story and the rest was challenges. Which is something I find boring, but others might think differently
  • LA Cops - was alright it's similar to Hotline Miami, so it'll be equally fun as it will be frustrating
  • Metro Redux - Had another bad experience with this so I might be biased (save corrupted on the last checkpoint, including the backup save on the cloud). Generally thought it was vastly inferior to First Light
  • Saints Row:Gat Out of Hell + Saints Row IV - Found them to be average. IV was incredibly dull to me as the side-quests seemed to be in a constant loop
  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Was alright,. Side-missions were kind of annoying as you have to do them, unless you want to be hunted by police, for not stopping crime :facepalm:
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Here's my list of games I could choose. The bold ones are games I'll choose to 99% and the italic and undrlined ones are on my profile with 0%

Everything is on PS4 by the way. And I put it in a spoiler because it's a lot of games.


Action Henk

Ape Escape 2

Arc: Twilight of the Spirits

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

Badland: Game of the Year Edition

Bioshock 1/2/Infinite



Dishonored Definitive Edition

Dragonball Xenoverse

Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme Legends

Ether One

Fahrenheit/Indigo Phrophecy


Final fantasy Type-0 HD



Game of Thrones (Telltale)


God of War 3: Remastered

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Hand of Fate


inFamous: First Light


Just Cause 3


Kings Quest

LA Cops

Life is Strange

Little Big Planet 3

Lords of the Fallen


Metro: Redux (I think that's both Metro games)

Mirrors Edge Catalyst

Murdered: Soul Suspect

NBA 2K16


Okage: Shadow King


Peggle 2


Rebel Galaxy

Resident Evil

Risen 3

Saints Row IV

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell


Sleeping Dogs


Super Meat Boy

Switch Galaxy Ultra

Sword Art Online: Lost Song

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment

Tales From the Borderlands.

The Amazing Spider Man 2

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Release: 28th)

The Legend of Korra

The Sun and Moon

The Unfinished Swan

The Walking Dead Season Two

The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition

The Wolf among us

Transformers Devastation

Tricky Towers


Uncharted 3


Valiant Hearts

Valkiyria Chronicles


Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

World of Final Fantasy(Release: 28th)



That's a complete list with all my unplayed games regardless if I know another game of the franchise or have played it on the 360 or anywhere else.




You have such a great selection of games to choose from :)


Unravel - This is my number one pick and is such a sweet little game.  Even if you don't want to bother with the collectibles and no death run, the story and level design are worth playing through.  I loved it <3


Life is Strange - I thought this was a great game and better than most of the offerings Tell Tale have put out.  Great story, depth and thought provoking.  It is a little teen angsty but it doesn't detract from the game.


Murdered Soul Suspect - I agree with voodoo_eyes on this one, as I actually enjoyed the game


SOMA - Been waiting for this to go on sale myself (hoping it's in the Halloween sale) I like the concept of this game


The Wolf Among Us - My absolute favorite Tell Tale game


Valiant Hearts - Very emotional (for me anyway) and very interesting little game.  A great offering from Ubisoft.

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From your list, the ones I played and enjoyed were:


  • Arslan: The Warriors of Legend - Personally one of the best "Musou" games out there.
  • Final Fantasy: Type-0 - One of my favourite games, since I prefer Real-time over Turn.based combat it was the perfect FF for me.
  • God of War 3 Remastered - Best GoW game
  • Life is Strange - Good game, although a tad too teenage angsty
  • Murdered Soul Suspect - I thought it was great, others didn't :dunno:
  • Rebel Galaxy - Love that game, plat is a long grind though
  • Sleeping Dogs - Really good game, similar to GTA, but melee combat focused
  • Soma - I liked it, it's sort of survival horror although it doesn't have many scares. Rather an oppressive feeling, of solitude
  • Tales from the Borderlands . My favourite Telltale game
  • The Wolf Among Us - another good Telltale game
  • Uncharted 3 - It's Uncharted, can't really go wrong with that


The ones I ddin't find all that great were:


also using spoilers, to keep the size of the post reasonable.

  • Ether One - was alright, I ended up despising it due to it still being broken in some areas, where it freezes at a checkpoint, thus making the only save file useless. Use a guide to avoid major headache, if you should choose this one
  • Game of Thrones - didn't like it, it looked awful and the choices have no real impact. Also some dialogue choices resulted in responses that had nothing to do with the option chosen. Additionally the framerate was arse, lip-sync was terrible and sound cut out from the last episode. This was on ps3 though
  • Infamous First Light - Didnt like that one either, It had like a 2 or 3 hour story and the rest was challenges. Which is something I find boring, but others might think differently
  • LA Cops - was alright it's similar to Hotline Miami, so it'll be equally fun as it will be frustrating
  • Metro Redux - Had another bad experience with this so I might be biased (save corrupted on the last checkpoint, including the backup save on the cloud). Generally thought it was vastly inferior to First Light
  • Saints Row:Gat Out of Hell + Saints Row IV - Found them to be average. IV was incredibly dull to me as the side-quests seemed to be in a constant loop
  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Was alright,. Side-missions were kind of annoying as you have to do them, unless you want to be hunted by police, for not stopping crime :facepalm:


I played many games I listed on 360 like the Telltale games and Saints Row. I listed them because Hemiak wanted to loosen the rules. But I think I won't choose one of them but I'm not quite sure.

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