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Play now or wait for the story DLC.


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Like most people I was excited for the release of FFXV, but before I had the chance to play it I heard there will be free story DLC that will add cutscenes and stuff to the base games story.

So, without spoiling stuff in the story, does the game's story feel like so much is missing that it would be better to wait for the story DLC or is the story good enough to just play now?

Edited by soultaker655
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There has been a lot of buzz about the games' story being lackluster/ unclear, especially towards the end. That's why SE is going to add more scenes to make things in that part more clear. However, at the moment it's completely unknown when these scenes will be added, but it's safe to assume that it'll take several months.

I personally, and I know Demon thinks the same, think the story makes perfect sense and is well thought-through - IF you care about side-stuff. Throughout the game you will find radio's, newspapers, notes and you will hear random NPC's talking about stuff that just happened/ is going to happen in the main story. If you completely omit this side-stuff and only rush the main story quests, then the story will have some strange moments, but if you are the exploring type of gamer anyway, then you will most likely find these little lore-pieces anyway.

So yeah, I would rather play now then wait an unknown amount of time, since the game and its story are really good in my opinion! :)

Edited by ShadowStefan
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Personally Soultaker, I would just play it now and enjoy it now.

The story is a little convoluted for sure, but I also agree with Stefan above me, and it makes a lot of sense to me, and is decent. 

But yeah, you should explore a lot and do the side quests, it helps build the characters and their story. 

Also, while it isn't a smart idea how Square Enix did it, having an anime and a movie to coincide with the story, I advise watching them before the game.

As for the base game's story, it's chapter 13 that's being changed. So you can finish the game and play the other DLCs afterward, and still enjoy it. (If you REALLY want, just save a spare file at the start of chapter 13)

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3 hours ago, soultaker655 said:

So, without spoiling stuff in the story, does the game's story feel like so much is missing that it would be better to wait for the story DLC or is the story good enough to just play now?

Yes, it does, but no amount of patching will change that. The overall story is simply not good. But obviously there's people out there who liked it, so who knows, maybe you'll find some enjoyment in it as long as you lower your expectations accordingly.

The good news is, as long as you're in the open world portion of the game (up to chapter 8), the gameplay is a blast and you'll easily get 50-80 hours of good fun out of it, if you like open world RPGs and don't mind inconsequential, lazy fetch quests.

Oh, and definitely watch Kingsglaive, because A] I think it's a much more satisfying piece of storytelling than the game itself and B] the first half of the game makes absolutely no sense without it.

Edited by ShadowReplicant
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6 hours ago, Parker said:

If I'm not mistaken it was the day one patch that added extra cutscenes to the base game so as long as you download that you should be good. 



Actually they just mentioned not so long ago that they will be extending the story even more.

And really OP, you can play now if you really want to. They will be adding a New Game + down the line (hopefully soon), so you can always use that to see what extra story is added, as far as I know, this new story content is maybe not coming out for a while. Could be after the episodes with Ignis, Gladio and Prompto.

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I'm definitely gonna wait. I've heard the story is one of the low points of the game, so I'll take anything I can to make that better. This is a prime example of why I hardly ever play games on day one anymore. You're just not getting the full experience. I thought FFXV might have escaped this trend considering how they said the last delay was so they could avoid a day one patch, but that turned out to be a lie. <_< I'm sure it's a great game as it is now, but I just don't see the point of playing it now when I can get an even better game down the line. Playing a game on day one now is a bit like early access. They have all these features coming later such as a fix to the story, 60 fps mode, NG+, etc, but if you want to play a version without these things, you can do that. I've got too many other games to play to deal with that. I'll just play it when development is finished.

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Since SE is adding updates to the game in 2017, I advise you wait until they finish updating the game in 2017. Like the others (Even I not yet have the game yet, :P) the gameplay and world is amazing though I can agree about the story's weakpoints. And watch Kingsglaive. Some people say it's the worst movie ever, but it was a success in Japan and I don't understand why it was received poorly in the West. Don't let people's negative opinions of this game get to you and enjoy the game when SE is done with the updates to the game. I am gonna get the game and wait until they finish updating the game in 2017.

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If anything, the extra DLC gives incentive to doing a NG+, something that they're working on as well. I mean nobody can really tell you what you should do. Waiting is fine, but there's also nothing wrong with enjoying the game for what it is, and then going through it again a second time and enjoying the new additions.

That way, you have a comparison from the original game and not just the new additions. I kinda feel the new scenes will be similar to what Bioware did for Mass Effect 3's ending. Filler stuff that gives people the illusion that it adds something to the story in its own way, but it doesn't. The original ending, in my own opinion, was fine. The lack of consequences was the negative factor.

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Since I may be getting it for Christmas, I was asking the same question. From the sounds of it, it'd be OK to just play it, then redo it with NG+ once they release the new content. That's what I'd probably do.


On 12/18/2016 at 11:53 AM, TheAveryChu said:

You can play it now just fine, but make sure you do your homework first. Watch Kingslave, take a quiz on it, Watch the Brotherhood anime, take a quiz on it, read up on Niflhiem, and the Starscourge, and you should be able to get a decent level of enjoyment out its story.


Watching the anime and movie won't be an issue, but where would you read about the other stuff if I'm so inclined?

Edited by Torracat83
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11 hours ago, Torracat83 said:

Since I may be getting it for Christmas, I was asking the same question. From the sounds of it, it'd be OK to just play it, then redo it with NG+ once they release the new content. That's what I'd probably do.



Watching the anime and movie won't be an issue, but where would you read about the other stuff if I'm so inclined?

I just read through a few basic summaries of some of the bigger stuff on the Final Fantasy wiki. I mentioned Niflheim and the Starscourge, mainly because the game doesn't really explain most of that information to you and it provides some kinda important context. I wouldn't go too far into it though, as there may be some potential spoilers.

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1 hour ago, TheAveryChu said:

I just read through a few basic summaries of some of the bigger stuff on the Final Fantasy wiki. I mentioned Niflheim and the Starscourge, mainly because the game doesn't really explain most of that information to you and it provides some kinda important context. I wouldn't go too far into it though, as there may be some potential spoilers.

Noted. Thanks.

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