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Marvel Heroes Omega coming to PS4 this spring


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I can't wait for this. I played quite a bit of it on PC but since I hate PC gaming, it never really worked out lol. I was always hoping it would come to console but I've waited for so long I never thought it would happen.


For those that don't know, it was actually made by the guy that made Diablo 1/2 and you can definitely feel that in the game. It's a really well put together game.


Rumor has it that it won't have all the content PC has right at launch though. I hope it catches up someday, cause 36 characters is a lot less then the 60 PC has. I have a bad feeling we won't be able to play as villains at launch =/ I need my Dr. Doom lol.

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3 hours ago, DrakeHellsing said:

I believe I have seen gameplay of this one, but hearing it's coming to the PS4 is good news, would like to try it out.  But I assume only heroes right? Cause if so, darn, no Dr. Doom for me then xD

There are some villains; Dr. Doom, Magneto, Loki, Venom, I think they added Green Goblin.

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4 hours ago, OhDearGodRun said:

There are some villains; Dr. Doom, Magneto, Loki, Venom, I think they added Green Goblin.


There's tons of villains in the PC version but since we're only getting a little over half the roster, I have to assume we won't be getting villains at launch.


Hopefully they add them over time though.

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