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1 hour ago, MMDE said:


Let me see if I get this right. You want comments to be hidden until they've been approved? This just makes for the process to be much slower, and likely the decision being made before all the discussion has happened... :S But yeah, generally poor communication.


No, that's not what I meant. No hidden comments at all. I didn't even use the word hidden. 

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3 minutes ago, sephiroth4424 said:

I didn't get what it has to do with my proposal.Maybe i'm not expressing myself correctly.To give an example.Let's say that i'm reported for FFVII because a trophy glitched and created an impossible timestamp.If the rest of my games have legit timestamps,instead of forcing me to hide FF,i could get a pass


If It's a glitch it could happened with anyone, right? That wouldn't matter tbf. 

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40 minutes ago, sephiroth4424 said:

If the problem is the pot shots (i don't know what it means,i assume it's assalting) then we should ask the mods to be very strict in those threads.Like instead of removing posts (happened to me), they can ban people for a certain amount of time,with no warning.If they close those threads then communicating will be very slow as MMDE posted above me,more likely it would be done via pms.Also i would like to propose something.In most cases,the disputers who claimed their trophies glitched,auto-popped because of a hacker,ps3 died before syncing and such,the community found more games with issues.In a few cases though this didn't happen or didn't happen yet.If a disputer has a clean account with only one game with problems,maybe we should consider giving him a pass (or like a favor) depending what is the problem.Of cource this would take time depending the disputer's backlog


No, the problem as I described earlier is that there was no point in allowing people to post. The flag was going to stick because the flagging team would have decided they were guilty regardless of how many posts or how long the dispute went on. 

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16 hours ago, NathanielJohn said:

How about a new rule for the dispute threads: every user (other than the disputer) can post a maximum of two posts per thread.


The reason for this suggestion is that the threads right now just keep going back and forth with the same people saying the same things over and over again in increasingly hostile ways (there's one happening literally as I type this). People should present their evidence of why the person is innocent or guilty and then move on and leave it for the mods to make their decisions based on that.


Why would limiting amount of posts in a thread or keeping posts private or whatever help anything at all? It would just make communication worse.


I'm honestly not sure where the problem is?


Is it that everyone can see they've cheated or something? Just don't dispute it if you've cheated. If you haven't, then keep your cool and you'll likely be fine. Make sure you explain yourself and what happened.


I really wish the dispute threads were like more than 50% lifted flags, but it's less than 5%.


If I make a mistake in a dispute thread, I want to hear about it, I don't want to continue to be wrong.

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6 minutes ago, DaivRules said:


No, the problem as I described earlier is that there was no point in allowing people to post. The flag was going to stick because the flagging team would have decided they were guilty regardless of how many posts or how long the dispute went on. 

So the issue is the flagging team's slow response?Like they didn't close the thread fast enough?

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25 minutes ago, sephiroth4424 said:

Not really.If it isn't a known glitch,you can still have problems.Check Jay_Stow's Dispute  


And while Jay_Stow 's case might seem like a gray area, the fact is, the trophies are out of order, and I think the person has admitted to having other people play on his account, and I personally find his SotC list, which he did 2 weeks prior a bit questionable. Everyone else who has disputed Jak III flag has been found to have cheated several other games. :P Also, the distribution of this "glitch" among users is not random, it's more likely the later after release, in fact, it's so uneven 10% in first half, and 90% in the latter half. And among the first 10% there's other signs of cheating among some of them.

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On ‎19‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 10:27 AM, weavsxx said:



I have a question to the people in this thread that are removed from the leaderboards; why not hide some trophies so you're back on it?



On ‎19‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 11:10 AM, Se7en said:


So it is okay to ruin some falsely flagged players’ trophy lists (by enforcing them to hide questionable game) or remove them entirely from leaderboards if they don’t want to follow “hide and move on” advice, because some amount of undisputable “bullshit excuses” will be much more damaging to… whom? And in what way, exactly?



Very good questions! Both of them!

Here comes my story:


I am flagged for ONE game only. One game, I got my platin trophy in, at February 2010!

In the past I was simply not able to synch my trophys due to this known problem:



I can bring up lots of more links like the two above, to proof that many player has this problem too and I'm pretty sure, all player who played since 2009-2010 or longer ago, will remember this or experienced this problem on their own.

So...I was definetly not able to synch my trophys and I had to sent in my PS 3 for reparing due to a broken blue ray drive. 3 weeks later, I got a new PS 3 back, installed all my games and all my savefiles and started playing again AND lots of trophies popped out of nowhere! I never heard before, that this could happen, it never happens to me before. There were NO trophy sites online worldwide with leaderboards or something like this or warning, or someone who told me that I had to stop immediately and go offline, maybe open my window and throw my PS 3 through it because in the future, 7 years later,  I will be get flagged for using my OWN save and it will looks like I was cheating. Sad thing is, I was very happy in the past about getting MY TROPHIES back and I have not to redo the whole game but today I know...this was BAD LUCK! :(


In all my 134 played games I earned all my trophies LEGIT. I'm not a trophy hunter, I don't care for leaderboards and ranking cause I will never have enough trophies to get up there very far BUT I care for my 100% Completist profil. I have worked very hard for my 100% on all of my games and I own extreme hard and very hard games in my list I played with 100% trophies and I'm proud of it!

All people who have 100% on Need for speed 2015 for example, will understand me very well!


I absolutely agree with that 'flagged a game which have suspecious trophies' and I wouldn't care, just accept it and hide the game cause I really don't know how to proof 100% that I was definetly not cheating. I already hide the game but I have to UNHIDE it again cause I'm not ALLOWED to hide any single game for ALL the other trophy sites like psnleaderboard.com and more due to a PENALITY for HIDING TROPHIES.

They ALL REMOVE me from their 100% Completist Leaderboards for hiding trophies!!!

If I was cheating at this game in the past then it would be my own fault but I wasn't! :(


To be clear, this is no asking or whinig for unflag me cause @Sly Ripper make his rules clear for this site. I just wanna ask if there is another way then hiding games for people like me, not to be removed from the 100% Leaderboard or Platinum Clubs cause I love to use these two leaderboards on this site?  A 'lost lots of points on the main leaderboard penalty' or something like that or ranked me at last on my country rank or something else?

I double checked the Sony Entertainments terms and asked in our german trophy forum too. There is definitely no specific rule that you are not allowed to load and use your OWN save on your own Ps 3, or Ps 4 if, for example, your Ps 3/ Ps 4 got broken. https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/liquid/multi-part-eula!input.action

But due to the problem that trophies can pop if you do that and no one in the world can 100% proof that only the own save was used, it is forbidden BOTH on this site and you get marked with a flag. I would wish that @Sly Ripper would think about to find another penalty without hiding games cause not ALL people was cheating in the past! Some just use their own save, mostly years ago where no single leaderboard or trophy site exist and have now to pay the price for all the people who used this for cheating. :( 


Sad thing is, if I don't hide this ONE SINGLE game, all people who look at my profil over here, will think that I was flagged three times or more because I don't hide my flagged games to get back on the leaderboards. This could mean maybe that I can't hide my flagged games because I have too much flags and this will looks like I was cheating! :(

And if I HIDE this single game...all other sites WILL REMOVE ME from their 100% leaderboards due to the hiding trophy penalty and the other sites have a ONE GAME forgive me police so if I got removed there due to the trophy hiding penalty, people will look over there at my profil and will think I was cheating too and have MORE then only one game with suspecious trophies. :( 


AND I have nothing doing wrong in the past! :(


I really hope that I can come back here in the future and will be welcome again and allow to get listed in the 100% leaderboard again without hiding my one flagged game. :) 





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8 minutes ago, MMDE said:


And while Jay_Stow 's case might seem like a gray area, the fact is, the trophies are out of order, and I think the person has admitted to having other people play on his account, and I personally find his SotC list, which he did 2 weeks prior a bit questionable.

I used this as a glitch example.You could have an account with 200 games,where 199 have legit trophy timestamps and the 200th game is a CoD with the ''hacker in the lobby'' problem.It's a shame to force someone to hide it in order to be on the leaderboards.You could argue by saying that's why we have the 3 strikes rule but I saw grimydawg posting many times that they created that rule because of games like socom,fuel,fifa 2009 (games without copyrighted saves in general)

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6 minutes ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:


Very good questions! Both of them!

Here comes my story:


I am flagged for ONE game only. One game, I got my platin trophy in, at February 2010!

In the past I was simply not able to synch my trophys due to this known problem:



I can bring up lots of more links like the two above, to proof that many player has this problem too and I'm pretty sure, all player who played since 2009-2010 or longer ago, will remember this or experienced this problem on their own.

So...I was definetly not able to synch my trophys and I had to sent in my PS 3 for reparing due to a broken blue ray drive. 3 weeks later, I got a new PS 3 back, installed all my games and all my savefiles and started playing again AND lots of trophies popped out of nowhere! I never heard before, that this could happen, it never happens to me before. There were NO trophy sites online worldwide with leaderboards or something like this or warning, or someone who told me that I had to stop immediately and go offline, maybe open my window and throw my PS 3 through it because in the future, 7 years later,  I will be get flagged for using my OWN save and it will looks like I was cheating. Sad thing is, I was very happy in the past about getting MY TROPHIES back and I have not to redo the whole game but today I know...this was BAD LUCK! :(


In all my 134 played games I earned all my trophies LEGIT. I'm not a trophy hunter, I don't care for leaderboards and ranking cause I will never have enough trophies to get up there very far BUT I care for my 100% Completist profil. I have worked very hard for my 100% on all of my games and I own extreme hard and very hard games in my list I played with 100% trophies and I'm proud of it!

All people who have 100% on Need for speed 2015 for example, will understand me very well!


I absolutely agree with that 'flagged a game which have suspecious trophies' and I wouldn't care, just accept it and hide the game cause I really don't know how to proof 100% that I was definetly not cheating. I already hide the game but I have to UNHIDE it again cause I'm not ALLOWED to hide any single game for ALL the other trophy sites like psnleaderboard.com and more due to a PENALITY for HIDING TROPHIES.

They ALL REMOVE me from their 100% Completist Leaderboards for hiding trophies!!!

If I was cheating at this game in the past then it would be my own fault but I wasn't! :(


To be clear, this is no asking or whinig for unflag me cause @Sly Ripper make his rules clear for this site. I just wanna ask if there is another way then hiding games for people like me, not to be removed from the 100% Leaderboard or Platinum Clubs cause I love to use these two leaderboards on this site?  A 'lost lots of points on the main leaderboard penalty' or something like that or ranked me at last on my country rank or something else?

I double checked the Sony Entertainments terms and asked in our german trophy forum too. There is definitely no specific rule that you are not allowed to load and use your OWN save on your own Ps 3, or Ps 4 if, for example, your Ps 3/ Ps 4 got broken. https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/liquid/multi-part-eula!input.action

But due to the problem that trophies can pop if you do that and no one in the world can 100% proof that only the own save was used, it is forbidden BOTH on this site and you get marked with a flag. I would wish that @Sly Ripper would think about to find another penalty without hiding games cause not ALL people was cheating in the past! Some just use their own save, mostly years ago where no single leaderboard or trophy site exist and have now to pay the price for all the people who used this for cheating. :( 


Sad thing is, if I don't hide this ONE SINGLE game, all people who look at my profil over here, will think that I was flagged three times or more because I don't hide my flagged games to get back on the leaderboards. This could mean maybe that I can't hide my flagged games because I have too much flags and this will looks like I was cheating! :(

And if I HIDE this single game...all other sites WILL REMOVE ME from their 100% leaderboards due to the hiding trophy penalty and the other sites have a ONE GAME forgive me police so if I got removed there due to the trophy hiding penalty, people will look over there at my profil and will think I was cheating too and have MORE then only one game with suspecious trophies. :( 


AND I have nothing doing wrong in the past! :(


I really hope that I can come back here in the future and will be welcome again and allow to get listed in the 100% leaderboard again without hiding my one flagged game. :) 






Why did you make a separate save to pop trophies too quick or out of order though? (if that is what you did)

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15 minutes ago, sephiroth4424 said:

So the issue is the flagging team's slow response?Like they didn't close the thread fast enough?


No. I have no issue with how fast a dispute thread resolves. I said what the issue was, you can stop trying to say I'm saying something else. 

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12 minutes ago, MMDE said:


Why did you make a separate save to pop trophies too quick or out of order though?



I didn't do that. I just back up my saves, pictures and all my stuff  and then I deleted my profil, creditcard number and all the personal things on my broken PS 3 because I had to sent in my broken PS 3. Sony sents you back a new PS 3 instead of the broken one. That was the reason! :)

On the new one I installed all my games and saves and started the game. That was the reason why most of the trophies popped immediately. :/

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2 minutes ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:



I didn't do that. I just back up my saves, pictures and all my stuff  and then I deleted my profil, creditcard number and all the personal things on my broken PS 3 because I had to sent in my broken PS 3. Sony sents you back a new PS 3 instead of the broken one. That was the reason! :)


Okay, but why didn't you synch the trophies first too then? I would hate to lose trophies I had earned by not synching them.

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7 minutes ago, MMDE said:


Okay, but why didn't you synch the trophies first too then?

Did you read my post I wrote above? I couldn't synch trophies on my broken PS 3 where I played most of the flagged game due to this knowing problem:




As my PS 3 broke due to a broken blue ray drive, I had to sent in my PS 3 for repairing and got a new one back. On a new PS 3 there are no older trophies to synch. You lost all unsynched trophies.

Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker. :)


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9 minutes ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:

Did you read my post I wrote above? I couldn't synch trophies on my broken PS 3 where I played most of the flagged game due to this knowing problem:




As my PS 3 broke due to a broken blue ray drive, I had to sent in my PS 3 for repairing and got a new one back. On a new PS 3 there are no older trophies to synch. You lost all unsynched trophies.

Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker. :)


That known problem doesn't 100% prevent you from syncing, it just requires repeated attempts until it finally completes, it's happened to me before and it took a few days before it would complete. It sucks you got flagged for using your own save, but the sites rules are in place for a reason so every real cheater can't just come in and say they used their own save

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20 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

That known problem doesn't 100% prevent you from syncing, it just requires repeated attempts until it finally completes, it's happened to me before and it took a few days before it would complete. It sucks you got flagged for using your own save, but the sites rules are in place for a reason so every real cheater can't just come in and say they used their own save

Thank you for your kind words. :)

Yes, I'm sad that I am flagged for using my own save and doing nothing wrong in the past. But to be clear, this is no asking or whinig for unflag me cause @Sly Ripper make his rules clear for this site. I just wanna ask if there is another way then hiding games for people like me, not to be removed from the 100% Leaderboard or Platinum Clubs cause I love to use these two leaderboards on this site?  A 'lost lots of points on the main leaderboard penalty' or something like that or ranked me at last on my country rank or something else?

Sad thing is if I HIDE this single game...all other sites WILL REMOVE ME from their 100% leaderboards due to the hiding trophy penalty. :(

And if I don't hide it, I will be removed on this site from all the leaderboards.

For me, it doesn't feel good that I have to pay the price because other people cheat in games.


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27 minutes ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:

Thank you for your kind words. :)

Yes, I'm sad that I am flagged for using my own save and doing nothing wrong in the past. But to be clear, this is no asking or whinig for unflag me cause @Sly Ripper make his rules clear for this site. I just wanna ask if there is another way then hiding games for people like me, not to be removed from the 100% Leaderboard or Platinum Clubs cause I love to use these two leaderboards on this site?  A 'lost lots of points on the main leaderboard penalty' or something like that or ranked me at last on my country rank or something else?

Sad thing is if I HIDE this single game...all other sites WILL REMOVE ME from their 100% leaderboards due to the hiding trophy penalty. :(

And if I don't hide it, I will be removed on this site from all the leaderboards.

For me, it doesn't feel good that I have to pay the price because other people cheat in games.


Other leaderboards do that? Hell I just hid a game so my achievements looked the way I wanted on my trophy page lol


What leaderboard sites are these? 

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13 minutes ago, Dav9834 said:

Other leaderboards do that? Hell I just hid a game so my achievements looked the way I wanted on my trophy page lol


What leaderboard sites are these? 

PSN Trophy L.

If you have hidden trophies, you get excluded from completist and rare leaderboards.

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49 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

That known problem doesn't 100% prevent you from syncing, it just requires repeated attempts until it finally completes, it's happened to me before and it took a few days before it would complete. It sucks you got flagged for using your own save, but the sites rules are in place for a reason so every real cheater can't just come in and say they used their own save

Oh man I remember those days. You would assume it was broken and then all of a sudden SYNC it was such a good feeling :)

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1 hour ago, Dini_at_home_400 said:

Did you read my post I wrote above? I couldn't synch trophies on my broken PS 3 where I played most of the flagged game due to this knowing problem:




As my PS 3 broke due to a broken blue ray drive, I had to sent in my PS 3 for repairing and got a new one back. On a new PS 3 there are no older trophies to synch. You lost all unsynched trophies.

Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker. :)



Do you have any e-mails etc about your PS3 getting repaired or something? Anything you can show to verify this?

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2 minutes ago, MMDE said:


Do you have any e-mails etc about your PS3 getting repaired or something? Anything you can show to verify this?


If there were emails, a printed statement showing serial numbers of consoles repairs and a legal signed affidavit from a deposed repairman, would that overturn a flag? There is no need for you to respond to the question. Just as there is no need for you to ask your question. It wouldn't overturn a flag and everyone here knows it. 

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1 minute ago, DaivRules said:


If there were emails, a printed statement showing serial numbers of consoles repairs and a legal signed affidavit from a deposed repairman, would that overturn a flag? There is no need for you to respond to the question. Just as there is no need for you to ask your question. It wouldn't overturn a flag and everyone here knows it. 


Like, if they had stuff that shows that their PS3 broke and they got it repaired around the time they played the game and they got the trophies when they got back the PS3, I think there's room for lifting the flag. :o 

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6 hours ago, MMDE said:


What sites were these? And why should we care?


I actually do care because I don't believe it. Save files were taboo on ps3t.org (now just pst.org) long ago; you could be warned, and ultimately banned, merely for discussing them. Further, unless I am horribly mistaken, using external save files went against the TOS for Sony back in the day (with the advent of external hd, I don't know what the current policy is).


I keep reading a lot of nostalgia about "the good old days", where everyone was using save files. Nonsense.

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11 minutes ago, starcrunch061 said:


I actually do care because I don't believe it. Save files were taboo on ps3t.org (now just pst.org) long ago; you could be warned, and ultimately banned, merely for discussing them. Further, unless I am horribly mistaken, using external save files went against the TOS for Sony back in the day (with the advent of external hd, I don't know what the current policy is).


I keep reading a lot of nostalgia about "the good old days", where everyone was using save files. Nonsense.

I don't believe it either, even back on the Xbox 360 it was taboo to try to use other people's save files to unlock achievements, so I don't see why it would ever be different on the playstation

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Hello everyone I've been looking at the dispute threads recently anyways I've been seeing a lot of people saying show proof to trophies they earned even tho it happened 8-10years ago I've been thinking about starting a new account and I'm actually really worried about being flagged should i take a picture of every single trophy that pops? and if a glitch happens in a game I'm playing should I post a thread about it sorry just want don't want to ever get flagged also if I create a boosting session here should I take a picture of the gaming session also should I take a picture of the boosting lobby as it happens? Thanks for taking the time to read this

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