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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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Well, as long as I can at least begin the series, I suppose... Walmart has it for like $20, which sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Dollars-to-hours for the win!


Anyway, Souls update. I killed Seath (bitch's tail is so hard to cut), Priscilla, Sif (I'm a terrible person), and Nito. Four Kings wiped the floor with me. It's interesting to compare the build I'm using now to the mage build I've always used in Dark Souls. Back then, I struggled with S&O, but never with the Four Kings. Perhaps I'm just out of practice. I haven't really been tested this year.


My 26 year old self would be ashamed.

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On 6/12/2018 at 8:42 PM, Cassylvania said:

 Isn't it October for VC4? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed back. In fact, I don't even think I'd mind, since I'll probably be knee-deep in horror games by the time Halloween rolls around. And -- even scarier -- the Vikings' playoff chances.

I got an email from Amazon saying the new release date is 12/31/18 which was a bummer. I got it shortly after I heard about Edelman failing a drug test and potentially missing 4 games. I guess he's appealing it and they are having experts test it since they have no idea what it is. I need to stop listening to Boston sports talk radio...they are making me super anxious about the, probably fake, drama on the Pats right now.


Finished Valkyria Chronicles! It was really good and the trophies are actually well paced. I finished all the A rank missions and only need 25 kills for 1000. I passed out last night after the last A rank so cleaned up the final 25 kills tonight. I'm going to call it an early night tonight though and will be back to the grindstone tomorrow with The Banner Saga. Eventually, I'm hoping to get into the KH series too. There's really no good reason why I haven't played it yet. Just too many good games to play!

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23 minutes ago, Br1ste said:

I got an email from Amazon saying the new release date is 12/31/18 which was a bummer. I got it shortly after I heard about Edelman failing a drug test and potentially missing 4 games. I guess he's appealing it and they are having experts test it since they have no idea what it is. I need to stop listening to Boston sports talk radio...they are making me super anxious about the, probably fake, drama on the Pats right now.


Finished Valkyria Chronicles! It was really good and the trophies are actually well paced. I finished all the A rank missions and only need 25 kills for 1000. I passed out last night after the last A rank so cleaned up the final 25 kills tonight. I'm going to call it an early night tonight though and will be back to the grindstone tomorrow with The Banner Saga. Eventually, I'm hoping to get into the KH series too. There's really no good reason why I haven't played it yet. Just too many good games to play!


A few thoughts:

  1. That sucks about VC4. I checked again on Amazon and, sadly, you're right. They changed the release date. That's literally the ONLY game I've been excited for this year, and it might not even come out this year.
  2. What would the Pats be without some offseason drama? It's the same story every year. They have to "struggle" through the first four weeks of the season because of some random injury or suspension, they go 3-1 during that span, and they're in the Super Bowl. Until that streak is broken, I refuse to buy into any drama that comes out of Boston.
  3. Nice job on VC. I seem to remember the trophies being well-paced too. I didn't abuse Alicia until towards the end of NG+, but that mostly because I didn't even know about it at the time.
  4. I might make VC4 my first Japanese game, if I can't wait for December 31. We can do that, right? Buy Japanese versions of games and play them on North American consoles?
  5. I might also need to learn Japanese.
  6. I've had on eye on the KH series for a while. I don't know anything about Final Fantasy, but I love Disney (pretty sure I've gushed over that numerous times in this thread), and it appeals to me much more than Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid, or the other ridiculously big franchises that I've been putting off for my entire life. The trailer for KH3 gave me the push I needed to finally take the plunge. It looks phenomenal.
  7. I spelled phenomenal right on my first attempt. That deserves a round of applause.
  8. I spelled applause wrong on my first attempt. I take that back.
  9. I was so wrong that my internet dictionary didn't even offer the right spelling as a suggestion.
  10. Pretty sure it thought I meant applesauce.
  11. I could go for some applesauce.
  12. This is a pretty long list. I'd just like to end it by saying that I apologize to you and the Squidsters for having to push back Dad of War and Ni no Koons. I'll get to them someday -- hopefully this year -- but only when I see a price drop to $29.99. I just can't justify a $50 purchase right now. That's like...five PS4 games, if I play my cards right.
  13. Speaking of, I've been watching two kinds of videos lately: flat Earth conspiracy theories and spoiled rich girls on Dr. Phil. Both are hilarious and depressing at the same time. I'm going through a whole range of emotions here.
  14. Dr. Phil is basically a legend.
  15. Gwyn is an asshole. My faith build has finally met its match.
  16. At least I'm able to parry him sometimes.

I'll stop now.

Edited by Cassylvania
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11 hours ago, Kent said:

@Cassylvania That gave me a good laugh. Ironically I've been watching the same videos and can confirm, Dr. Phil is a legend. 


Yup. And once I got to Judge Judy, it was all over. L's were being tossed around like an explosion at an alphabet soup factory. I haven't seen that many people roasted since I played Gat out of Hell.


That reminds me... I had a video game dream last night. This has only happened a few times in my life, but my dreams are very bizarre, so I thought I'd share my experience with you. In my dream, I ordered Saint's Row IV online, got it in the mail, and then the horrible realization sank in: I HAD ALREADY PLATINUMED IT. That's right -- been there, done that, $19.99 down the drain. You better believe I woke up in a cold sweat. That shit was a nightmare.


I hope you can all sleep tonight after hearing that.

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A) That list is hilarious 2) I have no idea what the hold up could be with VC4 considering it has already been released in Japan and I can't imagine it takes that much work to translate and make it ready for NA/EU systems and D) Dr. Phil is the most annoying person on the planet, period.


14 hours ago, Cassylvania said:
  • I spelled phenomenal right on my first attempt. That deserves a round of applause.
  • I spelled applause wrong on my first attempt. I take that back.
  • I was so wrong that my internet dictionary didn't even offer the right spelling as a suggestion.
  • Pretty sure it thought I meant applesauce.
  • I could go for some applesauce.

My favorite part lol every once in a while I run into the spelling of a word that I do right...but never looks right...so I change it wrong...but that doesn't look right...so then I google just to make sure. I almost always mess up the i before e even though I know the saying and I always want to put a u in diffucult when it is an I. You'd think after messing it up once or twice I'd have figured it out...but nope.


14 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

This is a pretty long list. I'd just like to end it by saying that I apologize to you and the Squidsters for having to push back Dad of War and Ni no Koons. I'll get to them someday -- hopefully this year -- but only when I see a price drop to $29.99. I just can't justify a $50 purchase right now. That's like...five PS4 games, if I play my cards right.

It does get expensive so I can't say I blame you. I think I just purchased my last full price game of the year too. I bought MLB the Show to try and slip into Toogie's event. I haven't played a baseball game since Ken Griffey Jr baseball on the N64 so I was also a little curious to see how they've evolved. RBI Baseball is still the gold standard for baseball games. 


Speaking of Toogie's event, I'm trying to come up with a game for each category, just in case I get on a roll and can check off a few more boxes in the competition. A few of the games may be a stretch for the category and I've discovered them by chance via googling "Historical PS4 games" and "Summer Themed PS4 games." I'm a little excited since I'm going to try a few Indie games I would have never otherwise heard about. They seem to be 20 hours or less to finish as well so I should be able to explore a bit more. Due to this, my to do list will change slightly. I'm still going to do The Banner Saga for 50, but then instead of jumping right into Shadow of War I'm going to try a game called "Fe" followed by a game called "Mulaka" first. I'm hoping to find a diamond in the rough there, but we'll see.


14 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Gwyn is an asshole. My faith build has finally met its match.

He was my biggest challenge in the whole game. I'm curious about your faith build though. What are you using for weapon/armor in that build? I was thinking of going mage when I pick it back up again so I can try it different than melee. You've motoring through this pretty quickly though so color me impressed.


On Dr. Phil....ughh. The guy has all the money in the world so good for him, but I can't stand listening to him talk on TV. I think his tone is so condescending and irritating. In all fairness to him though, I've never liked that whole genre of TV. I hated Jerry Springer and never got into Judge Judy or daytime TV like that. If I was ever watching daytime TV it was The Price is Right, The Disney Afternoon or Saved by the Bell....you know...educational stuff.


I've had video game dreams before...where I'm like actually in the game or something...but I have to say...I applaud your bravery for being strong enough to recount such a harrowing experience in your dream. Here's to hoping that only ever stays a dream!

Edited by Br1ste
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8 minutes ago, Br1ste said:

Speaking of Toogie's event, I'm trying to come up with a game for each category, just in case I get on a roll and can check off a few more boxes in the competition. A few of the games may be a stretch for the category and I've discovered them by chance via googling "Historical PS4 games" and "Summer Themed PS4 games." I'm a little excited since I'm going to try a few Indie games I would have never otherwise heard about. They seem to be 20 hours or less to finish as well so I should be able to explore a bit more. Due to this, my to do list will change slightly. I'm still going to do The Banner Saga for 50, but then instead of jumping right into Shadow of War I'm going to try a game called "Fe" followed by a game called "Mulaka" first. I'm hoping to find a diamond in the rough there, but we'll see.


That's why I like Toogie's events. They give me a reason to try out new games or to knock off those PS+ titles that keep piling up. In fact, more than half of the games on my list are ones I had been considering to play for months or even years, but they always got pushed out of the way for the newest AAA title or whatever it is I usually play. Mostly platformers. Do I even play anything else? But it's nice to have another way of narrowing down my game selection besides, "What looks like fun today?"


Fe has also been on my watch list. I don't know anything about it, though.


23 minutes ago, Br1ste said:

He was my biggest challenge in the whole game. I'm curious about your faith build though. What are you using for weapon/armor in that build? I was thinking of going mage when I pick it back up again so I can try it different than melee. You've motoring through this pretty quickly though so color me impressed.


I just got done kicking his ass. I beat him with Quelaag's Furysword, since he's apparently weak to fire (?). Got off a few parries, but I mostly chased him into rocks and ran back to heal like a coward.


My build is FAI/STR (with heavy VIT and END, of course). I'm using the Elite Armor Set, Astora's Straight Sword (and the Lightning Spear when necessary), Crest/Dragon Crest Shield, and a Divine Short Bow (which has been pretty useless). I expected to use miracles a lot more than I have been, but it's pretty much just been Heal and Homeward. It's a basic build, but I like that. Feels very organic.


35 minutes ago, Br1ste said:

On Dr. Phil....ughh. The guy has all the money in the world so good for him, but I can't stand listening to him talk on TV. I think his tone is so condescending and irritating. In all fairness to him though, I've never liked that whole genre of TV. I hated Jerry Springer and never got into Judge Judy or daytime TV like that. If I was ever watching daytime TV it was The Price is Right, The Disney Afternoon or Saved by the Bell....you know...educational stuff.


It's pretty awful stuff. I'm not sure why I'm even watching it. I've actually gotten to the point where I'm working my way through the most cringeworthy auditions on X Factor. Maybe Dark Souls just puts me in the mood to watch others fail horribly, so that I don't feel so alone.


Now that I've beaten the game, maybe I should watch something more upbeat.







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4 Non Blondes? Underrated '90's song if that is what you're singing.


33 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

Fe has also been on my watch list. I don't know anything about it, though.

I'll let you know. I watched the preview and it seems to resemble A Hat in Time with its game play. Apparently you sing a lot in the game. It looked cool enough and the reviews didn't seem too bad so I figured why not?


35 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

I just got done kicking his ass. I beat him with Quelaag's Furysword, since he's apparently weak to fire (?). Got off a few parries, but I mostly chased him into rocks and ran back to heal like a coward.


My build is FAI/STR (with heavy VIT and END, of course). I'm using the Elite Armor Set, Astora's Straight Sword (and the Lightning Spear when necessary), Crest/Dragon Crest Shield, and a Divine Short Bow (which has been pretty useless). I expected to use miracles a lot more than I have been, but it's pretty much just been Heal and Homeward. It's a basic build, but I like that. Feels very organic.

I two-handed Quelaag's Furysword the first time through and then two handed the Black Knight Great Axe (why does spell check tell me that 'Axe' is spelled wrong?) the second time through. Congrats on beating his ass though...I know it gets frustrating, especially since you have to run through those 5 knights to get to him each time. I don't think I used a single miracle on my first run.

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Well hello there :D
Long time no see guys, right? I have been so busy due to my high school finals, but I have 4 months of summer vacation now. Hopefully I'll be able to post more. You may ask - what's new? Oh, I'll gladly tell you what's new: 

Firstly, I had my maturity exams which I got through and hopefully passed. It took me whole week to realize that I actually finished high school education and started my longest holiday ever. 


Also, I managed to fix my controller last week. Here's the whole story: One day I was playing Rayman Legends and I got frustrated - as usual. When I'm angry at a game I tend to smack the left side of a controller against my right thigh - don't judge. After 4 or 5 consecutive strikes the left trigger (also known as L2) left its cozy nest and flew to a better place - the corridor. I could also hear it screaming "Fuck it!" the moment it lifted off. I looked on my controller then on the L2 button and again on a controller. I wasn't really sure what's happened. It was the ultimate incentive to fix my controller as I have been waiting for a good day to try and fix my R2 button - it wore off and I couldn't fire a shotgun or a sniper rifle in Battlefield. So, I disassembled my controller, put back my L2 and reassembled it. It worked with an exception of a light bar and the right trigger remained pressed forever. So..... I went back to my desk and began the whole process once again. It worked perfectly the next time I put it back, but the R2 was still worn off. The next day I bought myself a tube of silicone, cut out the broken part of silicone in the controller and put a new layer on it. After a final reassembly I was ready for anything. I was prepared for the worst. But it worked! And now my controller is like new! It felt good... destroying feels better though :P


I also signed up for Toogie's event. I hope to complete all the games I picked. This is the first event I participate in on this site - on any site ever actually. I wish you guys good luck on completing your games, too. Hope you'll have fun playing your picks ;) 


When it comes to games I've finished..... well, there's been a few: 

I finished God of War: Ghost of Sparta at the end of March. I think it was one of the easiest GoWs to plat. I don't really remember if I got angry at any point in the game. 

I platted Resogun, one of the first games I've played on a PS4. I don't really know why it took me so long, but I finished it at last and that's what matters. I'm sure everyone here know what Resogun is, so I won't describe the game. If you haven't played Resogun and you like arcade games - what are you doing reading this? Go buy it, play it! 


I finished Deadpool. I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love it for its humor, jokes and fourth wall breaking. On the other hand, it's kind of glitchy and clunky. It really takes time ot get used to the controls. The game is fun though. I heard it was supposed to get delisted from the PS Store, so if you want to play it you have to rely on a physical version. 


I've played and finished Headlander and I have to tell you, IT IS A GEM OF A GAME! It's a 2.5D side scroller platformer shooter - yes, it is a genre. You play as a head in a space helmet and are capable of pulling other robots heads and "headland", which lets you take control of a chosen body. You can even be a dog, A FREAKIN' DOGGY. How cool is that!? On a daily basis you also shoot your laser firearm at security robots and solve puzzles. This one also has a good sense of humor. It's a Double Fine Studio game, so you can imagine that it is funny in their specific way. 


I have also played and finished Oxenfree. It's a great story driven game, so I can't really tell you anymore in order not to spoil it for you. It's kinda scary too if you're into that. I strongly recommend it. 


I have also played Forma.8 and.... fu** this game. It's fu***** sh**. It was made by a fu***** monkey with a hairy fu***** di** for fu***** brains. It's so fu***** sh**** that if dog's sh** was a game it would be way better. Ugh... 


Then I played some Infinite Minigolf to relax. I don't know about you but I like to play some minigolf from time to time. Especially, when you can create your own holes.... ;)


And then there came the game. And it was enormous. It was Its still is a blast to play. It's one of the best if not the best game of this generation. GOD OF WAR! I don't want to bore you with a lengthy review because it wouldn't matter and there are a lot of them on the Internet, so I'll just say a few words....

Play it. It's gorgeous. If you have a PS4 and you won't play God of War then why not have Xbox. It would make no difference. This is a game that sells hardware.


Last Day of June was a few hours experience. Another game with great aesthetics and a moving story of a couple. Not saying anything more because Cassy will play it for Toogie's event.


And then I started another great game that I haven't finished yet - Resident Evil 7. It's a blast. I'll have to get back to it now that I can fully darken my living room even at high noon. 


Fat Princess Adventures. Wow, it's a gem. Published by Santa Monica and developed by FunBits. It's a Diablo-like game, but in Fat Princess universe. I did not giggled at that at times. I laughed while rolling on the floor all the time. It's a great game to play with your friends on a couch too. Add a drink or seven and there's a great evening for you with a plethora of abstract jokes you're surely burst with laughter after hearing them. Recommended! 


Then there came Hitman. The new one. The Definitive Edition. The first Hitman I played was Hitman Absolution with nun predators. I liked it, but I like this one better. And I have only completed the prologue... There's more to come ladies and gentlemen! 


I bought Little Nightmares at last. I have been waiting for it to go on a sale bigger than 10% off. It reminds me of LIMBO. And that's good. But the controls are clunky from time to time and I feel like it drops some frames here and there. But it's nothing too bad...


Rayman Legends, oh my... This game really scarred me. But I got through the majority. Now for the stupid fu***** grind of daily and weekly challenges. One of the trophies requires you to achieve the highest level of awesomeness - 11th. You need 6000 points which you earn by getting medals from original levels and Daily/Weekly challenges. You get 1 for Bronze, 5 for Silver, 10 for Gold and 50 for Diamond. Diamonds are out of equation, unless you are a god of Rayman and have divine hands of dexterity. I need 1400 more points to reach 11th rank. Also, this trophy can glitch on me. Yay...


Assassin's Creed Rogue. There's nothing to say. It.s basically Black Flag, but in North Atlantic and the story is decent. That's all. 


LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars. I needed a LEGO game. I really wanted to play one. They are soooooo good. Easy, simple, relaxing and OH MY GOD WHY IS MY LEGO GAME A REAL TIME STRATEGY!? It's not a bad game though. I'm having fun with it. I also bought three other LEGO games. Just in case I want to play another one after this.


Last but not least, Watch Dogs 2. I really detest the protagonists. All swaggy and juvenile. They're so fu***** obnoxious. The gameplay is way easier than the original too. It's worse than the first one in my opinion, generally. And to all people complaining that Aiden was all grumpy in the original - yes, because you would be all fu***** happy and smiling after the death of your niece while blaming yourself for that. Grow up, fu***** grow up. I've nearly finished it though. Just a few trophies away.


Wow, that was a long update... Hope it didn't bore you and you're still here because I have a prize for you. Here take this lollipop: lollipop.rar


2017 Completed Games



God of War II (PS3) - DONE (100%) :platinum:

Get Even (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Child of Light (PS4) - DONE (100%) 

Uncharted The Lost Legacy (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum:

101 Ways To Die (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum:

Hue (PS4) - DONE (100%)

Layers of Fear (PS4) - DONE (100%)

Maize (PS4) - DONE (100%)

The Park (PS4) - DONE (100%)

Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum:

Batman Arkham Knight (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum:

Aragami (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

God of War: Chains of Olympus (PS3) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Slayaway Camp (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 



2018 Games



Life is Strange (PS3) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Firewatch (PS4) - DONE (100%)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Cat Quest (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Ratchet & Clank (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

South Park: The Fractured But Whole (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Hotline Miami (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Knack 2 (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Seasons After Fall (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Kholat (PS4) - DONE (100%)

God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PS3) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Deadpool (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Headlander (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Oxenfree (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

God of War (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Last Day of June (PS4) - DONE (100%)

Fat Princess Adventures (PS4) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Assassin's Creed Rogue (PS3) - DONE (100%) :platinum: 

Spy Chameleon (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (61%)

Knack (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (21%)

Forma.8 (PS4) - **** IT (34%)

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (12%)

Little Nightmares (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (6%)

Rayman Legends (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (92%)

LEGO Star Wars 3: Clone Wars (PS3) - NOT YET DONE (62%)

Watch Dogs 2 (PS4) - NOT YET DONE (83%)


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Wow, Rocky. That was a really, uh...long post. I had no idea you were playing so many games. Many of those are ones I've never heard of, but some (mostly just Hitman, Oxenfree, and Deadpool) are ones I've had my eye on for a while now. I also notice you failed to mention your opinion about a game featuring a certain chameleon that I know you're playing right now. Or at least were playing. I'm also curious what you think about Foul Play, since I did plop it on my summer camp list.


Now, I know most of you are participating in Toogie's event, which is why I've been a little more sparse with my updates lately (no sense double-dipping), but I did want to reiterate that I've started my long, arduous journey through the entire Kingdom Hearts series. Why the entire series? Come now. You don't really think I'll stop at one, do you? I mean, sure, I know r nothing about Final Fantasy -- other than what WoFF taught me (which is that everybody has a gigantic head and they ride animals and/or wear animals as hats) -- but I've been a huge Disney fan since I was a kid. I'm having a fun time trying to figure out which voice actors in the game are originals and which are replacements. Odds are I've gotten them all wrong, but everybody has done a fantastic job so far. I hope the later games are a little less...janky when it comes to platforming, but I understand this is an early 2000s game. I'm willing to let that slide. Sorta like me. Off the edge. Every time I try to jump.


Still -- and I don't believe this is a spoiler -- I'm pretty sure Alice is not a Disney princess. You're 0 for 1, game! Get your act together.

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26 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

Wow, Rocky. That was a really, uh...long post. I had no idea you were playing so many games. Many of those are ones I've never heard of, but some (mostly just Hitman, Oxenfree, and Deadpool) are ones I've had my eye on for a while now. I also notice you failed to mention your opinion about a game featuring a certain chameleon that I know you're playing right now. Or at least were playing. I'm also curious what you think about Foul Play, since I did plop it on my summer camp list.


Now, I know most of you are participating in Toogie's event, which is why I've been a little more sparse with my updates lately (no sense double-dipping), but I did want to reiterate that I've started my long, arduous journey through the entire Kingdom Hearts series. Why the entire series? Come now. You don't really think I'll stop at one, do you? I mean, sure, I know r nothing about Final Fantasy -- other than what WoFF taught me (which is that everybody has a gigantic head and they ride animals and/or wear animals as hats) -- but I've been a huge Disney fan since I was a kid. I'm having a fun time trying to figure out which voice actors in the game are originals and which are replacements. Odds are I've gotten them all wrong, but everybody has done a fantastic job so far. I hope the later games are a little less...janky when it comes to platforming, but I understand this is an early 2000s game. I'm willing to let that slide. Sorta like me. Off the edge. Every time I try to jump.


Still -- and I don't believe this is a spoiler -- I'm pretty sure Alice is not a Disney princess. You're 0 for 1, game! Get your act together.


It's a great series! I'm currently working trhough them around my other games. Hope you're enjoying it

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On 19.06.2018 at 4:13 AM, Cassylvania said:

I also notice you failed to mention your opinion about a game featuring a certain chameleon that I know you're playing right now. Or at least were playing.


I was playing. I did launch it once since my last update and got a Speedy Collector trophy. Now I'm prepping myself mentally to finish this shit one day before the Last Day of June (see what I did there?). 


On 19.06.2018 at 4:13 AM, Cassylvania said:

I'm also curious what you think about Foul Play, since I did plop it on my summer camp list.


I played it for a bit. Didn't even complete the first chapter, but I am enjoying the game so far. There is one thing worrying me though. There's this one trophy that is supposed to be done in cooperative mode. I know for sure I can't play it on a couch because apparently "Connection to the other player has been lost" every time I try to join with my second controller. I've read that there is a glitch and some people just can't play it locally. Just like that. My only chance to get this trophy would now be via PSN Multiplayer or locally on a different console. *Sigh* 


I also finished another game for Toogie's event on Sunday. I've completed LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars and I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I like it because it's LEGO, it's fun and simple, but the RTS part of the game was soooo repetitive and boring I really couldn't stand another mission. And there were so many of these... Also the bounty missions were annoying. You were given a time limit and a fragment of a story level. Your task was to find a certain character in a given time. You had to figure out where that character could be and this could take you from a couple to a dozen of retries. Annoying... 


After that I started another LEGO game I bought recently because I still want more LEGOs. I'm playing Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues now. It's my childhood game by the way... 

Edited by RockyJokerPL
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On 6/20/2018 at 3:43 AM, RockyJokerPL said:

I played it for a bit. Didn't even complete the first chapter, but I am enjoying the game so far. There is one thing worrying me though. There's this one trophy that is supposed to be done in cooperative mode. I know for sure I can't play it on a couch because apparently "Connection to the other player has been lost" every time I try to join with my second controller. I've read that there is a glitch and some people just can't play it locally. Just like that. My only chance to get this trophy would now be via PSN Multiplayer or locally on a different console. *Sigh* 


Well, we can work on it together, if you want. I've scheduled Foul Play for the end of July. (Yes, I actually planned out when I'm going to play every single game this summer.)


Yesterday, I started (and finished) Abzu. It's a neat little game. I wouldn't pay more than a couple of bucks for it, but it's a fun underwater simulator and a HELL of a lot better than Kingdom Hearts' version of swimming through the ocean. Fuck Ursula and fuck those controls.


I've also tried to knock off a few trophies in The Lost Legacy every night. Most of them are just miscellaneous garbage, so it hasn't eaten up much of my time. But if we're going to finish eleven games before August 10, we're going to have to start making some serious progress. In an ideal world, I'd finish FOUR more games before the end of the month. That includes TLL, Abzu, Dark Souls, and...well, you should know which other game I'm saving for June 30.


Shantae and (most certainly) KH will likely be following us into July...

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Platinum #114 - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy



Not a bad game. I, of course, liking a challenge being a masochist not wanting to play through the game twice, decided to play on Crushing first. Sure, it would've been easier with all the cheats unlocked first, but I still found this much easier than the other UC games (especially after my Brutal runs a couple of summers ago). The worst trophy was probably Best Driver in the Business, if only because of those stupid hills (and my terrible sense of direction). I knew I should've brought a map.


Shoulda woulda coulda woulda, shoulda woulda coulda woulda.

Edited by Cassylvania
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Congrats on the new Plat! Been a little while since I posted here, but I've been doing most of my posting in Toogie's thread for the event and didn't want to double dip. Uncharted is yet another series that I would love to play at some point. I'll be gaming forever just to catch up on series...I want to play the Uncharted series, Fallout series, Kingdom Hearts series (I just bought the PS4 remix so this could be around the corner), Souls/Borne series, Mass Effect series and I'm sure I'm missing a few...That's probably two years worth of gaming right there if I was only to play those games, which of course I'll never be able to stick to.


I really enjoyed the Banner Saga, but I had a few gripes that I'm wondering if you had as well. First, I would have liked to be able to rotate the camera...there were several times that I hit the wrong enemy because I couldn't see which one was targeted behind the huge Varl and the pile of bodies on the ground. That was my only real gripe with the game play though...I thought otherwise it was pretty good. Loading times weren't bad and my game never locked up. My only other gripe, and it may be answered in subsequent games, was that there were so many unanswered plot lines in the game. It was pretty dramatic all the way through and felt kind of like Game of Thrones with some of the characters. I'd also like to see more about how the Varl were created and why there are no women. I was able to get the Plat in just two playthroughs. Hard was a decent challenge, however the only battle that I really struggled with was the final battle. It took me four or five tries to beat that one. I didn't fight nearly as often as I did during the normal playthrough, but I knew who I wanted my final characters to be and I used my Renown on just those characters. I'll definitely play the second one, but I have a laundry list of games to get to first.


Pic-a-Pix was pretty fun. The biggest challenge was the size of my Vita screen, but it was like playing Sudoku. Once you got the hang of it and came up with a plan it wasn't too bad.


I started Fe yesterday also. It's pretty cool so far. The hardest part is figuring out what the hell you are supposed to do since there is no talking or dialogue. You're kind of just dumped in the woods. They do a pretty good job though of developing the story without the dialogue. I'm curious to see how it turns out. My only gripe so far with this game is the jump control is a little delayed. You don't jump particularly high and so I try to jump as close to the edge as possible. If you don't press jump pretty early, you'll just run of the ledge. Thankfully it hasn't really impacted me too much, but it would be nice if it was a little more responsive. I'm only about an hour in so far though, so I still have a lot to explore. 


Any sneak previews into your gaming calendar? Or will it be surprise releases :) 

Edited by Br1ste
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3 hours ago, Br1ste said:

Congrats on the new Plat! Been a little while since I posted here, but I've been doing most of my posting in Toogie's thread for the event and didn't want to double dip. Uncharted is yet another series that I would love to play at some point. I'll be gaming forever just to catch up on series...I want to play the Uncharted series, Fallout series, Kingdom Hearts series (I just bought the PS4 remix so this could be around the corner), Souls/Borne series, Mass Effect series and I'm sure I'm missing a few...That's probably two years worth of gaming right there if I was only to play those games, which of course I'll never be able to stick to.


Of those, I would probably recommend the Uncharted series the most. Not just because it's good, but because the games are relatively short. Definitely definitely definitely, though, get the Remastered collection. That will save you from the terrible MP grind. You'll still have to suffer through Brutal difficulty if you want 100%, but that's nowhere near as painful as getting other players to cooperate in boosting sessions.


That said, I'm still pissed at Naughty Dog for the bullshit they pulled with UC4, so feel free to jump right into the KH series with me. I don't know anything about Fallout, but Mass Effect is great. If they ever remaster that trilogy, I'll have to clear my calendar for three months.


3 hours ago, Br1ste said:

I really enjoyed the Banner Saga, but I had a few gripes that I'm wondering if you had as well. First, I would have liked to be able to rotate the camera...there were several times that I hit the wrong enemy because I couldn't see which one was targeted behind the huge Varl and the pile of bodies on the ground. That was my only real gripe with the game play though...I thought otherwise it was pretty good. Loading times weren't bad and my game never locked up. My only other gripe, and it may be answered in subsequent games, was that there were so many unanswered plot lines in the game. It was pretty dramatic all the way through and felt kind of like Game of Thrones with some of the characters. I'd also like to see more about how the Varl were created and why there are no women. I was able to get the Plat in just two playthroughs. Hard was a decent challenge, however the only battle that I really struggled with was the final battle. It took me four or five tries to beat that one. I didn't fight nearly as often as I did during the normal playthrough, but I knew who I wanted my final characters to be and I used my Renown on just those characters. I'll definitely play the second one, but I have a laundry list of games to get to first.


Yeah, the static camera was an issue for me too. I'm surprised they overlooked that feature, since it's such a staple in other grid-based strategy games. That's why I didn't feel bad using the USB trick from time to time.


I'm assuming some questions we have will be answered in TBS2. Like you, though, I'm in no rush to get to it. It's summertime, and the last thing I want to think about is the cold north.


3 hours ago, Br1ste said:

Pic-a-Pix was pretty fun. The biggest challenge was the size of my Vita screen, but it was like playing Sudoku. Once you got the hang of it and came up with a plan it wasn't too bad.


It really is like Sudoku. t's a shame most people probably used solutions they found on the internet, because we need more quirky little games like that.


3 hours ago, Br1ste said:

Any sneak previews into your gaming calendar? Or will it be surprise releases :) 


So...the basic idea is that I'm going to start Last Day of June this week, and platinum it...well, on the last day of June. I'd like to finish Dark Souls by then too, but I think the grind will take me for a while. Plus, I'm having trouble with the Four Kings again.


I want to start Yonder soon as well. I don't know much about that game, but it feels like something I'll want to take my time with. After that, we'll work our way through Pyre and Firewatch (and you'll learn more about my pyromaniac inclinations), before Foul Play takes center stage. By then, it should only be Yomawari and what's left of KH to see us through the month of August.


But I do have some special in mind for you guys when this event is over. I'm going to start working on it now, so hopefully it will be ready by then...

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On 8/17/2017 at 8:30 PM, Cassylvania said:



Welcome to the patch! Here, I'll be chronicling my journey through the PS4 library, but there will be plenty of food talk and garden puns along the way.


When it comes to gaming, I'm what you might call a late bloomer. (See, I told you!) My father was in the military, which meant three things when it came to video games: (1) I was mostly limited to handheld consoles (because we moved around so much), (2) my only constant friends were siblings, and (3) there were very strict rules regarding the kinds of games we could play. This ultimately led to a lot of Nintendo. I usually credit Pokemon Blue or Harvest Moon GB as my first video game, and I have very fond memories of both series.


In college, I picked up a PS3. I don't remember all of the games I had, but Demon's Souls was the one that got me into trophy hunting. Unfortunately, I wasn't taking it seriously at the time, so I ended up with a bunch of games on my account that I didn't like or have any intention of finishing. When my PS3 died (sometime in 2015), I decided to make a new account, which I intend to keep at or near 100%. I don't know if that's really feasible, but it helps to give me some direction. 


As for my gaming preferences... They haven't really changed much over the years. I love platformers, RPGs, strategy games, farming sims, and point-and-clicks. In a strange way, even though I didn't get into gaming until much later in my life, I still consider myself to be a retro gamer. For me, it's not about nostalgia. It's about getting to relive that part of my childhood that I was denied, for one reason or another.


Currently Playing

  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Dark Souls Remastered
  • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition

My Trophy Collection


I decided to organize my completed games into three categories, based on difficulty and/or length. "Epic" platinums are either very hard, very long, or both. "Baby" platinums are short and relatively easy games. "Normal" platinums are somewhere in between. And, of course, games without a platinum fall under the "100% only" category. Please don't think that "epic" games are necessarily my favorites, or that I'm somehow snubbing "baby" games. No Man's Sky, for example, is listed under "epic" because it takes so long to finish, but I thought the game was trash. Tales from the Borderlands is listed as a "baby" game, but it's one of the best I've ever played. Of course, you may not agree with my rankings. These are just based on my experience. (Note: Unless listed in the "currently playing" section, I have reached 100% completion in every game below. As such, all DLC trophies were taken into consideration.)


:platinum: Epic Plats (long OR hard to 100%)







:gold: Normal Plats











:silver: Baby Plats (short AND easy to 100%)







:bronze: 100% only





ALL COMPLETED PS4 GAMES (<3 = love, 1f47d.png = tough/rewarding, 1f595.png = pissed me off, 1f4a9.png = shit)

  Reveal hidden contents
  1. √Letter
  2. A Hat in Time <3
  3. Abzu
  4. Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
  5. Adventures of Pip
  6. Alien: Isolation <31f47d.png
  7. Aqua Moto Racing Utopia
  8. Axiom Verge 1f595.png
  9. Batman
  10. Batman: Arkham Knight 1f47d.png
  11. Bloodborne <3
  12. Bridge Connector 1f4a9.png
  13. Claire
  14. Color Guardians
  15. Crash Bandicoot 1f47d.png
  16. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back 1f47d.png
  17. Crash Bandicoot: Warped
  18. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin <31f47d.png
  19. Dark Souls III <31f47d.png
  20. Darkest Dungeon <31f47d.png
  21. Day of the Tentacle Remastered
  22. Dead Synchronicity 1f4a9.png
  23. Deponia
  24. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
  25. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
  26. Dragon Age: Inqusition
  27. Dragon Quest Builders
  28. Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below
  29. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
  30. Dust: An Elysian Tale
  31. Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
  32. Everybody's Golf <3
  33. Far Cry Primal
  34. Farming Simulator 17
  35. God Wars: Future Past
  36. Gone Home
  37. Goosebumps: The Game
  38. Grand Kingdom 1f595.png
  39. Gravity Rush Remastered
  40. Grim Fandango Remastered 1f595.png
  41. Guns, Gore and Cannoli
  42. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition 1f595.png
  43. Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
  44. Horizon Zero Dawn
  45. I Am Setsuna
  46. inFamous First Light
  47. inFamous Second Son
  48. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  49. Life is Strange <3
  50. Life is Strange: Before the Storm
  51. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
  52. Metro 2033 Redux
  53. Metro: Last Light Redux
  54. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition
  55. Minecraft
  56. Murdered: Soul Suspect
  57. No Man's Sky 1f595.png1f4a9.png
  58. Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas
  59. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
  60. Paladins
  61. Peggle 2
  62. Pic-a-Pix Color
  63. Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
  64. Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 1f47d.png
  65. Prison Architect
  66. Resident Evil
  67. Resident Evil Revelations 1f595.png
  68. Resident Evil Revelations 2
  69. Rime
  70. Rise of the Tomb Raider
  71. Saints Row IV: Re-elected
  72. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
  73. Salt and Sanctuary
  74. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse <3
  75. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero <3
  76. Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
  77. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
  78. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
  79. Shovel Knight <3
  80. Skylanders Imaginators
  81. Skylanders SuperChargers
  82. Skylanders SWAP Force
  83. Skylanders Trap Team
  84. South Park: The Stick of Truth
  85. Spy Chameleon 1f595.png1f4a9.png
  86. Stories: The Path of Destinies
  87. Tales from the Borderlands <3
  88. Terraria <3
  89. The Banner Saga
  90. The Deadly Tower of Monsters
  91. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  92. The Escapists
  93. The Escapists: The Walking Dead
  94. The Golf Club
  95. The Order: 1886
  96. The Sims 4 1f595.png
  97. The Swords of Ditto
  98. The Talos Principle 1f47d.png1f595.png
  99. The Walking Dead
  100. The Witness 1f47d.png1f595.png1f4a9.png
  101. The Wolf Among Us <3
  102. This War of Mine: The Little Ones
  103. Thomas Was Alone
  104. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition <3
  105. Trine: Enchanted Edition
  106. Tropico 5
  107. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered <31f47d.png
  108. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered 1f47d.png
  109. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 1f47d.png
  110. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 1f47d.png
  111. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
  112. Undertale
  113. Unmechanical Extended
  114. Unravel
  115. Until Dawn <3
  116. Valkyria Chronicles <3<3<3
  117. Whispering Willows
  118. Wolfenstein: The New Order
  119. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
  120. World of Final Fantasy
  121. XCOM 2 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<31f47d.png
  122. Yooka-Laylee
  123. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games


My REAL Milestones


As I'm sure you've noticed, the current PSNP milestones are jank. They're messy, unorganized, and the numbering system makes no sense. Until we have the option to do something better with them, I'll be showcasing all my REAL milestones here. Enjoy!


Platinum Milestones

     #1   1S447489.png  :platinum: Bloodborne (Bloodborne). Earned October 31, 2015.

   #25   1S191f10.png  :platinum: Noble Achievement (inFamous: First Light). Earned June 7, 2016.

   #50   1S4907e1.png  :platinum: Life of a Consulting Detective (Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter). Earned January 7, 2017.

   #75   1S66d0e9.png  :platinum: Don't You Have Anything Better to Do? (Undertale). Earned August 18, 2017.

 #100   1Se751d3.png :platinum: Eye on the Trophy (Resident Evil Revelations). Earned February 17, 2018.


Trophy Milestones

      #1  29Sc5588c.png :bronze: One Smart Cookie (Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition). Earned September 22, 2015.

#1000  18Sb4c59c.png :silver: The Monster Who Cried Girl (Goosebumps: The Game). Earned April 27, 2016.

#2000  25S6181da.png :gold: Nothing but a shade... (Shantae and the Pirate's Curse). Earned September 27, 2016.

#3000  1S523311.png :platinum: Adventure Time (Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations). Earned April 27, 2017.

#4000  26S433833.png :bronze: That Was Nice of You (Resident Evil). Earned September 23, 2017.

#5000  3S0d177e.png :bronze: Dance through the Danger (Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition). Earned May 29, 2018.



I see a lot of myself in you. I too was a late bloomer cus my dad was super religious (JW) & then when I was 17 I joined the USMC.


I actually didnt get into gaming again until January 2018 and trophy hunting for me started June 4th of this year. Started Level 2 and am almost 13 just passed my 700th trophy actually.

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On 6/25/2018 at 3:40 PM, dokkanexpert said:

I see a lot of myself in you. I too was a late bloomer cus my dad was super religious (JW) & then when I was 17 I joined the USMC.


I actually didnt get into gaming again until January 2018 and trophy hunting for me started June 4th of this year. Started Level 2 and am almost 13 just passed my 700th trophy actually.


As someone in your 30s you missed on a lot, no offense. 


Always strikes me when I hear someone in their 30s or in some cases well in their 40s who was never able to play a Super Nintendo game or listen to a Michael Jackson album because of the religion they grew up with, or they had very strict parenting from those with a strong military/religious background. 


My parents are in their mid 60s, Baby Boomers if you will, and once they were out on their own they pretty much abandoned the religion their parents supported. My generation, meaning you, myself and Cassylvania are very relaxed towards religion and we don’t typically push our beliefs towards anyone who doesn’t support them or doesn’t want to convert to another religion. 


The stories my parents told me is they had to go to church on Sundays, dress up accordingly, and pray and make omens. They did this for years until they were old enough for college and by then they simply abandoned the faith because they saw nothing of it. 


Me and my sister who is 37 years old are very relaxed towards religion. We don’t condone people because they’re Buddhist or Jewish and that they have to be a Christian. That is complete bullshit that some people still try to do this and it pisses me off because that is forcing ones opinions and beliefs down ones throat. I find televangelists rather comical because they’re just trying to get money from suckers who are dumb enough to fall for their traps.


I’m not saying you never played a Super Nintendo or listened to a Michael Jackson album, but I’ve known people in my personal life who were not allowed to play games, watch television, attend a baseball game or associate with others in their age group simply because of their religion. That pisses me off. Your childhood years are some of the most important years of your life and they will shape how you will be later on. To be denied so much early on, I feel sorry for those kids. 


Parents with a military background who are overly strict is another thing I won’t delve into. But yeah. Strikes me when I see kids or adults have restrictions because of their religion.

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14 hours ago, Spaz said:


As someone in your 30s you missed on a lot, no offense. 


Always strikes me when I hear someone in their 30s or in some cases well in their 40s who was never able to play a Super Nintendo game or listen to a Michael Jackson album because of the religion they grew up with, or they had very strict parenting from those with a strong military/religious background. 


My parents are in their mid 60s, Baby Boomers if you will, and once they were out on their own they pretty much abandoned the religion their parents supported. My generation, meaning you, myself and Cassylvania are very relaxed towards religion and we don’t typically push our beliefs towards anyone who doesn’t support them or doesn’t want to convert to another religion. 


The stories my parents told me is they had to go to church on Sundays, dress up accordingly, and pray and make omens. They did this for years until they were old enough for college and by then they simply abandoned the faith because they saw nothing of it. 


Me and my sister who is 37 years old are very relaxed towards religion. We don’t condone people because they’re Buddhist or Jewish and that they have to be a Christian. That is complete bullshit that some people still try to do this and it pisses me off because that is forcing ones opinions and beliefs down ones throat. I find televangelists rather comical because they’re just trying to get money from suckers who are dumb enough to fall for their traps.


I’m not saying you never played a Super Nintendo or listened to a Michael Jackson album, but I’ve known people in my personal life who were not allowed to play games, watch television, attend a baseball game or associate with others in their age group simply because of their religion. That pisses me off. Your childhood years are some of the most important years of your life and they will shape how you will be later on. To be denied so much early on, I feel sorry for those kids. 


Parents with a military background who are overly strict is another thing I won’t delve into. But yeah. Strikes me when I see kids or adults have restrictions because of their religion.



Funny you should mention Michael Jackson. Growing up, that's all my father would allow me to listen to because he was a JW as well and his music was all about love, peace and making the world a better place. So i know a ton of MJ and have always been a huge fan. I was allowed to play game as a child but was very limited. i could play Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo (if the damn cartridge worked) but could NOT play the Duck Hunt part of the game cus it had a "gun" involved and was "killing animls for sport" -- apparently, my parents believed shielding me from this would make me a better person.


Looking back, it did NOT work.But I now I spoil my son with everything. I let him have the childhood I could never have. I make sure my children are happy and get to experience life: GOOD AND BAD.


Thank you for replying with such enthusiasm.

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On 6/25/2018 at 3:00 PM, Cassylvania said:

Of those, I would probably recommend the Uncharted series the most. Not just because it's good, but because the games are relatively short. Definitely definitely definitely, though, get the Remastered collection. That will save you from the terrible MP grind. You'll still have to suffer through Brutal difficulty if you want 100%, but that's nowhere near as painful as getting other players to cooperate in boosting sessions.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll keep that in mind for my next series. I've done a bit of splurging lately and need to slow down. I have bought several games that I haven't got to yet. I need to finish up the ones I've bought before I branch back out. I don't mind the free ones sitting in my backlog, but the other ones I feel like I should play since there was a cost associated. I chose most of those games for Toogie's event, so that will go a long way into getting those games completed. My schedule of games probably isn't as specific as yours, but I'm going to finish all the games I have listed in Toogie's event first with the last game being Dark Souls Remastered. After that, I will finish the Souls/borne series. I also caved and bought the Arkham revisited games so will probably replay those after the Souls/borne series. After that, I'm hoping to get Kingdom Hearts completed so that I can play KH3 on release....after allllll that....I will be looking for a new game series...unless of course they actually release the new Valkyria Chronicles game or any number of other things that will derail me.


On 6/25/2018 at 3:00 PM, Cassylvania said:

Mass Effect is great. If they ever remaster that trilogy, I'll have to clear my calendar for three months.

My best friend from high school recommended this game to me...and now that I think about it...I think I bought these when they were on sale recently so add that to my schedule above lol. I need to go back to a third shift job so I can ramp up my video game playing time :)


On 6/25/2018 at 3:00 PM, Cassylvania said:

(and you'll learn more about my pyromaniac inclinations)

Color me intrigued! I'll be looking forward to those stories (and when those show up I may have a few of my own....) The rest of those games I've never heard of lol so I'll be interested to hear your take on them.


I only have one trophy left in Fe and it is the crystal collectible one. I'm hoping to be able to finish that one up tonight, but we'll see. Overall the game was quite enjoyable. It was pretty short and pretty easy, but the settings were really interesting, the game play was pretty fun and it ended before it started to feel repetitive. Even though not a single word is spoken...I kind of liked the story as well. I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it since it really only takes five or six hours to beat, but it's definitely worth snatching up on sale.


1 hour ago, dokkanexpert said:

i could play Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo (if the damn cartridge worked) but could NOT play the Duck Hunt part of the game cus it had a "gun" involved and was "killing animls for sport" -- apparently, my parents believed shielding me from this would make me a better person.

I never had this restriction with video games growing up (thankfully!) and it's probably since a lot of people I knew hunted quite a bit growing up, so it wasn't really taboo. I also don't think my mother really knew what video games were like so it never came up. I never was told I couldn't buy a specific game...granted the most violent game I had was probably Double Dragon and games like CoD didn't exist so I don't think there was as much of a concern. I did have this restriction with music.


When I was about ten, I remember being in a Record Town store at the mall looking at the posters, and I saw an Iron Maiden poster where Eddie was riding a motorcycle carrying the British flag. I thought it was so cool and I begged my mother to buy it for me. She told me I could get it so long as I promised never to listen to that type of music. I of course agreed since I didn't know who Iron Maiden was and I just wanted the poster...only to buy every Iron Maiden CD when I was in middle school :) I also was not allowed to get the Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction cassette tape because there was a picture of a woman who was just (allegedly) raped by an alien and her breast was exposed. Plus there was a lot of swear words.


Thankfully, for my musical backgrounds sake, my mother worked a ton and there wasn't a lot of supervision in my house so I could listen to pretty much whatever I wanted. 


Edited by Br1ste
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47 minutes ago, Br1ste said:

I also was not allowed to get the Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction cassette tape because there was a picture of a woman who was just (allegedly) raped by an alien and her breast was exposed. Plus there was a lot of swear words.


Thankfully, for my musical backgrounds sake, my mother worked a ton and there wasn't a lot of supervision in my house so I could listen to pretty much whatever I wanted. 



Bro! I loooooooooooooooove GnR!!!!!!!!!!! I even have the appetite for destruction (cross) tattoo on my left arm.

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In my mind, Appetite is one of, if not the best, debut album of all time. Every song on that album rocks and it only gets better with age. Also on my list of greatest debut albums of all time is the Black Crowes $hake Your Money Maker. Sadly I feel like they peaked there.

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18 hours ago, dokkanexpert said:

Funny you should mention Michael Jackson. Growing up, that's all my father would allow me to listen to because he was a JW as well and his music was all about love, peace and making the world a better place. So i know a ton of MJ and have always been a huge fan. I was allowed to play game as a child but was very limited. i could play Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo (if the damn cartridge worked) but could NOT play the Duck Hunt part of the game cus it had a "gun" involved and was "killing animls for sport" -- apparently, my parents believed shielding me from this would make me a better person.


Looking back, it did NOT work.But I now I spoil my son with everything. I let him have the childhood I could never have. I make sure my children are happy and get to experience life: GOOD AND BAD.


Thank you for replying with such enthusiasm.


Michael Jackson WAS the music sensation of the 80s and 90s. Such a shame he died the way he did, because he was my idol for a long time. But the way he was brought up, he never had a normal childhood to begin with.


I had a discussion with another PSNProfiles member that talked about the kind of games you had. Kids today can all have kinds of games they want thanks to sales and the fact that they're so much more abundant now. But around the mid - late 1990s I was only allowed to get a game once or twice a year. I ended up having to rent a lot of my games from Blockbuster and other video rental stores because of the cost, and my parents weren't going to shell out $60 or so for a brand new game every other month. Super Mario 64 wasn't cheap and neither was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. When I asked for a new game, like Goldeneye 007, it had to be on my birthday or on Christmas. It couldn't be anytime else.


These days you can just stack up the games one after another and you don't even have to spend $60. I just spent $20 on a bunch of games on Steam thanks to a sale, got Rogue Legacy and other likeminded platformers for less than $4 - 5 per game.


Same thing happened with cartoons. Tale Spin is one of my favorite Disney cartoon shows ever, but if you remember the intro well the cartoon characters used actual guns. So much like with video games, some parents out there didn't want their kinds of see that kind of stuff. Batman: The Animated Series delved into a lot of adult themed situations, stuff that little Billy probably shouldn't see. Tiny Toon Adventures, as kid like as that cartoon was it had some adult references.

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