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Say the most random thing you can think of!


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Think of the most bizarre thing to conjurer up for dinner adding 4 different things to come together because i got that fucking number in my head from my daily activities of this damn black machine P  S  who cares what my fun box means. It just dont  make a fine dinner for me. Thus to slip away in pain and to physically get my lazy ass off my damn chair to look for morsels. My Fallout is that the Fallout being the   4th   to come with a food generator so i dont have to fucking move.. Oh that damn number  4. Needless to say more.. You just wont understand.. None of you will. Insert name ---> here ____________ if you think you do.. Pff!  :P 

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Oh shit! Neppie plushies are attacking us! We're getting overrun here god damn it! *Heavy gunfire and explosions in the background* And a helicopter crashes!

Like they say in Sweden... when plush comes to shove, grab a flamethrower and set a LOT of Neptunia toys on fire. *equips rocket launcher*

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So i had to reacquire at a place of a heart felt dummy of a dummy that had let to most best trip to a private room to talk to nature for a few minutes and had the dummy to be staring at me or maybe into me that i lost so much as 15 years ago to reacquaint my long lost love of this dummy, dress in the best Brothel gear as sexually as possible and it was still their after all these years. Damn that Female Mannequin  still sexy as hell watching  me as release my bodily fluids. B):lol:B)  :awesome:B):eyebrow:

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