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On 5/17/2018 at 6:53 PM, Phil said:

I don't get it. For those of you who would rather have easy trophies than challenging ones, please, tell me: why even trophy hunt at all? If every game was The Walking Dead easy, where does the value in trophy hunting lie? If it really causes you stress, don't trophy hunt. It's that simple.


This generation of participation trophies is fucking killing me. I feel older and older the more I hear you pussies complain about nothing. Grow some fucking balls, Jesus.


I'm willing to bet this generation probably never picked up a NES or SNES controller in their lives.


Ninja Gaiden on the NES was one tough son of a bitch. I saw the classic AVGN episode on the game and he wasn't kidding, the game WAS hard.


A lot of those old games you had to beat in one sitting with a limited amount of lives and no continues.


There are so many games this generation that pamper the gamer I wouldn't even consider them remotely a challenge. Then there are games that intentionally give trophies to the player. Just look at 1000 Top Rated and Slyde.


Compared to the 1980s and 1990s, we have a whole slew of easy, hard and average difficulty games. Back in the day you had to work your ass off to beat a lot of those games. These days there might as well be a guide holding your hand the entire way.


Even the tough indie games like Super Meat Boy, Whoa Dave, Rogue Legacy, Downwell, OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood and Bound are pretty fair. They never cheat the player or make the player feel they're at a great disadvantage like those old games did to so many of us kids.


There's literally nothing to complain about except to those who feel something is a little too hard.


It's like giving a spoiled child more goodies and they just want more and more. That's the sort of mentality you're seeing.

Edited by Spaz
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On 18.5.2018 at 3:53 AM, Phil said:

I don't get it. For those of you who would rather have easy trophies than challenging ones, please, tell me: why even trophy hunt at all? If every game was The Walking Dead easy, where does the value in trophy hunting lie? If it really causes you stress, don't trophy hunt. It's that simple.


This generation of participation trophies is fucking killing me. I feel older and older the more I hear you pussies complain about nothing. Grow some fucking balls, Jesus.


Dude!! You broke the first law of this site. Do not attack people who only go for easy trophies and call them out for that. Most of them can't handle it and you will drown in high moral statements like: "Why do you even care? Everybody is different! Everybody plays for different reasons! A platinum is a platinum etc."

Don't tell them that a platinum in Walking Dead is not as "good" as a platinum in Trackmania Turbo.


Btw. the only value that matters is quantity for a lot of people. But don't you dare to ask them about that. Any question is seen as some sort of attack on this site. 


Edited by Gommes_
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2 minutes ago, TKdovahkiin said:

Yeah Dude, I thought you actually had a valid point before you laced it with expletives. It got me thinking after I recovered from the shock. But some people protest the hard trophies because they want developers to make them all attainable by us casual gamers looking more for fun than for profile. I agree - why play if its stressful? But then the difficulty didn’t stop you guys from trying, from what I hear. 1f601.png


Well, to those of us who chase challenging trophies, or just challenging games period, usually have a fairly calm demeanor about it. We tackle the challenge with patience, perseverance, logic and reason. Does it frustrate us after we fail too much? Absolutely. You have to know how to manage failure and know when to back off and reassess the situation. We don't let the thought of never completing the challenge and not earning the trophy bum us out. Sure, it may happen. We may end up with an unobtainable on our trophy list, and you just have to be ok with that. As long as you give it your everything, who knows. Maybe one day it'll get completed anyways.


Not every trophy or challenge should be accessible to everyone. That's the whole concept behind a trophy, digitally or tangibly. If all you ever do is go for the participation trophy, the trophy that everybody gets no matter success or failure, what's the point? Personally, I'm not content with just the participation trophy. I get satisfaction out of being one of few.

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1 hour ago, TKdovahkiin said:

Questions are not seen as attacks. Questions are part of intelligent and interactive discussions about upcoming games. Calling people vulgar and demeaning names are discussion stopping personal attacks. Ask anybody about anything if you are actually interested in anybody else’s opinion. You guys don’t ask - you mock and degrade.


Or why else do you click on a topic about a possible easy game unless you want to rant and boast your superiority? 

Why don’t you start a thread for last generations gamers where you can compete and complain with your own kind? Just call it Bitter Beer Face. And let this generation get back to discussing these cool new games coming out NOW.


Or just give it up and go with the times already. We acknowledge you’re the better gamers.  There’s no need to be jealous that we can get plats so much easier these days. Lighten up and join the fun!


Why am I part of this? I just noticed that behavior in recent years. Any questions towards easy platinums are seen as attacks and people don't add anything to discussions anymore, due to filler arguments I posted in the other statement. I am not bitter, older or anything you mentioned. I just love topics revolving around the difficulty of platinums and did not expect to find it in this thread. (Btw, I didn't start it)


But you never hear any reasons on why some players stack dozens of platinums e.g. but avoid the challenge, which is/ was the actual purpose of ACHIEVEMENTS. Any question on why quantity seems to be more important than quality is seen as some sort of attack and you do drown in high moral statements. Sure, people are different but let's at least talk about it. If I ask for a favorite movie and the answer would be Pixels, I wanna know why, cause at first glance it seems odd. And there is more to everything than just stating "fun" as an argument. Maybe I just want to understand certain things and that people explain their motives. I mean, this is a public forum. Where people talk. About games. And trophies. That's the reason for my exaggerated comment.


And since, you mentioned talking about cool games. I totally agree with you but when crap games get a lot of attention due to easy trophies something doesn't feel right imo. From a gamer and trophy hunter perspective. 


36 minutes ago, Phil said:

Not every trophy or challenge should be accessible to everyone. That's the whole concept behind a trophy, digitally or tangibly. If all you ever do is go for the participation trophy, the trophy that everybody gets no matter success or failure, what's the point? 


100% ?

Edited by Gommes_
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The game looks cool and trophy set is seems to be ok not easy but not that too bad. I think smart backup save can get this done in 1 PT.


For subplot of this topic, Most game i play i need platinum for it if not, screw it with the big exception of some game i really looking forward to. this title has some nice set that is logical not impossible so i'm in (at the later date, price right now is too steep). Everyone have their own goal and pleasure for collecting trophy for.

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1 minute ago, TKdovahkiin said:

"He started it!" LOL Really? What grade did you say you were in again?


If you think standing up for innocent people who are being totally berated by a foul mouth, cursing drunk just because they are discussing gaming opinions - is drowning in high moral statements -then I'm not sure what that says for your morals. Even the poster that "started it" took it like a man and cleaned up his act to explain himself in a more decent fashion, for which I applaud him and his opinions.


It takes courage to go against mob think. Why people have to give reputation to meanness, even if seems funny, I don't get. 


This is what you got from what I wrote? Not caring about anything I said. The fact is, I did not start it but you merged us together in saying we mock and degrade. This is not true. And than I explained why I am all for discussions and the idea of talking on this site. And who the hell do you mean by being innocent? Innocent how? Cause you think me and my hardcore trophy crew go out and shit on people? I did not say anything mean to you or other people. I never insulted anyone on this site, so what are you talking about? You can only stand up for people who are being treated unfairly. This is and was never the case, at least on how I engaged in discussions.


And what did OP take like a "man"? You?

So you think my whole initial comment was about giving reputations to being mean? ? 

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1 hour ago, TKdovahkiin said:

Easy, easy there fellow gamer. You chimed in on an ongoing discussion. These comments were not aimed at you personally. Nor the OP.  The poster that you yourself quoted in your first post. Who took the responses to his comments like a man.
As far as I know, the subplot may have passed already. Peace.
Btw, how’s Vampyr looking to ya Bud? Have a great day.1f60e.png


Well it sounded like that. Anyway, I think Vampyr looks good and I wish the studio all the best, since they made one of the greatest games for me with "Life is strange". 


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7 hours ago, TKdovahkiin said:

Yeah and you had to walk miles in 2 feet of snow to get to school everyday while this generation gets their hand held all the way to the bus stop. You had to lasso a dinosaur while these kids just hop on their bikes. 


That was then. This is now. All aboard on the next generation along with its incredibly developed new games or stick with your duct taped Super Nintendo. I mean really. Even the Switch is catering to “this generation”. 


I thought this thread was for discussing a new game that looks relatively easy and fun to plat instead of something you old school gamers spent all your time on before you sat around in bars complaining about the new age gamers.


Dude, my Son is a very skilled old school gamer because Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario, Donkey Kong etc is what he was provided with. He doesn’t like open world, RPG, etc or anything that isn’t linear much but he admits its because he’s not as familiar with those. He’s used to forcing his way through what was handed to him rather than figuring out how to get past glitches. LOL


But at least he doesn’t sit around and complain about the good ole days and does his best to keep up with the changing of times and games. In fact he jokes with his next generation gamer stepmom (me) and my preference for easier (and thus funner IMO). I don’t have the energy and time  of a young kid to go back and arrogantly pretend I’m better than you guys who sit around and cry in your beer over how good we have it now. 

Questions are not seen as attacks. Questions are part of intelligent and interactive discussions about upcoming games. Calling people vulgar and demeaning names are discussion stopping personal attacks. Ask anybody about anything if you are actually interested in anybody else’s opinion. You guys don’t ask - you mock and degrade.


That description of how kids went to school goes back a lot farther than I've been alive. Think 1800s - early 1900s and yes, kids did have to walk in two feet of snow everyday.


Even so the kids who are doing that live out in the middle of nowhere. If you're like most kids today, you live in a town, a city, or near a town. Your parents drive a car and drive you to school, that's nothing new. That has been done for decades.




Your attitude just tells me you are being incredibly arrogant. First off, I like all kinds of games. Old and New.


Secondly, the reason I mentioned a NES controller and SNES controller is because those older games had a great deal of difficulty attached to them. As I said before, you had a limited amount of lives and depending on the game itself, either continues or no continues. Many NES games required skill to beat.


Compared to back then, the games of today are a lot more lenient and fair. But I will also argue that many games these days hold your hand way too much.


Also, I've been gaming since 1991, and regularly since 1993. Obviously after 25 years I'm going to be rather skeptical of new games coming out, especially AAA games. I think today's AAA games are delving too far into Hollywood land as they're becoming more and more movie like.


If that's your thing, experiencing the latest and greatest in true 4K resolution, then I suppose you're happy with it. Personally to me I prefer a more pure, hands on game play experience, and today's AAA games, with their giant multi-million dollar budgets, have strayed far away from that. So I end up playing these indie games that end up being a lot more engaging for me.


I don't value graphics as highly as many people out there. This generation does value graphics highly, but graphics do not determine how good a game actually is. Downwell and Undertale have both proven to be very successful and they are very minimalistic in the graphics department.


I'm just as happy as a PS4 Slim as I would with a PS4 Pro, because graphics don't matter to me as much as most.


I don't know how old your kid is. But if he enjoys old school games, more power to him. Most kids these days don't have the patience to play through an old school game, or just games in general.

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3 minutes ago, TKdovahkiin said:

Not arrogant, in fact thats what I was thinking about you guys that think you are so much better than people who like it easier. Just tired of hearing you guys jump all over anybody who isn’t up to your speed and the incredibly rude comments made in this thread by some of you.


My “kid” is 31 and has got a ton of patience for the old style gaming because he grew up on it from age 6 when I came around. You guys that do this stuff have to be patient, determined, smart, and energetic imo. Keep up the good work! I can’t touch it. 


So you really did click on this topic about Vampyr possibly being easy because it got your interest? I did, but it seems a bit out of character after all you have said about yourself.


I don't like people bitching about "hard" trophy lists when they themselves can definitely do it if they put in the time, effort and dedication needed.


Whenever something like Mega Man Legacy Collection Vol 2 comes around people complain it has no platinum. Even if it did have a platinum, a lot of people wouldn't get it anyway as those Mega Man games actually take effort to beat.


Then Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus comes around and people bitch they will never get the Mein Leben trophy. Many people have gone as far to say they will outright completely skip the game just because it has that difficult trophy in it. One trophy won't even make a dent on your profile, and that just tells me you just want fast, easy platinums that any casual gamer can pick up and finish.


Your kid is in the same age group as me, so he's probably pretty familiar with 2-D platformers and the like that aren't a walk in the park.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That no kill one is gonna be painful with all these random level 20 enemies popping out of nowhere. 

I guess you have to upgrade weapons and stuff which you need to kill enemies to get the parts. 


Not that combats particularly hard, though it's pretty shit not having a block button.

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