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FFXIII Versus to be Sony exclusive, releasing on PS3 and PS4

Lady Lilith

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It probably wouldn't surprise you to learn that the long-awaited Final Fantasy 13 Versus would be headed to next-gen consoles, what with the delayed game still having no real details about it.

According to a source talking to gameblog.fr the decision to make Final Fantasy 13 Versus a next-gen title happened about two years ago, affecting the development of the game quite heavily.

The source confirmed that Final Fantasy 13 Versus definitely hasn't been canceled - as has been previously rumoured - and will release on PS4 and PS3.

The source added that Square Enix won't be releasing the game on Xbox 360 due to financial backing from Sony, who has apparently doled out an undisclosed amount of money to help bring the game to PS4.

There were no details on how permanent this exclusivity will be, but if true will be a big deal for fans of the series who remember its PlayStation heritage.

It's worth noting that Square Enix came on stage during Sony's PS4 reveal to discuss its next-gen engine.

Though the developer didn't show much new, it's possible that Square Enix was due to reveal Final Fantasy 13 Versus but due to unknown time pressures was unable to.

That's just our speculation, but it wouldn't be unusual - especially considering Square Enix ended up replaying the same engine trailer that it had already shown at E3 2012.

If this rumour is true, Final Fantasy 13 Versus could well be due for a reveal at one of the next big PS4 events - whether Sony's own event or at E3 2013. It'll certainly be enough of a nail to hammer into Microsoft's increasingly negative outlook on the Xbox 720.

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Well RPGs tend to be stronger on the Sony consoles out of the other consoles. So this would be an natural fit. Still it's an rumor and still I'm hoping that Square Enix does some improvements and put some of the old magic from the previous series back into this game at least for starters.

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Not surprised. Good to hear that it'll still be available on PS3 if the rumor turns out to be true, which I suspect it is. My question now is what will be the difference between the PS3 version and PS4 version if there are any and I think there probably will be.

Edited by Noire_Symphony
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I hope its a good nail in 720's coffin :P


The 720 being "always on" or denying used games would do 1000 times more damage than this would/will.  The 360 was doing just fine before XIII made the jump.


I do find it odd Sony threw money at SE though.  Wasn't there some Sony executive that made fun of MS for having to buy exclusives? I suppose having an FF exclusive at/near launch would be a pretty good bullet point for the PS4, I don't think the PS3 had that going for it.

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I don't think there is any way the developers will be able to deliver an experience fans are expecting. After all the years of hyping and hyping the title up, I don't think it is possible to please the fans. Of course, I know nothing of the game and have no idea why "versus" is in the title. It sound more like a fighting game than an RPG.




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I find it great how an almost evaporated game from an almost ruined franchise (acording to some people) can create this much rumors and hype without a single piece of new info about it xD I wont believe anything said about it until SE officialy releases the news, it wont be long now anyway :)

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I don't think there is any way the developers will be able to deliver an experience fans are expecting. After all the years of hyping and hyping the title up, I don't think it is possible to please the fans. Of course, I know nothing of the game and have no idea why "versus" is in the title. It sound more like a fighting game than an RPG.




While I agree theres no chance it meets the hype surrounding it, I do think it'll score high Square has to much riding on it. There really is no reason Versus is in the title except to tell it apart from FFXIII. I expect a name change when more info is released. It also has a more action RPG combat system.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This game has been in development for several years. i have a feeling this is gonna be the best final fantasy game ever.


I dunno man, games that have a lot of delays don't exactly have a steller history.  Too Human, the new Duke Nukem game, and the new Aliens V Predator game come to mind.  All of them took much longer than the average development cycle, and...weren't recieved too well. I'd expect better from Square, but I also would have expected better from Gearbox, and here we are.

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This game has been in development for several years. i have a feeling this is gonna be the best final fantasy game ever.

The thing is, people are ready to start hating the game as soon as it comes out if it doesn't fulfill all their demands (open world, better combat, etc). I do wish it to be the best FF ever released, but even if it is, hating FF is "cool" now so don't be surprised to see people bitchng about it anyway.

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I hope this game is accepted well by gamers cause if it sells better then FF7... means we will be getting a HD remake of 7.

Although square did say if a FF outsold FFVII they wolud think about remaking it, I doubt a FFVII remake will be out anytime soon.

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