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Field Medic & Good Grief


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On 19/11/2018 at 11:00 AM, Sicho said:

Can this be done with the same player all the time or do you need f.ex. to revive 20 DIFFERENT players?

Can anyone confirm this how it works with certainty? (as in: has tried boosting it with a friend?)

Had it confirmed from a friend that he revived the same 2 people over and over until the trophy popped!

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I can confirm that Never Go it Alone! (Join 20 teams), Field Medic (Revive 20 Fallen Players) and Good Grief! (Kill 20 Players) can all be boosted with one friend or dummy account, as of 12-24-2018.  Future patches may require you to join, kill and revive 20 unique players but I popped all three of these trophies with a single alternate boosting account and a second copy of the game.


The 20 teams trophy is a bit weird because the trophy popped once I quit the session and the party was disbanded.  It appears that the game only tallies your "join team total" once you leave the party, not when you enter it.


The best way to deal with the revives that I found is to have your boosting account suffer from fall damage until he needs to be revived.  Put away all of your stimpacks and healing salves or you will use more than one when your partner needs to be revived.  After your partner is revived then go back to your stash to retrieve one more stimpack or salve.  Once again have your dummy account fall until he needs to be revived.


The last piece of advice I have is if you want to farm kills against your dummy, engage in a duel otherwise you will rack up infamy.  Once you become "wanted" them some jackass random will fast travel to you and try to kill you so they can make progress toward their challenge of killing wanted players.  So have your dummy hit you first so you can start hitting and you will prevent yourself from gaining infamy.

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On 25/12/2018 at 8:41 PM, tenike1 said:

The 20 teams trophy is a bit weird because the trophy popped once I quit the session and the party was disbanded.  It appears that the game only tallies your "join team total" once you leave the party, not when you enter it.

How did you do this one? I invited a dummy account and had them leave the team 20 times, and also having then invite me 20 times and leaving myself - no trophy. Do you have to join a game, join a team, then both quit to main menu 20 times?


EDIT: finally popped after a random invited me to his team and I accepted

Edited by NeM2k2
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