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*answered a very difficult question* :P


will answer the previous one instead

Your favorite character in a video game? 


A lot tbh, I think have one fave in all the games I've played... but the most ultimate favorite... *drum roll* surprise surprise... Xiaoyu from Tekken Series



how about more general q: What/Who is your (Most) Favorite Fiction Character?

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Fiction character? So all are considered? Han Solo by far!




A lot tbh, I think have one fave in all the games I've played... but the most ultimate favorite... *drum roll* surprise surprise... Xiaoyu from Tekken Series




Wow really? That's a first :D I love tekken!
Your favorite fighting game character? 

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I've only seen the Square Enix, Bethesda, and Sony conference thus far, so far Fallout 4, No Man's Sky, Horizon, and The Last Guardian are looking great, there was so many games at the Sony conference that I can't remember them all lol, Uncharted 4 was pretty cool too

I don't care what anybody says, that Last Guardian gp was adorable, and was amazing how the boy and pet interacted with each other

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for me... Final Fantasy II... freaking hate the "max this wpn/armor/skills to level 16 by using it like thousand of times" system...


If you have could be transported back to your body 24 hours ago, will you change anything that you have done for the last 24 hours?

Edited by JeieeM
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