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Games you can idle?

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When it comes to earning trophies while away from the machine I think of story driving game such as The Walking Dead, but even that requires you to do the occasional puzzle or quick time event. My question is are there any games in which trophies can be obtained one-hundred percent while not on the console/device?

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16 minutes ago, TheHarryGamer99 said:

When it comes to earning trophies while away from the machine I think of story driving game such as The Walking Dead, but even that requires you to do the occasional puzzle or quick time event. My question is are there any games in which trophies can be obtained one-hundred percent while not on the console/device?

I'm sorry but this must be the most out-of-place question ever posted on a trophy track/hunting site


To answer it - no. I don't think there are any, even those pathetic pay-for-plat Mayo games no self-respecting gamer would get require to at least click on something.


We are all a bit bored in this pandemic times my friend but if you want something to run in the background while you do other stuff - try music.

Otherwise there are excellent titles out there you can sink hundreds of hours into. (interaction required)

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Well, not completely idle... After the movie is over, you have to hold R1 and skim through some extras for the 100%.




Though, I'm amused that anyone would actively try to find a way to earn trophies by doing absolutely nothing when there are games out there that take 20 minutes to plat. But, hey, to each their own. Who am I to tell you how to earn trophies?

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1 hour ago, Valkirye22 said:

I'm sorry but this must be the most out-of-place question ever posted on a trophy track/hunting site


To answer it - no. I don't think there are any, even those pathetic pay-for-plat Mayo games no self-respecting gamer would get require to at least click on something.


We are all a bit bored in this pandemic times my friend but if you want something to run in the background while you do other stuff - try music.

Otherwise there are excellent titles out there you can sink hundreds of hours into. (interaction required)


Put the mayo thing with a turbo controller and I guess it's a full platinum without doing anything ? ^^'

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2 hours ago, TheHarryGamer99 said:

When it comes to earning trophies while away from the machine I think of story driving game such as The Walking Dead, but even that requires you to do the occasional puzzle or quick time event. My question is are there any games in which trophies can be obtained one-hundred percent while not on the console/device?


2 hours ago, pinkrobot_pb said:

The game "Everything" has auto play. If you let it run long enough you could probably get the plat that way completely AFK.


You would be missing out on a fun and unique experience though, so I would not recommend it.

Just like what pinkrobot_pb said the game "Everything" has auto play and can be done afk but only afew need you to be moving and doing things such as the escaping the golden plus thing

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