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Spread The Word: We Need PS4 Trophy Petitions!

Gone Fishing

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It's a very strange claim, but I assure you I can see my trophy list just fine.


I am still very unhappy by how online-oriented the console is.  I have a dial-up internet connection and it's terrible, but thankfully the PS3 is simple enough so that I can sign online with an ethernet cable and sync my trophies.  I would be seriously angry if trophies were disabled completely.  Fortunately, I'm earning trophies and I can see my list.  I just can't sign into PSN and sync them.

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If this is true, I'd be worried for two main reasons. 

Firstly, what if PSN ever got hacked again? I earned 4 platinums (including the Killzone 2 plat) during the PSN downtime. I'm not sure I could last that long without seeing a trophy unlock. 

Secondly, I earned almost all of my Singstar trophies while playing offline, just so all of my Killzone and Battlefield friends couldn't see me playing. :blush: 

We still have to wait 2 weeks for the console to be released, so I hope if it's just a bug or if it was intended on Sony's part, that it is patched before we see it! 

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I HAVE a PS4, and there is actually a problem that bugs me alot - so much so; that I'd like anyone (and everyone) who reads this to spread the word around PSNProfiles & the 'other' trophy sites. THIS NEEDS A PETITION!


Now this info is from my own personal experience with my US PS4, So.







1.) If you don't have a 'internet connection' (AND/OR are not signed into PSN) Trophies WILL NOT unlock in games!


2.) If you don't have a 'internet connection' (AND/OR are not signed into PSN) you CAN NOT even look at you're Trophies on you're Trophy List, or see which specific Trophies are available in whatever game you're playing.


3.) Each (and every) time you go to you're Trophies list, a (sometimes lengthy/buggy) PSN Server 'SYNC' is required (even if you where 'just' in you're trophy list minutes earlier.


4.) Each (and every) time you click on a game within you're Trophies list, you have to wait for another PSN Server 'SYNC' to view the trophies for a game. If you return to that games' trophies after exiting, 'another' SYNC is required. A separate PSN Server 'SYNC' is required for each (other) game on you're list!


5.) To simply view you're profile, requires a internet connection, and a PSN Server 'SYNC' - EVERY time you view it (which includes messages & friendslist).









Sony needs to be aware of the problems this raises for people without internet, folks with a unreliable or crap *ping rate (like satellite & wireless internet users), and [frankly] the 

average PlayStation user who recognizes PSN's Severs Sync has always been slow & unreliable at times. Plus, what happens if you're internet goes out? 


We all need to demand/petition Sony release a 1.60 firmware update Allowing you to view you're profile & trophies - and more importantly - aquire (unlock) Trophies 'offline'. 


PS3 lets you, XB360 lets you, and [yes] even XBOX ONE lets you. So why not PS4?

>Would Sign.

>Notices Blatant grammar mistake

>No longer signing

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And like I said: If you didnt go online & transfter you're PSN account  (aka PS3/Vita ID) to you're PS4 - instead, opting to create a new offline user id - the this may explain why you're getting trophies & access to you're list, whilst the rest of us who transfered our accounts to our PS4's can't. :C

Did'nt you know zR_DoWnLiNkZ? I poo-poo grammar! I'm a unconventional rebel!! xD


lol. Actually I'm just in a hurry (multitasking right now) & using a touchscreen.

A touch screen must come in handy if you're only using one hand.

W*** Banter

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I had a trophy pop on Ghosts while I was playing and I was offline, so I'm pretty sure that's not a problem.

^One of your points have already been disclaimed.


Also, I think you are overreacting. You already made a petition on the DAY OF THE LAUNCH! Nothing is going to run perfect and smoothly esp. on the first day for any system. If there is a problem, Sony will patch it whether or not you sign a silly petition. I know it's shocking, but Sony does care about their customers' opinions.

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Good! I'm hoping mine does the same with COD too. Killzone SF didnt earlier - but I'm hoping its just a firmware bug. Unfortunately the 'other' issues I named above still persist. :(

No. Your perfectly right. I'm just reacting to the fundamental design of profile/trophie section requiring online syncing. This isnt Day One hardware issues or a simple bug in this regard. I dont think it's over reacting, to be disappointed by some unexpected online tethering of my trophies list. 


And why this may sound like a "silly petition", it exists to further insight converation about this topic. Afterall, Sony can only fix what people tell them is broken.

You call PS Support. Plus, having 2000 random people signing a petition who don't even have a system at this point is a lot less effective then 1000 people calling PS support to express their dissatisfaction n their product. The PS4 is an unfinished product at this point; Sony has reiterated several times that patches for the PS4 will be added sometime in the near future. Let Sony  finish patching before we start a petition saying "Fix this and fix it now." For all we know, a patch is already on the way. I understand your frustration and disappointment right now, but just talk to PS support and ask them about this issue. They'll give you a vague answer, but that's because they're busy fixing out bugs that need to be addressed now. Trophies are the least of their problems right now. Just give them time.

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One of the many reasons that PSN trophies turned out to be better than Xbox achievements was, even if you unlocked trophies while offline, they would still get timestamps attached to them. Unlike on 360; if you get signed offline (or your internet goes out) your achievements won't have timestamps. This, despite being a seemingly small thing, meant a world of difference to people that care about having a proper history of their progress and to prove the validity of their unlocks.

And manipulating your system clock didn't work to cheat it, either, because the synced/actual trophies on your PSN profile online would still show the real-clock time that's kept in the background on your system. So for Sony to REMOVE the offline-friendly trophy unlocking features they had would make no sense at all. Let's hope this is just an anomaly on your end.

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1.) If you don't have a 'internet connection' (AND/OR are not signed into PSN) Trophies WILL NOT unlock in games!



I really hope this isn't true. I have a really shitty connection and get knocked off from time to time, sometimes I don't even notice. And if I go offline and earn a difficult trophy... 



Edited by ARKphoenix
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