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How long will the PS3 last now?


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Hi everyone, 


I haven't really had my PS3 as long as some people may have done as I only got it last Christmas. Now that the PS4 is or has been released, I've got this one question in my mind that just won't go away. I just can't help but wonder how long the PS3 has left now that the PS4 is out. How many more games are likely to be developed before they stop being made altogether for the PS3?

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Sony will support the PS3 for a few more years. I think we'll see a few more exclusive PS3 games come out in 2014 but I think by 2015 the PS4 will be getting almost 100% of the attention while the PS3 will get ports of the PS4 games. Don't worry though, Sony always supports their older systems for a long time after they launch their new one.




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Sony will support the PS3 for a few more years. I think we'll see a few more exclusive PS3 games come out in 2014 but I think by 2015 the PS4 will be getting almost 100% of the attention while the PS3 will get ports of the PS4 games. Don't worry though, Sony always supports their older systems for a long time after they launch their new one.





Okay, well I certainly hope so. I would like to get the PS4 at some point, but not just yet. Maybe later next year or possibly sometime in 2015. I just didn't know what was going to happen now that the PS4 has been released. 

If you just recently got the PS3 then you have a whole lot of catching up to do. There are hundreds of excellent games out there for you to play, you don't have to be playing games on release, do you?


I know I'm in no hurry to pick up a PS4, and even once I do, my PS3 will be hooked up to my TV right beside my PS4. I still have enough games I want to play on my PS3 so they're both going to stay on their own HDMI slots.


Well I got my PS3 last Christmas, so I haven't even had it for one year yet. I have no doubt that there are some excellent games out there, and I like to think that I might own a few of them. I don't normally play games on release. The only games I'm likely to play on release is Watchdogs and Final Fantasy.


Even if I am able to pick up the PS4 at some point, I have no intention of getting rid of my PS3. Like you, I imagine it's going to sit right beside my PS4 when I'm eventually able to get one. 

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If I recall correctly, Sony just discontinued the PlayStation 2 in 2010 or so and the PS3 released in 2006. I don't think they were making PS2 games all the way up until that time (they may have been though) but they don't just abandon a console one their other releases.


Plus, Gran Turismo 6 comes out in December for the PS3 which is Sony's best selling franchise so if they were trying to get rid of the PS3 they would've forced Polyphony Digital to make it for the PS4.



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The PS2 went on for a couple of years after the PS3 release so I guess quite some time.

Some people said that those games became shit but I think our standards were too high.


In a few years we might think that a game like Uncharted 3 looks like total garbage.


However I guess that the suport will last quite some time.

I can't imagine that they'll suddenly say that they are shutting down PSN for PS3.

It's quite possible that it won't recieve any updates or you can't join anymore but I guess it will continue to exist.

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If I recall correctly, Sony just discontinued the PlayStation 2 in 2010 or so and the PS3 released in 2006. I don't think they were making PS2 games all the way up until that time (they may have been though) but they don't just abandon a console one their other releases.

I believe the PS2 was discontinued around January 2013. Can't believe Fifa 14 came out on it.

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I personally will be keeping my PS3 for the remainder of 2013 and probably a good part of 2014. However long it takes me to play the 30 or so games I have still unopened.

I also have a large portion of my PS3 library that I either haven't played or even inserted the disc into my PS3. One example is Brink which as I recall didn't get rave reviews. I picked it up used thru Best Buy for about roughly 15 dollars. I see my son play it from time to time & he absolutely loves it. IMO he's a typically better than average videogame player once he starts playing a genre for a while & can best me in some games as well.


I also foresee that the PS3 will be having a price drop but I don't see that happening until next year.

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I remember hearing that they plan to support the ps3 up until 2015

Yes, I recall hearing that as well. I remember, also, that same interview stated the PS3 won't be supported as long as the PS2 was. I've only had my PS3 for 2 years myself, so I'll keep it for a while longer. As for PSN for PS3, I think that as long as people spend money on it, it'll stay up. I find this likely since this was the first generation when Digital Distribution really took off on consoles.

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Sony always maintained that the ps3 would have at least a 10 year life span of dedicated support from Sony. So I think you're safe for another couple of years. This doesn't mean that all titles will be released for ps3 obviously, but the fact that they're continuing the ps+ instant game collection is a good sign that they're not abandoning ps3 gamers just yet. 

Keep in mind that since PS4 was announced back in February, the ps3 has seen these titles (and more): 

  • GOW Ascension 
  • Dust 514
  • The Last of Us
  • Diablo III
  • Kingdom Hearts HD
  • GTA V
  • Assassins Creed IV
  • Battlefield 4
  • COD Ghosts
  • FIFA (and all other sports games)

Most of these feature expansive multiplayer modes. For example, BF3 is still going stong after more than 2 years, so I think it's safe to say that developers will support and maintain these titles (and future ones) for a while longer yet. 

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