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DrBloodmoney's Super Scientific Ranking of Games!


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Just now, Sendai-Horatio said:

So if you were to start the LIS Series should it be release order or chronological order?


Release order, without a shadow of a doubt.


Before the Storm is designed with a level of dramatic irony baked into it - you are absolutely supposed to know the eventual fate of the characters while playing it, and a lot of the emotional content of the game only really works if you know what will happen after the events you are playing.

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4 minutes ago, The_Kopite said:

@DrBloodmoney Just read your FFXIII-2 review. Really sound reasoning and analysis of a game that imho shouldn't have existed ( like X-2) but I'm glad it did. Some absolutely fantastic pieces of music in this one and I liked the characters interactions like you. Thanks for reviewing it!

I know what you mean about “shouldn’t have existed, but glad it did” - I kinda feel like it had that in common with Crisis Core for the PSP - not exactly necessary, and not at all what one would expect of an offshoot, but oddly successful in it’s wierdness!

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Just now, DrBloodmoney said:

I know what you mean about “shouldn’t have existed, but glad it did” - I kinda feel like it had that in common with Crisis Core for the PSP - not exactly necessary, and not at all what one would expect of an offshoot, but oddly successful in it’s wierdness!

Yeah I've heard great things about Crisis Core. Haven't ever owned a PSP though so never played it. Need to rectify that someday.Some of the FF sequels and prequels were actually done well. Just not all of them sadly.

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3 minutes ago, The_Kopite said:

Yeah I've heard great things about Crisis Core. Haven't ever owned a PSP though so never played it. Need to rectify that someday.Some of the FF sequels and prequels were actually done well. Just not all of them sadly.

it’s true - I was quite a fan of Crisis Core in it’s day, but I never thought much of the Vincent game they did - Dirge of Cerberus

X-2 was an odd one - as I recall I kinda liked how silly and j-pop it was, but I’m not sure I ever actually finished it - I remember it have quite a grind associated with it, and think I kinda fell off in the middle section.

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11 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

it’s true - I was quite a fan of Crisis Core in it’s day, but I never thought much of the Vincent game they did - Dirge of Cerberus

X-2 was an odd one - as I recall I kinda liked how silly and j-pop it was, but I’m not sure I ever actually finished it - I remember it have quite a grind associated with it, and think I kinda fell off in the middle section.

I didn't play Dirge of Cerberus much but no it didn't exactly grab me.


Yeah X-2 is definitely an odd one. It just wasn't needed. X ended right and for that of all the FF's to be the first to get a sequel was really random. There are parts I like about X-2, but compared to X it's not in the same league. The platinum is extremely hard to get from what I've read too but that's another story lol

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I've heard about Apotheon! Took a closer look upon your suggestion, and it is indeed its own unique brand of gorgeous! I love the look, but find myself wishing it had a bit more of a unique pop to it than just its look. It's firmly entrenched in the maybe pile.




*looks left and right*


...has anyone asked you to talk about Mark of the Ninja yet?


....y'know. Asking for a friend.


I've been thinking about Hitman Go for a long time, looks like I'm gonna pull the trigger next sale! It's one of those rare instances where it sounds almost exactly like what I've always pictured, except better. Thanks, Doc!


Sadly I had to forgo the Life Is Strange reviews altogether, as I still feel I will get to them at some point. But maybe I should get to them sooner than later, eh? They don't seem to be terribly time consuming games, and everybody with an opinion I trust has played more than just one in the series, so that's a good sign, right?

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29 minutes ago, YaManSmevz said:

I've heard about Apotheon! Took a closer look upon your suggestion, and it is indeed its own unique brand of gorgeous! I love the look, but find myself wishing it had a bit more of a unique pop to it than just its look. It's firmly entrenched in the maybe pile.

Oh, it’s certainty worth a look, but I must admit, as much as I liked the visuals, I wasn’t as enamoured with the gameplay as some were - I know @Copanele is a big advocate for it, so I do wonder if I was just missing something…but the Science must be based on my own research!






*looks left and right*


...has anyone asked you to talk about Mark of the Ninja yet?


....y'know. Asking for a friend.

Oddly enough no - seems like an oversight. I shall correct this with your name, post haste ?



I've been thinking about Hitman Go for a long time, looks like I'm gonna pull the trigger next sale! It's one of those rare instances where it sounds almost exactly like what I've always pictured, except better. Thanks, Doc!

cool! Yeah, totally worth it - expect a good puzzler with some Hitman flavour, rather than a Hitman game, and I think you’ll be in for a great time!



Sadly I had to forgo the Life Is Strange reviews altogether, as I still feel I will get to them at some point. But maybe I should get to them sooner than later, eh? They don't seem to be terribly time consuming games, and everybody with an opinion I trust has played more than just one in the series, so that's a good sign, right?


haha, man, my most impassioned arguments ever… scuppered by my spoilers! ? 


Nah, totally get it - and I absolutely recommend them. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, like you say, people rarely play just one… they’re like Pringles that way!

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11 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Oddly enough no - seems like an oversight. I shall correct this with your name, post haste 1f61c.png




11 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


haha, man, my most impassioned arguments ever… scuppered by my spoilers! 1f61d.png 


Nah, totally get it - and I absolutely recommend them. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that, like you say, people rarely play just one… they’re like Pringles that way!


In all fairness, it's kind of on me - I'm good at unfurling the spoiler flag, but once I reveal said spoilers I'm like a gossipy older woman in her knitting circle, and while I'm sure most people are faaarrr better at it than I am, I simply can't take the risk!


And I do love me some pringles?

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Ohhh bless, this has been another review that I've been waiting :D 

2 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Oh, it’s certainty worth a look, but I must admit, as much as I liked the visuals, I wasn’t as enamoured with the gameplay as some were - I know @Copanele is a big advocate for it, so I do wonder if I was just missing something…but the Science must be based on my own research!

Ok, to explain, because yes, I loved Apotheon. And many might ask "how can this be? this Kratosichu asshole craps on a game at the slightest gameplay issue!". 

What made me love the game is not the gameplay - it sucks - but how well the implemented the Greek motifs.

Artwork, we already discussed about it. Pretty good. But what I loved (as a Greek mythos fan) was the subtle things that weren't in glorious games like God of War. 

For instance, Artemis' boss battle is one of the best battles I had conceptually. Won't spoil it here but damn it was a battle worthy of the Goddess of the HUNT.

Or meeting Hades and Persephone, the "classical BAD GUYS IN MYTHOLOGY". Well....they were more true to the actual mythos than all of the other games.

That's why I loved Apotheon so much. These little touches. But yeah, gameplay sucks I won't lie here xD 


For Castlevania LoS I won't say anything new - I hated the game xD Thought it was trash and QTEs should die from videogames forever.


I am glad however that Hitman GO is actually a decent game. I will definitely grab that one and play it, since I want to play all Hitman games anyway. Plus it's another great relaxation game :D  

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4 hours ago, grayhammmer said:

I just realized that the first Darksiders game was the second game you ever analyzed and yet you've yet to do the second one. I feel that after seeing Arcesius talk about Genesis, I would like to see how you feel about Darksiders 2.


Flagged, with your name! ?

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Thanks for the Apotheon Review. Its disappointing to see its gameplay doesn't match its stunning visuals, its not necessarily a no but its on the back burner for now. I've played plenty where it's style over substance, Hoa being the one that springs to mind which I know you also played recently. It'll get its shot eventually.


Life is strange.... yeah its just a no from me. I doubt anything will change my mind on it. I'll inevitably let True Colours try but I don't see it.


Castlevania LoS was an interesting one, besides Patrick Stewart nothing at all is stand out its just exceptionally mediocre. Which isn't surprising considering its just a melting pot of ideas from other games. I enjoyed it but couldn't tell you a whole lot about it.

Actually that's a lie The Forgotten one, despite his name lives on in my memory. On Paladin he was no joke!

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6 minutes ago, Cleggworth said:

Thanks for the Apotheon Review. Its disappointing to see its gameplay doesn't match its stunning visuals, its not necessarily a no but its on the back burner for now. I've played plenty where it's style over substance, Hoa being the one that springs to mind which I know you also played recently. It'll get its shot eventually.


Yeah - I must admit - it might find a little more favour with you now than when I played - I didn't mention in the review, as I'm pretty sure its no longer relevant, but there were some proper issues with it when I played - crashes and whatnot. Pretty sure they're all fixed and patched now, so not relevant to a review... but the sour note those strike can be hard to separate from the memory of the experience, if you know what I mean. They could have cast a bit of a shadow on it for me.


6 minutes ago, Cleggworth said:

Life is strange.... yeah its just a no from me. I doubt anything will change my mind on it. I'll inevitably let True Colours try but I don't see it.




Well, I did my best!


Hey - no game is for everyone - and those ones are particularly acquired tastes, since they aren't exactly technical or mechanical marvels. They are 100% based on emotional investment - and like films, the ones that really speak to people are all different.


For me, there are certainly better written games out there, but I struggle to think of games that have a tone and vibe that speak to me and draw me in as much as those ones do... or characters I feel as invested in.


... I am, after all, this guy:






6 minutes ago, Cleggworth said:

Castlevania LoS was an interesting one, besides Patrick Stewart nothing at all is stand out its just exceptionally mediocre. Which isn't surprising considering its just a melting pot of ideas from other games. I enjoyed it but couldn't tell you a whole lot about it.

Actually that's a lie The Forgotten one, despite his name lives on in my memory. On Paladin he was no joke!


You know - the one thing (that obviously I couldn't say in a review) that did really stand out... was that ending. The very ending I mean - post boss - that was pretty cool.

You know the bit I mean?

You know.

That bit. 

That was hella cool!


(some nice, specific stuff there!)

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On 2/10/2022 at 0:48 PM, DrBloodmoney said:

The other area in which Apotheon falls down a bit, is in its platforming and light platform-puzzling - or rather, once again, in the way its controls affect those aspects. The game contains quite a bit of platforming, and none of it should - on paper, at least -  be particularly challenging. This is not a Celeste or Super Meat Boy style 'pixel-perfect-precision platformer,' it is aping the 16-bit era, of light, fun platforming as a means to an end. However, because of the implementation of the mechanics, and the controls and mechanical feel of the game, Apotheon is lent a level of frustration I do not think was ever intended. Nikandreos tends to 'stick' to the platforms he is on - particularly when close to an edge. This is designed to stop the player falling off the edge when they don't mean to do so, however, it has a tendency to create a jarring 'juddering' pace to his movement around platforming sections. The 'flow' just does not feel good, As the player runs and jumps around, if they get close to an edge, the game takes over and 'halts' Nikandreos a little, like a driving instructor with a heavy foot, meaning there is often a feeling that the game scuppered what would have been a good jump, by slowing him at the last minute. The result is pretty much the exact opposite of what I suspect the intention was - the player ends up missing the jump, and falling, having to try again. 


Wonderful review! We've been in sync on a number of games lately. ? There's absolutely something fishy going on with the platforming in Apotheon. I didn't mention it but there's absolutely a huge factor of momentum in terms of Nikandreos movement. If from a stopped position you try to jump up to a platform, you likely won't reach it to the other side. You need to get some runaway and take off on a sprint in order to have sufficient speed and reach the other side. I don't think I've ever played a game quite like that which wasn't a hardcore platformer (which I would say Apotheon isn't going for, more combat-focused). It definitely took a bit of an adjustment but as long you as clung to the wall you'd be able to slowly climb up and reach the platform. I think your criticisms are plenty valid and made me pause and say: "yea I did kinda need to adjust to that to enjoy the game while I played."


As for polishing, I can say the game did crash twice for me. Once during a segment before reaching Hades and another when opening one of the boxes needed for the collectible achievement. It was a tad annoying but due to the frequent save system in each new area, I never lost more than 5 minutes worth of progress. I hope to get around to Wytchwood soon since I'm curious to see how much the developers have improved in the 5+ years between projects. 

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3 minutes ago, realm722 said:


Wonderful review! We've been in sync on a number of games lately. 1f602.png There's absolutely something fishy going on with the platforming in Apotheon. I didn't mention it but there's absolutely a huge factor of momentum in terms of Nikandreos movement. If from a stopped position you try to jump up to a platform, you likely won't reach it to the other side. You need to get some runaway and take off on a sprint in order to have sufficient speed and reach the other side. I don't think I've ever played a game quite like that which wasn't a hardcore platformer (which I would say Apotheon isn't going for, more combat-focused). It definitely took a bit of an adjustment but as long you as clung to the wall you'd be able to slowly climb up and reach the platform. I think your criticisms are plenty valid and made me pause and say: "yea I did kinda need to adjust to that to enjoy the game while I played."


As for polishing, I can say the game did crash twice for me. Once during a segment before reaching Hades and another when opening one of the boxes needed for the collectible achievement. It was a tad annoying but due to the frequent save system in each new area, I never lost more than 5 minutes worth of progress. I hope to get around to Wytchwood soon since I'm curious to see how much the developers have improved in the 5+ years between projects. 

Thanks man! 

Yeah, it’s a had thing to articulate exactly what it is that is a little off with the platforming - it’s one of those things that you know right away is slightly iffy, but it’s hard to nail down the exact reason! I think I’m right, but only because that’s the closest to a reasonable explanation I could come up with ?


Those crashes are not ideal, but it does sound like an improvement - I can’t remember my ‘crash count’ but I’d place it in the “more than 5, less than 10” region!


Yeah, Wytchwood does look interesting - I’ll be curious to check that one out myself!

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I might be about 551 years late to the party again..... But that was another set of cracking reads.... That I have re-read for a bit of familiarity here.


First off though, I'll just quote this one thing from before!


On 07/02/2022 at 7:27 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

Thanks! Truth be told, that one felt a bit wishy-washy in the end - like most of the JRP games, most conversation among people who played is about story specifics, but trying to summarise those plots is impossible without going for thousands of words anyways, and doing it in a non-spoiler-heavy way is a fools errand, so the reviews end up pretty vague by necessity!


I do think both the games I've payed of that XIII trilogy were pretty hard-done-to really. Are they on the level of some of the brightest FF stars? No, not really - but since when did "not as good as some of the best games in a genre" equates to "Bad"? ?

They're still a great time, and have their ups and downs like most every game - and I think both FXIII and FFXIII-2 have some pretty great high points!


You are not alone in this..... I know exactly what you mean.... and I mean EXACTLY, going the no spoilers route when discussing JRPG's is a bit of a nightmare. I had the exact same feeling myself after writing my one about Tales of Zestiria late last year. I just felt it lacked something because I had to be deliberately vague about so many obvious plot elements that you can only give a cursory glance to.


But yes..... Final Fantasy XIII-2 gets a very unfair time of it. Precisely as you say, when did not as good as other very good games in a franchise, make it a bad one. I might be tempted to change my stance on that when I review Lightning Returns whenever I get to it..... 2049 at this rate, where we will have all migrated to the newly found planettoid FLARG, and we'll just be heads in jars..... And unfortunately I'll be a 59 year old head in a jar xD..... Okay I'll stop now.




You're actually saving my wallet more than harming it so far this year ?....... I'd always kind of been half interested in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, admittedly for the wrong reasons probably, my interest stems from the who's who of actors in it, and as you know I love hearing a familiar voice crop up in a video game. Now? Nah, no thanks, that game does not sound like it'd be a good time for me.


I absolutely struggle with tolerating QTE's at the best of times... You'd think that would make me hate Shenmue, but for some reason I just sort of politely ignore that element.  The fact I have to endure them any time I replay Tomb Raider Legend already makes me sad.... Lords of Shadow doing them as abysmally as they seemed to here does make me want to run away screaming and flailing my arms xD.......


So long story short, I don't think I need to align several atomic clocks and pray to some forbidden deity that the PS3 store will work long enough to purchase that and it's DLC, so I might have just dodged a bullet there, so thanks for that!


I absolutely loved your HItman GO review...... It made me both very happy to recall what a pleasant surprise that game was, but also undeniably a little bit sad when I remember how much of a let down I thought Lara Croft GO was in comparison. It's not even a bad game,it's just got almost none of the charm to it that HItman GO has.....


Hitman GO though is a hard +1 from me, for @YaManSmevz and @Copanele who've been on separate Hitman kicks the last few months, it might be short but there is a hell of a lot of enjoyment to be found there.


I'm cautiously optimistic about Apotheon, I've always wanted to play it, but I stupidly never claimed it when it was a free plus game...So if it goes on sale again I might have to give it a look, I think there's enough there to have a good time with it.

Fantastic write up of Life is Strange: Before the Storm too..... That's my favourite of the LiS titles myself. Although admittedly I'm now 2 behind.

....  You did such a brilliant job of getting across how much those games really spoke to you on a multitude of levels.


I have to ask though, I'm assuming this was a review of the recent remaster version? Because I always thought Before the Storm always looked much worse than the original LiS did, mainly as far as animations go though.  I always remember it having some really awkward animations, like I thought Chloe walked like a Duck when I played it originally, and I couldn't unsee it.

Edited by rjkclarke
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37 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:

Fantastic write up of Life is Strange: Before the Storm too..... That's my favourite of the LiS titles myself. Although admittedly I'm now 2 behind.

....  You did such a brilliant job of getting across how much those games really spoke to you on a multitude of levels.


I have to ask though, I'm assuming this was a review of the recent remaster version? Because I always thought Before the Storm always looked much worse than the original LiS did, mainly as far as animations go though.  I always remember it having some really awkward animations, like I thought Chloe walked like a Duck when I played it originally, and I couldn't unsee it.


That's interesting - I certainly did review it right after finishing the remaster, though I must admit - I remember thinking the animations were better even in the original version. Having said that - that's entirely the facial animation stuff - the ability to "converse" through subtle facial animations, without dialogue - like in the dinner scene with Rachels parents, or in the play. I think Before the Storm shows a lot of the promise that would eventually lead to True Colours, which I would genuinely hold up as having some of the best facial expression animations outside of massive AAA games like The Last of Us and God of War 2018!

I actually think those facial animations are better n Before the Storm than in Life is Strange 2 - and even than DotNod's future project Twin Mirror.  Deck Nine seem to have a real flair for that stuff, above what DotNod were doing.


I guess didn't really consider the actual walking animation cycles and the movement - those never really stood out to me as better or worse...

...I guess I just wasn't concentrating on that stuff as much? - That's perfectly possible - I could be blinded to some of that stuff just because it isn't where the meat of the narrative beats lie :hmm:



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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:

That's interesting - I certainly did review it right after finishing the remaster, though I must admit - I remember thinking the animations were better even in the original version. Having said that - that's entirely the facial animation stuff - the ability to "converse" through subtle facial animations, without dialogue - like in the dinner scene with Rachels parents, or in the play. I think Before the Storm shows a lot of the promise that would eventually lead to True Colours, which I would genuinely hold up as having some of the best facial expression animations outside of massive AAA games like The Last of Us and God of War 2018!

I actually think those facial animations are better n Before the Storm than in Life is Strange 2 - and even than DotNod's future project Twin Mirror.  Deck Nine seem to have a real flair for that stuff, above what DotNod were doing.


I guess didn't really consider the actual walking animation cycles and the movement - those never really stood out to me as better or worse...

...I guess I just wasn't concentrating on that stuff as much? - That's perfectly possible - I could be blinded to some of that stuff just because it isn't where the meat of the narrative beats lie :hmm:



No you aren't wrong at all.... The facial animations are better than in the original Life is Strange. They really are good too, I probably should have mentioned that part.  I just found a few of the non-facial animations pretty janky and awkward looking. I was just wondering if they bothered to do anything with that in the remastered version. It doesn't impact the game at all, I just found it really jarring the way some of the characters moved sometimes, so I doubt it was probably something they felt the need to change. 


I mean it's not even particularly a criticism, and it definitely doesn't change my opinion of it one way or the other......


......I don't know why you would pay attention to whether or not those specific things were different. in the newer version ?... It isn't like its actually important at all in the grand scope of the game. I mean the main protagonist of probably my favourite game ever looks like he wears a pair of knickers on his face, some leggings and flip-flops, and I can  overlook that design decision ?.... Chloe might walk like a Duck in a few scenes, but it was more of a " okay then....." moment than an "OMG, game is ruined moment" haha


I'm glad that it's laying the groundwork for True Colours though - especially if they carried some of those excellent facial animation tech through to that game. That makes me quite excited for that one.... I really ought to try out LiS2, I wanted to read your review of it, and I probably should, but I know you slapped a spoiler warning on it. I just always hear such conflicting things about it, but certainly when it comes to the two of us, our opinions align way more often than they don't, so maybe I'm just tying myself up in knots about it for no reason?


It sounds as if Dontnod should probably have outsourced some of Vampyr to Deck Nine in that case, because that games got some pretty stiff facial animations, and it could have really benefited from some of these ones, would have helped with some of the pretty bland wide shots that the cutscenes seem to love using... Seems to think it's a BBC Serial from the mid 50's at times I swear! 


Oh yeah, also, when I mentioned that thing about the Final Fantasy XIII-2 review, on the incredibly slim chance you misunderstood that (seems highly unlikely,) I was agreeing with you finding it tough to write spoiler free, or about the plot in JRPG's..... Not that, it read like it was wishy-washy, I just wanted to be very clear on that one so I didn't look like - well, the end of a bell, lets say xD

Edited by rjkclarke
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22 minutes ago, rjkclarke said:


No you aren't wrong at all.... The facial animations are better than in the original Life is Strange. They really are good too, I probably should have mentioned that part.  I just found a few of the non-facial animations pretty janky and awkward looking. I was just wondering if they bothered to do anything with that in the remastered version. It doesn't impact the game at all, I just found it really jarring the way some of the characters moved sometimes, so I doubt it was probably something they felt the need to change. 


I mean it's not even particularly a criticism, and it definitely doesn't change my opinion of it one way or the other......


......I don't know why you would pay attention to whether or not those specific things were different. in the newer version 1f602.png... It isn't like its actually important at all in the grand scope of the game. I mean the main protagonist of probably my favourite game ever looks like he wears a pair of knickers on his face, some leggings and flip-flops, and I can  overlook that design decision 1f606.png.... Chloe might walk like a Duck in a few scenes, but it was more of a " okay then....." moment than an "OMG, game is ruined moment" haha


You know, honestly  -I really enjoyed playing through those remasters... but they are the very definition of unnecessary from a technical point of view. There might be some slight differences in terms of lighting effects / shaders etc. but honestly... I'm probably as close to a LiS super-fan as we're likely to find, and even I struggled to discern real differences from the originals. ?



I'm glad that it's laying the groundwork for True Colours though - especially if they carried some of those excellent facial animation tech through to that game. That makes me quite excited for that one.... I really ought to try out LiS2, I wanted to read your review of it, and I probably should, but I know you slapped a spoiler warning on it. I just always hear such conflicting things about it, but certainly when it comes to the two of us, our opinions align way more often than I don't, so maybe I'm just tying myself up in knots about it for no reason?


Oh, I think it's worth playing, for sure - I do rate it the lowest of the lot, but whole FFXIII argument stands here - being the least good in a good series is still a far cry from bad - and I like that it took some bigger narrative swings - they just didn't connect with me on quite the same level.




It sounds as if Dontnod should probably have outsourced some of Vampyr to Deck Nine in that case, because that games got some pretty stiff facial animations, and it could have really benefited from some of these ones, would have helped with some of the pretty bland wide shots that the cutscenes seem to love using... Seems to think it's a BBC Serial from the mid 50's at times I swear! 


Ha - yeah, I imagine they get a bit jealous when looking at Deck Nine in that area - when you look at Twin Mirror vs. True Colours the difference is stark. I remember thinking Twin Mirror was pretty impressive on those terms when I played it... but then True Colours was like "Hold my Beer" ?


It's actually odd, thinking about how much Twin Mirror has in common with True Colours, given that it's DotNods own property, vs. Deck Nines continuation of their old one - both small mining towns, both have a mystery, both have a central character with "issues"... it's almost weird!)  




Oh yeah, also, when I mentioned that thing about the Final Fantasy XIII-2 review, on the incredibly slim chance you misunderstood that (seems highly unlikely,) I was agreeing with you finding it tough to write spoiler free, or about the plot in JRPG's..... Not that, it read like it was wishy-washy, I just wanted to be very clear on that one so I didn't look like - well, the end of a bell, lets say xD


Nah, I got what you meant - though you'd be right either way ?

Fact is, I've pretty much given up trying to summarise plots almost completely - I pretty much just give the starting points, and the gist, but if it goes longer than a few sentences, I just cut it. After all, these should be somewhat spoiler free!

TBH, The LiS ones are not really any more spoiler-filled than any others - but they are games much more plot dependent, so I wanted to be a bit more careful up front!

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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2 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:



269b.png!!SCIENCE UPDATE!!269b.png



The next 5 (somewhat) randomly selected games to be submitted for scientific analysis shall be:


36 Fragments of Midnight 
Darksiders II

Frogger Returns 
Modern Tales: Age of Invention



With a minimum of 1 Bonus game this round, including:

Death’s Door




Subject(s) in RED marked for 274e.pngPRIORITY ASSIGNEMENT274e.png

[Care of @Neef-GT5 & @grayhammmer]




Can 'Current Most Awesome' game, Hitman 3, maintain the title again?


Is gaming mould LA Cops going to be disinfected, and finally lose the title of the title of 'Least Awesome Game'?



Let's find out, Science Chums!


Are you stalking me doc? Another game reviewed just after I've played it ?


Darksiders II is of interest too. I loved the first one but everything I've read about the second one is mixed so I've avoided it for the time being

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4 minutes ago, Cleggworth said:


Are you stalking me doc? Another game reviewed just after I've played it ?


Darksiders II is of interest too. I loved the first one but everything I've read about the second one is mixed so I've avoided it for the time being



I didn't realise that - The last Life is Strange batch may have been reactionary... but this one's pure coincidence, I promise! 

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