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Forum sub-threads on PSNProfiles sucks

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17 minutes ago, OmegaRejectz said:

Why the hell are they not linked?


Without really knowing better, my guess would be because I think the site generates the forums automatically as new trophy lists are added.  It's likely more effort than it's worth to remove that functionality and force the staff to perpetually create new subforums by hand to make sure the "linking" meets your standards and/or merge all of the existing ones together.  Not to mention the inevitable disagreements on what should or shouldn't link together, in less obvious scenarios.


Nothing to get too upset over I'd think...

Edited by Dreakon13
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47 minutes ago, ThatMuttGuy said:


It is pretty annoying when different regions of the same game have different information buried in the posts and you have to spend way more time finding what you saw a while ago. It may not be the biggest deal, but I'd like to see a forum merge of the same game into one location. It's better than having 5 different forums of the same title lol. 


Or people could create guides for the games that actually include these extra nuances that you are finding as your scour through a ton of old posts.

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2 minutes ago, LegendExeter said:


Or people could create guides for the games that actually include these extra nuances that you are finding as your scour through a ton of old posts.


Some people don't have to time or inclination to create a guide. And tbh, a lot of threads are just things you should look at for but don't exactly belong in a guide. And sometimes, there's threads about announcements in a game, which wouldn't ever belong in a guide. 


So I'm not really sure how you thought this was a good alternative. 

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Excellent post title! ?

well, already knowing this "problem" sometimes i need to check multiple forums looking for an answer to something, but some unsuspecting people might miss information

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29 minutes ago, ThatMuttGuy said:


Some people don't have to time or inclination to create a guide. And tbh, a lot of threads are just things you should look at for but don't exactly belong in a guide. And sometimes, there's threads about announcements in a game, which wouldn't ever belong in a guide. 


So I'm not really sure how you thought this was a good alternative. 


I don't agree.


Why would I want to scour through forum posts all over the internet in order to find every minor secret about a game?  Isn't that the whole point of a guide?  So that I'm reading information relative to the actual game, and not just looking at players opinions of how they felt something was difficult or what move they used to beat a boss.


If the information isn't important enough to be in a guide, then why would you care to read it in a thread?  That's completely contradictory. 

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1 hour ago, LegendExeter said:

Why would I want to scour through forum posts all over the internet in order to find every minor secret about a game?


Because the person who came up with the best strat for one trophy doesn't want to create a whole guide? Why is this so hard to understand. xD


There used to be trophy tips feature before but it got scrapped and replaced with guides.

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1 hour ago, LegendExeter said:


I don't agree.


Why would I want to scour through forum posts all over the internet in order to find every minor secret about a game?  Isn't that the whole point of a guide?  So that I'm reading information relative to the actual game, and not just looking at players opinions of how they felt something was difficult or what move they used to beat a boss.


If the information isn't important enough to be in a guide, then why would you care to read it in a thread?  That's completely contradictory. 

The guide is usually written by a single person and the forums are the collective knowledge of the entire community. That's the big difference.

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1 hour ago, LegendExeter said:


I don't agree.


Why would I want to scour through forum posts all over the internet in order to find every minor secret about a game?  Isn't that the whole point of a guide?  So that I'm reading information relative to the actual game, and not just looking at players opinions of how they felt something was difficult or what move they used to beat a boss.


If the information isn't important enough to be in a guide, then why would you care to read it in a thread?  That's completely contradictory. 


Even the best guide is not going to be able to cover every useful tip exhaustively.  That's just not realistic.


And not every game has a guide.  There's many out there that just have a few forum posts that are helpful with respect to getting a particular trophy and not much else.

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