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Trophy Spam Issue


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29 minutes ago, Darling Baphomet said:


And what a point it was! If only you hadn't made the fatal error of not knowing what a stack is, you might even have had an argument.


You seem to have this problem of being so desperate to prove that you're more enlightened and reasonable than whoever it is you're arguing with that you grab the first argument you can find and latch onto it as if it were the holy grail. But you never actually make the effort to make sure that your argument is a reasonable one or has any actual basis, you just power on with this almost childlike enthusiasm as you convince yourself you've utterly destroyed your opponent. Which makes it quite embarrassing to watch you write up entire walls of text about how savagely you've humiliated someone and destroyed their arguments, when all you've really done is proven that you don't understand the thing you're arguing against. Or in this case, don't understand what a stack is, as I'm fairly certain any serious trophy hunter would agree that playing a PS3 game and then playing a PS4 remaster five years later does not constitute stacking.


Sure, the people who already disagree with whoever it is you're arguing at will just be happy to have someone be angry with them. They don't give a damn about how sound your argument is any more than you do. But you seem to think you're a paragon of reason, and if you want people who aren't just looking for more ammunition to agree with you on that, you have to actually work for it.


I agree with you, and you are right, even if at the eyes of Sony the stack of Crash 4 has the same value that the Stack of the Jumping Hot Dog a lot of us know that there is a huge diffeence of effort behind each of them, and sadly even if the main LB don't reward this we would like a LB where this effort really had some value...


The point here is that the way to do that is no proposing to separate people that play Shovelware, or brand them with a red S so that everyone know what they play... Sorry for the word but that is disgusting... Proposing a rarity LB is not about discrimination, the main LB will always be there and will be the MAIN one, we just want a place where other metrics were used besides just getting hundreds of bronzes, silvers, golds and plats...


So, it's funny that the person proposing that is calling himself as a person with no stacks and no autopops because thats not true, you cant change the rethoric just to your convenience, even if Crypt had 5 stacks (not true) and you did them all, a stack is a stack, then dont go filling your mouth about no stacks and autopops and finger pointing when he is doing the same, harder but the same.


That signature is a LIE.

Edited by DeepEyes7
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Just now, Darling Baphomet said:


And what a point it was! If only you hadn't made the fatal error of not knowing what a stack is, you might even have had an argument.


You seem to have this problem of being so desperate to prove that you're more enlightened and reasonable than whoever it is you're arguing with that you grab the first argument you can find and latch onto it as if it were the holy grail. But you never actually make the effort to make sure that your argument is a reasonable one or has any actual basis, you just power on with this almost childlike enthusiasm as you convince yourself you've utterly destroyed your opponent. Which makes it quite embarrassing to watch you write up entire walls of text about how savagely you've humiliated someone and destroyed their arguments, when all you've really done is proven that you don't understand the thing you're arguing against. Or in this case, don't understand what a stack is, as I'm fairly certain any serious trophy hunter would agree that playing a PS3 game and then playing a PS4 remaster five years later does not constitute stacking.


Sure, the people who already disagree with whoever it is you're arguing at will just be happy to have someone be angry with them. They don't give a damn about how sound your argument is any more than you do. But you seem to think you're a paragon of reason, and if you want people who aren't just looking for more ammunition to agree with you on that, you have to actually work for it.

Hear hear! I couldn't agree more.


All in the form, no substance in the actual argument.

Just now, DeepEyes7 said:


I agree with you, and you are right, even if at the eyes of Sony the stack of Crash 4 has the same value that the Stack of the Jumping Hot Dog a lot of us know that there is a huge diffeence of effort behind each of them, and sadly even if the main LB don't reward this we would like a LB where this effort really had some value...


The point here is that the way to do that is no proposing to separate people that play Shovelware, or brand them with a red S so that everyone know what they play... Sorry for the word but that is disgusting... Proposing a rarity LB is not about discrimination, the main LB will always be there and will be the MAIN one, we just want a place where other metrics were used besides just getting hundreds of bronzes, silvers, golds and plats...


So, it's funny that the person proposing that is calling himself as a person with no stacks and no autopops because thats not true, you cant change the rethoric just to your convenience, even if Crypt had 5 stacks (not true) and you did them all, a stack is a stack, then dont go filling your mouth about no stacks and autopops and finger pointing when he is doing the same, harder but the same.


That signature is a LIE.

Problem solved now.

Can we get back to the main topic instead of focusing on my profile?

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I don't agree with regional stacking that is mostly associated with shovelware "games", although I don't fully understand the process behind it. It seems weird that a single game can have 8 or 9 trophy lists across different regions. Are there any legitimate reasons for why regional stacks of a game might exist? I honestly don't know. Do devs pay to have these regional stacks? It's clearly something that's allowed for by Sony, so I suppose you can't really blame any shovelware devs for taking advantage of it. 


I have no issue with platform stacks, for example, playing both the PS4 and PS5 versions of a game. Nor do I have any issue with playing remasters/remakes of older games, even if the trophy lists are the same. I don't really mind auto-pops either, although it's something I try to avoid most of the time. 

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Let's talk about "stack boosting" from now on, since some do not seem to understand/be willing to understand what we mean.



Stack boosting : Intentionally playing the same version of a game (with a different region or platform trophy list) to boost the amount of trophies earned, not for the game per se. Usually these games are considered very easy and quick to complete in order to earn the platinum trophy, giving along with the latter, many trophies, usually gold ones.


Edited by bosstristan
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Wouldn't not counting stacks only be a thing on alternative leaderboards where 99.98% completion games are counted for very little anyway? Feels like "problematic stacks" i.e.  spamplats aren't really a problem then regardless of whether or not they count since their value would be so low. 


Auto-popping stacks feels like it's both a relatively rare thing but also not really a problem since it requires you to actually finish the first stack. Regardless of how calculations are made, I doubt playing 10-15 hours of Miles Morales for two stacks instead of one will be the best way to the top of any form of leaderboard. It's arguably cheating but it doesn't have a significant leaderboard impact so who really cares?

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55 minutes ago, DeepEyes7 said:

So, it's funny that the person proposing that is calling himself as a person with no stacks and no autopops because thats not true, you cant change the rethoric just to your convenience, even if Crypt had 5 stacks (not true) and you did them all, a stack is a stack, then dont go filling your mouth about no stacks and autopops and finger pointing when he is doing the same, harder but the same.


That signature is a LIE.


Even if Crypt of the Necrodancer platinumed five times is technically a stack, it's so devoid of the typical meaning one invokes by talking about stacking (e.g. playing easy games multiple times) that describing it as such is meaningless.


But that's neither here nor there, because we're talking about different game versions, most of which have entirely different trophy lists. Platform versions released near to eachother with identical lists are definitely iffy (e.g. Crash 4), but counting remastered versions of games with different trophy lists is ludicrous, especially when there's a distance of time between them which would remove much of the advantage of stacking, e.g. knowing exactly what to do, thus trivializing the platinum. And what of remakes? Is platinuming, say, a PS2 game like Destroy All Humans and its PS4 remake stacking? If so, the term is a useless one, as it no longer describes trophy cheesing, and instead is apparently composed of normal gameplay.


One clear difference I would note is that stacking is deliberate. Region stacking is done deliberately so as to circumvent the fact that one already has a platinum for a game. Playing a game on a different platform is not - you're not circumventing anything, you're simply playing a game you liked last gen again on the current gen. 


48 minutes ago, CelestialRequiem said:

That is stacking. It's the same game met to the conditions of the newer platform; but it is still the same game. I did all 4 Vanquish stacks -- the PS3 title, and the three PS4 (region) versions. All of those games, were still Vanquish.


See, the problem is that you exploited regional stacks in order to circumvent the fact that you can only platinum a game once. This person played some games on PS3, platinumed them, and then platinumed the PS4 versions several years later. You were specifically boosting trophies in a way you're not supposed to be able to. They were playing games normally. There's a world of difference and it's extremely disingenuous to imply otherwise.


If you want to stack games... fine, I guess? It's a questionable tactic but I guess you're still putting effort in, despite the fact that repeatedly platinuming the same game trivializes it due to remembering what to do and how to do it. It is not at all comparable to wanting to play a remaster of a game you once loved with no trophy cheesing aspirations.

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1 minute ago, Darling Baphomet said:

See, the problem is that you exploited regional stacks in order to circumvent the fact that you can only platinum a game once.

...? Do you understand how insane you sound? 


I mean like... point out which Vanquish stack of mine is an exploit. I've lived in NA and Asia. What are you even saying? 

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2 minutes ago, CelestialRequiem said:

I mean like... point out which Vanquish stack of mine is an exploit. I've lived in NA and Asia. What are you even saying? 


I fail to see how having lived in different countries requires you to buy the same game multiple times and platinum it repeatedly. Do you wish to enlighten me?

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Just now, Darling Baphomet said:


I fail to see how having lived in different countries requires you to buy the same game multiple times and platinum it repeatedly. Do you wish to enlighten me?

How about we circle back to where you ignored me arguing that remasters are stacking and then you got fixated on my region stacks of Vanquish, lol. 


But sure, if the game is available to the market that I'm living in, is that "exploiting" anything? Sure? I guess I'll agree to disagree if anything -- but it doesn't take away that platting Vanquish on PS4 alongside the PS3 version is stacking. It's the same game. 

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Just now, Sunnyburrito said:

Thread just turned into a dick waving fest.

Thanks to the same trolls.

It's always the same thing, 2 threads were closed because of all the trolling. I guess that's their way of shutting down discussion and debate.

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Just now, CelestialRequiem said:

How about we circle back to where you ignored me arguing that remasters are stacking and then you got fixated on my region stacks of Vanquish, lol. 


I didn't ignore it. I had already addressed remasters in that post previously. I simply chose to focus on your disingenuous comparison of trophy cheesing to playing games normally. Context matters. A person with a few Ratalaika or similarly easy platinum games spread out across their profile is not a trophy spammer, but a person whose profile almost exclusively consists of easy platinums is.


One is a very questionable strategy employed solely to earn as many platinums as possible, and one is... playing games normally.

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3 minutes ago, bosstristan said:

Thanks to the same trolls.

It's always the same thing, 2 threads were closed because of all the trolling. I guess that's their way of shutting down discussion and debate.

On that I have to agree with you.

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Just now, Darling Baphomet said:


I didn't ignore it. I had already addressed remasters in that post previously. I simply chose to focus on your disingenuous comparison of trophy cheesing to playing games normally.

I'm only saying that if you platinum the same game more than once, it is stacking. 


And that's okay. Stacking inherently isn't an issue. Be careful with saying "playing games normally" as you haven't defined what that is. Is an abnormality of playing games "normally" a problem? What does that even mean? 

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Just now, CelestialRequiem said:

I'm only saying that if you platinum the same game more than once, it is stacking. 


And that's okay. Stacking inherently isn't an issue. Be careful with saying "playing games normally" as you haven't defined what that is. Is an abnormality of playing games "normally" a problem? What does that even mean? 


When adding -ing at the end of a verb, it inherently means, in this context, that this is a continuous action and/or a habbit, eg, "He is looking for a job" or "He's been smoking for years".


So no, semantically speaking, having one or two stacks among 200 games is not "stacking". It is having a couple of stacks, not stacking.


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34 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:

I thought Elon Musk was going to steer Twitter to a more genuine, friendly social media site, but we all know that is wistful thinking.


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