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Joker's Death trophy


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I got my trophy for this last night. Ended up with a 2 hour battle to get it. Was farming the Veldt for Gau, and encounter a Chaser enemy. Figured since I already had it, I'd rage Destroyer (Reraise spell) with Gau and Setzer slot while the others defended. Got the slot roll and it killed the Chaser but it turned into 3 Trappers which immediately Level 5 Death everyone but Gau. He was also immune to Level 4 Flare and Level 3 Confusion. They also attacked physicallly with Program 18 but did no damage, only adding Reflect to the target.


Long story short, they couldn't kill Gau, and with his constant spamming of Reraise, it took forever to kill them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got it after hours of desperation when Setzer rejoins Celes.


Auto-battle seems incredible luck-based so I tried the pause trick. Everytime I tried the pause trick, the third slot went to the diamond after the 7 or the bahamut before, so after many many tries, when I was going to give up and rely on auto-battle until the end of the game, I finally was able to get the third 7, and in my experience, it seems that the game allows or doesnt allow you to get the third 7 everytime you use slots, no matter what you do, so the only thing you can do is keep trying until you get it and try not to fail the first 2 7s in case that slot was going to be the good one.


Dont desperate and keep trying, eventually it will show up.

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On 4/27/2023 at 11:40 AM, xLuffynho said:

OK, I think I found a way to bypass the RNG. I got it on the 5th try.


Start the battle and defend with everyone, with setzer use gamble and it doesn't matter what comes out in the bet.

Put the battle to happen automatically, when Setzer is next to act, stop the automatic battle and activate it again fast, before setzer use gamble.

Of the 5 attempts, 3 my party died and on the fifth I got the trophy.


1° - Defend with your 3 members of party.
2° - Setzer action in Gamble.
3° - Automatic Battle with this settings.
4° - When the 3 party members use the command defend and setzer is the next to act, desable and enable automatic battle before Setzer act.

Been trying to do this for the past 30-35 minutes- and literally just as I was about to finish typing why can't I do it, Setzer was able to do Joker's death on the enemy party, and boom it popped on 8/20/2023 at 12:48 p.m. 


What happened for me it was a hill gigas and harvester in Zozo - eight hours into clock gametime. Party was Setzer, Locke, Terra and Edgar. You literally need to disable and enable auto-battle within a split-second prior to Setzer's turn. No use of echo screen.


I was trying to do it manually with pausing and echo screen with Intanglr but I kept getting Meteor'd after Prismatic Finish, or that final 7 never came in.. Thanks so much!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/26/2023 at 3:40 AM, SWWDevereux said:

(to get Gogo to use slots, go to his Status screen).

Wait, so you're telling me Gogo had that option this entire time? Screw the trophy, I would've instantly used them as a main party member upon recruitment if I knew that. Too bad I only have this trophy left to do.


Speaking of that, I tried doing it manually with pause buffering but I gave up on that method when I found out that the echo screen trick doesn't seem to work at all. I got too paranoid that the 1/32 chance to get good RNG would occur on attempts where I botched the first two slots, so I ditched that in favor of the auto battle method. Currently using a set up similar to yours except I have everyone equipped with miracle shoes, Setzer and Gogo both have a reflect ring equipped, and the healer (Relm, in my game) has a celestriad equipped. With this layout, I'm able to have Relm heal the party for 1 MP, which reflects back onto the enemy, making sure it lives forever, while everyone else stays alive forever due to miracle shoes' regen effect. This ensures the battle only ends through either both outcomes of Joker's Death, or if I'm incredibly unlucky, a triple bar esper summon that KOs the enemy. I won't lie, I've had so many bad Joker's Death pop up that it's really demoralizing me from continuing, but the combination of gambler's fallacy and sunk-cost fallacy is keeping me in.


Here's hoping the "bitch about it, and then the achievement immediately pops up" fallacy is true. Worst case scenario, I'll go back to the pause buffering method. Wish me luck, I'll keep my progress updated.


EDIT: I got tired of auto battle after a few hours, so I decided to just focus on the game entirely and use the manual pause buffering method with both Setzer and Gogo. Wouldn't you know, I finally got triple 7's in under an hour of attempts! Between consistently getting the slots right twice per minute or so.


My findings so far:

-It's been said before, but to reiterate: The game ACTIVELY fucks you over if you try to get triple 7's and it will avoid landing on it. It's around a 10/255 (1/32) chance for the game to give you good RNG and allow you to land on 7.

-The echo screen exploit doesn't work. Too many times have I started a battle with using one, only to have the slot automatically go over to diamonds despite my consistent timing. To my knowledge, there doesn't seem to be a way to exploit RNG in your favor, so I wouldn't trust anyone who says they cracked the code unless they're able to consistently pull it off with success. Chances are, they just got lucky.

-Auto battle DOES work, according to a large amount of people, but in my opinion, it's not worth going for. You might be able to pay attention to other things while it's going on in the background but you have to keep an active eye on it, more often than not. I was trying to watch a video on youtube while I was attempting it, and the bad Joker's Death proc'd 4 times within a ten minute window, causing me to constantly go back to my TV and set the battle up again (Keep in mind I'm using both Setzer and Gogo, so I'm doubling my rolls on everything). It's less time consuming if you focus on the game and go for the 1/32 chance odds over and over again.

-I'd recommend using both Setzer and Gogo, as you can go back and forth between each other using slots almost instantaneously on very fast battle speed, with haste casted on both.


I definitely recommend watching phoenix_shade's video, that was posted earlier, on achieving accurate timing with pause buffering. As much as I hate to admit it, there's simply no other way but to keep doing it over and over again until you get it. Don't give up, that's simply all there is to it.

Edited by cosmic-mania
final thoughts
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  • 3 months later...

Seriously the worst trophy I've (not yet) done in a looong time.  Been at this for over 6 hours and still nothing.   So pointless.  Whatever clown up in the Squenix offices thought this up deserves a hard slap on the face.  Or several.  People who make decisions like this should not be in a position to make decisions about anything.


Sorry, I just really had to vent.  This stupid trophy has completely sucked any enjoyment out of this game, and it was my all-time fav growing up.  I hate this trophy *almost* as much as I'd hate not getting the plat because of it.   


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  • 5 weeks later...

I hate this trophy. Every so called method doesn't work and I suck at the pause method. It sucks and I hate it.


EDIT: 10 Minutes later and I got it using the pause method posted earlier...

Edited by DoodgraverNL
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On 5/30/2023 at 10:58 PM, phoenix_shade said:

I made a video to help with this. Do this and you'll eventually get the luck roll on the third reel. This took me 8 tries or so.



This is absolutely the way. Got the trophy first try, and hit it again after another 10-ish attempts (for the Intangir bestiary entry). You just need to make peace with the third reel's RNG and keep trying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Men I just got Setzer in my team, so I tried to get that nasty Master Gambler trophy.

Now I understand why it's soooo hated. Game is freaking cheating.

If I use auto-battle I always end up with the wrong joker killing my party.

If I use the pause trick, it's always a matter of "no, I knew you'll hit the 3rd 7 so I push the slot to the diamond item", or "whao, you're tapping so fast anticipating that you hit Bahamut"...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just done it manually south of Baren Falls over the mountain just after unlocking the airship. Tried auto battle with full party using 3 defends and 1 slots, got Jokers 9 times and died 9 times. Then I done manual using MiguelStein method of counting 1, 2, 3 and got it in 30 minutes

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On 5/31/2023 at 4:58 AM, phoenix_shade said:

I made a video to help with this. Do this and you'll eventually get the luck roll on the third reel. This took me 8 tries or so.







literally on minute 4 of your video and got it. maybe 2nd try?



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So I was all set ready to start suffering for this trophy. I got Phoenix-shade's video queued up and ready to go while I autobattled a few times, and right as I was about to start learning the timing…bam. 7-7-7. That poor Leaf Bunny didn’t have a chance.


Six attempts. I think I just used up all my good RNG luck for the rest of the year. That, or the game had mercy on me after the Grenade took an hour to spawn last night.

Edited by hyousai
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This trophy is going to be the bane of my existence as I have been trying for awhile now to no avail. I tried doing it manually, but haven't been able to get the timing down. Probably one of the worst trophies in the pixel remasters....


Edit: After some time, I managed to get the trophy by doing it manually as automating (or auto-battling) it seems to make the trophy unbearable. 

Edited by x410xDragon
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  • 2 weeks later...

What a *****?**** trophy 🤬 

I play the Rest of the game and liked it... but this trophy...

I build a party with Setzer and Gogo. (No other members) I gave them hermes boots to speed up. 


Setzer roll his bunny and Gogos did his copy and ding he did it :yay:

1-6 platin i'm so happy next stop ff7 

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/27/2023 at 5:40 PM, xLuffynho said:

OK, I think I found a way to bypass the RNG. I got it on the 5th try.


Start the battle and defend with everyone, with setzer use gamble and it doesn't matter what comes out in the bet.

Put the battle to happen automatically, when Setzer is next to act, stop the automatic battle and activate it again fast, before setzer use gamble.

Of the 5 attempts, 3 my party died and on the fifth I got the trophy.


1° - Defend with your 3 members of party.
2° - Setzer action in Gamble.
3° - Automatic Battle with this settings.
4° - When the 3 party members use the command defend and setzer is the next to act, desable and enable automatic battle before Setzer act.

Tried auto-battle for 10 or so minutes then I've read this post, for me this method worked on first attempt, thanks for pointing it out, I was expecting an excruciating grind.

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