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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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So my 2,000th trophy will not be a plat. In an effort to stay competitive and give Hemiak a decent match, I am not grinding towards any of my plats. GameStop gave me the disc for GoW Collection (with I and II), instead of GoW Origins Collection (with COO and GOS). So I am getting off to a late start on that. but Homefront is keeping me busy, even though its plat is unobtainable.

I did some paperwork and played basketball last night. Didn't even turn on the ps3 yesterday. I have a little more paperwork to finish tonight and then I should earn some points.
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Caught the anime bug this fixture and have only scored 1 point so far, also planning to help someone with Resogun later on and already have the plat for that so may not get any points today. I still plan on trying to get the Zombie Tycoon plat before the fixture ends. Even though my opponent will most likely score 0 I still gotta be sure to put in some work since you and I are pretty much neck and neck with total points so far this season dood

Are the online trophies of Zombie Tycoon II boring or easy to do?

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Are the online trophies of Zombie Tycoon II boring or easy to do?


Really easy to do and easily boostable since you can get them all in private matches. Did these with one of my roommates and it only took like 2hours tops for both of us to get them all dood...........although if you are planning to use this against me then my answer is these are really hard to do and boring :ninja:

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I did some paperwork and played basketball last night. Didn't even turn on the ps3 yesterday. I have a little more paperwork to finish tonight and then I should earn some points.

Well if GameStop can straighten out their gaffe, I plan on finishing my first playthrough and cleanup of Homefront, and then doing some Dragon Age Origins, and a speed run of GoW COO all before the fixture is done.

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Well if GameStop can straighten out their gaffe, I plan on finishing my first playthrough and cleanup of Homefront, and then doing some Dragon Age Origins, and a speed run of GoW COO all before the fixture is done.


Chains of Olympus is super short, it should take you very few hours, depending on which difficulty you play it. Eventhough it's short it's a true GoW game that has all of its charecteristics of the franchise, unlike GoW Ascension :S

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Finally got trophy #7,000... thanks to a bunch of freaky-looking exploding animals, in all seriousness, it's a decent game, as long as you don't take it seriously. To think most of my points have come from silver trophies this round, 7 of which came from Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin in a single day. I haven't quite decided what games I'll be playing tomorrow, but it probably won't be anything that isn't already started.


How is everyone else doing so far?

I have 12 points so far and am continuing to grind on Hyperdevotion Noire to catch up. I plan on getting all but 2 or 3 of the trophies within the next two days and take it from there since I'm trying to save this platinum for after #50, but I'll still get it if there seems to be no other way to win the fixture later. I also plan on plating Sly 3 in the near future. I need a small break from it after spending an hour trying to take down pirate ships and failing miserably.

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I am mourning Stella Nox Fleuret today, but I will try to overcome sadness and keep up with LBP2 trophies, even though Jem has enough ammo stored to catch up every time...... I'm stuck in a lose-lose situation xD


But I will focus on having fun, as I always do :D

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Platinum #095 earned thanks to a controller I bound with a few rubberbands and a hairclip, looks like the controller is into bondage... but at least it got me my first platinum for the season although I doubt it'll get me the win against Boooda.


4 more platinums before I start working on #100

78 more trophies until I reach trophy #6,000


The controller FTW.

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So she's definitely not in the game :o?


Today's ATR was pretty hard on Versus.....Stella has been reimagined as Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Stella is Luna, more or less xD), the party where Noctis and Stella meet (one of the few cutscenes we saw of Versus) is not in the game anymore due to spoiler reasons they can't explain yet. And Tabata basically said that for those having doubts on whether if XV is a different game, it IS a different game. Things have changed after nearly 10 years, but they also said the original story plot is being followed overall. 


Gamescom will mark the beginning of the promotional campaign towards release, and they fully trust the game they are ready to present in August, they will go silent until then. 


While I trust their vision, it sucks that such a great Nomura design has been axed :(  

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Today's ATR was pretty hard on Versus.....Stella has been reimagined as Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (Stella is Luna, more or less xD), the party where Noctis and Stella meet (one of the few cutscenes we saw of Versus) is not in the game anymore due to spoiler reasons they can't explain yet. And Tabata basically said that for those having doubts on whether if XV is a different game, it IS a different game. Things have changed after nearly 10 years, but they also said the original story plot is being followed overall. 


Gamescom will mark the beginning of the promotional campaign towards release, and they fully trust the game they are ready to present in August, they will go silent until then. 


While I trust their vision, it sucks that such a great Nomura design has been axed :(

NOOOOOOO!!! Why? Why couldn't SE just use Normura's design? What about Sasuke, did SE changed him too?


Now I'll never know how this fight would've continued:


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NOOOOOOO!!! Why? Why couldn't SE just use Normura's design? What about Sasuke, did SE changed him too?


Now I'll never know how this fight would've continued:



You can join the mourning then, she's never coming back.......STEEELLAAAAAAAA!!!



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The altered enemy placements (and new enemies) in Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin are really throwing me off, at least I got 1 trophy from it today, and now have 3 of the 4 Primal Bonfires lit. Unsure how I've done this fixture, but I think I've done rather well.

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I'm doing alright in this fixture, on about 70 points. Dunno how my opponent is doing, I don't check anymore as it's more fun not to know how the results are gonna go.


Anyway, when, if it still is, is this cloudberry kingdom thing happening? I quite fancy playing some atm.

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I'm doing alright in this fixture, on about 70 points. Dunno how my opponent is doing, I don't check anymore as it's more fun not to know how the results are gonna go.


Anyway, when, if it still is, is this cloudberry kingdom thing happening? I quite fancy playing some atm.

Well we've got a whole grip of people either in the midst of platinum races or working on big grinds at the moment.  If I remember correctly you're one of the ones racing as well :P  I'd probably be willing to start it up next week sometime if we get a few people who want to start around the same time.

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Well we've got a whole grip of people either in the midst of platinum races or working on big grinds at the moment.  If I remember correctly you're one of the ones racing as well :P  I'd probably be willing to start it up next week sometime if we get a few people who want to start around the same time.

Indeed I am, and that's probably why I'm behind atm, keep playing other games haha. Well hopefully next week it is. :)

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I think I have managed 40 points so far but will most likely still lose unless S5becfb.png can surprise me with a platinum that requires little to no effort...


I am actually surprised at how well this round is going personally.

Lol I'm playing the same game, but don't plan on platinuming it this fixture. It's mindlessly easy though. I'm nowhere near 40 points, I should probably find something to play xD

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8 points. I'll be lucky to hit 40. I'll start Chains of Olympus tonight, since the fiancee has 2 happy hours she'll be going to.

Damn it Shogun, you're a MACHINE! I've only got 7, lol. I started lone survivor last night after a little Babel. If I can finish the first playthrough and knock out a bunch of misc stuff, I might be able to give you a run. Unfortunately Fridays are bad for me usually, and I have to be up at 6am to open the pool on Saturday for my kids swim meet.
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Dunno how my opponent is doing, I don't check anymore as it's more fun not to know how the results are gonna go.

I'm gonna score 0 on this fixture. I don't have anything interesting to play atm. I'm waiting for the trophy patch on Super Exploding Zoo xD


Im only 1 trophy away from the surgeon simulator plat now. Its getting pretty close  B)

Do you know about this?

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Damn it Shogun, you're a MACHINE! I've only got 7, lol. I started lone survivor last night after a little Babel. If I can finish the first playthrough and knock out a bunch of misc stuff, I might be able to give you a run. Unfortunately Fridays are bad for me usually, and I have to be up at 6am to open the pool on Saturday for my kids swim meet.

Lol, I was expecting this to be high scoring, but now it may be a battle of attrition.


I might sprinkle in some Dragon Age Origins too, which might slow down my pace. My new boss (my old boss semi-retired) is a huge Dragon Age fan, and recommended it to me.

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