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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Black are the people who have opted out. Green are the spots that will move up a league next "season". Not sure about cyan.

Cyan is only on the top spot in the platinum league, so I guess it would be for the overall champion?

Edited by Krazy_99
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Black are the people who have opted out. Green are the spots that will move up a league next "season". Not sure about cyan.

Wait. Green means moving up? Why is everyone except one person in gold being replaced by silver then? I thought it was only the bottom two and people who dropped down of the league who got moved, which should only be 3 people O_o

And why is the entire bronze league moving up? I'm seriously confused...

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I got shutout last night. Decided it was time to revisit Borderlands for the plat. 2 hrs of grinding and only 1.25 levels closer to 50. Then decided I should play some Ni No Kuni. Probably more if the same tonight so you're not out of this fixture Omar.


Well good luck with the grind, I don't know who's gonna win this, but we're gonna get very few points on this fixture, that's for sure lol 

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Wait. Green means moving up? Why is everyone except one person in gold being replaced by silver then? I thought it was only the bottom two and people who dropped down of the league who got moved, which should only be 3 people O_o

And why is the entire bronze league moving up? I'm seriously confused...

The number of players in each league will increase from 8 to 10 next season, which means no-one is actually moving down a league. Those people on the waiting list will become the new bronze league. Only those whose names are blacked out are dropping out by choice.

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@Precision when I click on the table link, I see a couple of different colors (cyan, green, black and white). What do the colors represent?

the below quote answers 2 of the 4 colours.


Black are the people who have opted out. Green are the spots that will move up a league next "season". Not sure about cyan.

Cyan is a special Colour That i am using to represent the Platinum League Champion, as the Platinum League will never have promotions.

White shows that the player is neither in danger of dropping down a league, nor at the benefit of moving up a League.

There are no relegations this season, but next season, players in the relegation one will be in Red.


Wait. Green means moving up? Why is everyone except one person in gold being replaced by silver then? I thought it was only the bottom two and people who dropped down of the league who got moved, which should only be 3 people O_o

And why is the entire bronze league moving up? I'm seriously confused...

The reasons the promotions have been set up as they have this season, is so that the leagues can be expanded to 10 people. if you look at the way the promotions have been set up for this season only, it will leave 10 in each league with the bronze league empty. and then 10 players will join from the waiting list straight into the bronze league :)

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You don't have to.  :P Looks like I won't be doing much tomorrow. I only anticipate one or two more trophies tomorrow for this fixture. Everything else will come on the next fixture.

seriously you also played terminator salvation? >:( god dammit thats the second fixture in a row. now i have to play some games like crazy

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I got myself 8 points in this fixture, wooohoooo!! lol


Unless Hemiak has done incredibly awful (which I don't think he has), it's a loss for me this time. I'm happy anyway, I finally picked Skyrim back up after almost a year, I'll keep working on it for a while :)

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I think AdmiralClassy has totally owned me, but I put up a good fight to start with...just lucked out near the end.  I've also been boosting Uncharted 2 so that's taken up a fair bit of time.


Going to clear down some of my started games the next couple of fixtures I think, Precision has really inspired me with what he's achieved :)

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Technically it be a tie, so you'd get 1 point. Still time t get a trophy though :)

It's still not a loss! I guess it doesn't really matter at this point since everyone in Bronze will be moving up and I don't have a chance at winning the league. 

Edited by silverstag88
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