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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Since we're all friends here I'm going to ask this without a trace of self-consciousness.



Who Want to Participate in a 3-Way?!?! :o

...plat race.  :P


I've decided I want to do a plat race, but don't really have a particular person I want to call out.  As long as it's against people I at least kind of know, I'll be fine with it, so I figured I'd post this here first.


I've blatantly and unapologetically stolen ideas from both the Shana/WDJAT match-up and from FFDDGG's Lottery thread.



3 participants, each picks a game, all three play all three games from scratch.  First to plat all 3 wins.  Simple.


The Process:

Each player will suggest 3-5 games in the order they want them considered.

I will check to make sure none of us has started that game, or played it on another platform previously.  If a game has been played by a participant, I skip to the next in the list.  If we need to suggest more games we can.

If by some miracle all 3 of us end up suggesting 3 of the same games, those will automatically be chosen.  I highly doubt this will happen but figure if we can all agree on 3, we might as well play em.


Games must:

Have an UR plat

Have a minimum difficulty of 8/10

Have an average plat time of no more than 50 hours. (so something that has 50-80 hrs wouldn't count, but something that's estimated 40-60 would.)  I'm hoping we can be done in 2-3 months.

Be playable on the ps3, but can be played on any system the participants want (sorry, I only have a ps3 so this clause needs to be here)


Time Frame:

I'm hoping to start towards the beginning of September, to give us time to clean up whatever we're working on and to obtain at least one or two of the games.

I'm hoping at least one of us will finish in 2-3 months tops.

One player might excel at Fighting games, another at Racing, like FDG says, please don't enter if you're not willing to play whatever we decide on, as that just wastes time.



Pls PM me if you're interested, or if you have questions, I don't really want to completely derail the entire THL thread, even though it's the off-season and only the CWC peeps are still going at it.

Me me me me me pick me!! I wanna race pick me!!


Edit, on second thought, i better not as im in the lottery also, and im still in a certain we play event, kind of. What was that game again doods? :ninja:

Edited by Precision-Playy
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So many community events going on :D If i wasn't in the lottery already i'd probably join, seems like a lot of fun!


Damn you Hemiak, DAMN YOU! I want to join in so badly dood but no way I could juggle both races.


Me me me me me pick me!! I wanna race pick me!!


Edit, on second thought, i better not as im in the lottery also, and im still in a certain we play event, kind of. What was that game again doods? :ninja:

I know, so many peeps already involved in stuff, that's why I just left it open. Glad it's getting a little bit of interest.
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Is there still 1 spot open? I'd like to try one of those plat races.

There is indeed.

Hmm. Zajac, Clawz, and me. I think we all know who the underdog is. :S

Edit: I'll send out the pm when I get home tonight. It's a pita to do anything more than reply and quite on my phone.

Edited by Hemiak
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Let me see it is around 7pm and I have earned nothing so far so unless ToxiKirby is in a similar position I think I may just lose this but hopefully I can at least earn some trophies.

I've earned around 10 bronze trophies, so it sounds like we're in a similar position. I'm free for the rest of the day though so I'll try and make up for it.

Apologies to everyone, this looks like it could be the lowest scoring CWC in history. xD

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I've earned around 10 bronze trophies, so it sounds like we're in a similar position. I'm free for the rest of the day though so I'll try and make up for it.

Apologies to everyone, this looks like it could be the lowest scoring CWC in history. xD

It would be a new record if the CWC ended in a tie and got extended.

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