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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Really? Really? You have got to be kidding me. I call BS or shenanigans, or whatever you want to call it, on however the matchups were picked. So, I make a few unflattering comments about Dragon always lurking about the platinum lounge and a small joke about Star Ocean, and who do I get in my very first fixture in the platinum league? BOOM, Dragon-Archon. Of course, what a coincidence.  :|


Dragon, I was hoping to face you later in the season. Last night I thought about trying to beat you by getting only trophies in games involving dragons. Thought it would be fitting to beat a dragon in THL while slaying some dragons. You know, kill 2 dragons with 1 stone or however that saying goes. Well, that idea isn't happening. I can't have my very 1st match in platinum be a beatdown from you. This is war. Time to scour the backlog. Is there a Telltale sale going on or anything? I need all the points I can get. Can't be losing to S04!  :angry:

I'm not trying to start a conspiracy or anything but I may or may not have seen Dragon giving Clawz what looked like bribe money and I believe both are ally Dutch members so the fix may already be in dood. :ninja:

To think that my first opponent is the former league owner. :awesome:

Oh yeah, time to get on my big boy trophy hunting pants

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Oh yeah, time to get on my big boy trophy hunting pants


Honestly, you may as well coast it for this fixture. I won't be able to do much since I have school for most of the fixture and I'm saving anything that could get me a lot of points in little time for THL 8 over on PST.org. I may get a couple trophies from a Neptunia game or actually get one of the golds I have left in Dungeon Travelers 2, but I won't be doing much.


Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if I got demoted this season. :P

Edited by Walter-kun
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Honestly, you may as well coast it for this fixture. I won't be able to do much since I have school for most of the fixture and I'm saving anything that could get me a lot of points in little time for THL 8 over on PST.org. I may get a couple trophies from a Neptunia game or actually get one of the golds I have left in Dungeon Travelers 2, but I won't be doing much.


Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if I got demoted this season. :P

Oh don't worry I always talk a big game before ultimately playing stuff that doesn't net me many points, I got demoted for a reason dood xD....... :(

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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Really? Really? You have got to be kidding me. I call BS or shenanigans, or whatever you want to call it, on however the matchups were picked. So, I make a few unflattering comments about Dragon always lurking about the platinum lounge and a small joke about Star Ocean, and who do I get in my very first fixture in the platinum league? BOOM, Dragon-Archon. Of course, what a coincidence.  :|


Dragon, I was hoping to face you later in the season. Last night I thought about trying to beat you by getting only trophies in games involving dragons. Thought it would be fitting to beat a dragon in THL while slaying some dragons. You know, kill 2 dragons with 1 stone or however that saying goes. Well, that idea isn't happening. I can't have my very 1st match in platinum be a beatdown from you. This is war. Time to scour the backlog. Is there a Telltale sale going on or anything? I need all the points I can get. Can't be losing to S04!  :angry:

I'm looking forward to this fixture :awesome:.


Lol, so you're going to play Skyrim?


I'm not trying to start a conspiracy or anything but I may or may not have seen Dragon giving Clawz what looked like bribe money and I believe both are ally Dutch members so the fix may already be in dood. :ninja:

Ssssh dood, that's supposed to be a secret :ninja:.

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I'm looking forward to this fixture :awesome:.


Lol, so you're going to play Skyrim?


Ssssh dood, that's supposed to be a secret :ninja:.


Well the plan was to play Dragon Age: Origins and Skyrim but I don't think I'll be doing that now. I'd still have to download/install DA:O which would take most of a day and considering the length of the games I'd probably end up with 5 points this fixture or something. Plus, I don't really want to start another long game until I've at least finished most of Mass Effect. Maybe I'll save those games for the next time we possibly face each other?


I had totally forgotten about the Dutch Alliance. Glad Prinny brought that to my attention. That explains why you and Clawz were always whispering and laughing every time I walked by in the halls this week.  :giggle:

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Really? Really? You have got to be kidding me. I call BS or shenanigans, or whatever you want to call it, on however the matchups were picked. So, I make a few unflattering comments about Dragon always lurking about the platinum lounge and a small joke about Star Ocean, and who do I get in my very first fixture in the platinum league? BOOM, Dragon-Archon. Of course, what a coincidence.  :|


Dragon, I was hoping to face you later in the season. Last night I thought about trying to beat you by getting only trophies in games involving dragons. Thought it would be fitting to beat a dragon in THL while slaying some dragons. You know, kill 2 dragons with 1 stone or however that saying goes. Well, that idea isn't happening. I can't have my very 1st match in platinum be a beatdown from you. This is war. Time to scour the backlog. Is there a Telltale sale going on or anything? I need all the points I can get. Can't be losing to S04!  :angry:

haha I mentioned Pureprotein in my post and guess who I'm against? exactly. BS shenanigans is ..... lol Well after day 1, 0 points for me. Playing through my second playthrough of DMC

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haha I mentioned Pureprotein in my post and guess who I'm against? exactly. BS shenanigans is ..... lol Well after day 1, 0 points for me. Playing through my second playthrough of DMC


I was half joking at first, but now that you mention that you got Pureprotein and we also got an HcG-_Clawz vs. HcG-_Terror matchup, I'm starting to smell something fishy. The RNG seems to be working a little too perfectly.  :hmm:


Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick?  -_-


Haven't played any of those games so I'm probably not the best person to answer. The only one I know much about is Trackmania Turbo and I believe it's the rarest so I'd probably pick that one. The plat image and name of Trillion is also pretty cool and it only has 11 achievers. Don't know anything about that game though. Congrats on #189 btw.  :)

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Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick? -_-

Depends on what you want out of your milestone. If you want the hardest plat, go for Trackmania. If you want something more personal however, play through the games for now and see which one you like the best and make that your milestone.

As an example, even though it's not particularly hard, I'm making Dungeon Travelers 2 my 250th platinum since I like it very much to the point where it's one of the few non-Neptunia RPGs that I'm actually bothering to platinum, and at that, the hardest one out of those.

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Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick?  -_-



Depends on what you want out of your milestone. If you want the hardest plat, go for Trackmania. If you want something more personal however, play through the games for now and see which one you like the best and make that your milestone.

As an example, even though it's not particularly hard, I'm making Dungeon Travelers 2 my 250th platinum since I like it very much to the point where it's one of the few non-Neptunia RPGs that I'm actually bothering to platinum, and at that, the hardest one out of those.


I make One Piece games my milestones, except 50 (cos I don't have foresight.) You should make One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 your #200, I've heard all the cool kids are doing it...

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Depends on what you want out of your milestone. If you want the hardest plat, go for Trackmania. If you want something more personal however, play through the games for now and see which one you like the best and make that your milestone.

As an example, even though it's not particularly hard, I'm making Dungeon Travelers 2 my 250th platinum since I like it very much to the point where it's one of the few non-Neptunia RPGs that I'm actually bothering to platinum, and at that, the hardest one out of those.


Honestly i don't really care about hard plats for a milestone. All of those games are personal preferences. 


SAO because i'm probably one of the biggest (if not the biggest) SAO fan on this site. So ofcourse it's high on the list :D

Trackmania because i've been playing this game for about 10 years now and still liking it a lot. And i like that plat image.

Trillion because i really like the plat image and title. Also the game looks really fun. Haven't played it yet though.

I make One Piece games my milestones, except 50 (cos I don't have foresight.) You should make One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 your #200, I've heard all the cool kids are doing it...


I have no interest in One Piece :P That might change after i start watching the anime though (whenever that is)

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Well the plan was to play Dragon Age: Origins and Skyrim but I don't think I'll be doing that now. I'd still have to download/install DA:O which would take most of a day and considering the length of the games I'd probably end up with 5 points this fixture or something. Plus, I don't really want to start another long game until I've at least finished most of Mass Effect. Maybe I'll save those games for the next time we possibly face each other?


I had totally forgotten about the Dutch Alliance. Glad Prinny brought that to my attention. That explains why you and Clawz were always whispering and laughing every time I walked by in the halls this week.  :giggle:

Nice, I enjoyed both games. The story in DAO is really good, though the gameplay is a bit lacking if you've played DA2 or DAI. I'll be focusing on finishing the remainin 1.5 playthroughs in Dark Souls II to get the final 4 trophies. Might also pop a SO4 trophy as a good luck charm :awesome:.


Oh that, we were just talking about games, anime, and the quest for world domination :P.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick?  -_-

How about Dynasty Warriors Next? You already have the adhoc trophies, so the plat is basically yours.


Just got my daily  :bronze: trophy from Mass Effect. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Dragons aren't afraid, but I admit that comment did send a shiver down the spine :ninja:.

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Just got my 189th plat. I'm getting quite close to 200 :D But i'm still not really sure which i want for my 200th plat. I'll probably go for Sword Art Online: HF, Trillion God of Destruction or Trackmania Turbo... Which one should i pick?  -_-

Haven't played any of those games, but like you, i really love Sword Art Online, so i would definitely suggest you to go with SAO:HF ^_^

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How about Dynasty Warriors Next? You already have the adhoc trophies, so the plat is basically yours.


Dragons aren't afraid, but I admit that comment did send a shiver down the spine :ninja:.


Hmm. the game is ok but i don't like it that much that i want to get it as a milestone. Also those campaign missions now look ridiculous  -_-

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Haha I know it's perfectly common on this site to have hundreds of plats but seeing you guys talk about your milestones has me wondering what possessed me to join? Or maybe that's what motivation feels like...


Good luck on your first fixture sir and you hit the jackpot facing me as i tend to score rubbish most times haha.

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Good luck on your first fixture sir and you hit the jackpot facing me as i tend to score rubbish most times haha.


Thanks! Good luck to you too. Work is ramping up pretty intensely so hopefully I can put up a decent score these first few fixtures despite it.

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