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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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Must be the first time i actually win by one point instead of losing by one... Nice match Myst.


Lol, 1 point! Here I was thinking I was gonna be absolutely destroyed.  :facepalm:


I'll be lucky to make double digits this fixture so Clawz has already left me in the dust.  :blink:

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It is sad to see you were on the better end of a 1 point difference match this time, your classic crying gifs after a close loss would have been a great start to the season dood :(

There's only one gif from Zone that I want to see.
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Season off to a win, Beaut :D

I think it's safe to say you'll get the win anytime you play me. I just play at my leisure in this competition like I do any other time. Currently playing San andreas and Dragon Quest heroes so we'll see how they hold up against my newest opponent in the current fixture.

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When Zone took that gif off his signature, it took me weeks to adjust and be able to recognize his posts. Any time I would click on a thread or notification where he was the latest post, I'd always think "wait a sec, I don't see the gif, where is ZoneHunter's post at?"

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Clawz, it might have been a mistake to post that gif. Apparently it has killed the thread! Maybe it put everyone into a hypnotic trance like it usually does to Hemiak?


I'm hesitant to say that the thread has gone quiet though. Usually when that is said, someone will mention the "A" word and what follows might as well be people talking in a foreign language for me.  :dunno:

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I haven't been doing anything either. I popped two bronze trophies this morning when I should have been at work. Needless to say, I was an hour late for work.

totally worth it.

A bunch of RL stuff popped up which has seriously curtailed my game time. I did play a couple hours of LR:FFXIII last night, it as I'm on my ng+ run I'm nothearingmany dings.

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Nah that gif didnt work on me.. My opponent wasnt doing anything so I just platted TWD and continuing the lily ranks on HDN Unleashed. Also I was watching Yugioh while grinding. Good old show. =)


Congrats on the plat! I'm going to ignore that last part since I suspect that is one of those "A" words I was referring to.


I haven't been doing anything either. I popped two bronze trophies this morning when I should have been at work. Needless to say, I was an hour late for work. 


Let's just hope your employer doesn't frequent the PSNP forums. 


Been a slow fixture for me as well. GRID Autosport is crushing my soul and stealing all of my joy and happiness. The grind is real. Been trying to pop a few trophies in Mass Effect just to be able to break double digits, but that's about all I can manage right now.

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Let's just hope your employer doesn't frequent the PSNP forums. 


Been a slow fixture for me as well. GRID Autosport is crushing my soul and stealing all of my joy and happiness. The grind is real. Been trying to pop a few trophies in Mass Effect just to be able to break double digits, but that's about all I can manage right now.


I don't think he'd mind anyway. I have told him about PSNP as he is a fellow trophy hunter. He just isn't as hardcore as me, and I don't even really consider myself hardcore. He is the casual of casual trophy hunters, I guess you could say.

totally worth it.



Certainly was.

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