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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Here are the matchups for Fixture 7:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v Arctic Cress

Redbeard-Rik v microsamm

Wavergray v ShogunCroCop


Gold League

theshywaterguy v blu3st4rdust305

shadowhood1111 v X18JELLO18X

Psy-Tychist v iSkyIa


Silver League

Boooda v AffectatiousDonk

BraveNoobWorld v Krazy_99

FallacyUnknown v stupid0089


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v Flex_Da_Brent

me3lingual v Ichiban-Hybrid

OmegaFenron v AmarisSkye


Manganese League

freddie1989 v dawnofthedead34

Sptj7 v TheScruffyton

BYE: Zach

It began 48 minutes ago. 

And yes, there will be news regarding Season 30 soon.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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12 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:


I'm assuming that it can't autopop from PS5 to PS4? Because I haven't seen any on the PS4 play list. 


12 minutes ago, Redbeard-Rik said:

Its not hackers, if you do the ps4 first you can auto pop ps5. It doesn't work the other way around unfortunately for me.

Yeah I was saying since it is on PS4 too that people plat it on there then bring their save over to PS5 to autopop it hence the 1 second leaderboard times

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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2 hours ago, Redbeard-Rik said:

Pretty sure my score should be 0, only games I played all had completions under 6 hours.


The way I understand the rules, Miles Morales would count. Rule 4 would not apply, as the PS5 version is Cross Saveable. You did not use the Cross Save to pop the trophies. Maybe I misunderstand how the rules apply in this scenario.


4. Any game, which is not 'cross-saveable', that has a 50th place in the top 50 fastest achievers with a time of 6 hours or under will not be counted. There will be no exceptions to this, including spots on the leaderboard you suspect to have been hacked.

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19 minutes ago, Boooda said:

Hows everyone enjoying their PS5 who has one? I love it although I still get a bit cross-eyed navigating the UI


Enjoying it so far. Sometimes while playing a game I put my controller down and enjoy the silence since it doesn't sound like a jet engine is about to take off in my room anymore

Just now, blu3st4rdust305 said:


The way I understand the rules, Miles Morales would count. Rule 4 would not apply, as the PS5 version is Cross Saveable. You did not use the Cross Save to pop the trophies. Maybe I misunderstand how the rules apply in this scenario.


4. Any game, which is not 'cross-saveable', that has a 50th place in the top 50 fastest achievers with a time of 6 hours or under will not be counted. There will be no exceptions to this, including spots on the leaderboard you suspect to have been hacked.


Yeah should count, wasn't sure if this rule was still around

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2 minutes ago, Wdjat Prinny Doods said:
26 minutes ago, Boooda said:

Hows everyone enjoying their PS5 who has one? I love it although I still get a bit cross-eyed navigating the UI


Enjoying it so far. Sometimes while playing a game I put my controller down and enjoy the silence since it doesn't sound like a jet engine is about to take off in my room anymore


The machine is so quiet. The controller with its feedback is louder, even when there is a disc in the PS5. That is certainly a major improvement. Load times as well, without question.


The UI, not so much. I miss folders and being able to control what you see in the home tiles. The Library function and store on the PS5 feels like a step back from the PS4, even though I can't quite put my finger on exactly why.  Maybe just because they are different. The activity tiles are kind of great. These were useful when determining if I could make time for the next mission in Miles. Hopefully, Sony fine tunes the UI over the next few months so that it becomes as seamless as the PS4 was to me.



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52 minutes ago, blu3st4rdust305 said:


The way I understand the rules, Miles Morales would count. Rule 4 would not apply, as the PS5 version is Cross Saveable. You did not use the Cross Save to pop the trophies. Maybe I misunderstand how the rules apply in this scenario.


4. Any game, which is not 'cross-saveable', that has a 50th place in the top 50 fastest achievers with a time of 6 hours or under will not be counted. There will be no exceptions to this, including spots on the leaderboard you suspect to have been hacked.

I think the rules might need to be discussed after the season end. If you look at Rule 2. That means if I play Sound Shapes legit, my points should be counted. However, it was not counted last season. Also, Sound Shapes is no longer a cross-save game. If the game is easy enough to plat under 6 hours, and it has cross-save feature. Then, there is a loophole which player can legitimately play these cross-save EZPZ to gain the points.


2. If you cross-save a game, it won't grant you any points (Motorstorm RC, Sound Shapes, etc.)

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1 hour ago, Boooda said:

Hows everyone enjoying their PS5 who has one? I love it although I still get a bit cross-eyed navigating the UI

I'm really enjoying it. It is making it really hard to care about my ps3 games. Also here is what I said in another thread.

On 11/23/2020 at 3:46 PM, Wavergray said:

My ps4 games run better than ever with Faster load times and Solid frame rate (60fps with no dips), Faster download speed, and somehow a better controller than the already great DS4.

As for the cross save thing, it is something we need to figure out, but for both of the spider man games it should follow rule 1 and 2.

1.  Once you have played a certain game, with the same title and the same base trophies, in one particular season, you cannot play that game on any other systems or any other versions such as the Japanese version again in the same season. Well, you can, but you won't get any points for it.  Example: You play √Root Letter EU version on PS4 and get points for it; if you then play the Vita version in the same season, you won’t get any points for it. 

2. If you cross-save a game, it won't grant you any points (Motorstorm RC, Sound Shapes, etc.)

So as long as they don't cross save the games it should count. Just use the ps4 50th place time as the cut off point for both versions. Since you can't cross save the ps4 version.

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On 25-11-2020 at 3:05 AM, Ichiban-Hybrid said:

You got this @Flex_Da_Brent! Smoke that prinny out!!

Very pleased with this conspiracy ? 


Not feeling too confident atm tho, little to no free time to play and I'm going way slower than I probably should in shadow of mordor, just too much enjoyment and satisfaction in chopping off those Uruk heads.

At least it seems @Wdjat Prinny Doods is having the same issues as me with Yakuza, or he's just being nice by letting me win, I can't tell ?

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41 minutes ago, Flex_Da_Brent said:

Very pleased with this conspiracy 1f60f.png 


Not feeling too confident atm tho, little to no free time to play and I'm going way slower than I probably should in shadow of mordor, just too much enjoyment and satisfaction in chopping off those Uruk heads.

At least it seems @Wdjat Prinny Doods is having the same issues as me with Yakuza, or he's just being nice by letting me win, I can't tell 1f605.png


Yakuza is very good and I have to work tomorrow which was suppose to be my day off so don't know how much I'll get lol

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On 11/26/2020 at 1:18 PM, Wavergray said:

I'm really enjoying it. It is making it really hard to care about my ps3 games. Also here is what I said in another thread.

As for the cross save thing, it is something we need to figure out, but for both of the spider man games it should follow rule 1 and 2.

1.  Once you have played a certain game, with the same title and the same base trophies, in one particular season, you cannot play that game on any other systems or any other versions such as the Japanese version again in the same season. Well, you can, but you won't get any points for it.  Example: You play √Root Letter EU version on PS4 and get points for it; if you then play the Vita version in the same season, you won’t get any points for it. 

2. If you cross-save a game, it won't grant you any points (Motorstorm RC, Sound Shapes, etc.)

So as long as they don't cross save the games it should count. Just use the ps4 50th place time as the cut off point for both versions. Since you can't cross save the ps4 version.



Since the PS4 is cross-saveable to the PS5, if you play the PS4 first, and then cross-save to the PS5, only the PS4 will count, per Rule 1 and 2. If you play either version in full first, and then play the other one in full without cross-saving, the first version you played will be the only one to count (Rule 1). 


If you just play the PS5 version, since it is cross-saveable from PS4, it counts. If however, it changes to not be cross-saveable, it won't count anymore.


So for @Redbeard-Rik, it counts.


We will try and clear this up at the end of the season. 


I lost track of time and days, and also forgot that the fixtures ended on November 28th, and thought they were to end on November 29th, so here are the matchups for Fixture 8:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v ShogunCroCop

Arctic Cress v Redbeard-Rik

microsamm v Wavergray


Gold League

theshywaterguy v iSkyIa

blu3st4rdust305 v X18JELLO18X

shadowhood1111 v Psy-Tychist


Silver League

Boooda v stupid0089

AffectatiousDonk v Krazy_99

BraveNoobWorld v FallacyUnknown


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v AmarisSkye

Flex_Da_Brent v Ichiban-Hybrid

me3lingual v OmegaFenron


Manganese League

freddie1989 v Sptj7

TheScruffyTon v Zach

BYE: dawnofthedead34


Fixture 8 has been underway for 6 hours, 28 minutes.

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12 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

Since the PS4 is cross-saveable to the PS5, if you play the PS4 first, and then cross-save to the PS5, only the PS4 will count, per Rule 1 and 2. If you play either version in full first, and then play the other one in full without cross-saving, the first version you played will be the only one to count (Rule 1). 


If you just play the PS5 version, since it is cross-saveable from PS4, it counts. If however, it changes to not be cross-saveable, it won't count anymore.


So for @Redbeard-Rik, it counts.


We will try and clear this up at the end of the season. 

Thanks for the clarification! Guess it's time to get creative with my ps4 save files from now on if I ever want to win the league ? 


Just kidding of course, but I guess this might actually be a bit of a loophole now that I think of it, or am I misinterpreting the way the data transfer works?

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