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I forgot to do my intro in this site X_X


Anyways, the name's Sonny, that guy from Brasil (that country that has awesome... actually i got nothing, this country sucks '-')


My story with games is a (not so) simple and (not so) short one: <<< WARNING ITS A REALLY LONG STORY

I got a PS1 when i was 5, from there i started playing games like there was no tomorrow, everything was new and fresh...

But 2 things always stood in my way 1 didn't know english and game don't get translated to portuguese (at least not brazilian portuguese) 2 i was a n00b, i never finished most game i started in the PS1...


However most of that changed when i first got a PS2 (no idea when i got this one however), i learned english and wasn't leaving many games unfinished.


Then, that one game that would change my life appeared before me... Kingdom Hearts 2. (and i played it b4 i got the first one xD)

I didn't know what the f*** the plot was about (i just knew the basics of english i used to need to get around), but the gameplay... it's my all-time favorite game to this day, and of course my favorite PS2 game.


I didn't want to move on from this game, so i started looking around in it for something, anything for me to do, it was then that i found out...

What i used to call "finished" was just the main story-line, many games i had still had stuff to complete.

Around that time i found out i could emulate games in the PC, and boy if i ever had any chances of getting a social life at that moment... they had just died xD


So yeah, ps2 games left to complete, other console's games to finally discover, that period of my life was a busy one, to the point that when i got to a new school i went by without getting any new friends (plenty of bullies though e_e) and honestly, considering some things i heard about that school i'm kinda glad...


So in high school, i got a suprise PS3 from my uncle, which actually was part of a deal, but he brought it before i delivered my part instead of after and err... well, how should i put it, the pressure got me... : \

But the next year i got my revenge and finally opened that PS3 (yup, it stayed in the box for a whole year, few things ever tortured me the way that did) and with it, new experiences, new joys...


And new sorrows, for you see, here in brasil, the ps1/2 was never officially sold, so the only 2 markets were imported games (OVERPRICED!) and pirate games (those cool uncles in teh streets if you know what i mean), with the PS3 being sold in Blu-ray and online updates that changed.


For the first time i started going legit on games (mostly by force then choice) and that meant no buying 3 new games every time i went to the shop...

For the latter half of High School that was a torture, not to mention i started noticing that i had no special qualities as a gamer, i'd just sit and play without giving much thought to things and i started getting issues with a dying PC so no emulators...


But then 2 changes happened again:

1 i started playing this old game from my childhood called harvest moon back to nature... man it made me really do some things i never did, like deep research on games, waiting lots of time instead of rushing ahead like a fool. In the end i kinda found an identity.


And 2, 2 years later high school ended, and with it came the hopes and despairs of college. (my current point) (btw i'm at Game Design, so yeah, Sonny got +1 Social Life.)


Long story eh?




Anyways i'm 19 now, and the only regret i got in all of this is that i didn't focus on losing weight sooner...


Right now i'm actually doing stuff online so look around, maybe you'll see me...

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Hahaha those cool uncles? Welcome to the PSNPROFILES community and If you are living in Brasil you are lucky, T-T I wish I could be there (there's only 67 days left for the world cup) Of course that if you like football.


By cool uncles of course i mean suspiciois looking guys, the "black market" was 5th rate, shops set up on the streets in fleets and stuff like that.


Well considering you know the exact number of days to it i can tell you like soccer, but unfortunately i have a very bad relationship with that sport so i'm not looking foward it, not to mention that much like South Africa the preparations to meet FIFA's standards are costing more then they'll be worth it...

Welcome and nice intro. Your English is fantastic. I wouldn't have guessed you were from Brazil.


I went out of my way to learn the basics and saw hundreds of videos of real people speaking english on youtube, glad to see it was worth it.


(Btw your pic reminded me of that anime...)

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Welcome Comrade to PSNProfiles :D


I didn't know that we had to do an intro when we join the website, oh well it's too late for me.

Welcome to the site! nice intro (I didn't even do mine haha)

:yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:


Me neither, i just saw someone else do this last time i was at another forum and decided "i want an intro like that next time i join a new site"

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