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[EVENT ENDED] Trophies and Relief Doctors involving Struggle

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29 minutes ago, Han_the_Dragon said:

I don't have much to update, but I have another time travel question..


Does the Time Travel in Fairy Tail counts as time travel (technically there's people coming from the past to the present and from the future to the present, during the Arc that the game takes place..).


If so, book me for the 1st Doctor.


I will be working on Fairy Tail for my 18k trophy, so, there will not be much else going before that..


I've had a good think about it, now I don't know the game or the manga.


But I will say that with the rules that I wrote. I said that the game must feature time travel. For Fairy Tail to count, it will be allowed if we actively see characters either coming or leaving the present. I don't know the name of any characters to google to establish if it'd be counted, if you enlighten me as to any names, I'd be happy to check for you.

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5 hours ago, Breakingthegreen said:


I've had a good think about it, now I don't know the game or the manga.


But I will say that with the rules that I wrote. I said that the game must feature time travel. For Fairy Tail to count, it will be allowed if we actively see characters either coming or leaving the present. I don't know the name of any characters to google to establish if it'd be counted, if you enlighten me as to any names, I'd be happy to check for you.


Ok, we don't "see" them coming from the future, it's 2 different versions of 2 characters, kind of like Dragon Ball Z Future Trunks, they arrive some time before outside of the party view do some stuff and eventually show themselves to the party.


The ones coming from the past we kind of see them crossing the gate/portal. We don't see visually them crossing the gate in-game..


We see some of them disappear (in a way, return to their own time line, they don't die, but not sure if that counts).


For some visual references of what happen:


Some arrive in that video at around 4:02.30 to 4:07, they disappear at around 5:20 (the video is a playthrough of a good chunk of the story.. so, there are obviously spoilers).




Other then, that, there's an image in-game that describes the time travel entanglement in "the present".. I'm unsure if that's easy to read without background info.. but the present is the dot in the middle (7/7).






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13 minutes ago, Han_the_Dragon said:

We see some of them disappear (in a way, return to their own time line, they don't die, but not sure if that counts).


That's good enough for me, well tbh it was that incombination with the overly complicated timeline that clinched it. Perfect Timey Wimey confusion.


Short story shorter: Yes it is allowed.


I'll update the chart.

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I bagged another 2 Ultra Rare platinums to end the month of August!


First, the Fourth Doctor gets another entry with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. MW3 has always seemed like the least loved of the original Modern Warfare trilogy, but I like it well enough. It has decent variety of environments and objectives within the Call of Duty formula of corridor shooting and improbable set piece battles - though that formula certainly feels dated now! I enjoyed the DLC as it was fun to have straight forward special operations missions that are easily done alone instead of the zombie maps from the later titles where you need a group of 4 people and then have to follow a dozen steps (and maybe get some good RNG) to do the various easter eggs.


And then last and certainly least: Madden 22 is another entry for the Fifth Doctor. Madden games are notoriously easy ultra rares and this one was no different. I like NFL a little, but even if you had literally never heard of it you could still plat this as it is mostly menu navigation. Unfortunately some of the trophies are badly glitched, and the last one I had to wait almost a week to find help with - the lists are always the same so it was one you could normally do alone, but this year I could only get it to pop with a partner. So it was still easy, but very annoying in the end.

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Done one for the 3rd Doctor now with Grid Legends and thank god that it's over. Definitely the worst, most unfinished mish mash of a racing game I've ever played. It doesn't know whether it wants to be an arcade racer or a sim racer. Filled with bugs and glitches were I'd just freeze for a few seconds before carrying on or a driver ahead whilst driving down a straight would just spin out. The graphics were poor and filled with pop ins including cars that had wrecked would just appear in front of you. 


Enough rambling though, I hated the game but I'm happy I helped raise some more money 

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On 8/2/2023 at 12:49 PM, Breakingthegreen said:

"If you complete the game in less than 90 minutes but the 50th fastest time is slower than 90 minutes, you may add it to this section, but you can also add it to other categories instead."


@Xylobe Here's a rule that's written in the 8th Doctor section that is pertinent to your query. 


I've played the game too so I know it's non violent. You can put the game in either the 8th or 9th category.

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S'up y'all...



Gonna add my third game to the overall counter, and my second for the "War Doctor" category, with...




The plot revolves around a ceaseless (and seemingly cyclical) war between the last remaining humans and the Demon Army...


...so should qualify for the category, I think!



Edited by DrBloodmoney
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Hello again friends, we're about halfway through the event at this point, so I'll make a Stats post and Donation appeal tomorrow, but for now I would like to that I've done a third game for the 13th Doctor category, and that is the FMV Dating game: Five Dates, containing the main companion of Jodie Whitaker's tenure: Mandip Gill.


An Interview With Director Paul Raschid (The Complex, Five Dates)


This game actually surprised me in a couple of ways which make me sound insane out of context. Firstly I was surprised that it wasn't a horror game, which I admit makes me seem like I was burnt by playing DDLC, but my reason is that I'm somewhat familiar with the publisher's (Wales Interactive) other FMV titles, The Bunker was a fascinating point 'n' click which was a psychological horror, and most of the other titles seem horror themed like Night Book. There's also Late Shift which is horror too... In the sense that I think the game is horrible. 


The second way that the game surprised me was just how pleasant the game was, if I was gonna guess that the game wasn't a horror, I would have guessed a raunchy romantic comedy where sexual innuendos would be used as every other line of dialogue. I was very wrong, every single character in this game is written very well and acted even better. It's probably not surprising since a number of the actors do have some pedigree behind them (one of them was in 63 episodes of Vikings!)


The game is a Dating Sim recorded and set in the UK COVID Lockdowns, which makes this game a hell of an achievement if nothing else. The game released in November 2020 and could only have started in March at the absolute earliest. 


I don't typically play Dating Sims, but my initial reaction was to be honest with my beliefs, but as soon as I noticed that there were stats for how well I was wooing the dates, honesty went right out the window, and competitiveness entered my head instead.


I tend to find a lot of Wales Interative's earlier games to have very bad audio, but since this was record and set in the 2020 Lock-down, it naturally does sound like it's recorded at home. One thing I hated though was that there was no setting to make the sound effects quieter since I struggled to hear the conversations, but un-pausing the game genuinely annoyed the person in the neighbouring room.


Some of the stories of the potential dates sometimes felt unresolved, at least with how I played it, one is a drug addict of some nature, but I genuinely don't know the degree, or if there's a scene asking her about it. Instead talking about her other problems that I won't spoil.


I'd got the game on sale a while ago, and for the £6 I spent it's pretty good, but a bit too short for the £15 the game normally asks for. A single playthrough lasting about an hour at most. 

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So I've done one for the War Doctor and one for the Twelfth Doctor, neither of which being the games I assumed I was going to do!


War Doctor: So when I purchased Task Force Delta: Afghanistan, what I was expecting was like a 5-6 hour generic war shooter with mild amount of overly-enthusiastic American propaganda. Turns out what I actually got was a <1 hour asset flip that I am simultaneously ashamed of and impressed that it managed to even get approved for release. I really don't have much to say, the game is absolutely not worth your time and is easily up there as one of the worst things on the Playstation Store, but I gotta admit it still tickled my funny bone as someone who does get a kick out of perusing the trash. Not proud of this one but technically it counts (definitely plan to nab something a bit more...substantial at some point...)




Twelth Doctor: Unlike the last game, Risk of Rain 2 is ACTUALLY A REAL GAME. Not to mention, a fantastic one at that as an extremely satisfying and interesting third-person shooter rougelike. I had booted it up once before on Playstation but this was finally me getting into the thick of it and this plat I am definitely more satisfied with. My only real issue is that the trophy list is...kinda odd? Like there's a ton of stuff that shoulda been trophies and a ton of stuff that shouldn'ta been trophies. Like unlocking an artifact or beating Mithrix weren't trophies but pushing 20 hermit crabs off the map and holding 5 lunar items at once are? Regardless, beating an elite boss on monsoon difficulty made up a bit less then a third of my 22-hour run time as it's kinda just obnoxious. You can either unlock the artifact that makes EVERY ENEMY elite and struggle super hard because the game is straight up not designed for that and many deaths feel out of your control or you can play monsoon normally and finding an elite boss will take FOREVER. Regardless, got it done in the goofiest way possible and got the plat! Even with that one bullshit trophy, I do highly recommend this game still!




Sidenote: I totally platted Ape Escape: On the Loose during this period and was gonna record it for the Twelfth Doctor...turns out I mixed up timeloop and time travel. Woulda platted it any cuz it's fucking Ape Escape but yeah, not my proudest moment...

Edited by SeedersPhD
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6 hours ago, SeedersPhD said:



War Doctor: So when I purchased Task Force Delta: Afghanistan, what I was expecting was like a 5-6 hour generic war shooter with mild amount of overly-enthusiastic American propaganda. Turns out what I actually got was a <1 hour asset flip that I am simultaneously ashamed of and impressed that it managed to even get approved for release. I really don't have much to say, the game is absolutely not worth your time and is easily up there as one of the worst things on the Playstation Store, but I gotta admit it still tickled my funny bone as someone who does get a kick out of perusing the trash. Not proud of this one but technically it counts (definitely plan to nab something a bit more...substantial at some point...)



Hey fellow War Doctor buddy.... I think this makes us Brothers in Arms! 😂👍



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Another one done for the 4th Doctor with 


Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India 100%


I thought I would like it more than I did seen as I'm getting a bit into Assassin's Creed lately and platforming games are a genre favourite for me but it wasn't so great. It wasn't bad but it wasn't all that good either. It requires two playthroughs; one a pacifist run, the other a stealth run on hard. It wasn't overly difficult as the checkpoints were very forgiving. A few of the killing trophies near the end were rather grindy, mainly multi-kill. I may try the other two in the future but I'm guessing more of the same but it looks like maybe a tad bit harder. 

Now we are half way to the goal so good job everyone and let's keep it up 

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Oooooh, I love the Event stats!


I think most of us (including myself) predominately associate MSF with caring for war wounds and treating serious diseases. I sometimes hear about their work doing things like cataract surgeries in incredibly impoverished nations, and it's always a nice reminder that MSF doesn't solely perform work in dangerous areas.

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Got another game done for the War Doctor! This time it is Killzone Liberation, the PSP spinoff.


You ever play a game and been able to pinpoint the EXACT time the game becomes terrible? Killzone Liberation is one of those and the boss at the end of III-4 is the moment. What was a game that was fairly impressive despite its flaws immediately falls apart when the Spider Tank makes you realize that precision aiming in the game is barely, if at all, functional. And this is only if you're able to recall something told to you in the tutorial that many players don't use until this point, forgetting it completely. The game never really improves after this either and the only saving grace is that for some reason the platinum doesn't require you to play the last chapter at all...


Everything before the Spider Tank is actually pretty good with enough challenge to keep things interesting but yeah...can't really recommend it...



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Earned two platinums for this event within the last 24 hours! 


11th Doctor Optional Romance - Game #2

Hades | Platinum


Hades is a phenomenal rogue-lite hack'n'slash game. You play as Zagreus, son of Hades who is trying to escape from the Underworld. During your numerous escape attempts, you begin to forge friendships with many of the game's characters. Three of those characters are available as romance options - the Gorgon Dusa, the Fury Megaera, and the God Thanatos. The romances are so optional that there isn't even a trophy related to them! 😂


I still went through and romanced all three characters (which can all be done in a single playthrough) as I wanted to experience as much of the game as possible. Considering how much dialogue you get with each character as you improve your bond of friendship with them, I will say that I was a bit surprised at how little additional dialogue is provided once you've romanced one or more of them. 


11th Doctor Optional Romance - Game #3

Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition) Platinum



Mass Effect 2 is one of my all-time favorite videogames, hands down. It has the best "sequel opening" I've personally ever encountered in a game, and the stakes are real for the dangerous mission that you spend most of the game preparing for. You have a much larger roster of squadmates in this game compared to ME1, and the Loyalty Mission system really makes you connect with your squad. 


You can stay faithful to one of the three characters you might have romanced in ME1 (Liara, Ashley, or Kaidan). However, Liara is the only one whom you can deepen a romantic relationship with - and only a little bit via DLC. Instead, ME2's romance scenes are all reserved for new potential romantic relationships. Bro!Shep can get together with Miranda, Tali, and Jack; Fem!Shep can get together with Jacob, Garrus, and Thane. Either Shepard can begin a relationship with Kelly Chambers or try to romance Samara or Morinth, but those three will not unlock the Paramour achievement. 

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8 hours ago, pelagia14 said:

Three of those characters are available as romance options -... the God Thanatos.


I was wondering why I saw so much gay fan art of those two. This has also informed me that Orpheus isn't a romance... :( I wanted to fix that broken heart (and to try to teach him some new songs for once.)

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