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Platinum Trophy Tips


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I wanted to start a topic to see how you guys go for platinum's. What is your way you can go for a platinum.

And What is your tips to help people out who want to go for platinum's?

Tips Like:

Ways to help yourself from getting board easy while going for platinum trophy's

Way's to help people get tired of going for the platinum because of something like online

Whats your tips for going for:

Online Trophy's

Grinding Trophy's

Collectible Trophy's

Just Trophy's In General

Best ways to go for when going for platinum's


Going for this and this 1st

Going for these 2nd

then save these for 3rd and last.

Other Tips Like:

Trying to go for:

Ultra Rare Trophy's (really hard ones)

Very Rare Trophy's (hard ones)

Rare Trophy's (Medium ones)

Uncommon ( easy-ish ones)
Common (easy ones)

So what is your tips and Technics for going for them? Post in the comments!



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I never buy or play a game with the intention of getting the plat, it just sort of happens . If  I got most of the trophies in one playthrough then I will definitely consider making a platinum run depending on the difficulty/grindiness of remaining trophies. Or if I really enjoy spending time in a games world then I'll make the effort. If a game has a lot of multiplayer trophies then I most likely won't even bother with the platinum. The only times I made an exception to this was with GTA V, Bioshock 2, and Medal of Honor (2010). With GTA V I was already well on my way too reaching level 100 by the time I had gotten all the other MP trophies, and with Bioshock 2 and MOH I stuck with them because I was good at their MP's and the platinum came easy 

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I dont use many guides so id say look EVERYWHERE if there are any collectibles, for online find a boost group before you start, and as for anything hard/grindie keep going and play music if it gets too fustrating take a break

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I wanted to start a topic to see how you guys go for platinum's. What is your way you can go for a platinum.

And What is your tips to help people out who want to go for platinum's?

Tips Like:

Ways to help yourself from getting board easy while going for platinum trophy's

Way's to help people get tired of going for the platinum because of something like online

Whats your tips for going for:

Online Trophy's

Grinding Trophy's

Collectible Trophy's

Just Trophy's In General

Best ways to go for when going for platinum's


Going for this and this 1st

Going for these 2nd

then save these for 3rd and last.

Other Tips Like:

Trying to go for:

Ultra Rare Trophy's (really hard ones)

Very Rare Trophy's (hard ones)

Rare Trophy's (Medium ones)

Uncommon ( easy-ish ones)

Common (easy ones)

So what is your tips and Technics for going for them? Post in the comments!

You know you should really consider using enters. Anyway ontopic:

  • For multiple playthtoughs I alternate between games, so I don't get bored.
  • I always try to get online trophies first and enjoy the game afterwards.
  • I usually do the grinding in multiple days, if it gets too boring I alternate between games.
  • I also check a trophy guide for any missable, glitched or unobtainable trophies.
  • Most of the time I use videos to get all the collectables.
Edited by Dragon-Archon
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- Usually Stick to one or two games at a time (sometimes playing them simultaneously depending on the current tasks in each game).

- Usually game in 12-18+ hour sessions depending on the game.

- Always have a guide ready for any collectible trophy.

- Usually look up the game and its trophies (hardest trophies, etc) before playing it.

- Almost always try it out on an alt account first just to make sure I like it and won't get bored of it.

- Always self-boost with 2-4 PS3s for any MP trophies and/or only boost with others who have 2+ consoles for games that need more than 2 people.

- Always ask friends about trophies who have earned them in order to bypass their mistakes.

- Always use AFK turboing where ever I can, then play something else on another console.


There are more but those are probably the main ones to streamline the platinum process and I follow mostly all those steps for every game I play where applicable.

Edited by QuantumMercury
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My philosophy towards platinum trophies is simple: play the game for fun first, get the most of it, and if you desire go for the platinum. Its preferable to try and get as many collectibles as possible during your first playthrough, wouldn't say with a guide though since that can sort of damper the fun, just try to get them naturally and do clean up. Also its not a bad idea to do the hardest difficulty possible at first, that naturally can make the experience more fun + streamline the process.

But hey, I only have 5 platinums so what do I know? :P

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I only have 7 plats, so there are definitely more experienced trophy hunters out there, but this is how I get them:


1. I quickly read up in a guide to find out if the trophies are difficulty related and if they are possible to get in one playthrough.

2. If they are difficulty related, I will always play on hardest difficulty. This already eliminates at least one playthrough and also gives me a nice challenge.

3. I then play without looking at the guide, and just go for fun (doing that exactly like that on Metro: Last Light at the moment)

4. In my second play through (maybe on a very easy setting if necessary) I clean up everything I messed using a guide (if necessary, especially when there are missable trophies that would otherwise require a third playthrough)

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My focus is on fun before trophies. My method is inefficient for that purpose, but increases my overall enjoyment.


1. Forget all about trophies and play games on their own merit. There's a gazillion games out there, you don't need to plat every one. No-one cares about your profile but you.

2. Play one game at a time on a medium difficulty and enjoy the story, without consulting walkthroughs or guides. Wall-grinding for collectibles and consulting guides mid-game ruins the experience and spoils the story.

3. Save the game regularly to multiple files and back them up to PS+ or USB after every session. They're your most important data, don't lose them.

4. After the first play-through, consult a guide for missable trophies and check your saves for close checkpoints.

5. If need be, do another play-through on the hardest difficulty and get all missing collectibles and trophies. By this stage you're grinding anyway and the fun's been sucked dry, so the boring tasks might as well be grouped together.

6. Self-boost MP trophies as much as possible. I don't have a lot of spare time and can only play in 2 or 3 hour sessions late at night, so it's more time-efficient and I don't have to juggle schedules with a boosting partner.

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1. For boosting, try and boost with people in the same timezone as you unless their schedule is flexible.

2. If you aren't enjoying a game at all, leave it and come back later. If you still don't enjoy it, play an hour or two a day. It's slower but will make it more bearable in the long-run.

3. For collectible trophies on games that require multiple playthroughs (TLOU, Uncharted) get them on your first run so you won't be worrying about them on the hardest difficulty.

4. When it comes to DLC, buy the ones that have MP or are a game you enjoy first. This is because DLC is more likely to disappear of the store if it's MP content than if it's SP content, so you have more time to buy the SP content.

5. Never rent a game. You may not finish it in time and it will be stuck on your list uncompleted.

6. Never sell a game. DLC could be released and you'd have to buy it back for 100%

7. Try not to play games you enjoy too much. I've finished all the games I enjoy on my profile, and thus struggle deciding what to play.

8. When grinding, make sure you grind in sessions so it doesn't get too over-whelming.

9. Always consult a guide before you start to see the roadmap which generally cuts down over-all playtime.

10. In some cases, it's best to buy all DLC at once. A perfect example is Uncharted 3, where DLC trophies aren't retroactive so it'd be wise to start them all at once.

11. Try not to fret over the rarity of platinums. Those don't tell you a thing about difficulty - LBPK is a very easy UR plat, but the trophies are glitchy, whereas Rayman Legends is a 100 day grind if you aren't a pro and is only a Very Rare plat.

12. Always do your research before starting a game. If you care about completion and a game looks like a game that will get DLC at some point, wait. There may be a GOTY edition.

13. Quality over quantity. Don't just play every easy game to boost your trophy count, it would be costly and look cheap. Also, don't just get the easy trophies in games and have a low completion % - that just looks cheap as well.

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My philosophy towards platinum trophies is simple: play the game for fun first, get the most of it, and if you desire go for the platinum. Its preferable to try and get as many collectibles as possible during your first playthrough, wouldn't say with a guide though since that can sort of damper the fun, just try to get them naturally and do clean up. Also its not a bad idea to do the hardest difficulty possible at first, that naturally can make the experience more fun + streamline the process.

But hey, I only have 5 platinums so what do I know? :P

I never thought about doing that way.. u usally play games for trophy's never cared if it was fun or not ill start doing that so i get an understanding of games while having fun!

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The main thing that should be kept in mind is, games are supposed to be fun, so only play games you like. That way, even through the rough parts of trophy hunting, you should still ultimately be having fun.


Don't play games just for easy trophies to boost your stats. Having a high trophy score and a lot of plats is neat, but when the list is cluttered with bs games you played for an easy plat, it loses it's value. And while other people may look at your profile sometimes, your profile is ultimately for you. So when you look at it, it should give you a good feeling of accomplishment. When a profile is full of easy games, it's not going to feel as impressive as one with half the plats, but with all harder games.


You also shouldn't be afraid to drop a game if it's giving you trouble or if it's too much of a grind. You can always come back to it. Sometimes, when you come back, it ends up being a lot easier than it was before too, and breaking up the long grinds doesn't make them feel like such a chore.


This is very important, be careful with PS+ games if you want to have a high completion rate. If you end up hating a game that has a difficult and/or time consuming plat, you're going to be screwed. Because your only options are to force your way through, which can easily lead to you just not wanting to play anymore(it's happened to me a couple times), or to leave it. In which case it will forever drag your completion down.


Lastly, always backup your saves. If you don't have PS+, get it so you can backup your saves. There's nothing worse than grinding on a game for 100+ hours just to have the file disappear because your PS3 dies or gets corrupted and needs to be formatted.

Edited by Squirtle Power
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm kinda new to the platinum scene, so these tips really help. Thnx~~~  :yay: 

If you're curious, what I usually do with games I love are :

- Play it first until I finish the game, trying to get whatever trophies along the way.

- Look up a guide or two for collectibles/missable trophies.

- Grind as much as I can for as long as I still enjoy it, then grind in several short sessions when I get bored (or just leave it alone until I feel like playing for real again)

If I'm not that into the game I just google a guide straight away and follow that to a T.

Hosting boosting sessions is a necessity for a lot of the online trophies. (There are some serious creeps out there... o.o;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

First and foremost enjoy the game you want to plat and don't get stressed..if you do do/play something else. Getting a plat doesn't have to be a rush


Aside from that read the above lists, since there's great advice from people far better at plat hunting then myself:)


But still no.1 factor for me is play games you enjoy, the plats will come

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