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CODs Future on PS4


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Well i recently only bought a ps3 last year around mid april and Black ops 2 was the first cod game i played and it was fun for about 6-8months.


As most people did i jumped straight into the multiplayer and left the campaign behind , i played the game straight everyday as soon as i got home and on weekends also.

I must say i had alot of funny times with friends on that game, but about 6months into the game i started to gradually get bored of it every time i played and found myself wondering "why am i still playing this game". So i decided to play the campaign for a change and yes it is underrated , when i got to a certain stage in the campaign it reminded me when i first played the game i cant explain it but you feel an exciting feeling.


I then moved onto ghost which is the most dissapointing game ever it didnt live up to the hype or my expectations of it i rarely play the game but when i do its usually extinction the only thing thats worth your time in that game.


In the end i still play both but not as much as i use to, also i am looking foward to another black ops, advanced warfare not so much. 

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I loved Call of Duty up until Modern Warfare 3 but from that point on it felt shitty and the maps and guns in my opinion were crap and then the hacking community is very horrible from MW3 and beyond seriously Black Ops has less hacking than MW3 and Black Ops 2 combined, how is that possible? but I don't hate it blindly like other people do for example Ex-dictator of Panama Manuel Noriega is suing Call of Duty for using his likeness in Black Ops 2 where he appears as villain which in real life, he was and people in the fucking comments are actually siding with the Ex-dictator because they hate Activision that much.....that is just stupid blind anger, don't believe me go look in the comments of this video, people are actually that fucking retarded, it's just a fucking game if you don't like it, just don't play it.

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I've played all Call of Duties since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and when Modern Warfare 3 was released, for me that's when it got stale and not as fun & enjoyable to play any-more.

I'm more of a social gamer and like to party-up so I would consider MP as my main attraction for the game, not SP nor Co-op. I don't hate the game nor dislike the newest Call of Duties, 

they're are two strong words. I am just not interested in them any-more. - My opinion about the games 



 My playing times for each Call of Duty (estimates, but fairly clear on playing time)


  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 38 days
  • World at War - 20 days
  • Modern Warfare 2 - 22 days
  • Black Ops - 12 days
  • Modern Warfare 3 - 6 days
  • Black ops 2 - 2 days
  • Ghosts - 17hrs


Of-course Call of Duty is a big franchise, the publicity it gets is huge and the sales speak for themselves. The franchise has a strong future for PlayStation 4,

but my only concern is, is that it's leading other game companies on making more DLC & micro-transactions. Who would pay like £3-4 pounds on a new gun camo? I feel stuff

like this could be an expensive problem with these new consoles and being Call of Duty is somehow managing to scrape customer wallets, why won't other gaming companies try it

because they will.

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COD makes a tremendous amount of money, and the people who like COD the most don't buy any other games, just CoD and Fifa/Madden.

There is absolutely no reason for Activision to make the games improve, change etc. as that would cost more money, and wont ultimately sell more, as CoD fans will buy regardless of whether the game stays the same as the previous one, as the majority of those people do not read revews or care about them.

CoD's future is simple - a new game, the same or very similar to the previous game, every year, forever.

Its that simple, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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Now, given I like Horror opposed to Action (most of the time), I must say I do enjoy CODs SP from time to time. However, I do not like the MP portion of the game as it offers nothing new each iteration, it's a copy & paste formula, much like Mario, Assassins Creed, etc.


Though they could be original with their MP (I think), after all they do outsell everyone and lead the gaming industry. Though now, I do feel COD has become more of a cash grab with Advanced Warfare looking a bit like BO2 (just set further in future and more tech reliant). Activision, has lost my interest however despite me enjoying the SP, it is not enough to save what I view as a Michael Bay movie.  

Edited by BSAA_Operative
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CODS fine, MW was impressive when I 1st saw it, the yearly iterations and lack of real innovation has damped the series a little bit for me.


Larger companies need some cash cows like COD, you'd like to think yearly franchises help fund more interesting projects.


The future is yearly or 18 monthly installments as long as the market will allow.  Don't see much innovation or real change in the dynamic it's the FIFA of shooters now.

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I have never played a Call Of Duty game. I would never look down on or judge anyone for playing a Call Of Duty game (or any other game for that matter) as it's not my place. My brother-in-law plays a lot of Cod and has done for a number of years. He obviously enjoys playing it but wouldn't enjoy the games I like and that's fine as everyone's tastes are different.


One reason I haven't played one is I kinda stayed away from FPS as I preferred to play in third-person, and although I have since broadened my horizons a little and have enjoyed first-person games more recently, a FPS would have to offer something a little extra for me to be interested in it. For example, plasmids in Bioshock, RPG elements in Borderlands etc.


Another reason is I am primarily a SP gamer. MP for me doesn't really offer anything, same with co-op to a certain extent. I only really play MP to get the trophies. It's very rare that I get together with a group of friends and play some MP just for fun, although when I do it's a laugh, it's just a rare occurrence. I know CoD games are not really regarded for their SP and that it's mostly about the MP side of things.

Someon get this man a medal for this.


I think the issue with COD is  they have been on this Tactical Ghost Delta Elite Unit stuff, when they should just stick you in as normal soldier, like in WaW, and for multiplayer, they do change it a little, but not enough.

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The only thing wrong with Call of Duty is that whenever someone wants to make an argument against industry business tactics, Call of Duty receives an unwarranted level of default referencing with regards to DLC and rehashing. There are a helluva lot worse examples that exist.

As for Call of Duty'a future on PS4, it will be solid. This isn't the Wii U.

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I actually think that next-gen functionality has just made COD worse.


Live streaming has made it so a whole bunch of people who want to pretend they're good at shooters just get together and pubstomp looking for KEMs.  And if you watch any of the top streamers, they actively avoid anything resembling competition:  If there's more than MAYBE 1 person with a K/D above 1.0, or if there's another group/clan on the opposing team....they immediately bail.  Most of them, when called on it, actively admit that they have absolutely no intention of playing vs. actual competition, and actively seek noobs to beat up on.  Of course, on the occasion that they underestimate the skill of the players they think are "noobs", they immediately start up with the trash talking like the teenage punks they really are.  


Here's a "Protip" for the live streamers:  If you've gotta team up with a bunch of your friends, go pubstomping vs. a bunch of randoms, and actively avoid anything even resembling competition....you're actually not good at COD, no matter what your circlejerking buddies may tell you.   I don't care what your K/D is, or your win percentage is.  Any idiot could take a modded controller and a bunch of buddies and crank up his/her K/D and W/L if all they're doing is playing against a bunch of tomato cans.


And on the subject of modded controllers....."scuf" controllers.  They're modded controllers.  They just paid MLG a bunch of money to "Sponsor" them and lo and behold!!!! controllers that were denounced for being modded before are now allowed because they're "just enhancing your competitive edge", "allowing you to play at your full potential", or whatever.  Bullshit.  It's a modded controller, no matter what kind of semantics you use to justify it.  If you have to use a modded controller, again.....you suck.  Cheat at single player games all you want.  But when you're playing multiplayer, everybody should be on an even playing field.  Buying modded controllers is pretty much the definition of "Pay to win".  Or at least trying to.


And who the hell thought this whole "clan wars" thing was a good idea?  I understand -- and support -- the idea of promoting actual team-based play over playing solo, but clan wars should be clans going against other clans.   Instead, it's just a bunch of game-sponsored pubstomping.  Trying to figure out who the best clans are by having them do as much pubstomping as possible makes about as much sense as deciding who makes it to the Superbowl by having teams like the New England Patriots go out and beat up on a bunch of high school football teams.  All clan wars do is make solo players not want to play while the clan wars are going on so they don't end up on the wrong end of a bunch of 6-on-1 slaughters.  


But I do have to thank Activision and the companies that make COD for one thing....allowing the game to degenerate into a bunch of wannabe-pros with modded controllers pubstomping has completely turned me off to COD, and now my gaming time is much better spent playing games that are far more enjoyable.  Which is pretty sad; my last two platinums have been Wolfenstein and Spider Man 2.  It's sad that games that have been written off as mediocre at best are still games I consider far more enjoyable than what COD has turned into.

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I play COD and Ghosts has a great singleplayer campaign that gets overlooked. Given some of the what some the posters have said about hating the franchise, they have good points. I think the COD franchise in general has turned some gamers in what I would like to call the "dudebro" gamers. The gamers that simply buy the new systems with just COD in mind and that is it. I personally like to broaden my horizons and play games such as Hot Shots Golf or That Trivia Game with a sprinkle of indie games in there plus some platforming as well. 


I still like my FPS's too. I just think that COD is just turned to place where certain gamers want to show their e-peens, if you know what I mean. I don't hate COD, I hate the gamer that it brings into the fold. A true gamer doesn't settle with just COD. I don't knock those who like or love the franchise, if they also enjoy other genres of games along with liking this game.


Obviously, COD has left its impression on the gaming industry and sells in the millions. Nothing wrong with that. But there is so much you can do with the FPS genre at this point. I don't think COD alone has this problem. I see games like Battlefield going in this direction too. There is only so many ways to reinvent the wheel. 


Either way, everyone here makes so good points and should be used as a reference point to have a good discussion. 

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CoD is one of my favorite franchises of all time. I have spent so many hours on games like MW2 and CoD4. I picked up Ghosts as I pick up every CoD game and was super disappointed. It is lacking something that most other games in the series don't. There is no sense of progression I guess. Everything seems to be unlocked right from the start sans camos from weapons which was really kept me playing.


I am concerned for AW on the system later this year. Yes it is going to look great, but I am worried that it wont have that hook that kept me playing for hours on end with older CoD games.

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