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Good news for 'The Last of Us' movie


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Look what I just found :P

It's an official poster  :holy: 

Can anyone recognize the actress that will play Ellie ? I can't seem to make out who it is actually.

I would like to say Ellen Page, but that's just hoping for the best. I mean she does look A LOT like Ellie, right? or is it just me..........

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Can't be Ellen Page, for one she's 27 and would be way too old to convincingly play a 14 year old girl. Also, Ellen Page was not at all pleased that Ellie initially looked similar to her, until Naughty Dog changed the character somewhat. I doubt she'd be in an accommodating mood after that.


Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones is in talks to play Ellie last I heard. She doesn't really look like her, but at least they're trying to get someone that's mostly still a teenager, and I think that actress would be a good personality fit at least.


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I'm not really excited. It has nothing to do with videogame movies generally being crap but because the game is so cinematic already and I'm so used to how Ellie and Joel look and sound that I can't see anyone else playing their roles any better.

It's not like the new Star Trek movies with a new Kirk and Spock but more like if they changed an actor for a tv series character that's been on the show for a couple of seasons.


Also, the game's story takes around 8-9 hours with all the little moments in between cutscenes, I don't see how they can compress that into a 2 or 3 hour movie. I guess they could leave out most of the side characters like Bill, Sam and Henry, but if they are following the game's story, they would have to establish Marlene, Tess, Tommy and David in a meaningful way.

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Can't be Ellen Page, for one she's 27 and would be way too old to convincingly play a 14 year old girl. Also, Ellen Page was not at all pleased that Ellie initially looked similar to her, until Naughty Dog changed the character somewhat. I doubt she'd be in an accommodating mood after that.


Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones is in talks to play Ellie last I heard. She doesn't really look like her, but at least they're trying to get someone that's mostly still a teenager, and I think that actress would be a good personality fit at least.


I think she'd make a great Ellie. She played a 14 year old in a movie called Hard Candy and pulled it off pretty well, but it was REALLY weird and  hard to get into do to the fact that it was about a pedophile that she brutally tortures. As for the age thing, The 14-15 year old girl from the walking dead is played by a 28 year old and I had no clue until someone told me about it, so I think it's more along the lines of skill than age. 

That's just my two scents though.

Here's the Walking Dead woman's wiki page, she also happens to be a year older then Ellen Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Kinney

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well as far as i remember ,every movie based on a game is not good,but I guess time will tell.

I REALLY hope this is going to be good, even though I know from experience that you're right.

So I just hope they start the script from scratch instead of following the exact lines of the game :S

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