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The future of PS3 trophies


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I've searched the forum and couldn't find a thread relating to this matter, so I've decided to create this one.

Following the announcement that the PSP will lose it's access to the PSN I started to wonder what will it be like when something similar happens to the PS3. This made me wonder what the future holds for PS3 trophies. When the PS3 gets discontinued (it WILL happen someday), will Sony terminate its ability to sync its trophies with the PSN? Do you think that, at some point in the near future, PS3 trophies will still be obtainable, but we won't be able to sync them? Thoughts?

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The only element of PSN that has been stripped from the PSP is the storefront. Everything else is apparently accessible. This makes sense considering the low install base and lack of support after all this time - as well as this, the elements that were removed were extraneous by this point as any games that PSP users have bought can still be downloaded. I don't think that you can compare the PSP to the PS3 in this regard at all. But that's just my two cents.

I didn't mean to really compare the two systems, it's just that the fact that the PSP is losing some of its connectivity made me wonder how Sony will handle the discontinuation of the PS3 trophy-wise.

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i don't know what to say about that but definitely this will sucks


i have a lot of unfinished games on PS3 and knowing that i won't be able to sync it's trophies going to make playing these game waste of time. 


you'll honestly have like 15 years to complete them before they will even remotely consider cutting off the ps3....

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ps3 will never be cut out from PSN

end of story for me


Not so sure about that, but I guess it would be at least another 10 years before PS3's access to PSN will be cut completely. By that time that will happen, we'll probably be looking forward to PS6 anyway.

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Totally forgot PSNow was a thing, lol.

It should be interesting to see how they'll manage PS3's huge catalogue though, and what will be left out. I'm highly suspicious of digital content, even though I know it's where the future is at. I still don't understand how so many sucessful PSP titles aren't even on the PSN for instance.

Edited by fabmorais_2011
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I don't feel like the PlayStation Portable really had any reason to stay connected to PSN. Unlike the PSP, the PlayStation 3 has trophies and a highly active online community. As far as I'm concerned, that's more than enough to keep it connected to PSN. I'm pretty certain Sony won't cut the PS3's online support for quite some time. It would be foolish for Sony to discontinue online support for PS3 at this point in time.

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Maybe the way I've put it made some of you kind of miss the point: I don't mean to say that the PSP losing access to the PSN Store is in any way indicative that Sony plans to discontinue online support for PS3 any time soon, it just made me wonder how they'll manage trophies for it if and when they do it. But thanks everyone for the insights on the cloud and all that.

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i don't know what to say about that but definitely this will sucks


i have a lot of unfinished games on PS3 and knowing that i won't be able to sync it's trophies going to make playing these game waste of time. 


So you are saying you rather play a game for the trophies, not because the game is actually fun?


Oh boy

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When you say "one day" i imagine it being in like 30 years or more, it will happen eventually, yes... but by that time we'll have new consoles and new technology, PS Now might be a failure and so the new console will have backwards compatibility, so you don't need to have a PS3 but you'll still get PS3 trophies on a... PS5, or PS6, for much lower prices and not rented like PS Now.

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I feel sad that there are people who only enjoy gaming because of the trophies. Trophies are an awesome bonus, but I know I plan on playing my games past their "expiration date" I'd game with or without trophies/achievements/whatever. I amost prefer it...weeds out the people who only play games to inflate their trophy numbers.

Also, I love the guy that said without trophies, playing games is a waste of time. Um...trophies aren't a waste of time than? Seems silly that imaginary trophies validate ones hobby.


I honestly think Sony will support the PS3 for some time. Maybe not 20 years, but I can see 10. I know this won't go over well with more than a few people, but I wouldn't even mind it if (at some point) PS+ became necessary...if it will keep the PS3 up and running online longer!

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Well, the point of the thread is not to discuss whether or not people should play games solely for trophies. I play video games since the late 80's and I was always a completionist, so trophies just add to the experience IMHO. Besides that, right now I'm playing Castlevania: Mirror of Fate on my 3DS because I wanted to play it on its original platform, even though it's on the PSN with trophies. Not to mention I'm also playing Dragon Warrior VII on my PS2.

But anyway, I was just curious because, like them or not, trophies became part of gaming on Sony systems and it will be interesting to see how Sony will manage them when the first Sony console to use trophies becomes really obsolte, with trophies being unified on a single account as it is.

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I don't think it will happen, mainly for the lack of transfer between PSN games bought on PS3 to PS4. Are people just supossed to accept the fact that they can't download what they bought anymore? And yes I know external hard drives are an option, but it shouldn't be the only way to keep our games stored.

Hell, aren't some PS2 servers still online? I don't see this becoming an issue. At least I hope not.

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It should be illegal for them to severe people's access from the digital games that they purchased with money. Before digital games, Sony couldn't come into your house and take all your games because it stopped supporting the PSOne and PS2. This time around SHOULDN'T be any different. What actually happens, only time will tell...

I don't think it will happen, mainly for the lack of transfer between PSN games bought on PS3 to PS4. Are people just supossed to accept the fact that they can't download what they bought anymore? And yes I know external hard drives are an option, but it shouldn't be the only way to keep our games stored.

Hell, aren't some PS2 servers still online? I don't see this becoming an issue. At least I hope not.


Is it even possible to download games from PSN to an external HDD and boot them?

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i don't know.. i guess time will tell but, in my point of view, Sony might keep the trophy sync system online but probably other online feature than trophy syncing will go offline, or simply go plan B ( ps3 version of Multiplatform games will have no trophy support, only ps4 and Vita will )... to be honest i don't want this day to come too early even if i had a ps4, but due to the PS+ i think the ps3 will last much longer, as long as there some costumers purchasing stuff from the store from a ps3   

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Um português por cá? :lol: Não me parece que seja para breve que a Sony vá cortar o acesso à psn na ps3. Ainda estão a sair muitos jogos e mesmo que já não saissem vai haver sempre jogadores. O problema da psp é que como é uma consola portátil e fraquinha (pelo menos agora), já não deve de haver muito pessoal a comprar jogos online. Também tem o facto de o mercado não estar muito a favor das consolas portáteis. A vita pelo que eu já ouvi dizer não está a ser o grande sucesso que a Sony esperava que fosse.


Mas enfim, o que me preocupa mesmo é o que é que vai acontecer com os jogos que se compram online e que ficam sem fazer o download por causa da consola não ter espaço no disco. Eventualmente vamos perdê-los todos mas o que é que se há-de fazer...

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