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Trophy Hunters Team League!


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Agreed, they really should it happens in far too many threads.


Have to say I am thinking the same thing as Clawz that it is season 2's start date going by the timeframe but it also seems to overlap with the eliminations that is if I read the first post correctly, so I'm slightly confused now too.

December 5th is exactly four weeks from today, so I'm 99% sure that's when the eliminations happen.

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December 5th is exactly four weeks from today, so I'm 99% sure that's when the eliminations happen.

Welp! :facepalm: The second date is the end of the regular season. I accidently put both as League Start, so sorry for the confusion. :P

EDIT: Fixed!

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Agreed, they really should it happens in far too many threads.


Have to say I am thinking the same thing as Clawz that it is season 2's start date going by the timeframe but it also seems to overlap with the eliminations that is if I read the first post correctly, so I'm slightly confused now too.


Hey, how come you dropped out the THL but not this one, wont be the same without you in it?!

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Hey, how come you dropped out the THL but not this one, wont be the same without you in it?!


I also dropped THL but not this. I can't speak for Shana, but for me it's because I am getting enough trophies to contribute towards a team, but not enough to be effective towards a one-on-one matchup.

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Hey, how come you dropped out the THL but not this one, wont be the same without you in it?!

Similar to Shogun this one I can do somewhat decently in while resting due to a different scoring system and rules as well as having a bit of fun while resting up not to mention having fun with my teammates. 

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And of course my internet service stopped right before the league started. When's the deadline for the first round? This Monday or the next? I might not get internet back on until some time next week. If I'm lucky, it'll come back on today, but that's damn improbable. I'm typing from a phone, by the way.

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And of course my internet service stopped right before the league started. When's the deadline for the first round? This Monday or the next? I might not get internet back on until some time next week. If I'm lucky, it'll come back on today, but that's damn improbable. I'm typing from a phone, by the way.


Not even close to this Monday. :P Though that might be a exaggeration...

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And of course my internet service stopped right before the league started. When's the deadline for the first round? This Monday or the next? I might not get internet back on until some time next week. If I'm lucky, it'll come back on today, but that's damn improbable. I'm typing from a phone, by the way.

Don't worry, the deadline ain't swinging by for another 3 weeks now. So we basically got almost a month until we meet the deadline.

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Is there a rule against Sound Shapes spamming? I hope the team that wins doesn't win because of something ridiculous like having 6 SS plats.. That would be really unfair.


The answer:




After every season is the elimination round, which is a new addition to the league (that I wanted to add). The top 4 teams will duel in a battle of epic proportions face off Battle Royale style for 3 days. After 3 days, 2 of the 4 teams will be eliminated (the 2 with the least trophies acquired in the timeframe) and the other 2 will face each other for 3 days. That decides the winner of the season. After the elimination round is the off-season. During this break you can chill out and stay on your current team, you can build another team, or you can leave the league. Now that we have gotten that down, lets move on to the rules!

  • Each and every game is counted. You can region stack, auto-pop trophies, or platinum/100% games that only take a few hours to complete. Go ahead and auto-pop Sound Shapes. (seriously, don't or your opponents will be doomed)
  • You have to have at least 100 posts to join or have been active. This is to assure you won't join, leave, and never come back again.
  • All trophies, whether they are a  :bronze::silver::gold::platinum:, uncommon, common, rare, very rare, or ultra rare, are one point.
  • The points you get are added up with the points the rest of your team gets and that's how the scores work.


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