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Dr_Mayus' Year End Awards-2014


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Looking forward to this. As I was looking through the categories, I just realized how many games I bought in 2014 (and not a single one was released this year).

Here are my picks:

Most Badass Moment

The Gorecyclopes fight in Dragon's Dogma. Just an amazing moment. I thought the first encounter with a Drake was crazy, I never expected to fight a monster as big as the Gorecyclopes. It took me about 25 minutes, and tons of potions, to kill it (I was under leveled). More games need to remember they are video games and not movies, because it's rare to actually have fun fighting a boss.

Biggest Bomb

Bulletstorm. I got this for really cheap ($2) and I was excited for it. I remembered seeing gameplay a long time ago, and it looked fun. But I was so wrong. At first, kicking people into weird deaths was fun. But that got old after the first hour, then it was just another FPS. I stopped playing it after the robot dinosaur level, and I don't plan on playing it ever again.

Sleeper Hit

This has to go to Resident Evil: Revelations. I bought this game at the same time as Racoon City, because my buddy wanted me to play with him. I hated Raccoon City, but Revelations was great. It was like playing a classic RE game, like Capcom remembered RE was supposed to be horror and not QTE action. I've already put 80+ hours into it, and I have not been bored yet. I actually enjoyed it so much, it's my favorite RE game.

Biggest Grind

RE Revelations. I don't have the platinum just yet, but I'm 2 trophies away. As I said, I'm 80+ hours into the game, and I still have a whole play through plus another 40 bonuses in Raid. I love the game, and I love Raid Mode, but it is a definite grind for the platinum.

Best Platinum

Dragon's Dogma. I've already talked about how much I love this game in my checklist, so I won't do it again. But this is one of the few games that I wouldn't mind completely forgetting about, getting to experience for the first time again, and getting the platinum again.

Worst Platinum

None. I only platinumed one game I didn't like (Skyrim, last year.) It was an awful experience, and I won't do it again. If I don't like a game, I just won't play it.

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Neat. I'll have to come back later and see what you pick.


I'll post mine in the meantime though.


Most Bad Ass Moment: 

Basically, every time I played Rogue Legacy after New Game++. That game gets insane, and I just feel bad ass dodging bullets and decimating everything while making my way through the castle.


Biggest Bomb:

Sleeping Dogs. I had heard so many good things about Sleeping Dogs, and gradually, I started getting my hopes up. I had gotten it from PS+, and wanted to play an open world game, so I finally decided to sit down and give it a shot. I gave it more than a few hours, always expecting it to suddenly get better, but it never did. The whole game just felt like a bit of a chore, and the story felt like something I had already seen a million times before. It was a huge disappointment.


Sleeper Hit of the Year:
Battle Princess of Arcadias. I just suddenly saw this on PSN one day, and had no idea what it was. My initial reaction was that it looked a bit like a flash game. Shortly after it was in a flash sale for a ridiculously low amount, so I decided to pick it up. I'm so glad I did, because I ended up loving the game. The combat was fluid and interesting, there were tons of different characters to play as, a bunch of different challenges, a crafting system, the list goes on. I got so into it, that I barely slept, because I just wanted to keep playing, which hasn't happened to me in a long time.


Biggest Grind:

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. Not only did I have to play through the game 3 times as both Riku and Sora, I also had to grind out card drops for Sora, and character levels for both Riku and Sora. Riku's was especially bad, because he didn't have a very reliable way of taking out mobs quickly, like Sora did. The game was already pretty low on my list of KH games, just barely above the DS games (because they're so damn pointless), but this grind shot it to the bottom. I seriously never want to play this game again. It will be missing from my inevitable full series playthrough once KHIII comes out. I'll play the GBA version instead. I remember that game actually being fun.

Honorable mention: Shinobido 2, for having to grind out entire playthroughs looking for a single mission about a goddamn bear.


Best Platinum of 2014:

The Darkness II. This is one of the few games that didn't have any trophies that felt tedious (it's only happened twice before). Everything in the list felt natural. I never felt like I had to go out of my way, or out of my comfort zone, to get any of the trophies.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

Young Justice: Legacy. I saw this game on sale during a flash sale and picked it up. I had heard this game was bad, and I really should have listened. But NOOO, I thought, "It can't be THAT bad," and "I'm a fan of the show, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it for that at least." I couldn't have been more wrong. As soon as it threw me into the game, I sighed in disappointment. Then every time I turned the game on after that, I sighed in disappointment. Both at myself for playing the game, and the game itself for being such a turd. Only reason I even got the plat, was because I didn't want a mistake like this dragging my completion down, especially when it was supposed to be an easy plat. So, over the course of a few months, I played it. Little by little, playing it in small sessions so I didn't drive myself insane. The one good thing that came out of it though, was that it made every other game I played so much more fun.

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Most Bad Ass Moment: 

I felt great after completing all of the battle bonuses in score attack in super battle trial in Dragon Ball Raging Blast. It's not an ultra rare trophy for nothing.


Biggest Bomb:

I don't really have one for this, but if I had to pick one, I'd have to pick Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z. I liked the game, but I was disappointed that there was no offline versus mode. The trophy to get all of the cards kind of sucked the fun out of the game too.


Sleeper Hit of the Year:

Being a guy who hates comic books, I thought I was going to hate Batman: Arkham Asylum, but it turned out to be much more enjoyable than I expected.


Biggest Grind:

Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes Utage was easily my longest grind this year. With 30 characters to choose from and a level cap of 200, I needed to get 6,000 levels, which took me several months to do. This grind was actually shorter than the original Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes I platted last year with only 1,600 levels because luckily one of the stages was pretty much in the game just to get easy experience.


Best Platinum of 2014:

Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 was a fantastic game from beginning to end. I had to do several playthroughs of this game for the platinum, but the game play never grew stale. It has my favorite storyline out of all of the HDN games I've played as well.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One was terrible. My brother got it for me so that we could play a multiplayer story together, and we both hated the game within two hours. I finally got the platinum this year for a trophy league, and all I can say is I'm glad I'm done that game.

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Most bad ass moment:

Lollipop Chainsaw once you get most of the moves upgraded zombies fall before you like wheat.


Biggest bomb:

Amazing Spider-Man 2.  I really liked the first one.  The second one was a step back in just about every way.  The exploration and missions weren't as fun and the added Peter Parker sections really didn't make much sense.  The story wasn't as good and too many of the missions (like the Electro fight) felt shoe horned in.


Sleeper hit of the year:

Witch and the Hundred Knight.  Really loved this game. The combat was a ton of fun and the story was great.  The relationship between Metallia and the hundred knight was great and all of the characters were really well done. The voice acting was spot on and the soundtrack was fantastic.


Biggest grind:

Tales of Symphonia.  4 play throughs for all the titles with no way to avoid it, and even on your last play through it isn't just a small ways into the game to get the last few titles, it is about 2/3 of the way into the game.  Add in finding all the monsters, items, chests, plus however long it will take you to grind out 1 million casino chips this game took me forever to get to the end of.


Best Platinum of 2014:

Saints Row IV.  I really love these games. I went end to end and never felt like a grind. Plus it is funny and the powers get so over the top that by the end you are basically god of Steelport.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

Two Worlds 2.  I really didn't like anything about this game, but I started it so I felt like I should finish it.  When the gamespy servers threatened to shut off the multiplayer I jumped back in to try to get it done.  The multiplayer campaign was horrible and no one is playing in the various death match modes anymore(one positive is that I had a great game session experience through this site).  The single player isn't too much better.  Unbalanced, glitchy, and a lot of back and forth fetch quests.  Plus at the end the final boss felt more like luck than skill.  All in all it wasn't the worst game I'd ever played but it was the worst this year.

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Looking forward to another good read dood, I'll post my picks for the time being:



Most Badass Moment

Getting 5 straight perfect medals with 0 seconds to spare on Velocity 2X. Now getting a perfect medal with 0 seconds to spare on just one level is badass enough but doing it 5 times in a row just made me feel like a god doods!


Biggest Bomb

Remember Me. I will start off by saying that this wasn't a bad game but it didn't live up to the high hopes I had for it. I liked the story and there were some really interesting ideas, they just weren't executed very well. Getting to create your own combos with the combo lab was a very cool idea, problem is you have to pause the game anytime you want to change your combo which takes away from the fun of the combat. The memory remixes were really interesting, unique, and the best part of the game but there were barely any throughout the game which didn't make sense to me since that  is what is suppose to make Nilin unique dood.


Sleeper Hit of the Year

Velocity Ultra. I had never heard of Velocity Ultra before I saw it on sale for $2 earlier this year and figured what the hell so I bought it. Well am I glad I made that gamble as this turned out to be one of my new favorite games. I enjoyed every minute of fast paced shmup. 50 levels of pure awesomeness and it was a nice challenge to boot. Each level had variety and memorization was key to getting a perfect level on each level dood. There was also some nice side bonus missions to add to the fun.


Biggest Grind

Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Yeah no surprise here doods, the granddaddy of grinds here. Having to get 255 specific rare drops for 8 different characters for a grand total of 2,040 rare drops. Each character having to kill 1,000 of a specific type of monsters for a grand total of 8,000 kills. Last but certainly, CERTAINLY not least having to get 30,000 kills for 2 different characters for a grand total of 60,000 KILLS!?!? Just to give an idea how bad the 30k grind is: I did every sidequest, created every item (another huge grind), and got every other battle trophy but only had 30k kills between all characters, let alone for 2 different characters so an extreme grind especially when you consider the most monsters in a normal battle is 8. Oh did I mention that everything mentioned above are only a few of the 900 battle trophies you have to achieve doods?


Best Platinum of 2014

Velocity 2X. The sequel to one of my favorite games Velocity Ultra. I was wondering how they would top the awesomeness of the 1st game, well they did that by adding platforming sections to the mix while still having the action packed ship shooting sections.I enjoyed every minute of this plat and while some levels were a bit challenging, I powered through to earn this very rewarding platinum. I would definitely platinum this game all over again!


Worst Platinum of 2014

Far Cry Classic. Now I rarely platinum something I don't like (only hated 2 of the 91 platinums I went for) so it was really easy to make the decision for my worst platinum. Usually I will stop playing something I don't like but I played it for the Trophy Hunter League to get some big points in a round (ended up losing the round which makes this worse) This is extremely glitchy, I mean really glitchy to the point where this game is almost broken. Grenades that were mostly duds when exploding, landscapes that would disappear and reappear, and action buttons that wouldn't instantly respond. There were also times I would open a door  enemies start shooting and the game saves a checkpoint right as enemies shoot at me. So if I die in that room and the checkpoint loads up I would be dead before the checkpoint loads completelybecause the checkpoint saved right when they shot at me causing an infinite death loop causing me to restart the level. Just a horrible game that should be avoided, not even worth it for an easy plat doods.

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Most Badass Moment:

Metro: Last Light. For those who don't know, there is a trophy that requires going through the entire game from start to finish without killing a single human. Considering how daunting of a task this was for me (even if I pulled it off on my first run), it was amazing to see myself go through armies of neo-nazis and other baddies and not kill a single one of them. Even at the end, when I had to kill the only human that I could kill, a guy with a flamethrower, with a minigun and not kill any of his protectors who had riot shields surrounding my target, it was something that was completely rewarding to someone with the level of "Badass."


Biggest Bomb:

South Park: The Stick of Truth. It wasn't a bad game, trust me, it was good. But to me, it was against my expectations gameplay-wise.


Sleeper Hit of the Year:

Hyperdimension Neptunia. This was the game that made me go "fuck what the reviewers say." This game was amazing in my eyes. In honesty, this was a better game in my eyes than mk2 (though not compared to Victory). The game personifies the consoles as characters quite well, the game's combo system provides heavy customization (just wished it was developed a bit better), the game is not too easy but not too hard, and for someone who plays JRPGs with the English voices, they are quite good (Love Neptune's and Noire's the most) though the JP voices are good in their own way (Love Noire's). It's not a game for everybody, but if the game's description is up your alley, it's a great game to play. This was also the game that made me a Neptunia fan!


Biggest Grind:

Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection. Another Neptunia game on the list, this is here because of how many hours were spent on simple route completion. Unlike the other games, Producing Perfection is an idol-simulator game, and thus, like many games of its type (for the most part), has separate trophies for 100% all four of the routes in the game (one for each of the CPUs). Nevertheless, this was a game that I loved. Unlike the other games in the series, Producing Perfection let you know about the CPUs in one game more than the other games do in three. It made me almost evenly like all four of them. Of course, Neptune and Norie remain as my top two!


Best Platinum of 2014:

Resident Evil 5. Simple reasoning to this one. Back when I first started playing PS3 on a separate account in 2011, Resident Evil 5 was one of the first PS3 games that I played...and I'm sorry for any hardcore Resident Evil fans out there, but I kinda liked RE5 and 6 (Played 0, 1, and 4 though, so cut me some slack). Moving on, my previous account had gotten close to platinum, with what was remaining were figures, upgrades, and Veteran and Professional difficulties. However, I never got around to doing it. EVER. Skip ahead to November of 2013, this account, and I start (keyword "start") but stop at chapter 2. Never get around to it again until February, where this becomes my last of five plats of February. Punching a boulder never felt this good.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition. It's the PS3 version of Minecraft with the PS4 set of trophies. It's fine until you get to the 100 in-game days trophy. Since the Vita doesn't have an option to turn off the auto-sleep timer, I had to wrap a hair tie around the two analog sticks so the Vita wouldn't go to sleep. This ended up worrying me for the next < 33 hours as I was hoping that my analog sticks didn't break or that there would be more screen burn than my Vita currently had (neither happened by the way). At least it popped up while I was sleeping so I wasn't checking the trophies during the day. If it wasn't for this single trophy, Remember Me would have won this spot. 

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Worst Platinum of 2014

Far Cry Classic. Now I rarely platinum something I don't like (only hated 2 of the 91 platinums I went for) so it was really easy to make the decision for my worst platinum. Usually I will stop playing something I don't like but I played it for the Trophy Hunter League to get some big points in a round (ended up losing the round which makes this worse) This is extremely glitchy, I mean really glitchy to the point where this game is almost broken. Grenades that were mostly duds when exploding, landscapes that would disappear and reappear, and action buttons that wouldn't instantly respond. There were also times I would open a door  enemies start shooting and the game saves a checkpoint right as enemies shoot at me. So if I die in that room and the checkpoint loads up I would be dead before the checkpoint loads completelybecause the checkpoint saved right when they shot at me causing an infinite death loop causing me to restart the level. Just a horrible game that should be avoided, not even worth it for an easy plat doods.

I think you got this platinum while you were against me and I got the Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One platinum. It was the fixture of hated games.

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Most Badass Moment:

Return of 'Jack the ripper' in metal gear Rising. Breathtaking cutscene IMO.


Biggest Bomb:

Demons Souls. After all the hype I was left with the image of a flawless game, sadly that wasn't the case and made me regret ever starting the game...


Sleeper Hit of the Year:

Im torn between Spec ops the line and remember me, but ill give it to spec ops. The story is something that came as a big surprise for me and really blew away all my expectations. Great game.


Biggest Grind:

Lost Planet 2, that grind was legit... Sometimes it saddens me that I have so much time on my hands  :D


Best Platinum of 2014:

Bioshock Infinite. Definitely one of the biggest jewels that PS+ threw at me, if not for plus I never would have got into bioshock. This game was a blast to play from start to finish, nothing, not even the collectibles (Which always piss me off) ruined the experience.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

LEGO: Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Vita). I was tempted to give this to PES14 but damn this was a pain to play. Having read all the book and having watched all the movies I was still unable to follow the plot in this game in any way. The dialogue free cutscenes proved to be pointless and just made the game that much more confusing. Not to mention the gameplay was Blah :/

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I did not play as many games as I normally do this year but here are my picks for these categories:


Most Badass Moment: 

When the EVIL TYRANNICAL King Washington burned and pillaged the towns the Indians were hiding in the AC3 DLC. Why would I choose this moment as badass, well because AC3 was a terrible game in general ( SEE WORST PLATINUM ) and was lacking any sort of emotion in the vague storyline. THEN comes the Tyranny of King Washington DLC and it was better than the entire main game. Looting and Pillaging with a great antagonist makes for good gameplay. I find it ironic that the 2nd worst game I have ever played had my MOST BADASS MOMENT lol.


Biggest Bomb:

Little Big Planet Karting. You just cant recreate the magic of mario kart on other platforms no matter who are the characters... It just didnt feel right playing a karting game without Bowser being my driver. The reason for the biggest bomb this year for me is the terrible servers and stat tracking. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I had to play races in online past the set total needed for the trophy.... You want to piss off gamers royally... then mess with stat tracking!


Sleeper Hit of the Year:

Well this is going to shock many but The Last of Us was my sleeper hit of the year. I did not get sucked into the hype train of the game and with all the reported trophy glitches when the game launched I shelved it for over a year. When I decided to play the game, because of backlog, I was completely blown away! The opening scene of this game is BY FAR THE BEST OPENING TO A VIDEOGAME of all time! Just EPIC. The gameplay was smooth and the controls were clunky but manageable and easy to master. The characters development throughout the game is brilliant and you really feel like you can relate to the problems they are having to deal with. The MP was a surprise bonus to an already outstanding game, very well done! Overall fantastic experience and I thoroughly enjoyed going for the 100%!


Biggest Grind:

RED FACTION GUERILLA. I happened to see some buddies online one day playing RFG MP and decided to join up to see how it was. This game had been sitting on my backlog since 2009 so I figured it was time to start working on it. MAN did I have no idea the grind I was getting myself into... Bottom line it took 12 guys meeting every Saturday morning/afternoon for 6 hours, 10 weeks in a row to complete. I can never thank the boosting group I was a part of enough for sticking it out with this game for so long AND for letting me participate in those instances where I had to be AFK. You guys still rock! This MP grind you do not rock....


Best Platinum of 2014:

WWE '13!!! I have loved wrestling games since I started playing video games. I worked on this game for over a year because of the MP components and went through countless buddies trying to max out my MP level. WELL when I finally completed this earning my rarest platinum, I was never more excited! by far my proudest platinum and best of 2014! FYI - The game is pretty good too if your a wrestling fan.


Worst Platinum of 2014:

Assasins Creed 3.... There is no need to write much here as I have expressed my distaste and disdain for this game on numerous threads... This game is plain terrible and I wish I could have invested my time else where playing a different game.. But I will be damned if I do not get my money's worth out the games I pay for..

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:popcorn:  :popcorn:  :popcorn: can't wait... ^_^



well for mine:


Most Bad Ass Moment: 
Bigby's Last Battle in TWAU... made Bigby = super kewl in my dictionary
Runner up goes to Velocity 2X last stages... quite frustrating and challenging... but man... those are cool moments...
Biggest Bomb:
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time - last battle is QTE? *eyeroll*
Runner up goes to Smart As - ok... got overhyped since thought it will train my brain, well it did... but grinding for those stars and playing daily is... ugh...
Sleeper Hit of the Year: (all thanks to PS IGC+ btw)
Velocity Ultra - not a fan of shooting game + perfecting stages but this really challenges me and impressed me and got me hooked til I plat it ^_^
Runner up goes to Lone Survivor... survival + horrorish is not my fave genre but really enjoyed playing this game... just don't make me play it at night with headset please ~_~
Biggest Grind:
Sorcery Saga - as much as I love this game, must say this is the most grindy game I've played this year... 
Runner up goes to Final Fantasy X... ugh... don't wanna see Earth Eater's fart Flare ever again
Best Platinum of 2014:
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - the gameplay, the story, the characters, the humor, the genre... I love 'em all.. didn't even mind getting DLC just to increased level cap and a visit to grindville...
Runner up goes to Rainbow Moon - never enjoyed strategy game like this game... also didn't mind the grind to just beat the next monsters and hatred to Namoris
Worst Platinum of 2014:
ICO... ugh... replaying an entire gameplay just to get a lightsaber and an ending where you share a watermelon... and don't start me with 2 speed run with Yorda...ugh...
nope... no runner ups...no game could surpass Ico in my list...
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Most Bad Ass Moment:

Finding out that Kessler was a future Cole. Boy was I thrown for a twist when it was revealed at the end of inFAMOUS that Kessler was a future version of Cole. I never saw that one coming and it was such an awesome ending to a really fun game.


Biggest Bomb:

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon. I played it and finished the story, but nothing kept me hanging to get more trophies or do the survival waves. It was a pretty meh game.


Sleeper Hit of the Year:

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell HD. My uncles had raved about how much fun they had playing Fisher on PS2, and all of the good memories they had of getting burned by fire or falling down an elevator shaft or getting attacked by dogs. They gave me the trilogy for Christmas, and I played the first one and had such a blast! It was so satisfying to be able to bypass entire rooms of enemies as a stealthy badass.


Biggest Grind:

Skyrim. It took me an entire 105 hours just to get to level 50. I mean I liked the game and it was very well done, but 105 hours is too much in my book.


Best Platinum:

Battlefield 3. What an absolutely awesome game Battlefield 3 was. It was probably the best multiplayer I have ever played in a game. The co-op missions were somewhat difficult on hard, but me and Mr_Hej got through them all. The hardest trophy in the game had to be Bullseye, completing Drop 'em Like Liquid without alerting any enemies. I felt so happy when that trophy popped, it gave me motivation to get the platinum, and that's exactly what I did.


Worst Platinum:

Batman: Arkham Origins. I loved the game, enough so to play it three times for the trophies, but the multiplayer was God awful and that stupid Thanks, Old Friend trophy was the bane of my existence. I literally spent 3 hours in the goddamn batcave just to get Alfred to say one thing for the trophy. Looking back on it, I'm glad I have it now, but it was so frustrating trying to get it.


I look forward to seeing your picks Dr_Mayus :)

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Ooh, how interesting. I'll definitely read everyone's choices they made this year.


Most Badass Moment

It's not what I called a badass moment, but in Final Fantasy X-2, I've finally conquered Via Infinito that I failed to accomplished twelve years ago. I think I gave up when I was either on the 40th or 60th floor back then.



Biggest Bomb

Definitely the Dragon Fantasy Book series. That game was a total let down, I mean I'm glad it's an old-fashioned rpg. The game was definitely challenging when you starting out and you'll die against even with the weakest enemies if you're not too careful. So I pretty much gave up on that game. 



Sleeper Hit of the Year

The Legend of Korra. I'll admit that I'm not a fan of TV based video games, but this game definitely surprised me with its original storyline. There are some challenging stages that took a few tries to master, but definitely possible to accomplish. If you're a fan of the show, I recommend this game. 



Biggest Grind

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1. Pretty much collecting 100 million Credits. I spent about two and half days with less than five hours of sleep just to earn that last trophy in order to receive the trophy. 



Best Platinum of the Year

Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. Just everything about this game is nearly flawless; the gameplay, story, the characters, and the music. I really do love playing Atelier games and I'm to play some more next year. 



Worst Platinum of the Year

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. A very boring Super Smash Bros. clone with very tediously repetitive arcade mode with very faulty multiplayer servers. 

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These awards are a pretty neat idea. Alot of these are the same thoughts I had posted around way back in the Most Recent Plats thread, but I'll sum em' up a tad differently.



Most Bad Ass Moment: Vanquish
I haven't had too many experiences like this before but, playing through challenge 6 was probably the most heart-pounding and twitch inducing moment I've had in quite some time. Trying to come up with different strategies and eventually improvising on the spot when things got tough was the most fun I've had this year. Definitely felt a rush while going through wave after wave, and then finally that satisfying feeling of beating the last two bogeys by laying lock-on laser fire and rockets right into their faces while they're yammering on about "aiming carefully" was beautiful. I'd give this moment an "unforgettable award" too if that were a thing.


Biggest Bomb: Killer is Dead

I feel like this game really had the potential to be good. It has the Killer 7 vibe (and is apparently the spiritual successor) and gameplay a bit similar to No More Heroes, so it should instantly be an awesome game, right? Unfortunately, it turned out pretty bland in comparison to those games, in fact it doesn't even come close. It isn't memorable in the slightest and it's shallow combat and uninteresting story isn't really doing it any favors. It's definitely flashy, but a little too flashy, a case of style over substance which Suda does tend to do, but this game moreso than the others. Hoping Suda gets back on ball with whatever title he decides to churn out next.



Sleeper Hit: Bayonetta
Bayo came out in like 2010, and while I'd heard people throwing the name out there several times I never really gave it a look. Since last year though I got into a bit more Action/Character Action oriented games and picked up titles like DMC 3 and 4 after getting an urge to play them thanks to Metal Gear Rising. Lo and behold I also picked up Bayonetta a little after since it also fit the criteria, and holy shit did it deliver in just about everything I was looking for. Crazy over the top style, ridiculously fun combo system, THAT DODGE OFFSET. I had seriously found my new favorite franchise playing this game (same also happened with the older DMC's too), and I'm glad I gave it a try.




Biggest Grind: Tales of Symphonia
Something before I go into the grindy title of 2014, I'd actually like to thank some of the awesome PSNP community for starting what could be the longest Jrpg splurge I've had in years, and for recommending the game/series that kicked it all off. That being said, Tales of Symphonia was the longest yet most fun grind I had this year. A game that takes like 4 playthroughs to complete everything shouldn't be fun, but for some reason ToS really hooked me, I just couldn't stop going for all the title challenges. Even the characters and story, while expectedly cheesy and way too "power of friendship", still were cool by me.This was a grind I could say was worth it and that rarely ever comes out of my mouth.


Best Platinum of 2014: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
I promise this is the last Platinum title I'll talk about in these awards, they make fun games man. Whereas ToS kicked off the "big Jrpg play off of 2014", this wonderful game kicked off the "lets pick up more Crazy Action games of 2013" like I said above. While I played MGR:R in 2013, I didn't really attempt to go for the plat until later which resulted in me getting it earlier this year. The road to getting the plat was a challenging fun time though, even after going for it I wanted to 100% the thing because it was so fun. Only game since Arkham City where I wanted to get any and all DLC available, too.

Worst Platinum of 2014: Remember Me
I wanted to like this game, but it was just so.. bad and boring, the only remotely good thing about it was remixing memories, something that was only used a couple of times. I mean give me a puzzle game or something where I can do that, it's infinitely more interesting than whatever going on now. This was a game where I got so far into it that I pretty much said "eh, might as well" which doesn't usually happen. I didn't hate the game, but I felt like it could've been something more. Oh well, at least it was free.

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Most Badass Moment: Dragon's Dogma

That final boss fight. The music. The gameplay. The tension. This game. This game goddammit.


Biggest Bomb: Destiny

I seriously thought this game was going to revolutionize video games as a medium. Let's not talk about that please.


Sleeper Hit: Lone Survivor

Didn't really have this game on my radar until i got it from PS+, ended up loving it like my own child. Best storytelling i've seen this year.


Biggest Grind: Rayman Legends

Outstanding game. But the challenges. Why.


Best Platinum: South Park The Stick of Truth

Playing for the plat can often take something from the experience. Not so here. For the first time in quite some time, i felt liketrophies were purely adding on top of an already great game.


Worst Platinum: Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate

Pretty much non-functional online? Ye. Collectibles all over the place? Ye. Collectibles comepletely breaking the flow of the game? Ye. Fun game regardless? Ye. Fun plat? Ne.

Edited by HappyKastanie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here's my list


Most Badass Moment
This has got to be finally nailing that last trial in Super Street Fighter 4. Took me around a year, and I never thought I'd finish it. Now I feel like I can do literally any trophy :).

Biggest Bomb
Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate (vita). Was hoping for a good batman game like the first 2 Arkham games I played on the PC...  Damn this game was boring in comparison...

Sleeper Hit
3D Dot Game Heroes. How did I not know of this game before?

Biggest Grind
Tales of Symphonia. 5 or 6 playthroughs, of which 3 just for a couple of titles.

Honorable Mention: Hoarders Creed: Rogue (not yet finished, but will be soon). I figured to give the series another shot since I last played the first game on PC. Game isn't bad... but all that useless collecting is still there. It takes forever too.

Best Platinum
Super Street Fighter 4

Honorable mention Best 100%: Dishonored

Worst Platinum
Any of the HD remakes of Prince of Persia games without the trophy stacking on difficulty. 1 disk, 3 games, 7 playthroughs to get the plats... It was boring...

(Dis)Honorable mention Worst 100%: Sound Shapes....please make it stop!

Edited by Ric
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