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Uh... Hey.


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I guess this is the right place to put a greeting.


I am new to the forums here, but not new to forums. Or social media. Or gaming.


I am British, and a nightowl sometimes.


I am also a LARPer and a tabletop player in my non-console gaming time.


So... Uh... Yeah. Have at thee...

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I guess this is the right place to put a greeting.


I am new to the forums here, but not new to forums. Or social media. Or gaming.


I am British, and a nightowl sometimes.


I am also a LARPer and a tabletop player in my non-console gaming time.


So... Uh... Yeah. Have at thee...



Welcome friend, enjoy your stay on the PSNP forums!


I also like LARPer and tabletops, been a while though, welcome.

Edited by NadeShady
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Welcome to PSNProfiles :yay: :yay: :yay:




Welcome friend, enjoy your stay on the PSNP forums!


I also like LARPer and tabletops, been a while though, welcome.


Thanks for the welcome.


Its oWOD LARP just so you know, oldest Vampire the Masquerade game in the UK.


Welcome to PSNP! This is a turly lovely and kind community, and I am sure you will find many you can get along with. I do hope you enjoy your stay. I am also a night owl, I function best at night, and prefer to get things done then.




Heh. I have sleep clock issues, which is why I am a nightowl.


Welcome friend!



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hey welcome to the community! i can't say i've ever LARPed before but I'd try it once. if by tabletop you mean like D&D that kinda thing. now that i have tried once... i was very VERY high at the time and i freaking loved it. just have no one to do that with anymore. anyways welcome aboard as they say and ill see ya round.

EDIT: and by no one to do that with. i mean D&D not get high.... who am i kiddin. that too

Edited by funboy1246
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