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Post your trophy hunting stories. What type of hunter are you? Do we hunters have an addiction problem? Let's discuss my friends.


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Im a trophy hunter i been hunting trophies for many years but i don't let trophies determine whether or not i should play a game if the game is intresting i will play it does not matter if getting a platinum is hard the only.thing thst matters to me is the game is fun to play

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I'm more of a casual trophy hunter. I primarily play games for fun, but if it's possible for me to get the platinum I will jump at the chance as long as it doesn't cost me my sanity. I tend to be a bit lazy, though. If a certain trophy requires a shit-ton of effort from me and I honestly don't feel like going through it, I most likely never will unless it's a game that I hold near and dear to my heart.


Regarding my sanity, I felt like I was going to lose it trying to platinum NASCAR: Inside Line because of the fucking highlight challenges, but thankfully I didn't, which is why I'm not even going to bother with NASCAR '14 since the highlight challenges in that game are an even bigger pain in the ass.

Edited by PlanetSurvival
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I would say I'm a completionist though currently my completion rate isn't really that high. In 2010 I was deciding what I wanted to do in gaming should I go for trophies or not. I decided I did and made this account in 2011 with the intention of only enjoying games I like while going for the platinums. The dlc trophies though optional is something I wanted to do as well and understand how much it would cost me since it is expensive. As for an addiction problem, to me it's not because I could stop at anytime if I wanted. All my games on my profile is like a history of how I started and where I wanna go. As long as I'm playing good games the trophy lists don't bother me, having hard games can be challenging but I don't mind. The good thing is that I'm having fun even if trophies have grinding, online, speed runs, no deaths, difficulty related, and so on. Those type of trophies can be a pain but it's just obstacles in my way for the moment and I get through them. I been asked to do easy games just for trophies but my response is always no since I know what I want to play and have on my list. If it wasn't for my passion for music of keeping track of all the latest songs for 11 years currently, I don't think I would be hunting trophies today so I have to says thanks to that. Hearing good music has been my goal always so for gaming it's all about playing good games. The trophy hunting journey has been very good so far and I hope to continue doing well while having fun. One day I will achieve a completion rate of 90 or 95% but I'll need to remain focus and motivated. To me earning platinums imo doesn't make me a better gamer or having ultra rares though I could be wrong. I feel most proud of what I play the most 1st, then followed by my trophy accomplishments.

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Trophy hunting is really just an extension of the way I've always played games. I didn't get trophies for getting all the medals in Starfox 64, beating everything in 007 difficulty on Goldeneye, seeing all the endings in Chrono Trigger or The Peace Keepers, or doing absolutely everything in Blood Omen and Final Fantasy 7. If anything, it sometimes sets limitations for me. Without a trophy for viewing all the endings in Mortal Kombat X, I'll probably never bother to go through and see any endings beyond my favorites. As for how far I would go for trophies, that's dictated by the game. I didn't really care for GTA4 in general but certainly not the multiplayer, so I didn't bother trying to get to the highest rank even through grinding. On the other hand, I had a lot of fun with Singularity so while doing the MP grinds on that were pretty damn tedious, I had fun with it for the most part.

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I've always played a wide variety of games and trophy hunting is just a good fit for my gaming habits.

Ultimately I'd say I'm "casual" compared to the serious hunters but mostly due to my own set of personal rules that come from how I've played games going all the way back to NES. I've missed my share of plats cause of it.

First play through always set to highest avalible difficulty, and absolutely NO guides or walkthroughs. Also no cheats or glitches. Once I've beat the main game/campaign then I can use a trophy guide to clean up. Needless to say, I miss lots of trophies because of that, and if the game is long, requires another play through and is too grinding I might skip it and move onto a new game.

Also like many, if the MP is lame and has trophies I'll skip it (like Tomb Raider), and of course if I just don't like the game I'll move on.

I find trophy hunting fun, if I find the games fun. Simple as that.

Then there are games I love and don't plat cause it's such a grind and daunting to complete. I still tell myself I'll go back and complete Demons Souls/Dark Souls/DS2 and Tales of Symphonia some day cause love them so much, but that's a big mountain to climb. Lol.

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           It was a long time ago, I remember it was a cold and rainy day. I was sitting on my couch wandering if today is the day I will platinum Warriors Orochi 3 so i said to myself, "Hey why not" So I started up my Ps3, scroll over the menu to get to the game and smashed that X button like my life depend on it to start that game and I said"There's no going back now were pulling an all niter" So I stayed up all day till the next morning mowing down all trophies that were in my way and until came upon the hardest monstrous trophy known as Peak of Performance, beat all stages on Ultimate difficulty!. I hold myself on to my couch shivered in fear, then I said "No! I will not be afraid of this monster trophy! I shall conquer my fears!" So I sail to finish the final trophy beating every stage before the sun arises. smashing square and triangle through the whole game till I finally see that platinum trophy pop in beauty as if the angels have finally come to me and said" You've done it brave warrior, here is your reward" I cry in tears as if I have become a god. so that's my most epic trophy hunting story I can remember. :)

Edited by MikeMellow
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I'm a devoted completionist, valuing seeing everything end to end in one experience rather than seeing bits of all experiences.


Final Fantasy VIII is the best example I can think in where I gave myself lofty goals just to see if I could attain them.  The maximum of every item I could get, no battles escaped from bar the mandatory X-ATM092, Seifer having 666 kills to his name before he left the party so it would show up on the monster recorder later, no one KO'd in battle.


Then trophies came along and gave me another meta activity to participate in, and I happily partook. 


Why my PSN card bears such low statistics however, is because I don't want a high score, but like to compete against myself.  This is the fourth profile I've had now, with each of the previous surpassing the last in terms of Platinum count.  This is my "last" one now, now I've got to the age where I can't afford the time to keep refreshing.


Although with that said, I haven't beaten the predecessor to this yet so that nagging feeling still may creep in when I do.

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When I started gaming on the 360 I rented/started/stopped a lot of games. Many I only played for fun and didn't bother with achievements. Then when I joined a clan I only 1000'd games I really enjoyed. I had left borderlands all done (for a year or more) except the speed racer one for the 30 seconds around the track because I had no interest in getting it until I decided I wanted a promotion in the clan to an officer position. Lol. They never gave me the same "satisfaction" that the platinum did on playstation. Idk...I think it is because I looked at achievements the same way I do dlc (take it or leave it) now, whereas the base game gave me something shiny just for doing all of that. I have more plats than I chose to complete xbox games. Like one of the other posters commented about Sleeping Dogs, I had the same 900/950 or whatnot but never bothered to finish it off...whereas I bought the dlc to give me the last challenge I needed for plat.


Though I have no interest in completing all games I lose interest in, and still just play for fun...I do put the extra effort towards a platinum. Want to buy another ps3 when they drop down in price again to go back for my backlog I never got to finish on ps3 that I loved on 360 (me trilogy, buy dead space 1-2, etc). I won't go out of my way to get the platinum for something I know I will consider tedious, though conception 2: children of seven stars (vita) is seriously testing my patience on how much grinding I can stand for that stupid pride boss fight. I'm level 45 I think and children are 30s-late 40s, recommended to be over level 55 -_- . It's boring me but I know it will be an easy plat after the hump, if I can also stand grinding save manipulations for a few cut scene "memories", problem is if I push it into my backlog then I likely won't come back to it for a very long time or ever.


So I like upping my overall completion ratio (want 50%+, made major increase in short period of time...about 15-20%) and I like seeing the rank in the green over my psn level, etc. But that is more of a personal thing with me since I was horrible about not finishing games for so long than an OCD thing, but it definitely does drive it in certain regards. For some reason I prefer the psn/playstation/trophy aspect of it at the core over the achievement/gamer score/their completion ratio

Edited by Not_like_therest
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I'm the if it's something I like and wouldn't mind playing over and over again. I tend to platinum games that are either anime related, have an Anime or its cause I like it. Explains why my completion rate is in its 50s xD

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