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Sup scrubs?


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Hello there people of PSNP, friends old and new.


I'm not actually a new member to this site, but I made a new PSN account about a year ago while I continued to use the forum profile of my old PSN account for PSNP (mostly because of the premium features). Anyway, I'd just like to inform my older friends (and hopefully new ones) that I'll be using this account and you can talk/message me on this one from now on. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.


Also for the people who don't know me. I like video games (obviously), anime, collecting trophies and whatnot. I'm mostly into RPGs, fighting games and survival horror but I'm open minded and I like trying new genres as well.


I think that's all I have to say for now, if there's anything else you would like to know about me please feel free to message/talk to me, I don't bite...okay maybe sometimes, like when I'm having a bad day  :blush:




Why you call me scrub? I'm just a poor man who makes candles in Russia. 



Hello Lumibelle. I need to get this off my chest, get gud. 

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