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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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My game frooze when I reached the 20th floor of the Wandering Dungeon after 4 hours and was ready to fight the queen for the first time... Worst gaming moment ever lol

Ouch! I'd be so pissed after that. Minimum it took me 2 hours just to reach her.
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At the time I wasn't aware of the ambush mechanic to improve the drop rates yet and floors requiring geostones always took me ages to complete.

Lol, better late than never. I did a surprise + ambush and got 2 psynard eggs in a single fight :dance:. Unfortunately I pressed the wrong button and instead of switching to Meracle for the drops, I got Sarah. Still it wasn't too bad, because I got the BT for winning while casting a symbology :D.

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I've just started this game today and I must say it feels quite overwhelming at first glance when reading all the guides because of all the missables and planning ahead, but I'm always in for a grind so I plan on sticking with it until I get it done as I'm finding the game quite enjoyable thus far.

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I've just started this game today and I must say it feels quite overwhelming at first glance when reading all the guides because of all the missables and planning ahead, but I'm always in for a grind so I plan on sticking with it until I get it done as I'm finding the game quite enjoyable thus far.

Let's see you say that again after platting SO4 :P. Good luck with your epic quest :D.

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Only time I experienced freezing issues was in the 7SD. Battle voices were turned off but everyone was set to fight full force. I changed tactics to fight without using MP and it never froze again.


On a side note, after fighting EQ the first time and getting Lymle BT 100 I quickly exited and saved. The next time around, I fought her four more times without leaving to save. I had my fingers crossed the entire time that nothing would freeze. Around 6 hours of progress without saving, I would've died if that happened 107.gif

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I was in the mood to try and defeat EQ in order to see how close I could get to the 10 min limit for Lymle-100, guess what, the game froze on fifth floor of WD lol


I must of been lucky and only had one freezing issue, but it was my fault because I hit the PS button during a loading screen.


Maybe you need to use a lens cleaner or take apart your Ps3 and give it a good dusting to help keep the heat down.

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Hey look, I'm back for another monthly post in this thread, haha. Seriously, though, I'm gonna buckle down again and continue my Earth playthrough, which I stopped the last time I posted a while back. I've had been distracted with the holidays and other games, namely the Ace Attorney series of games, and next month, there's even more games coming out for me to play. So, in between playing all those games, I'm gonna try my best in order to get as far as I can now. I really want this platinum, I'm so close and I want to get it before the contest ends!

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Hey look, I'm back for another monthly post in this thread, haha. Seriously, though, I'm gonna buckle down again and continue my Earth playthrough, which I stopped the last time I posted a while back. I've had been distracted with the holidays and other games, namely the Ace Attorney series of games, and next month, there's even more games coming out for me to play. So, in between playing all those games, I'm gonna try my best in order to get as far as I can now. I really want this platinum, I'm so close and I want to get it before the contest ends!


You got this TFE :highfive:

My earth run took me 96 hours for faize and lymel's last two Bt's, plus you're a really organized Jrpg gamer, the :platinum: is near

Edited by Titanic Balls
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You got this TFE :highfive:

My earth run took me 96 hours for faize and lymel's last two Bt's, plus you're a really organized Jrpg gamer, the :platinum: is near

Thanks dude! 96 hours isn't bad at all. Right now, I'm just trying to get to the end ASAP and then set up to do everything with BTs after that. I'm on Roak at 11 hours in. It's really gonna suck having to make and set up a lot of equipment for the EQ, but I honestly think it won't be as bad as I think it will be. I did it once, I can do it again!

Edited by TheFinalEmblem
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Defeated Kokabiel, got all the blue roses for the funeral bouquets, and crash-landed on Nox Obscuros. That was one looooooong cutscene.


Wait till you have to sit through the ending cutscene and credits 4 or 5 times without being able to skip it.  :blah:

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Wait till you have to sit through the ending cutscene and credits 4 or 5 times without being able to skip it.  :blah:

Oh man. No joke. I walked to 7-11 (which is 3 blocks away) bought a drink, walked back and the scene still wasn't over.



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Wait till you have to sit through the ending cutscene and credits 4 or 5 times without being able to skip it.  :blah:

Oh man. No joke. I walked to 7-11 (which is 3 blocks away) bought a drink, walked back and the scene still wasn't over.



Looks like I'll have to fall back on plan B for the other 3 playthroughs: watching anime :awesome:.

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So, I kept a savegame at Galaxy difficulty just before defeating the queen's 2 wings form. Some chars, including Lymle, aren't maxed and don't have their best equipment yet. Would you advice to try Lymle-100 on that save (let's call it  the Arumat playthrough) or try and defeat her during the Earth playthrough I'm doing for Faize BTs?

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I did Lymle-100 on Universe difficulty so I don't see why you couldn't pull it off. I suggest getting the best gear and maxing everyone's level out before attempting it, however. If it doesn't work, or if you have no reason to fight the queen again on your Arumat file, then you should just use Earth playthrough for that.

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I have no reason to face her again in my Galaxy playthrough except for Lymle-100, on the other hand I don't feel comfortable enough facing her without spamming Dragon Roar, so maybe I'll try on Galaxy first. I've defeated Madoras in Upper Apex in WKC2 playing solo, so I don't know why I'm afraid of facing her lol, maybe the amount of time required to reach her without the chance of saving the progress.

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14 more battle trophies today :) Cleaned up all of Meracles, Reimis and Myruia Fury trophies. That means only 6 more and I am at 80% done :D

Nice work :D. I did about 4 funeral bouquets PAs and all the final PAs except the one for Crowe. Currently leveling my party a bit at the starting area in Nox Obscuros.

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