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I can't believe the Vikings lost with that missed FG. That kick was just so bad I'd be surprised if the kicker didn't go home and cut his damn foot off.

I'm a Vikes fan and am disappointed but not surprised. Walsh missed at least 5 PAT's this year. And for some odd reason, he likes kicking from the other hash mark so that's on the coaches for not getting him on the favored side of the field.

That said, my silver lining is at least I'm not a Bengal fan. That was a gutpuncher of a loss last night.

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Well how about that, all 4 road teams won in the wild-card round


Divisonal matchups are now set 




Chiefs @ Patriots 4:35PM ET CBS

Packers @ Cardinals 8:15PM ET NBC



Seahawks @ Panthers 1:05PM ET FOX

Steelers @ Broncos 4:40PM ET CBS

Edited by Wallace
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Redskins, Seahawks, Steelers, and Chiefs.



Went 3-1 last week.


The Vikings and Bengals were so close to winning. I remember Blair Walsh getting some mad noise when he took the field at Georgia, but he missed the most important kick of his NFL career so far.



This week I'll go with the Broncos, Chiefs, Panthers, and Cardinals.

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NFL owners have officially approved the Rams' relocation to Inglewood, Cal.

The Rams' relocation bid won by a 30-2 vote. The Chargers have the option to join the Rams in Inglewood but have not made a decision yet. The Raiders have pulled their relocation request and should be compensated handsomely with money to build a new stadium and "favorable consideration" the next time they submit a relocation bid. Money was obviously a huge factor in the owners choosing Inglewood over Carson, but it wasn't the only one. Having the Chargers and Raiders share a stadium in Carson likely would have prompted division and possibly conference realignment, which the owners were not in favor of. The new stadium in Inglewood is expected to open in 2019.


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Missouri's governor made a statement and also made a few comments on Twitter. From reading them carefully, he says things like "reviewing the decision" and "considering our next steps". So that tells me one thing: lawyers are probably going to be involved and he'll likely see about going to court to try and delay or stop the move altogether. I'm just curious who voted against it. :hmm:

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Went 3-1 last week.


The Vikings and Bengals were so close to winning. I remember Blair Walsh getting some mad noise when he took the field at Georgia, but he missed the most important kick of his NFL career so far.



This week I'll go with the Broncos, Chiefs, Panthers, and Cardinals.


I hope you're right.  Would like nothing more than to see the Steelers, Pats, and Seahawks eliminated in the same weekend, like a dream come true.  As far as picks go, I'm picking all home teams this week.  Went 3-1 myself last weekend thanks to the Bengals :/

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Missouri's governor made a statement and also made a few comments on Twitter. From reading them carefully, he says things like "reviewing the decision" and "considering our next steps". So that tells me one thing: lawyers are probably going to be involved and he'll likely see about going to court to try and delay or stop the move altogether. I'm just curious who voted against it. :hmm:


I don't see where the state of Missouri has a legal leg on which to stand.  They'll sue, because lawsuits are the American way even if it's just a way to stamp one's feet and throw a temper tantrum, but I can't see it going anywhere.  The Rams are on a year-to-year lease at this point, so it's not like they're breaking a contract.  And the Missouri-proposed stadium plan is hypothetical and completely unfunded and has some assumptions that are just plain false -- e.g., said plan depends on the NFL kicking in at least $250 million when the League's stadium fund will only kick in $100 million per team for one stadium.


Past that, it would be political malpractice if the city of St. Louis and the state of Missouri throw as much money into a stadium plan as the hypotheticals propose.  That city and that state have far greater problems and not enough money to solve them to begin with.  To throw hundreds of millions of dollars at a private corporation (the NFL) that isn't going to share the profits in return is a waste.  It's a shame for St. Louis to lose their team, but it would be a bigger shame for the taxpayers of that area if their good money was being used to subsidize a wealthy, high-earning corporation at the expense of whatever public services were to be cut in response.

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I don't see where the state of Missouri has a legal leg on which to stand.  They'll sue, because lawsuits are the American way even if it's just a way to stamp one's feet and throw a temper tantrum, but I can't see it going anywhere.  The Rams are on a year-to-year lease at this point, so it's not like they're breaking a contract.  And the Missouri-proposed stadium plan is hypothetical and completely unfunded and has some assumptions that are just plain false -- e.g., said plan depends on the NFL kicking in at least $250 million when the League's stadium fund will only kick in $100 million per team for one stadium.


Past that, it would be political malpractice if the city of St. Louis and the state of Missouri throw as much money into a stadium plan as the hypotheticals propose.  That city and that state have far greater problems and not enough money to solve them to begin with.  To throw hundreds of millions of dollars at a private corporation (the NFL) that isn't going to share the profits in return is a waste.  It's a shame for St. Louis to lose their team, but it would be a bigger shame for the taxpayers of that area if their good money was being used to subsidize a wealthy, high-earning corporation at the expense of whatever public services were to be cut in response.

Maybe, but that never stopped anyone from suing! xD

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Chip Kelly to the 9ers, I finally predicted something right.  And even better, the 9ers have a coach that us Seattle fans can hate again  :devil:  I mean, he already coached the team that was the Huskies daddy for several years so half the town hates him already.


Next bold prediction, he makes (or at least convinces the decision makers in San Fran) a straight up 1 for 1 QB trade with the Redskins, CK7 for RG3.

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I'm kind of hoping the Raiders start singing Viva Las Vegas at this point.  How many times has the league screwed them worse than a White House Intern over the last 40 years? 


Biggest handicap they had the last couple of seasons is being stuck with California's income tax, why not go to a state that doesn't have one?  Should allow the team to avoid the shenanigans from the two Texas owners that trying San Antonio would bring.


While I'm the first person to complain about a city being gouged for a team owned stadium, I can't fathom the city/county who own the stadium demanding $1B from their secondary tenant  with the weaker revenues from said stadium to upgrade from one that routinely floods with sewage. It's a 50 year old dump, you don't demand the tenants foot the bill upfront for your property becoming serviceable. 

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Short of Kirk Cousins walking away in free agency, why would Washington do this?

Because it makes absolutely no sense and Chip Kelly's involved.  Those two things seem to have a habit of going hand in hand, I sometime wonder if Chip is like Kilgrave from Jessica Jones.  He gets crazy hair-brained ideas, then looks at other GM's and says "you're going to give me this player".  The other GM's are then powerless to his mind control and comply.

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Divisional picks 


Cards over Packers - Packers had a good showing of it against the Redskins, but that was the Redskins.  I'd love to see Green Bay win so a potential rematch of last years NFC title game could be on the table but that game a few weeks ago was pretty telling.  GB's receivers couldn't get open and their O-line couldn't protect Rodgers.  I see more of the same today.


Chiefs over Pats - That's gonna be my bold pick of the week (last week was Texans over Chiefs... whoops), everyone's saying the Chiefs don't have enough offense to beat the Pats, I'm gonna say they squeak by with pressure on Brady and Smith's legs.


Seahawks over Panthers - Wagner's back to spy on Cam, Lynch's (hopefully) back to help the running game, and Seattle's the more experienced team right now in post season games (they've played more than anyone in the past three years).  I also think the Panthers are going to come into this one over-confident.  Close game but Seattle barely takes it.


Broncos over Steelers - Pretty simple one here, too many injuries on offense for the Steelers to deal with Denver's defense.

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Since everyone else is making them, I guess I ought to as well.  Picks for this weekend:


Patriots over Chiefs:  Kansas City has been on a heck of a roll, but I think it it ends here.  New England at home, New England having had time to get healthy and do a lot of gameplanning for the Chiefs, and who has Kansas City really beaten the last three months anyhow?  That, and the Patriots are my choice to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl at this point.  My heart is not happy about that choice, but I'm picking with my head here.


Cardinals over Packers:  Everyone remember what happened on Sunday Night Football a few weeks ago?  Anyone convinced that the Packers are significantly better or the Cardinals significantly worse since then?  Not this guy.


Seahawks over Panthers:  Yeah, Seattle got some good fortune to escape Minnesota with a win, but I won't hold that against them.  They're the team I don't think anybody wants to play right now because they're starting to resemble the team that has been to the last two Super Bowls.  And I believe they're good enough to make it three in a row.


Steelers over Broncos:  Yeah, Pittsburgh might be calling some of us up to play in tomorrow's game at this point, but they're still a good team.  I'm worried about Ben Roethlisberger and his potential inability to throw downfield, but that's really the only thing that makes me nervous about this pick.  Denver just isn't as good a team as their record says they are, and Peyton Manning in Week 17 reminded me of my dog when I had the vet shoot her up with some really strong pharmaceuticals for the last week of her life before we put her to sleep a few years ago so that certain people would have a chance to say "a proper good-bye" to her -- she resembled "her old self" for a while, but it was "one last hurrah" and didn't change that "it was time".


Meaning I think both Conference Title games will be 6@2.

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