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The LA Rams are keeping open the possibility of getting Peyton Manning for the coming season, if he doesn't retire http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14703972/los-angeles-rams-discuss-peyton-manning-option-2016

Don't hold your breath. I believe Peyton Manning is going to retire after Sunday's game. If he were to play another year I believe it would only be with a title contender. I mean the Rams are literally built to stop the Seattle Seahawks and the rest of the NFC West but are extremely ineffective against any other teams. 

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The LA Rams are keeping open the possibility of getting Peyton Manning for the coming season, if he doesn't retire http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14703972/los-angeles-rams-discuss-peyton-manning-option-2016

Still can't get used to them being called that...


Looks like the Johnny Football era in Cleveland is almost over. About damn time, I say:

Browns will cut Johnny Manziel on March 9 - NFL.com

He had an amazing opportunity, but he pissed it away since he decided he still wanted to be a frat boy. Still, there are some teams that are hard up for a QB, so there may be a taker.

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Although the game really summed up the season perfectly (lets celebrate mediocrity!!) I'm glad it was defense that won the game for Denver.  Offense will work wonders for you in the regular season, when there's a bunch of bad teams plaguing the league to beat up on, but in the post season, defense, defense, defense.  Every year, Goodell tries harder and harder to cater to offense so the fantasy fans will be happy and (almost) every year defense wins in the end.  Last year was the exception but by the time the 4th quarter came around Seattle's entire secondary, save 1 guy, was playing hurt injured.  They just didn't have anything left.  Thank you Broncos for once again showing that defense matters!!

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That moment when you realize the only thing you had to hang your hat on was gone.  Now Peyton has 2 rings too  :facepalm:


Leave Eli alone!


Anyway, congrats to my favorite player, Peyton Manning, for getting his second ring. Unlike many, I actually like that he was carried in this game. God knows he had to carry so many 2nd rate teams in Indy. I wish he could have SB 48 back, but still, a great end to a great career.


And the virtual tears of the online Patsy "fans" are like nectar to me.

Heard Goodell has his big presser today.  I didn't watch or listen to any of it but I'm going to assume he spent the entire thing talking around every subject brought up like the weasel he is?


Is there anyone more distasteful at the moment than Goodell? Weasel is an absolutely appropriate description for him. His mugging after the SB to Manning annoyed the crap out of me.

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Cam Newton showed why he's not as great as he thinks he is and how his fans made him out to be at the post-game conference last night. He acted like an arrogant, immature, spoiled brat. I can understand him being upset he lost, but you still have to act like a professional. If Peyton Manning had been in his shoes last night, he wouldn't have been sitting there pouting, then stormed off. He would've taken it like a man. Hopefully later he'll watch it and see how big a fool he was.

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I think people are a bit unfair to Newton. I feel for him. Newton was pressured all night due to absurdly bad line play, and his receivers did him no favors, either. I know people were pissed that he was so sulky in the postgame, but what do you want? Honestly, if he had been chipper after the loss, people would say that he didn't care about his team or his loss.


Manning has bitched at post game interviews after losses, too (including calling out his line in Indy - rightfully so, IMHO). I thought Newton hung in there well. He doesn't have 4 SB wins like Brady, and with the way he plays, it is unclear if his next game will be his last (i.e. that guy takes a ton of hits). That hits hard, emotionally.


I'm glad the Broncos and Manning won. But I would like to see people respect Newton a bit more. I can tell you that his opponents do.

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I think people are a bit unfair to Newton. I feel for him. Newton was pressured all night due to absurdly bad line play, and his receivers did him no favors, either. I know people were pissed that he was so sulky in the postgame, but what do you want? Honestly, if he had been chipper after the loss, people would say that he didn't care about his team or his loss.


Manning has bitched at post game interviews after losses, too (including calling out his line in Indy - rightfully so, IMHO). I thought Newton hung in there well. He doesn't have 4 SB wins like Brady, and with the way he plays, it is unclear if his next game will be his last (i.e. that guy takes a ton of hits). That hits hard, emotionally.


I'm glad the Broncos and Manning won. But I would like to see people respect Newton a bit more. I can tell you that his opponents do.

I don't think anyone is being unfair to Newton. He and his teammates talked more trash than any other NFL team this season. He flat out disrespected countless teams with his beyond excessive celebrations, including taking a team photo on the sidelines during a game. When Terell Owens, Chad Johnson, or Randy Moss did those type of celebrations during their careers people were calling for their heads. Oh, but when Cam Newton does it "he is just having fun"? If he shows no respect, then he gets none after he loses. Not to mention during the game he pouted like a baby all night long. People make fun of Tom Brady for overexaggerating things and complaining about everything but he absolutely took it to a new level. The way he rolled around in the end zone after a clean hit by Demarcus Ware, when he fell to the ground on the sidelines after the Broncos went up 24-10, how he didn't even attempt to recover a loose ball in the final minutes of the game. He acted like a child at the grocery store after his mom made him put back the gummy bears. Now let me be the first to say, I was thoroughly convinced the Panthers would win this game. However, as I look back upon it I shouldn't have been so sure. If we go back to around week 8 when the Panthers were obviously 8-0, I wrote on this forum that at some point throughout the remainder of the season Cam Newton was going to get a bad break. I claimed that once things started going badly for him and his team in a game, he would crumble and go back to putting the "towel over his head". It took a little longer than I expected, but he absolutely returned to that form last night. 


By the way, don't even get me started with the interview after the game. That just put the nail in the coffin as I am concerned. Yeah, the questions were by no means fantastic but he has absolutely no right to walk away from that interview. Tom Brady sat at an interview answering the same stupid questions after entering the Superbowl with an 18-0 record when a team with a top 5 offense in NFL history got beat by a 9-7 wildcard team. Peyton Manning answered questions after getting flat out ramrodded by the Seattle Seahawks 2 years ago by a score of 43-8. Russell Wilson sat up there last year and tried to defend the inexcusable play call on the final play of the Super Bowl. Brady, Manning, and Wilson acted like men when they lost. Cam Netwon on the other hand, acted like a sore loser. 

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By the way, don't even get me started with the interview after the game. That just put the nail in the coffin as I am concerned. Yeah, the questions were by no means fantastic but he has absolutely no right to walk away from that interview. Tom Brady sat at an interview answering the same stupid questions after entering the Superbowl with an 18-0 record when a team with a top 5 offense in NFL history got beat by a 9-7 wildcard team. Peyton Manning answered questions after getting flat out ramrodded by the Seattle Seahawks 2 years ago by a score of 43-8. Russell Wilson sat up there last year and tried to defend the inexcusable play call on the final play of the Super Bowl. Brady, Manning, and Wilson acted like men when they lost. Cam Netwon on the other hand, acted like a sore loser. 


All of those folks had a SB win by the time of that interview (Brady had 3 at that point). For a Wilson, or a Manning, it's a lot easier to explain your pick 6 in Super Bowl 43, or your complete flat performance in Super Bowl 48 if you've won Super Bowl 41. Again, let's not forget that Manning called out his line in a postgame interview after a playoff loss in Indy (completely justified, BTW, but it happened), and the worst he got were a few online Patsy fans making fun.


Could Newton have acted better after the game? Certainly, and I think Deion gets it right. But, at the same time, I can't help but think that no matter how Cam composed himself after that loss, people would have criticized him. 

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All of those folks had a SB win by the time of that interview (Brady had 3 at that point). For a Wilson, or a Manning, it's a lot easier to explain your pick 6 in Super Bowl 43, or your complete flat performance in Super Bowl 48 if you've won Super Bowl 41. Again, let's not forget that Manning called out his line in a postgame interview after a playoff loss in Indy (completely justified, BTW, but it happened), and the worst he got were a few online Patsy fans making fun.


Could Newton have acted better after the game? Certainly, and I think Deion gets it right. But, at the same time, I can't help but think that no matter how Cam composed himself after that loss, people would have criticized him. 

One of the accolades he's had heaped on him all year was his "leadership".  The guy on, and off, the field last night was not a leader.  I absolutely would not want my children emulating what he did in wins or losses this season.  Had he composed himself with any class yesterday I would look past him celebrating every accomplishment, no matter how small, during the regular season, but he didn't.  His actions showed that he's more than happy to rub it in your face when things go well but can't be any kind of man when they don't.


Yesterday also confirmed to me that, while still a very good team, the main difference between last years 7-8-1 Panthers and this years 15-1 Panthers was the schedule.  They're going to be contenders every year but I highly doubt they'll ever match what they did in 2015.

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All of those folks had a SB win by the time of that interview (Brady had 3 at that point). For a Wilson, or a Manning, it's a lot easier to explain your pick 6 in Super Bowl 43, or your complete flat performance in Super Bowl 48 if you've won Super Bowl 41. Again, let's not forget that Manning called out his line in a postgame interview after a playoff loss in Indy (completely justified, BTW, but it happened), and the worst he got were a few online Patsy fans making fun.


Could Newton have acted better after the game? Certainly, and I think Deion gets it right. But, at the same time, I can't help but think that no matter how Cam composed himself after that loss, people would have criticized him. 

I see how Cam would have been criticized by the NFL fanbase either way, but he brought that upon himself. I have said it before on this thread if you are going to gloat and trash talk that is fine with me, I actually welcome it. Some of my favorite athletes of all time have been the biggest and badest trash talkers sports has ever seen. Athletes like Muhammad Ali, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Shaquille O'Neal, Mike Tyson, Charles Barkley, and Dennis Rodman. What I would warn players about though is once you cannot back it up, the backlash will be that much more severe. Think about if the 2013 Seattle Seahawks would have done anything less than win the Superbowl in 2013. From all the trash talk they spewed all year, capped off by Richard Sherman calling Michael Crabtree sorry on National Television after the NFC title game. Think about Mike Tyson, possibly the most dominant boxing force ever in his prime, who had a record of 38-0, with 34 knockouts, fought Buster Douglas on February 11, 1992. Mike Tyson was favored 42-1, an absolutely astronomical number. I was too young to remember, but lord knows how much he talked before this fight. He probably didn't even take it seriously and look what happened. Combine that devastating loss with some of his life choices and he was literally never the same. Thats just the risks you take when you are so arrogant. Even if you win 95% of the time, during those 5% of times, you deserve to be hated on. I hope Cam Newton can learn from what he did this year and make changes (or not) as to how he wants to approach the season next year. 

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Not sure if I said it here, but for 2 weeks I've had people at work telling me how badly the Panthers would destroy the Broncos, and for 2 weeks I've been trying to tell people that it's not the Panthers D that more closely resembled the '13 Hawks, it's Denver's.  I was not convinced Denver would win, but time and time again I said it would be a close, low-scoring game as long as Manning didn't turn the ball over a bunch of times down in his end of the field.  I figured it would end just like the Pats game, and it did (well, a little more spread out, didn't think it'd be more than 7 points difference).  The fact that Denver won did not surprise me (though I also would not have been surprised if Carolina won).  The fact that their D pressured Cam all night did not surprise me.  The 5 total turnover count (3 Panthers, 2 Broncos) did not surprise me.  However, the fact that Peyton (who I love as a player) did nothing spectacular and relied fully on his D to win did surprise me.  I figured he'd be the turning point.  Some great play would be the deciding factor.  it was not.  In turn it was Von Miller's great play that did it.  He played an amazing game, as did most of the Denver D (except Talib, that guy sucks, he needs to go to another team, can't stand him).  Denver's D owned the night.  That whole starting 11 should have been the MVP.  Cam played scared the whole game, and he should have been scared.  He hadn't seen a D that good the whole year.  I don't like that some Denver players trash talked him after the game, I'd prefer they focus on their win and enjoy it, but after all the shit the Panthers players and fans spewed all year, it was kinda justified.  Just like Brady 2 weeks earlier, Cam got wrecked.  He couldn't handle it and it showed in his high passes and the fact that on about 25-30 of his snaps he was running for his life.  I don't wish him or the Panthers any ill-will, they had a great season and they deserved to be in the SB.  Their D is also quite spectacular, top 5 for sure, maybe top 3, but the best defense in the league won the game for their team yesterday.  And honestly, they may be one of the best in history.  I've never seen a QB pressured that hard for that long... is what I said 2 weeks ago, and it happened again last night.  Amazing playoff display by the Denver D.  And as someone said earlier in this thread, most of Peyton's past teams rode on his coattails so it's only fitting that he get to ride his D to his second ring.  And don't get me wrong, he wasn't terrible, he just wasn't spectacular that bad in his prime.  He did just enough to set his team up for a few extra points, take time off the clock, and not put his D in a terrible position.  Cam on the other hand, though fairly it was due to his O-line being man-handled, put his team in a terrible spot.  2 fumbles deep in their own end, one for a TD and the other leading to a TD.  Manning fumbled too, but at least his was at the Panthers 40 and didn't lead to any points.  So glad for that... and very happy for Manning.  As much as it pains me to say, I hope he retires.  I hope he goes out in style like Elway did.  I hope he doesn't pull a Favre and bounce to a new team every year for the next 2-3 years before fading into obscurity and scandal.  He's just not the same player anymore, and I think he knows that, so hopefully he retires.  HOWEVER, I also hope he becomes a coach.  He could be an amazing offensive coach, or hell, even a defensive coach, the man has seen every formation imaginable, lol.  But I hope he becomes a coach, maybe a QB coach, maybe an assistant coach, and maybe eventually, after a few years, a head coach.  A lot of players became coaches and look how successful Ron Rivera was this year and Jim Harbaugh at Stanford, SF, and Michigan.  Peyton could win another ring in the future, just maybe this time he does it from the sidelines... you never know.


Oh, and that gif of Eli from earlier, I remember seeing that live during the game and the only thought that crossed my mind was 'relief'.  I think as a player, someone who's been there before, including the winning QB of 2 super bowls, I think the relief of knowing that score just sealed the deal and won the game for the Broncos was what we saw in his face.  Of course I also saw his eyes jump a round a little, and I bet you he was doing the math.  I bet you he saw a 14 point differential, ~3 mins on the clock, and the Panthers 2 timeouts and he was doing the math.  That math may have lead to him knowing it was still possible for the Panthers to tie or even win, but he was probably playing out the various scenarios in his head.  I mean shit, that's what I was doing and I've never played professional football, lol.  I didn't start celebrating until the penalty that lead to the 10 second run-off and there was 1 second left in the game.  It was only at that moment that I allowed myself to say 'they won'.  Remember Eli was part of that NY team that allowed 4 TDs in 7 minutes by the Eagles and lost.  So 3 mins left, he was probably thinking 'good job, but for fucks sake, don't get cocky and go close this thing out'.  At least that's what I think was going on there.

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 He played an amazing game, as did most of the Denver D (except Talib, that guy sucks, he needs to go to another team, can't stand him).  

Talib didn't play well? I thought he played great. I think I saw him get beat only 1 time by Ted Ginn for about 25-30 yards but that is really it. That's not too bad considering Ginn is one of the fastest receivers in the NFL. He played great man coverage like usual and for the most part and neutralized Greg Olsen when he was guarding him. I think I remember him having two calls you could refer to as dirty or blatant in the first 6 minutes or so. The first one was a taunting call and there was absolutely no excuse, he made a mistake. The other was a facemask penalty which, to be honest, I didn't have a problem with in that situation. I mean its the Superbowl game, the biggest game of his life. If there ever was a time to pull the facemask and prevent a touchdown I think that was it. Whether you like it or not Talib is in the "big 3" of this defense as far as I am concerned. Miller, Ware, Talib, and Chris Harris make this defense work so well. There truly are few cornerbacks in the NFL that can play man coverage better. If they cannot get one of those few replacements, Talib should not go anywhere. Hell if he does, we will HAPPILY take him in Green Bay. 

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If there ever was a time to pull the facemask and prevent a touchdown I think that was it. 


There wasn't going to be a touchdown scored in that spot regardless -- the receiver was going out of bounds.  That being said, if the NFL (or its players) gave a damn about player safety, that's a spot to eject Aqib Talib as an object lesson -- flag it as a double personal foul, one for grabbing the facemask and one for unnecessary roughness.  Grabbing and twisting the facemask was completely unnecessary and I suspect part of the motive for doing so -- beyond the lack of yardage to penalize anyhow -- was an attempt to "intimidate" the way some players like to when they go for massive hits.


Talib said as much that he did it because it wasn't going to hurt his team.  Perhaps if a player gets thrown out of a game for that sort of garbage, the next guy will think twice before pulling the same stunt.

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Talib didn't play well? I thought he played great. I think I saw him get beat only 1 time by Ted Ginn for about 25-30 yards but that is really it. That's not too bad considering Ginn is one of the fastest receivers in the NFL. He played great man coverage like usual and for the most part and neutralized Greg Olsen when he was guarding him. I think I remember him having two calls you could refer to as dirty or blatant in the first 6 minutes or so. The first one was a taunting call and there was absolutely no excuse, he made a mistake. The other was a facemask penalty which, to be honest, I didn't have a problem with in that situation. I mean its the Superbowl game, the biggest game of his life. If there ever was a time to pull the facemask and prevent a touchdown I think that was it. Whether you like it or not Talib is in the "big 3" of this defense as far as I am concerned. Miller, Ware, Talib, and Chris Harris make this defense work so well. There truly are few cornerbacks in the NFL that can play man coverage better. If they cannot get one of those few replacements, Talib should not go anywhere. Hell if he does, we will HAPPILY take him in Green Bay. 


There wasn't going to be a touchdown scored in that spot regardless -- the receiver was going out of bounds.  That being said, if the NFL (or its players) gave a damn about player safety, that's a spot to eject Aqib Talib as an object lesson -- flag it as a double personal foul, one for grabbing the facemask and one for unnecessary roughness.  Grabbing and twisting the facemask was completely unnecessary and I suspect part of the motive for doing so -- beyond the lack of yardage to penalize anyhow -- was an attempt to "intimidate" the way some players like to when they go for massive hits.


Talib said as much that he did it because it wasn't going to hurt his team.  Perhaps if a player gets thrown out of a game for that sort of garbage, the next guy will think twice before pulling the same stunt.


This was one of 2 personal fouls he incurred in the game.  He also was responsible for allowing more than 1/3 of Carolina's total yardage.  All year I watched Denver's D play dominant football and the vast majority of the bad plays and fouls centered around Talib.  On top of that he runs his fucking mouth non-stop, more than the rest of the defense combined.  This D would do just as well without him.

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This was one of 2 personal fouls he incurred in the game.  He also was responsible for allowing more than 1/3 of Carolina's total yardage.  All year I watched Denver's D play dominant football and the vast majority of the bad plays and fouls centered around Talib.  On top of that he runs his fucking mouth non-stop, more than the rest of the defense combined.  This D would do just as well without him.

He does talk a lot but I still disagree. When you have a defense this good, sometimes it seems like you can go and remove some pieces and it would still be fine. But the type of defense they have run all season requires beyond average cornerbacks. There cannot be a weak point. You may say so now, but only when Talib is gone and their backup, Bradley Robe comes in will you truly notice a difference. In my opinion nobody in their right mind would trade or release their top cornerback after their pass defense was ranked #1 in the NFL. Aqib Talib can be beat on a few plays, but you will see him exploited rarely ever, that just may not be the case with Robe. If one cornerback gets exposed, more often than not the safety needs to do more, then the linebackers need to do more. It's a domino effect that could have huge implications on the overall wellbeing of the defense. 

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