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Alright acasser, so far we're at a drive each and it's been to the script.  A take-away taken-away, Seattle not defending the middle of the field and 1 sack for the Jets.  Let the ugly game commence.


And as I was typing that Marshall burns Sherman, lol.


Update - I was just going to complain wholesale about Marshall blatantly pushing off and Sherman getting flagged for it but the next play I guess made up for it.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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I'm waiting for the 49ers game and Game Pass choose Raiders-Ravens while waiting... what a drive and (maybe) winning TD for Crabtree!! Also the third of the game. I'm wondering why he was considered a finish man at SF... sure his stats was horrible in his last year, but watching him right now... was he the problem back in that years?

Edited by Zio_Sam87
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Are you kiddin' me... 14 points gifted by referee... First a no way personal foul against Tartt that saved the drive, then a no-called holding against Kerley and in the end another no-call against Butler during the TD... come on!


Another three points by the Dallas Referees... who cares if left tackle often starts earlier? Just throw a flag against Brooks and it's all good!

Edited by Zio_Sam87
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I don't think so, they ARE the problem... last in the league in 3rd down conversion... first in 3 and out... If you can't stay on the field, then your defense have to... and get tired and give up point (well, yesterday not the case since they went 0-14 in less than 3 minutes)... Only threat is Hyde, so if opponent stop him, it's over.

Starting to think we're both right.  9ers problem is their offense... and defense.

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Starting to think we're both right.  9ers problem is their offense... and defense.


Well today we learnt two things:


  1. Cowboys-49ers finished 7-17, Referees-49ers 17-0 for a combined 24-17 Dallas win
  2. Gabbert is a freakin' garbage... He can't throw... Every throw is clearly near the ground cause if he try higher, he's intercepted... Fuck!
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Well today we learnt two things:


  1. Cowboys-49ers finished 7-17, Referees-49ers 17-0 for a combined 24-17 Dallas win
  2. Gabbert is a freakin' garbage... He can't throw... Every throw is clearly near the ground cause if he try higher, he's intercepted... Fuck!



It's amazing to me how bad the Niners have been in identifying QBs, when they were so good at it for so long. Holding onto Alex Smith really hurt them. Getting rid of him was a good move, but handing the keys to Kaepernick didn't help. Gabbert is...just garbage.

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The memo's out.  If you wanna beat ODB' JR, just play physical and talk as much trash as you can.  He'll spend the rest of the game trying to get back at you and crying like a baby instead of actually playing. Would love to see the mental collapse Sherman could put this guy through.

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My Week 5 NFL Tips

Cardinals over 49ers

Colts over Bears

Patriots over Browns

Eagles over Lions

Titans over Dolphins

Vikings over Texans

Steelers over Jets

Ravens over Redskins

Broncos over Falcons

Rams over Bills

My Cowboys over Bengals

Raiders over Chargers

Packers over Giants

Panthers over Bucs

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It's amazing to me how bad the Niners have been in identifying QBs, when they were so good at it for so long. Holding onto Alex Smith really hurt them. Getting rid of him was a good move, but handing the keys to Kaepernick didn't help. Gabbert is...just garbage.


Quarterback has always been a position of great need and short supply in the NFL.  Teams want that great QB, but they're also so afraid of having a terrible QB that they'll panic and overpay for mediocrity and get stuck in that particular rut.  (See also: Jets, New York.)


As for San Francisco's "glorious history of identifying great QBs", isn't that just a bit overstated?  Yes, Joe Montana and Steve Young were tremendous, but it's not like they had to draft and develop guys while Montana and Young were around.  Just like Indianapolis didn't really have to worry so long as Peyton Manning was around and healthy.  Having that top-of-the-line guy already holding the fort means one doesn't have to invest time and resources in trying to do so.  So I hesitate to give a team too much credit for that ability when they knock one out of the park and then don't have to step up to that plate for a decade or so.




Yeah, San Francisco is in a terrible situation with Gabbert and Kaepernick right now, but what was the alternative?  They didn't have the money to chase someone like Brock Osweiler, and they have so many holes that trading up for Jared Goff or Carson Wentz was probably a very bad idea on a number of levels.


A team pretty much has to suck to epic (2-14) proportions in "the right year" if they're going to solve that problem these days, because the alternative is hoping that they hit the jackpot in the Draft Lottery by getting the right guy in the mid-to-late rounds -- e.g., Russell Wilson or Tom Brady.  And that jackpot is simply a long-odds bet to begin with.

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Quarterback has always been a position of great need and short supply in the NFL.  Teams want that great QB, but they're also so afraid of having a terrible QB that they'll panic and overpay for mediocrity and get stuck in that particular rut.  (See also: Jets, New York.)


As for San Francisco's "glorious history of identifying great QBs", isn't that just a bit overstated?  Yes, Joe Montana and Steve Young were tremendous, but it's not like they had to draft and develop guys while Montana and Young were around.  Just like Indianapolis didn't really have to worry so long as Peyton Manning was around and healthy.  Having that top-of-the-line guy already holding the fort means one doesn't have to invest time and resources in trying to do so.  So I hesitate to give a team too much credit for that ability when they knock one out of the park and then don't have to step up to that plate for a decade or so.




Yeah, San Francisco is in a terrible situation with Gabbert and Kaepernick right now, but what was the alternative?  They didn't have the money to chase someone like Brock Osweiler, and they have so many holes that trading up for Jared Goff or Carson Wentz was probably a very bad idea on a number of levels.


A team pretty much has to suck to epic (2-14) proportions in "the right year" if they're going to solve that problem these days, because the alternative is hoping that they hit the jackpot in the Draft Lottery by getting the right guy in the mid-to-late rounds -- e.g., Russell Wilson or Tom Brady.  And that jackpot is simply a long-odds bet to begin with.


Don't forget Steve Deberg. While not a HOFer like Montana and Young, he played for 20 years(!) in the NFL. Jeff Garcia was another that, while not on the caliber of Montana and Young (few are), he was still a Pro Bowl QB multiple times. Hell, even backup Steve Bono made the Pro Bowl one year.


The Niners, from the late 70s throughout the 90s, were quite good at identifying talent. My guess is that's why they held Smith so long - they really thought they must be missing something. In any case, teams like the Colts don't belong in the same breath (honestly, they might have an issue now with an overrated Luck).

Edited by starcrunch061
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Who the f--k even knows what's a penalty and what isn't anymore.  It's beyond maddening.


Yeah...I knew immediately when the Cardinal started talking shit after a first down the 49er wouldn't be able to help but do something to draw a penalty. 

Getting paid to play football and you can't handle some shit talking. :facepalm: teenagers I played with would have these guys crying. xD


But that near german suplex should have had a flag thrown. Play was called dead, everyone pretty much stopped, and this guy swoops in for a mortal kombat finisher. :rolleyes:

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[cut]  They didn't have the money to chase someone like Brock Osweiler [cut]


Are you kidding me? We have one of the highest cap room space, if not the top most. Simply that shitty front are hiding $$$ under the mattress.


By the way, about the game... oh, fuck off, I don't want to say a word about this shitty situation  :facepalm:

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