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National Football League Thread


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A couple of random thoughts this evening....


I do feel bad for Earl Thomas.  I can't argue that the rule was adjudicated wrong, because it wasn't, but it's still a stupid interpretation of a rule that wasn't designed for that particular circumstance.


I didn't comment about it last Sunday night or in the intervening week, but my first reaction after watching Seahawks-Cardinals last Sunday night was that somebody had worse special teams than the Jets.  I attended Jets-Ravens last Sunday, watching the Jets get one punt blocked, a field goal blocked, having another long snap fumbled away for Baltimore's lone TD.... and Arizona was apparantly hell-bent on exceeding all that (and succeeded!).


I'm glad the Raiders aren't on the Jets' schedule this year, because David Carr would probably put up Madden-esque numbers against them.  As in "Madden set so the AI is gimped every way possible" numbers.


Finally, the Jets are the suckiest sucks in the history of sucking suckitude.  They had no business winning today's game and only won because it was the Cleveland Browns.... and near as I can tell, "God hates Cleveland" has to be amended to "God hates the Cleveland Browns".  I'm done with Ryan Fitzpatrick and have been for weeks.  I'm done with Chan Gailey and his idiot playcalling.  I'm ready to be done with Matt Forte and his inability to run more than three yards on a single play.


Yeah, the Jets are 3-5 and might be 4-5 after next week's tilt in Miami.  Yeah, the early schedule was brutal and has been heavily front-loaded with road games.  But this still isn't a good team and Mike McCagnan has built a bizarre Frankenstein roster that's neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring.  The Jets can't decide if they're contenders -- Spoiler Alert: they're not -- or rebuilding.  They have four quarterbacks on the roster and none of them are very good.  They've got a bunch of greybeards and a bunch of rookies and 2nd year types, but very little in between because John Idzik couldn't draft worth shit and his successor has made it his mission in life to purge all those guys who remained from the roster as expeditiously as possible.


In other words, it's the same old Jets.



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What is up with former Houston Texans retiring this season? Good players too.


They're retiring because they're NOT good players.  They still have their reputations left from when they were good players, but those days are gone and not coming back.  Think about it:  Arian Foster was beaten out by a running back very few of us have ever heard about.  Andre Johnson couldn't crack a very pedestrian Tennessee receiving corps.  They're retiring because it gives them some control over the spin of the story -- better to retire "on one's own terms" than to be benched and eventually cut with nary a taker in the bargain.


One of the hardest things for most athletes to do is to realize when they "no longer have it" and to leap into retirement before they're pushed by circumstance.

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My Week 9 NFL Tips

Falcons over Bucs

My Cowboys over Browns

Vikings over Lions

Chiefs over Jags

Jets over Dolphins

Giants over Eagles

Steelers over Ravens

Panthers over Rams

Saints over 49ers

Packers over Colts

Chargers over Titans

Raiders over Broncos

Seahawks over Bills

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Personally, I love most of the things he said.  I'll concede he's coming off as whiny about the Saints game, especially right after the Falcons game.  I like that it was brought to light that the league acknowledged exactly how bad they screwed that on up though.  His "player safety" comments, spot-freakin'-on.  He couldn't be more right about how much of a facade the league's player safety initiative is.  The no-fun stuff, not really on board.  It sounds like he's forgetting that baseball is a thing, and baseball is the biggest "no fun" league there is, by far.  The influencing kids comments and the handcuffing defenses/over-protecting QB's comments, perfectly stated and finally, wanting to simplify the rule encyclopedia as the 1st major change, seems pretty obvious, but will never happen.

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I don't see why they don't just give the quarterbacks flags already? I mean seriously, you can't hit them high or low, can't hit them after they throw the ball, and can't touch them as they're going out of bounds. Also, if they decide halfway through a sideways dive that it's actually a slide, tack on 15 yards for roughing. It's an absolute farce. If I have to watch Russell Wilson pretend that he's going out of bounds and then turn it up field once the defender backs off one more time...

The second they pull that ball off their shoulder and start to run they should be treated like any other ball carrier, period.

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Looks like the Cowboys are (shockingly) going to eat the Browns alive, which brings up the question - will the Browns share the shame with the Lions and become the 2nd team ever to have an 0-16 season?  Their remaining schedule ;


- Ravens

- Steelers x2

- Giants

- Bengals

- Bills 

- Chargers


Anyone see a potential loss there?

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Looks like the Cowboys are (shockingly) going to eat the Browns alive, which brings up the question - will the Browns share the shame with the Lions and become the 2nd team ever to have an 0-16 season?  Their remaining schedule ;


- Ravens

- Steelers x2

- Giants

- Bengals

- Bills 

- Chargers


Anyone see a potential loss there?

Maybe the Bengals cause it's at there home, other then that i can't see them winning a game 

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Looks like the Cowboys are (shockingly) going to eat the Browns alive, which brings up the question - will the Browns share the shame with the Lions and become the 2nd team ever to have an 0-16 season?  Their remaining schedule ;


- Ravens

- Steelers x2

- Giants

- Bengals

- Bills 

- Chargers


Anyone see a potential loss there?


They're capable of beating Baltimore this Thursday night.  Depending on which version of the Jekyll & Hyde Buffalo Bills shows up, Cleveland could defeat them.  And I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they win against San Diego because the Chargers can't blow anybody out and find ways to cough up games late.


Although if you want to argue that the Browns will go 0-16 because they coughed one up to the J-E-T-S, that's not an entirely unreasonable position.

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Offensive teams are beating defensive teams, the NFC East is the top division in the conference, there's a PI call on basically every long pass attempt that's not caught and there's more fantasy football fans than regular fans...  NFL executives must have painfully big boners this year.  


Everything the powers that be have been trying to create is coming to be this year and the result is one of the most unwatchable years I can remember.  And according to the ratings, I'm not alone on that thought,

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Big one tonight.  Seattle's offense needs to wake up and attempt to handle the Bills tonight, which won't be easy.  If they lose tonight, 4-4-1 is basically inevitable because they certainly ain't winning next week.  6 days rest for Seattle and 14 days of rest/preparation for the Pats... and the Game's in New England, yeah, not happening.


Fucks sake, Seattle's defense hasn't forced a punt in what... 75 minutes of football now?  The entire Saints game, the entire 1st quarter of this game and Buffalo's driving again.

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Another what the f--k Seattle game in the books.  Another week of I'm sure everyone being pissed about it (and I don't disagree).  I guess everyone can take comfort in knowing that the Seahawks' woooooooooooooooooooorn out defense now gets 6 days rest before going to New England and getting destroyed by a Pats team coming off their bye.

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It's not roughing the kicker after the play is dead, it's unnecessary roughness, Which should have been called. I honestly could not care less who's pissed, you can't really be mad at Seattle. It's the refs and the NFL front office.

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