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Say NO to online trophies!


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Online trophies in general aren't the problem, it's the game devs that can't maintain or even provide stable servers that are.


It's a shame online trophies can become unobtainable, but you shouldn't let unobtainable trophies stop you from playing a game. I played F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin knowing that the online trophies were unobtainable, but I still played it AND I enjoyed it.


If you're a completionist who gets hard over keeping their trophy percentage 100%, then play a game with unobtainable trophies on a different account. Not trying to sound like a dick. but that is your only current solution other than hiding that game's trophy list from your profile.

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could we just say NO to trophies all-together? if not then sure NO to online ones at least. or give us the option to install them or not when we load a game. instead of seeing "installing trophies" we could get "would you like to install trophies" which if you say NO but decide you want them then you would have an option in the "options" menu to activate them.

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I could begrudgingly tolerate them on PS3, but since PS4 makes PS+ mandatory for online trophies, this is entirely bullshit and needs to go away. I'm not gonna sign up to an online service I don't want, fork over money I don't need to, all to get a trophy.


Edit: Actually, since you put so much effort into your post, I'll at least make a decent sized reply of my own.


So you know James Bond, that British bloke who wears a suit, gets drunk, sleeps around, has no emotional control or anything, is probably psychotic, and is somehow still employed by his country's government? Yeah, that guy, he has a game called Quantum of Solace and I got most of the single player trophies in it no problem, and could easily clean up what's left, except that there's around 10 or so multiplayer only, as in online, trophies I'd need and they would take forever even if people were still populating the game's servers, which they presumably haven't done since launch because I had the game when I got my PS3 near the end of 2011 and fucking NO ONE was on there then either.


Here's another one, Tony Hawk HD. I'm on the thing here saying if anyone wants the online trophy they should add me and I'll help. That game has one online trophy, and all you have to do is beat any random fucker in any game mode online, something as simple as getting the highest score in a 2 minute run will do it. Except that game's matchmaking system is so horribly broken beyond belief, even when people we online it was hard as balls to find someone. That's not to say it's impossible, it's just ridiculously hard and a lot of people have given up or turned to friending me, being invited by me (invites work, while the matchmaking doesn't) to a game, and then beating me in said game. ALL FOR ONE BRONZE (I think) TROPHY.


Also back in the day with GTA IV when it's servers shut down, that was one of those games I thought I'd get around to eventually, turns out I took too long and lost my chance, I had all the SP trophies but didn't have most of the grindy MP trophies. I spent a good fortnight before the closing of the servers and grinded my way up to like level 6 of the required 10, before the ability to earn trophies was taken from me. For a bit I was so into that that I genuinely had a dream wherein Rockstar patched it to make the online trophies pop instantly if you just tried to go online. Anyway, not too much later the servers miraculously came back online because they got transferred somewhere else and I didn't waste any time and sat there for days until I finally reached level 10 and got my precious platinum.


Moral of the stories? As OP said, say no to online trophies.

Exactly this!! I really don't mind that there are online trophies, it's actually better cause i have to spend more time into the game and grind or whatever, so it doesn't bother me on PS3. The fact is i wouldn't be able to get a Plat on a PS4 game which would require online trophies since you have to subscribe to PS+. Not everyone affords to subsribe so atleast make the PS4 game titles without online trophies since there is this subscription in the way

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Last time I checked, no kiddie games and the majority of the tie-in movie games didn't have online trophies, the same as VNs, so if you like to get the easy way of trophy hunting, stick to that. Should this be implemented, what would be the next step? Removing trophies for beating higher difficulties? No trophies for time trials? No trophies for no deaths/1CC runs?


If you don't like a trophy list for a game, don't play it. It's as simple as that, after all what is even the point of gathering trophies if you don't need to put any effort on them?


I find this post somehow arrogant/intolerant.

I, for example, just dont like PvP or competition... I prefer a story over senseless killing. And I would rather die in real because of the stupidness of people, instead of picking up a stupid gun and become an antisocial stupid asshole myself. Because I would not want to live in that brainfucked society, which will even then think that we humans are social beings, but yeah, to understand that, people would actually need feelings. And many people nowadays have no feelings because they just watch freetv, which is full of hate, and play PvP-based games. (And when you have feelings, people call you hypersensible... lol)


Just because a game doesnt has "we had no idea what to do, so we are just puting you all together on the same map. Feel free to kill each other until we release next year the next game."-multiplayer, doesnt mean its for children.

What is a kiddiegame anyway? (Dont come with Neptunia, its rated M and USK16)

And why should someone not be allowed to have fun with?

And whats wrong with moviebased games? Maybe its a funny game? Maybe people liked the movie? :)


Many people played AssassinsCreed because graphics and because you can kill people.

Im playing it because the setting, enviroment and the story.

People should keep in mind other people can have a different view or reason to do something. I dont get why nowadays society is always "hating" around. 

Seriously, its somehow annoying to get blamed just because someone doesnt like competition... or guns... killing...

I dont get whats so funny in League of Legends, but I wasted weeks to find it out. ...I still dont know it.


edit: oh btw, this is no mimimi or complaining, or whatever people are prejudging when they see my name. Im already pretty selective when it comes to games. Im playing AC, NFS and GTA because I like them. Im going to platinum them... just need a bit longer to it :awesome: 

Edited by Neputyunu
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Developpers should remove these trophies when they close the servers or never include them from the beginning .

Remove them? And what happens to the people who went out of the way to get the trophies when the servers will still up? Will it have been for nothing?

I hate online trophies as much as the next guy, but the multiplayer is a part of the game, so of course there will be MP trophies most of the time in games with MP. I just wish that there was a botzone mode in every game so I didn't need to rely on other people.

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I entered this into Google translate and it translated into "wtf grammar pls" in the english box.

Holy fucking God, that is the funniest thing I've heard in ages.


Remove them? And what happens to the people who went out of the way to get the trophies when the servers will still up?

They become the elitist assholes who brag and belittle based on them getting it "back when it was worth getting".


Only popular fps games are still working after 4 years?

Naruto UNS2, 2010, still up

Warcraft2, 1998, still up

I can't speak for Naruto because I know literally nothing about that show/game/movie/franchise at all, but I know Warcraft 2 is a PC game, and PC games are a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to online.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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I could begrudgingly tolerate them on PS3, but since PS4 makes PS+ mandatory for online trophies, this is entirely bullshit and needs to go away. I'm not gonna sign up to an online service I don't want, fork over money I don't need to, all to get a trophy.


This is the reason I skipped Mass Effect 3 on the PS3, the platinum is unobtainable unless you sign up for the EA/Origin account.

I already played it on the X360 anyway but it basically means I don't buy EA games anymore if they have any sort of trophy with online connection to them.

Which I'm dreading for the upcomming Mirror's Edge.

I still find it nonsense that to be able to co-op Dead Space 3 you need their server, or for Trials in Dante's Inferno.

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In my opinion people is just afraid to play against others players. Also I don't see why someone should try to get online trophies on sport games that are 1-2 year old. I mean formation aren't updated so there's no reason to play them. Just buy the new game or deal with it without creating 974983 post about online trophies.

I'm astonished that this is still a topic of discussion. Multiplayer trophies are for people who are loyal and skilled enough to get them and if the servers finally shut down because nobody is playing the game anymore, well you should have bought the game 2 years prior.

This dude is right Edited by pese-97
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In my opinion people is just afraid to play against others players. Also I don't see why someone should try to get online trophies on sport games that are 1-2 year old. I mean formation aren't updated so there's no reason to play them. Just buy the new game or deal with it without creating 974983 post about online trophies.

This dude is right


Nope he isn't trophies are there to be earned, and if they make rediculous requirements to earn them all I'm doing is get in your way, because I don't specifically llike playing mp, but I do want that trophy.

I don't need to prove I'm good enough all I have to do is get lucky or stack odds in my favor, they say absolutely nothing about skill unless you yourself look at it that way.

So if for example I have to finish someone with a thrown knive to the head in CoD, I'll be running the entire match trying to do that and probably get killed a lot in the process, which in turn means I'm holding everybody in my team back.

So making trophies like that actually makes it so that people who do enjoy mp get stuck with people that just want to get trophies, and devs often frown upon boosters sometimes banning them, actively pushing them to your lesser online experience.

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I gave my thoughts on a similar thread to this recently: https://psnprofiles.com/forums/topic/19804-dear-ubisoft-please-remove-multiplayer-trophies/


But I'll say it again, more multiplayer trophies! Why? Well, I don't care if a developer adds them, it's just trophies, it's not worth losing sleep over, let them add it if they want, my life won't be any worse off.


It's also kinda funny when complaints are made about them, I mean, if a server for a game shuts down after a few years and you don't have the multiplayer trophies, were you ever really going to do it? I'd bet you would just keep putting it off and telling yourself you'll do it later. I do it, and I'll probably do it again, GTA IV being an example. Servers are back up now though right? PS3 is long dead anyway. But that's what I did, I wanted the GTA IV trohies, but told myself I'd do it later, then the servers shut down. I had plenty of time to get them, so I won't give out about the devs or the trophies being unfair.


Last point, multiplayer trophies usually mean a rarer plat, and we all like those  :eyebrow:


Trophies are fun, don't lose sleep and be annoyed at trophies you can't earn, move on and have fun with the trophies you can earn now, happy hunting!  :D

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It's also kinda funny when complaints are made about them, I mean, if a server for a game shuts down after a few years and you don't have the multiplayer trophies, were you ever really going to do it? I'd bet you would just keep putting it off and telling yourself you'll do it later. I do it, and I'll probably do it again, GTA IV being an example. Servers are back up now though right? PS3 is long dead anyway.


Well not exactly I'm not sure how long it has been since I started Uncharted 2, pobably 4 years ago and I'm still working on the 2.500 kills, I also took 3+ years to platinum Yakuza 3 because I like to wait a while if I have to play the story again for trophies.

But it's just tedious and after 10.000 kills for Gears of War (Seriously achievement) I decided I'm skipping games with these requirements.

Anyway I don't bother with a completion % on XBox any more, I had way to many games on that I was unable to finish anyway, so now it's just the platform I go to for games that don't get a platinum on Sony's platform like Ubisoft published games, games with online requirements I don't want to bother with like Tomb Raider and maybe some of the exclusives.


However because I still didn't finish Uncharted 2 I never bought Uncharted 3 and the Last of Us, both have online components and I don't go to the next game with a heavy online component unless I finished the last one, with the exception of Black Flag which I'm also still working on but I only have to go 15 more levels to go for that trophy so that isn't to bad.

Why bother anyway we're spoiled for choise so I chose games that will not bother me with online unless I want that game like Street Fighter V.

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