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Say NO to online trophies!


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If you don't want to hunt for the online trophies, then don't. Server shutdowns are bound to happen one day sooner or later. Can't stay active forever. Last time I checked, you don't need to enjoy or obtain online trophies in order to enjoy the game. Just my honest opinion............

And if you're too lazy to earn them yourself you can always join a modded lobby right *wink wink* ^.-

Edited by Goekie
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If you're that dedicated to trophy hunting, you should do your research beforehand - a lot of games have predictable server shutdowns. Hell, making an alternate account is a quick compromise if it's that annoying and you want to play an older game.


I personally don't like online trophies, but developers will keep including them regardless, so we have to adapt to them.

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Used to have quite a backlog of online trophies but now aside of the game i'm currently playing i only got offline trophies. The PS4 games i want or will buy once they are cheaper don't have online trophies either but i guess not everyone loves japanese anime styled games or games like Onechanbara.

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I've actually joked that if I ever made a game for Playstation I would make the trophies insanely easy and then charge like 10$ on PSN. You know how many trophy hunters would buy my game for the easy plat as it is only 10$ (any higher and they probably wouldn't buy it).


I don't know why developers haven't thought of this yet. Make an easy trophy list (with a plat), make sure the Plat Image is really awesome looking and give it a funny Plat Name and you are guaranteed sales (charge 5-10 dollars).

http://armorgames.com/play/2893/achievement-unlocked... coming to PSN next Summer.

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Although the OP is a serious wall of text, it makes a strong argument and actually got me to thinking about the whole situation again.

I am a big supporter of multiplayer; the more, the merrier, I say, but the main point being about online trophies and servers being shut down is a tune we've all played before.

Myself, I've always said, if the game case says multiplayer and they close the servers, that immediately becomes false advertising. Good luck winning that argument, right?

Maybe if there was a way for developers to have online multiplayer aspects, but not have trophies attached to them. That way, if they close the servers, players can still complete the game's trophy list.

It wouldn't affect much. As a matter of fact, it should only prove positive. The players who want to play online will still play online and the player who only want trophies won't get screwed over when it closes.

Okay, someone go ahead and make that happen.

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Here's a idea

1 don't buy the game then if it has online trophies

2 don't worry about trophies

3 enjoy the game

P.s online trophies will always be a thing, things like this make 0 difference and the amount of times things like this has been said, I'd be rich now

Edited by The Three Stooges
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P.s online trophies will always be a thing, things like this make 0 difference and the amount of times things like this has been said, I'd be rich now

I entered this into Google translate and it translated into "wtf grammar pls" in the english box.

It's funny how the guy who probably cares the most about trophies on this entire site is talking down to others and telling them not to buy games if they have online trophies and not to worry about getting trophies. :lol:

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Last time I checked, no kiddie games and the majority of the tie-in movie games didn't have online trophies, the same as VNs, so if you like to get the easy way of trophy hunting, stick to that. Should this be implemented, what would be the next step? Removing trophies for beating higher difficulties? No trophies for time trials? No trophies for no deaths/1CC runs?


If you don't like a trophy list for a game, don't play it. It's as simple as that, after all what is even the point of gathering trophies if you don't need to put any effort on them?

Edited by TheYuriG
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I look at online trophies from a different angle, I actually think of them as a testament of your skills and how you use them against or with strangers. Do I hate them? Yes. Do I think they're pointless? No, because it's the developers decision that they require you to go out of your way to earn those trophies and be worthy of earning the platinum trophy of their game. Otherwise, we would only have single player oriented trophies which for the most part are attainable at any time.

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I'm astonished that this is still a topic of discussion. Multiplayer trophies are for people who are loyal and skilled enough to get them and if the servers finally shut down because nobody is playing the game anymore, well you should have bought the game 2 years prior. For the most part you can pretty much tell if a game is going to have shitty multiplayer and if thats the case go to Gamestop, buy the game used and return it when your done. If thats not enough time go buy it at a different Gamestop and rinse and repeat until you finally watch that platinum POP! Trophy hunting isn't suppose to be a cake walk every time. 

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I would say yes I hate them but in this case I would have to say no, for one you can have them in some very good games that are mainly online like cod or bf and it also gives you a reason to play the online they made for it. Yes it is a bummer that when they shut down the online part to the game it kills the plat but in the end all games have their online shut down at some point, also trophy hunting is meant to be a fun thing to do if you just pick up games for just their trophies then you are picking games up for the wrong reason am sorry to say.

Edited by KANERKB
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I hate online trophies, not cause they're hard and not cause I have to play with others.  I don't like them because I mainly play video games on my own and at my own speed.  While I totally understand others enjoy MP, I do not.  There's a few exceptions, but I just don't like playing video games with others.  Of course when I pick up a game that is MP heavy, I know what I'm getting myself into, but far too many single player games are having MP shoved in where it isn't needed.  Again, I make the decision before buying if I want to invest the time into the MP (and in some cases I then do not buy the game).  I have no problem with MP requirements, but it always makes me a little nervous when I start a game with online trophies, so I usually knock these out first, just to be safe, then take my time and enjoy what I came for, the single player.


However, with all that said, I usually don't mind having to play the MP of a game, but I do have one gripe with online trophies that will never go away.  If you ever take the time to read Sony's TRCs and Microsoft's TCRs you would see that it is a clear violation of both companies requirements to require the end-user to spend additional money to earn trophies included in the base game.  While these requirements were most likely put there to protect against companies forcing micro-transactions in game or requiring the purchase of DLC to achieve a platinum, that's not what it says.  And taking it at face value, requiring the end-user to pay for Xbox Live Gold or PS Plus to play online when certain trophies can only be acquired online is a blatant violation of these requirements.  Of course they don't care cause having a robust online company pads their wallets, and games having online play (and trophies) builds bigger communities.  But one of the reasons I drifted away from gaming on my 360 was that Sony didn't charge for online gameplay.  Of course with the launch of PS4, now they do.


And the thing is, there is a solution.  There is a clear alternative.  Bioware already did it with Mass Effect 3, and it was ingenuous.  All Coop/online trophies in Mass Effect 3 have a second, alternative requirement.  So you can achieve them by either playing online OR playing offline.  So if you don't want to play online, don't have an internet connection, or simply prefer playing your typically single player game franchise alone, you can and can still achieve the platinum.  I wish more developers did this, but since ME3 I have yet to see another trophy list with a 'this or that' approach to any of its trophies.


In the end I really don't care how hard an online trophy is, I just don't care for the fact that Sony and Microsoft turn a blind eye to the violation of their owns rules just because it's profitable.  I mean, they invented the rules, they could easily reword them or remove them altogether.  That's the part that bothers me the most.  But as many said already, it'll never change, online gaming is here to stay.  Devs like it for replay-ability factors and maintaining interest between DLCs, and first parties like it to drive subscription sales.  It's a win-win for them.  Too bad its a lose-lose for a lot of customers who don't enjoy or wish to partake in that scene.

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I hate online trophies too because 1. I have shite internet, 2. I'm crap at multiplayer anyway, 3. server shutdowns and 4. I don't have the time to dedicate myself to it


Some online trophies are fine, like in Uncharted and the later Assassin's Creed games (not Brotherhood- fuck that, see below)


However, games like Killzone 2, Crysis 2, AC:Brotherhood (told ya) BioShock 2 and Batman: Arkham Origins (two games that had no business having multiplayer whatsoever) have ridiculous requirements that make going after them and, consequently, the platinum, absolutely no fun whatsoever that when you eventually get them they feel not so much like an achievement as a Pyrrhic victory. I've learned to just accept that there are some games in my library that I'll never plat and just try to enjoy them as much as I can. 

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 And the thing is, there is a solution.  There is a clear alternative.  Bioware already did it with Mass Effect 3, and it was ingenuous.  All Coop/online trophies in Mass Effect 3 have a second, alternative requirement.  So you can achieve them by either playing online OR playing offline.  So if you don't want to play online, don't have an internet connection, or simply prefer playing your typically single player game franchise alone, you can and can still achieve the platinum.  I wish more developers did this, but since ME3 I have yet to see another trophy list with a 'this or that' approach to any of its trophies.

Couldn't agree any more with you if I tried! That's a really good point that I didn't think of :)

Imagine if instead of getting Abstergo EoTM you had to get 100% sync in SP in assassins creed brotherhood? I'd much rather do that personally.

I wish trophy hunting requirements had this in every MP title, giving more choice to the player and those who are unfortunate to not have an Internet connection :D

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