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Project Platinum: General info and leaderboard


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Oh, that way, yea, that could work. 

But the problem would be the font you copy. =D Or if you were to copy a link, it would be formatted as link =D


Oho, sasuga!


Well if you go to someones profile the link would be psnprofiles.com/username then just copy the username and everything is alright. At least this is how i always do it and there is no possible way that this could go wrong.

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I thought we resolved everything pretty quickly? Iirc there weren't many tabs not updated. There was more an issue with the spelling of your name as well as one tab giving you the wrong rank. 


That aside, i agree that the leaderboard spreadsheet is far from perfect. Between the loading times and spelling mistakes there are a few of PP creators that forget to update or are just too busy, which i totally understand. Anyway, having one person in charge is just not doable. I don't think anybody would be willing to be responsible for something like that. 


It was resolved quickly (and thank you for that), but afterward I went through a few leaderboards (which have since been updated) and they were missing a lot of other people from ranks the specific PP said they had earned.  And for me personally that was actually the second time it wasn't correct, and not all the missing points were due to misspelled username.  I was just speculating that it might be an issue with so many different people needing to update the file for it to be complete that there might be a reason to find a volunteer to keep it updated regularly.  Of course this means the PP owners would need to have their lists updated too, but it would mean less chance of missing people.  It does look like things are up to date now, I'm just speaking of past experience and thinking that over time people will be checking their PPs less and less and those who've added plats or recently joined might get lost among the large number of PP threads.


And I think the leaderboard is great.  It's not like the board is failing to do the job, it's just that it needs regular updates (and that's dependent on humans, and lots of them).  I'm not sure if any of the other programs linked will help to streamline or automate the process, but for what it is, I do like it.

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It was resolved quickly (and thank you for that), but afterward I went through a few leaderboards (which have since been updated) and they were missing a lot of other people from ranks the specific PP said they had earned.  And for me personally that was actually the second time it wasn't correct, and not all the missing points were due to misspelled username.  I was just speculating that it might be an issue with so many different people needing to update the file for it to be complete that there might be a reason to find a volunteer to keep it updated regularly.  Of course this means the PP owners would need to have their lists updated too, but it would mean less chance of missing people.  It does look like things are up to date now, I'm just speaking of past experience and thinking that over time people will be checking their PPs less and less and those who've added plats or recently joined might get lost among the large number of PP threads.


And I think the leaderboard is great.  It's not like the board is failing to do the job, it's just that it needs regular updates (and that's dependent on humans, and lots of them).  I'm not sure if any of the other programs linked will help to streamline or automate the process, but for what it is, I do like it.


Ofcourse if someone would be in charge to update the leaderboard regulary, there will be less mistakes. But as i said, i don't think we're going to find such a volunteer. 

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just an fyi, as I was updating my pages today and re-entering A-Brawl3r's name, it tried to auto-fill it with a fully non-capitalized version, so somebody made a booboo.

I am fairly certain upper/lower-case makes no difference to the leaderboard unlike an extra space, wrong letter or either of these added wrong -_.

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just an fyi, as I was updating my pages today and re-entering A-Brawl3r's name, it tried to auto-fill it with a fully non-capitalized version, so somebody made a booboo.


It will always do that, as the source from which the list is compiled is column A of the 'Alpha Sorted' tab. All the names there are uncapitalized. Which is necessary because the sheets treats capitalized letters as unique variables. 


Oho, sasuga!


But whatever the case, i don't think it'll work. I've been doing some testing and once i add a new user the whole thing dies on me. Basically what i did was make a validation rule for each cel in column A of each tab. The rule states that each cell's content has to match anything that is in the Source ('Alpha Sorted') Column A. But once you add a name that doesn't exist it'll error and i just get the usual "N/A" response.

I have no idea why really, i thought it'd work well. I hate excel... Where is Ric when i need him.


Now what i could do is make an extra tab to just type in new users, so they'll get added to the source tab first before going through the validation rule but that would be pretty orthodox.


Don't you program?  AFAIK google sheets works with javascript. Why don't you write something for us....  :awesome:


Anyway i'll be going to fix this ASAP but as for now the leaderboard will be under maintenance, meaning nobody can edit. 

Edited by Zone Hunter
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But whatever the case, i don't think it'll work. I've been doing some testing and once i add a new user the whole thing dies on me. Basically what i did was make a validation rule for each cel in column A of each tab. The rule states that each cell's content has to match anything that is in the Source ('Alpha Sorted') Column A. But once you add a name that doesn't exist it'll error and i just get the usual "N/A" response.

I have no idea why really, i thought it'd work well. I hate excel... Where is Ric when i need him.

Ah, crap it :/ I thought it would work :/



Now what i could do is make an extra tab to just type in new users, so they'll get added to the source tab first before going through the validation rule but that would be pretty orthodox.

But it could work :awesome:


Don't you program?  AFAIK google sheets works with javascript. Why don't you write something for us....  :awesome:

I'm not sure if you can edit the core structure... I may check it =D

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Leaderboad is fixed, so PP creators can edit again.


Ah, crap it :/ I thought it would work :/



But it could work :awesome:


I'm not sure if you can edit the core structure... I may check it =D


In google sheets there is a script editor. I'm not entirely sure you can access it with just editing rights, but it's located at Tools > Script Editor. Currently we're using some script that Ric found that pretty much does everything in the sheet.

Edited by Zone Hunter
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In google sheets there is a script editor. I'm not entirely sure you can access it with just editing rights, but it's located at Tools > Script Editor. Currently we're using some script that Ric found that pretty much does everything in the sheet.

Yea, it seems I can access it at least. 

Guess I will try some things on personal spreadsheet to see if something can be done =D

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I saw that post linked on the first page and I might say that there are two games that should be added:


Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (released tomorrow)



ShantaeShantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut


Both are metroidvanias in a similar style to Guacamelee:

One big interconnected map with several mini-dungeons, upgrades that help you to reach new places and some backtracking.

They will be added to the PP as will Shadow Complex Remastered when it's released on may 3rd.


Also a question for everyone, should Salt and Sanctuary be in the metroidvania PP or should it be saved for the Soulslike PP? 

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They will be added to the PP as will Shadow Complex Remastered when it's released on may 3rd.


Also a question for everyone, should Salt and Sanctuary be in the metroidvania PP or should it be saved for the Soulslike PP?

Damn, and I was thinking I could go auto-plat-rank when the PP starts. :P

But anyway, cool that new Metroidvania games are coming - can never get too much of that genre. :D

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Damn, and I was thinking I could go auto-plat-rank when the PP starts. :P

But anyway, cool that new Metroidvania games are coming - can never get too much of that genre. :D


Lol same, guess I'll have to put a bit of work in. 

Was also gonna auto-plat-rank Ship Scrollers and look what happened to that. :'(

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There's one thing you can do about it :awesome:


I was thinking about running it actually, I don't have a lot of time atm though so I was gonna ask Zone about how much work is involved in the set-up and initial running of a PP. I imagine one like that would quieten down pretty quickly.

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I was thinking about running it actually, I don't have a lot of time atm though so I was gonna ask Zone about how much work is involved in the set-up and initial running of a PP. I imagine one like that would quieten down pretty quickly.


Not much work is involved honestly. I mean you have to make the thread, maybe ask somebody to make a fancy banner and some trophy images. All that's left then is adding sign ups to your thread as well as the leaderboard, but it's not too much of a hassle.


There are a few less popular PPs that haven't had a reply in a while, but overall i'm pretty surprised that a lot of them are still getting almost daily activity. 

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I'd like to put a couple games on reserve for the ps4 Challenge Accepted thread. I think what I'm going to do is have a reserve section that lasts until the game has been out for 2-3 months, so that I can be sure it meets the requirements, before adding it and changing rankings around.

Games I'd like to reserve (unless somebody has a better home for them)

Trackmania Turbo

Enter the Gungeon

Mirrors Edge Catalyst (when it releases)

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I'd like to put a couple games on reserve for the ps4 Challenge Accepted thread. I think what I'm going to do is have a reserve section that lasts until the game has been out for 2-3 months, so that I can be sure it meets the requirements, before adding it and changing rankings around.

Games I'd like to reserve (unless somebody has a better home for them)

Trackmania Turbo

Enter the Gungeon

Mirrors Edge Catalyst (when it releases)


Trackmania definitely fits the bill, the black tracks are insane.

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I'd like to put a couple games on reserve for the ps4 Challenge Accepted thread. I think what I'm going to do is have a reserve section that lasts until the game has been out for 2-3 months, so that I can be sure it meets the requirements, before adding it and changing rankings around.

Games I'd like to reserve (unless somebody has a better home for them)

Enter the Gungeon

I think Enter the Gungeon should be saved for a PP that uses it, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and Crypt of the NecroDancer.

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Not much work is involved honestly. I mean you have to make the thread, maybe ask somebody to make a fancy banner and some trophy images. All that's left then is adding sign ups to your thread as well as the leaderboard, but it's not too much of a hassle.


There are a few less popular PPs that haven't had a reply in a while, but overall i'm pretty surprised that a lot of them are still getting almost daily activity. 


Put me down to run the ship scrollers one then please Zone. Doesn't sound too bad tbh, assuming someone more talented than myself makes the banner and images. :P

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Ship Scroller PP


  1.  Velocity Ultra
  2.  Velocity 2X
  3.  Resogun
  4.  Super Stardust Ultra
  5. PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate

If you know others, make sure to let me know so they can be added!

(I know I'm short on posts so I can't host it but I'm just making the list :P)


Blast Factor for an extra bonus 

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