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Hello everyone,


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I've recently subscribed to the site and it came to my mind that I could as well join the forum and get more involved within the community. I am a member of PS3trophies.org too, but I am much more of a lurker.


I have not been gaming on my Playstation consoles for years, but now I decided to start fresh and make a brand new PSN account. I am glad I still managed to grab a slightly unique name.


I really love this site - it's much more organized than YGC.net was back in the day. I am obsessed with statistics, and there are lots of them! I only miss the Average trophy rarity statistics for each game, because I plan to keep my average rarity percentage low, so I have to count these manually.


I am trying to finish every game to 100% and keep my completion over 90%. I also set some additional goals for myself, you can watch my progress in my Trophy Showroom topic:  Hardcore completionist's challenge (psnprofiles.com)


Another suggestion would be to permanently delist cheaters instead of moving them to the dirty leaderboards. I often browse through games, so I've already noticed quite a lot of cheaters. Delisting their accounts permanently would surely discourage them and cause them to move over to another site. 

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Thanks everyone for the welcome! I am pretty sure that I'll have a great time here.


Firstly welcome. Secondly, how did you come up with that name?


The name is actually very random. I tried a few of the names I had used before but they have all been taken. I would not prefer to have a name with numbers or something too weird and hard to pronounce, so I kept trying combinations that came to my mind and eventually Niadar was free.

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