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effdeegee's Game A Day! (event finished)

Cast your vote for game #31!  

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And to think that in last month's IGC lineup thread people were saying they will skip this game "because it has too much DLC". Smh, anyways I'm glad this game still holds up story-wise.

Not everyone has £30 set aside to spend on DLC for a single game... So you can stop shaking your head.

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Tuesday, January 26th, 2016.




Well, my hard drive space problems continued when I noticed I only had the first episode downloaded. I started downloading the other 4 episodes and made it right to episode 5 before I got a notification saying my 160GB PS3 was now below 500MB left. :blink: I had 466MB left and episode 5 was 426MB, but it wouldn't let me download it because I guess you need twice as much space as the size of the file, to allow for the installer and processing and whatnot. I deleted The Walking Dead's season 1 save and that freed up the needed space for the TWD2 episode 5 download.


Jeez, can I play this friggin' game already? <_<


I loaded up and finished episode 1 at like 1am and then went to bed.

When I woke up, I was thinking, "If each episode is like 1hr 30min long, and I've got 4 episodes left, I could totally do the entire game this afternoon." :jaymon:

I did episodes 2, 3 and 4 beginning around lunch-ish and episode 5 around 8pm. 100% baby! :awesome:


I scored a few minor milestones during this game:


- game #200

- 100% #160

- :bronze: #4,500

- trophy #6,750


and a couple of event specific things like first (and only) completed game (lol @ Flower) and most trophies in a day (40). :)


I synced my trophies and deleted that sucker faster than a spam email. That scored me 2.4GB of breathing room. I'm pretty happy to have it done but, I'm also happy that I can finally take a break from these kinds of games.


The story had a couple of stupid moments but, if you enjoy any other Telltale games, you'll like this one too because it's just more of the same cell shaded, story driven, goodness. ;)

Edited by effdeegee
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- I <3FDG fanclub member and always wanted to play with me or hear my voice? :wub:

This made visiting this thread totally worth it.

Do you regret doing this?

Doubt it, has been a couple weeks that we have been listening to his babble in the chatbox. I would say that he was looking forward to this more than anything.

Eff should have like 10 notifications now. Either PSNP imploded while he was away or i visited this thread. Take a guess...

I'm not even going to bother crying over your completion ratio anymore, eff. You are a cold ratio killer and hell has a special place for you.

Now that this event is almost over (and i fucking managed to miss it for over a month), i gotta ask: how was it like to play so much stuff and don't actually really play anything? Do you feel like a 9yo with total lack of concentration and focus yet?

Edited by TheYuriG
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Wednesday, January 27th, 2016.




Getting a little tired of cell shaded and Asian-themed games here. The cell shaded games may just be a coincidence. The Asian games I should've expected, considering the biased majority of the group that I asked for suggestions. <_<


Okami is a game where you play as a female wolf God and fight enemies by painting the screen with images using a giant paint brush. It's an incredibly unique mechanic and always a treat when you get to stop time and slash some monkeys with ink. :D


I really enjoy makin' mah doggy burn rubber around the village. The dog has 3 speeds; normal run, 2nd gear and what I like to call "haul ass." 2nd gear makes grass grow in your footsteps and 3rd gear makes both grass and flowers blossom in the wake of your tracks. :awesome:


You can also make the dog bark by pressing :circle: . Ol' effy boy be barkin' up a storm while running around. ^_^


The opening scene and backstory is that of a good one but, within 2 minutes, the game begins to pick your nerves apart, like some digital Chinese water torture test.


The delivery of the wonderful story is immediately curb stomped by the ever present, accompanying audio annoyance of little blips, beeps and boops, that the game uses as a form of gibberish (similar to The Sims speak "hmm haah flahbannah ranna doonah," only 100x more frequent). Instead of sounding like Sims gibberish, it sounds more like morse code, where they replace every second character of text with a high pitch blip, beep or boop. It also doesn't help that your travelling partner has verbal diarrhea. :jaymon:


By the end of the 10 minute intro movie, I was seriously contemplating not playing it anymore.


Then there's the camera. Press :l1: to change the camera between two different views; right up the dog's arse, or helicopter overhead view. The only issue is, if you choose the overhead, it resets to "dog's arse" every single time you get a cutscene, a tutorial, walk through a doorway, or load another area. It has to be a glitch or mistake in the code because it would have to be absolutely impossible for a company to purposely program a game to do that. :facepalm:


The final gripe is the save system. There are 0 auto saves, no ability to pause and manually save, or quit and save. You have to physically run to a designated area on the map, step on a mirror and press :circle: to bring up the game's save menu. :|


Would've been nice to know that before I beat the entire first level and turned it off, only to come back and find that my save file was still back at the beginning of the story, when you first gain control of the dog and get the tutorial on how to save. Nice. :angry:


So, I played the first hour or so (twice) and I'll say that, if you can get past the ear raping, morse code gibberish every 5 damn seconds, the game is pretty unique (and that's a word that's rather difficult to find a use for nowadays). :)

Edited by effdeegee
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Thursday, January 28th, 2016.




Not a bad game. Not a bad game at all. :D


I was almost ready to declare it my fourth cell shaded game this week and burn the whole apartment building down, but this 2D platformer gets a pass because it's (somewhat) fresh, very fun, has a wonderful sense of humour and the trophies release at a very generous, perfect pace.


I had a really good time playing this game. It only took a few minutes before I knew it was gonna be cool when a wooden barrel spoke to me (yes, a barrel) and said, "Go that way and I'll just sit here and keep being a barrel. *creek creek* " :lol:


Half of the game is combat based or, should I say, Mexican wrestling based. :square: is punch, :triangle: is grapple and :circle: is special wrestling moves like suplexes and piledrivers. The enemies are varied enough that it doesn't get too stale but, several arenas can be quite overwhelming.


The other half of the game is platforming based. This is where a lot of the difficulty spikes come from. A few of the wrestling moves assist in travelling (rising uppercuts, rolls and dash punches), there's an alternating life realm and death realm mechanic and the levels are littered with spikes, moving platforms and disappearing ledges etc. All combined and each mechanic having a different button to engage them, make for some serious controller gripping, hair pulling, blaspheming, trial and error marathon, platforming sections. :jaymon:


These insane sections are snuck in every little while, but more frequently as you progress in the story and end up making you feel like you go from playing a simple game of hopscotch on the curb, to immediately needing to flawlessly play Flight of the Bumblebee on a piano or you'll die.


Score another incredibly high total of 37 trophies for today and I'm quickly creeping up on 300 for the month, with 3 days/games left. Not bad for only playing the majority of games for a couple of hours each day. :awesome:

Edited by effdeegee
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Sunday, January 31st, 2016.




It's over. It's finally over. :D


31 frickin' straight days playing a frickin' new game with frickin' lasers on their frickin' heads. :P


The top game, as voted by you all, Dead Space, made its long anticipated appearance and wasted no time whatsoever in showing me why it was #1 on the list.


This game is scary. Holy crap. My asshole was puckered up the entire time, as I was inching my way down each of the corridors. The lighting and sound design is absolutely impeccable. Every footstep, every creak, every spark; top marks indeed. :)


The story is gripping and well paced. The levels are well designed and believable. The gunplay is fun and unique and the camera is alright.


The overall feeling of this game is that it plays exactly like Resident Evil 5. The same 3rd person perspective, where the camera is just a little too tight to the shoulder, making the view a bit restricted and rigid to control, and has random monsters constantly charging your position, all while you frantically scrounge for the seemingly elusive commodity known as "ammo." :ninja:


Unfortunately, what is easily the game's strongest point, also ends up being its weakest point; the jump scares. :facepalm:


The jump scares happen so frequently that, halfway through the second level, it was becoming evident that this was the game's only point of existence. You literally can't walk 3 feet without the sudden unexplained crashing of some racking full of metal cannisters falling over, or some grate exploding from the ceiling in the distance and obliterating the silence with ear-ripping enthusiasm. :jaymon:


The other form of jump scare is the ol' "walk by this vent and, as soon as you pass it and the screen goes beyond what you can see, have something jump out of the walls right behind you and start nibbling on your jiggly bits" method. It didn't take me very long before I could foresee which doors, vents and hallways would be the ones to have the hungry clowns busting out of them. :|


Combine those two things with the fact that I had become so desensitized to the noises and jumpscares, they hand out medical kits like candy and you can go all slow-mo when it's time to let the bullets fly, and you're left with me, just running around, bored and unafraid, hoping to get to the next save spot so I can save, quit, write this review and play another game whose main motivation isn't to troll the ears off of its players. <_<


Everything about this game is fantastic; it's just rather annoying when it comes off as being this super talented singer, with a beautiful voice and 4 octave vocal range, but chooses instead to scream death metal right in your face for 2 straight hours. -_-

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You didn't actually complete it since you skipped a day, but we forgive you since your PS3 is stink-eyeing you with only 3 GB. I'd look for a physical copy - Gamestop usually has old games like that. Or if worse comes to worst, you can always sub to GameFly and rent it. (Though I question their authority - I have had to reschedule 2 rentals because the games did not arrive.)

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