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Taking lives, in the apocalypse?


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Inspired by The Walking Dead.  Me and a friend of mine were talking after the episode tonight and we seem to be on two sides of the fence with the idea of killing living people.  Obviously, none of us are deranged serial killers... but realistically (I use that term loosely), if the world ends, it's often kill or be killed.  Either people have stuff that you need to live, or you have stuff that other people need to live.  A theme familiar to most gamers these days given the number of games that approach the topic.


Anyways, he seems to think that it gets easier.  He doesn't understand why someone would start to regret things after "they've been killing people for so long".  Like once you get desensitized to it, it just kind of is what it is.  "So I have to kill one more, I just killed 30... *shrug*"


My response to him being, "Well, what would you think about when you're done?  Wouldn't it eat away at you?"  I'm of the school of thought that killing people probably would get easier, but at some point you stop and think.  It catches up to you.  I mean, I can barely sleep now with nothing really significant on my mind (comparatively)... I have to think the guilt of taking a life (or lives) would crush me.  Even if I did it purely out of self-preservation.


Where do you fall?  Obviously, this is a hypothetical situation.  How hard do you think it'd be to kill in a real end-of-the-world scenario?  What about if you lost your family and friends and were all alone?  Would you curl up into a ball and let yourself get mugged or killed?  Would you fight for whatever you have left?  Would the guilt, knowing what you did, eat away at you?  Or do you picture yourself more as the badass killing machine?  Where I guess there's a certain pride in killing, be it a morally-questionable "keeping score"... or simply pride in protecting what's yours?  Is your life more valuable?  Why?  That kinda stuff. ;)

Edited by Dreakon13
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Depends on what kind of Apocalypse you're talking about.

If it's an Apocalypse based on Natural Disasters then sure I'd feel guilty, since basicaly everyone is in the same boat.

But if we're talking about a Zombie Apocalypse and you're talking about zombies (Do they count as living people?) Then HELL NAH BABY. Us gamers have been waiting for this moment all allong! Shooting them zombies straight to the head back to the dead! Yaww, who's got some monkey bombs for me?!

If you're talking about people that havent been infected in a Zombie Apocalypse then it'd be much harder. Only reason I'd kill them is when its clear that they have been bitten and are gonna turn.

Honestly I do think that the answer on your question is quite subjective. One can handle more than the other.

Personally I do agree with your friend and think it'll get easier aswel, since you're getting used to it. Maybe you're right when you said that you could feel bad when you're done, but thats the point.. You're never done. You'll be put in the same situation over and over again, and if you let your guard down then you're next on Death's appointment list. Survival of the fittest, aye?

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Honestly I do think that the answer on your question is quite subjective. One can handle more than the other.

Personally I do agree with your friend and think it'll get easier aswel, since you're getting used to it. Maybe you're right when you said that you could feel bad when you're done, but thats the point.. You're never done. You'll be put in the same situation over and over again, and if you let your guard down then you're next on Death's appointment list. Survival of the fittest, aye?


Of course, that's why I posted the question. :)  There's no objective answer, just wondering what folks here think they could handle.


And my thought is that you gotta sleep sometime, and I can barely sleep as it is.  I think I would do it if I had to... but having that kind of blood on my hands would eventually drive me nuts.  I'd hate myself for it, the guilt would eat me up over time.  Natural disaster, zombie apocalypse (zombies don't count lol), any situation that would/could call for survival of the fittest.

Edited by Dreakon13
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I'd probably be more inclined to act like Glenn. I wouldn't kill someone unless I absolutely had to, such as if me or my friends/family were in danger. Even though Rick is my favorite character and I admire his leadership, bravery, and efficiency to get things done, it's clear that he's lost a chunk of his soul by now. Especially evident in season 5.

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It's easy to say that we don't want to kill people unless we absolutely had to. Heck, I'd like to say the same. But actually LIVING in an apocalypse is sure to put some stress on your psyche that would push you to do things we wouldn't think we'd do normally. So... I guess I wouldn't really know for sure what I'd do unless the apocalypse actually happened. And I'm rather thankful it hasn't.


Still, I imagine myself being the scared guy who tries to hole himself up with his friends and family, and avoiding dangerous/violent situations as much as possible.

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I just couldn't do it, these apocalypse shows really have take over television. Realistically, survivors would remain being survivors if they helped one another rather than freaking out and being all bad ass. So no, I'd find someone who's still semi hot, Have a wardrobe malfunction, hope they're impressed and go on with life.

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I honestly think that in any kind of apocalyptic scenario, being able to take a life is all about circumstance and the individual taking said life. If I had a family to provide for and the only way to get the supplies I needed to take care of them was to dome some poor man, i'd do it without hesitation. I'd probably need tons of therapy after all was said and done though. 

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When you're faced with starvation, and possibly having members of your group killed.... Taking a life, isn't quite as hard. They killed a group of people who had pictures of people with smashed in skulls on their wall. Who weren't afraid to go out of their way to kill you, and take everything you had. No tears will be shed for their loss.  I imagine it to be one of the worst things you could do, and why people come back from a war with PTSD.... but it came down to them, or Ricks group....  We all  break in the end, the only thing that matters is how you break. Do you become the tip of a spear, or are you merely shattered glass?

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Depends on what kind of Apocalypse you're talking about.

If it's an Apocalypse based on Natural Disasters then sure I'd feel guilty, since basicaly everyone is in the same boat.

But if we're talking about a Zombie Apocalypse and you're talking about zombies (Do they count as living people?) Then HELL NAH BABY. Us gamers have been waiting for this moment all allong! Shooting them zombies straight to the head back to the dead! Yaww, who's got some monkey bombs for me?!

LOL. While I share your enthusiasm, most of us would run from zombies, not actually try to fight them off. In Video games, sure, we're zombie killing badasses. But in real life...


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Taking lives during the apocalypse depends on certain factors: What kind of apocalypse are we in? Zombies? This would mean taking a life should depend on the survival aspect (albeit, whether or not killing that person would be beneficial to your survival) Demon apocalypse? That's purge-rules, pretty much. So that one's anyone's game at that point. Alien Invasion/Machine Takeover? If you human, you better be on the same side, otherwise you're just a douche. 

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