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Uncharted 4 Triple Pack Expansion - Single Player DLC?

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Does anyone know what this Triple Pack Expansion is all about? I believe it was sold with the Deluxe edition, but yet to be released? Anyone know a release date?








It mentions single player DLC? Which I think it kind of strange given that Uncharted 4 was supposed to be the last story in the Uncharted series, now they giving us an add on story? They have never done single player DLC for an Uncharted game before.


Well I hope it is as good as Left Behind and as long or longer. I hope it is not some little extra hour of add on material like the rubbish single player DLC you get with some other games.


What do you guys think it will be about?


Maybe some treasure hunting with Cassie? Maybe we get to go out on the boat with everyone and Cassie gets separated and has to find her way back or something?


Or maybe a new separate young Nate and Sam story-line? Or perhaps something completely different, like an adventure with Sam and Sully? Or maybe a perspective from Nadine and Rafe?


What are you guys hoping to see?


Do you think this single player DLC for Uncharted 4 is a good idea?

Edited by DysectorZA
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It's a season pass in all but name and you can buy it now. At least you can on the EU store. No details on release date for the content itself though yet. The store description itself lists its content as 1 single player add on and 2 multiplayer add ons.

Multiplayer add on will likely be new maps and game modes with a bunch of trophies. My hope for the single player will be Sam's story during the main game. Basically you control Sam in the Parts where he's separated from Nate. The only problem with that is it'd be quite similar to Left Behind. I'm interested to see what they come up with anyway. You'd think it would have to be flashback/prequel as the game was quite clear in its ending. It'd be a bit strange continuing on with the story

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Yeah, they haven't confirmed what exactly the content for the pack is. We know it contains the Single-player DLC, and some multiplayer stuff. But as for the multiplayer stuff, I think it's skins, and some other minor stuff, since Naughty Dog stated that all game modes and maps for the multiplayer are gonna be free. I got the Triple Pack, although I got it as a gift. I didn't know it was basically a "season pass", I thought it was gonna give me these transaction coins. But cool to know that it's not that. But I think that even the multiplayer stuff we get from the pack will ultimately be free for everyone. Maybe we get early access? Cause the single-player DLC itself will probably cost $20 or $15

My hope for the single player will be Sam's story during the main game. Basically you control Sam in the Parts where he's separated from Nate. The only problem with that is it'd be quite similar to Left Behind. I'm interested to see what they come up with anyway. You'd think it would have to be flashback/prequel as the game was quite clear in its ending. It'd be a bit strange continuing on with the story

Yeah, I'm hoping for that too. I feel like we'd play as Sam most likely. But then there's also the possiblity of us playing as Nathan, actually? Like, who knows, maybe some new adventure from the past that we don't know of, when Nathan was younger? Pretty sure the DLC will be related to the events of Uncharted 4 though. If not Sam or Rafe, then maybe... Rafe, or Elena even? I doubt it. Reminds me back when people were making rumors as to what the single-player DLC for The Last of Us was gonna be like. Some even thought we were gonna play as Ish, the character we read about if Joel finds his notes.

Edited by A Flopping Brawl3r
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My guess is that it's:-

1) A prequel story about older Sam


2) A prequel story revolving around young Sam and young Drake that follows on from the flashbacks we saw of them in the main story.

I expect it'll be around 3 or 4 hours long like The Last of Us: Left Behind.

MP trophies with the expansion are fine by me because the MP is a blast to play :)

I got the Triple Pack expansion included with the Libertalia edition of the game, so i'm interested to see what Naughty Dog serve up!

Edited by Dreamcatcher4891
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Here's the passage about the Triple Pack MP stuff:

As for the two post-launch DLC multiplayer packs included in the Uncharted 4 Triple Pack, here’s what they include:

Multiplayer Pack #1
•Long Gun

Multiplayer Pack #2

Attached is Naughty Dog's U4 DLC roadmap clearly stating at the top that EVERYTHING you see listed will be FREE


Edited by ShayShay1993
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Does anyone know what this Triple Pack Expansion is all about? I believe it was sold with the Deluxe edition, but yet to be released? Anyone know a release date?








It mentions single player DLC? Which I think it kind of strange given that Uncharted 4 was supposed to be the last story in the Uncharted series, now they giving us an add on story? They have never done single player DLC for an Uncharted game before.


Well I hope it is as good as Left Behind and as long or longer. I hope it is not some little extra hour of add on material like the rubbish single player DLC you get with some other games.


What do you guys think it will be about?


Maybe some treasure hunting with Cassie? Maybe we get to go out on the boat with everyone and Cassie gets separated and has to find her way back or something?


Or maybe a new separate young Nate and Sam story-line? Or perhaps something completely different, like an adventure with Sam and Sully? Or maybe a perspective from Nadine and Rafe?


What are you guys hoping to see?


Do you think this single player DLC for Uncharted 4 is a good idea?

So many theories on what the single player dlc may be, such as a Sam-centered, a Sully-centered, a Cassie-centered, or even a Chloe/Cutter-centered dlc. I would actually like to play as Cassie again.

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What do you guys think it will be about?


Maybe some treasure hunting with Cassie? Maybe we get to go out on the boat with everyone and Cassie gets separated and has to find her way back or something?


Or maybe a new separate young Nate and Sam story-line? Or perhaps something completely different, like an adventure with Sam and Sully? Or maybe a perspective from Nadine and Rafe?


What are you guys hoping to see?


Do you think this single player DLC for Uncharted 4 is a good idea?


Druckmann said that the ending was "very conclusive" and that they didn't want to play with that too much. So, my guess would be a short midquel along the lines of Left Behind.


I really hope they have something interesting to say though, because I honestly can't think of anything that would enhance the existing storyline. Every single idea I've heard so far sounds unnecessary and tacked on, but it's ND and I'm pretty confident they'll find some way to make it work, whatever it turns out to be.

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I really hope they have something interesting to say though, because I honestly can't think of anything that would enhance the existing storyline. Every single idea I've heard so far sounds unnecessary and tacked on, but it's ND and I'm pretty confident they'll find some way to make it work, whatever it turns out to be.


I completely agree with you. I'm hoping that this SP DLC is something good. I loved Left Behind. It was the perfect single player DLC. As well as First Light.

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I like some of the inferred and vague spoilers in the OP.


Anyways, we know the Triple Pack will contain the story expansion DLC and other MP Packs. MPs doesn't ever always mean Map Packs. We also know ND are giving us all maps and modes for free, so obviously it's not for that stuff. ND are also giving us some skins, guns, mysticals, sidekicks, etc for free, so the MP is likely to give us additional exclusive content on top of that, that ND will not be giving us for free. Obviously it'd be stupid if the TP was to also give us what ND is already giving us for free.

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