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What would you buy...?


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What would you buy if you had exorbitant amounts of money? I'm talking billions, as in you barely know what to do with it. Just to keep things entertaining, let's exclude donating to charity / sharing with friends and family. I'm sure everyone is nice and would do that, but it's boring if everyone says that ;)


Feel free to post pictures or links to the things you would buy or spend your crazy amount of money on 


I'd just buy expensive pottery like Ming vases and the Imperial Faberge eggs just to eat Ramen noodles from xD

Edited by Jacob_Neal01
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Well jeez,,, that sounds like literally too much money for me to trust myself with. I WAS gonna say give it to charity just to get it off of my back, but I see that ain't an option now...


Funding my gaming hobbies is the first big thing. PS4 would be a great start, but I'd also be happy to get into PSVita, fill out my Wii U/3DS library, save up for the NX, and even grab a high-end PC build. And probably invest heavily into those companies so I can help fund future developments for said consoles. Or own them myself.


It'd also be fun to use monies to commission artists on DA and etc to illustrate character ideas of mine. Such as the avatar I've currently got, except specifically from the really impressive artists that charge like $200+ per commission and have quality that is worth it. As a sort of a writer, I know I've got plenty of ideas racking around in my head I'd like to see come to lifeeeee


Lastly, I'd probably buy stupidly expensive treasures just to give myself something really shiny to look at next to my Amiibo collection and inflate my ego. Like, jewelry with expensive gemstones and etc.

Edited by CediFonei
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I'd buy a private island, build it to be the most fabulous place ever! Move all my family and friends there and just enjoy life. I'd also buy a hunting team force. I've always wanted to kind of travel the world and try and find and hunt down cryptids. xD


If any of you guys would want to join me, I'd be fine with that-Just the heads of each would be mine. :devil:

Edited by Star_Butterfly--
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I'd probably buy a nice house. Not a mansion or anything, but just a nice house big enough for a family and 100 cats, maybe a pool or something too.

After that I'd probably just fund my hobbies and travel. Gaming, figure collecting, drawing (good art materials are expensive), and going around the world. :)

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Buy a spacious cabin on a forest close to a rural town filled with all-you-can-eats, figure out how to have electricity there so I can connect my consoles, TV, etc. Then construct the best gym ever.


That way I can enjoy both gaming and exercising, then eating exorbitant amounts of food after training every day all by myself for a long while before looking for a sweet girl to marry :P


(dream-like life plans were involved in this post lol).

Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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