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Has anyone who pre-ordered the game encountered this game-breaking bug? I'm still on the first planet, so I haven't, just curious. Hope this gets patched soon, I didn't even want the pre-order ship, and only redeemed it because of the constant prompts, if it ends up breaking the game... damn that'll suck.

Wow so glad I avoided that I had the message saying I had my items to get but every time I tried I clicked expecting it to work never been so happy that I had a blonde moment and did not think to hold down the button lol

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Has anyone who pre-ordered the game encountered this game-breaking bug? I'm still on the first planet, so I haven't, just curious. Hope this gets patched soon, I didn't even want the pre-order ship, and only redeemed it because of the constant prompts, if it ends up breaking the game... damn that'll suck.

No. As soon as I warped, the story progressed.

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Well shit, hopefully I can find a blueprint for this. The only reason I redeemed was the constant prompts like you said and I'm a good chunk of hours into the game. If anyone has a solution to get the blueprints to show up let me know, I won't be able to upgrade my ship until I find it.


What happened in my husbands case was he explored around and got a message about the hyperdrive and visiting a warehouse to obtain blueprints for antimatter.  He had to shoot his way into the warehouse but it seems that the waypoints for the hyperdrive still pop up.  I guess the only advice is not to be hasty to sell your current ship and to explore.


He got the message for the hyperdrive after using warp (not sure if that was his first or second warp though)

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For the upgrade, do they need to be next to each other for them to work? Here is a picture of my multi tool.




If you notice that the scanning mods are yellow when next to each other. The mining ones are green when next to each other. The on of the far left and bottom are also mining mods. The ones that are red are gun mods which are all next to each other. Will they not work if they aren't next to each other or does having them clustered give them a boost. I would assume the same would apply for suit and ship upgrades.


Also, I found that if a point of interest is REALLY far away, go back into space and the time it takes to get to that point will have a MUCH smaller travel time.


I've looked it up as I wasn't sure on the answer to this, but you do get a synergy bonus for having the mods next to each other.  The upgrades still work when they are not next to each other but you will lose efficiency.

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Day three, two planets to go in my second system... Damn, I have spent so many hours in this game already...

Has everyone noticed that a species will often include two different looking subspecies, like their variant of male/female or something? I've taken to naming them alike, so now I have the Parasaurovolus and the Spined Parasaurovolus. It's what real scientists do! :)

Also, a word to the wise:

If your starship is out of range, you can't get items out of it and you can only refill its equipment with stuff already inside the ship. But you can always transfer stuff from your exosuit towards it! I'm on a planet with a lot of life now, finding myself walking from place to place, so this little reveal comes in handy when I see another Gold or Heridium deposid. Glad I traded almost everything away before coming here...

I'm assuming the only way to get a different ship is to find and repair a derelict, or to catch an NPC in the launch area of a station and offer to buy its ship?

If there's another way, I haven't found it yet - though NPCs also land at select bases on planets (look for landing zones).

I also haven't figured out yet if there is any way to add inventory slots to my current ship like I am doing for my exosuit.

Almost Day 2 of Galaxy Exploration.

I know what's a good idea, I thinks.

Let's find some water and go swimming, since all my local planets are frozen wastelands, let's take a look underwater.

Hopped to a planet that looked a bit soggy, went swimming and found some Angelfish, and what appeared to be pufferfish/penguin crossbreeds. One wonders what atrocies happened to create those.

But what's this? My scanner is picking up a single, red dot from some animal lifeform I haven't scanned.

Take a breather because drowning.

Slowly swim toward it, thinking predators often hunt solo.

Swim too slow and lose the red dot.

Turn around.

Massive red PenguinShark.

'Stalking'and 'Predator' don't sound promising.

Shit self.


Nope nope.

Noped my way off that planet.

Thanks for that, that made me laugh :) did you at least get to scan it?

He got the message for the hyperdrive after using warp (not sure if that was his first or second warp though)

For me it was after the first warp. I didn't know it was for hyperdrive plans until they were handed to me though. Edited by BillyHorrible
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With the inventory slots to the current ship, you can offer to buy ships from aliens at the space stations.  This will give you more slots, husband has seen one with 25 slots but I've not really done any comparisons.


I got my first Atlas Pass blueprint so that has opened up some more for me, plus I found a black hole....still too busy exploring to go into it just yet.  I visited a system discovered by someone else but weirdly they hadn't explored any of the planets.  Current planet I'm on is so abundant in fauna, I'm enjoying seeing the weird and wonderful (mostly weird) creatures.  I've started naming a few things too.

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With the inventory slots to the current ship, you can offer to buy ships from aliens at the space stations.  This will give you more slots, husband has seen one with 25 slots but I've not really done any comparisons.


I got my first Atlas Pass blueprint so that has opened up some more for me, plus I found a black hole....still too busy exploring to go into it just yet.  I visited a system discovered by someone else but weirdly they hadn't explored any of the planets.  Current planet I'm on is so abundant in fauna, I'm enjoying seeing the weird and wonderful (mostly weird) creatures.  I've started naming a few things too.

I don't mean getting a different ship, I mean upgrading the current ship. Slots can be added to the exosuit so surely there's a way to do it for a starship?

I haven't found anything Atlas yet even though I cooperated in the beginning, only a few words at monoliths.

I did however, just found out how to make antimatter! And yes I know all sub elements as well. I found it behind one of those steel doors I've been breaking into. I had to make a choice between sum of money or cargo... glad I chose cargo, this will save me a lot of trouble in the long run.

This also marks the first time I used a beacon to call my ship, I had walked a wee bit far in the end...

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I'm on the second planet in my second solar system, this has wildlife and I'm at 30%. The planets from my previous system are still at 100%. I think if you do the 100% lock on, it locks all your other planets somehow. Just go to an undiscovered planet and you should be fine. Let me know if it helps.


Yeah, I went to a new star system, and the planets there are at 0%, but all my previously discovered planets are still stuck at 100%. Kinda sucks as I got pretty invested in one star system, but oh well. Hopefully this gets patched at some point in the future.

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Yeah, I went to a new star system, and the planets there are at 0%, but all my previously discovered planets are still stuck at 100%. Kinda sucks as I got pretty invested in one star system, but oh well. Hopefully this gets patched at some point in the future.

I was invested in my first system but I doubt I'll ever see it again. I have put a waypoint on it though now that I could still find it.

I really can't believe how many hours I'm pouring into this game. I thought it would have gotten old much sooner but I still can't wait to see what's next in line.

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I don't mean getting a different ship, I mean upgrading the current ship. Slots can be added to the exosuit so surely there's a way to do it for a starship?



My apologies, I misunderstood.  As far as I can hell and have read, it does seem that the only way of getting extra slots on the ship is by procuring new ships



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My apologies, I misunderstood.  As far as I can hell and have read, it does seem that the only way of getting extra slots on the ship is by procuring new ships



I started reading the article but stopped when they started talking about Atlas passes. I'll figure out my own stuff, what I hear from your experiences with the game is enough for me.

I already upgraded my exosuit quite a bit. I'm over 2M units now so I can pretty much buy any ship I want but I don't want to, I want one that looks at least as awesome as my pre-order starting ship.

Anyway I don't have problems with storage all that often, I constantly sell my surplus. Only thing I can't seem to make myself get rid of is a Vy'keen ceremonial dagger, first one I found.

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Played 2 hours or so last night. Got out of my first star system*, and into a second. 


Starter planet was a bountiful planet with -23 degree temperatures. Lots of pine tree looking plants around, a few skittish smaller animals, and then some dog-sized six legged sheep headed beaver tailed bastards that liked to hunt by ambushing you in packs. Killing them alerted the sentinals, so there I am beginning my game in an orgy of blood and bolts. Oh well. 


Manage to get the ship repaired, and decide to get straight the fuck off this planet. Too hostile for little old me and my soft squishy exosuit. 


Get to the space station and manage to make the alien happy. The only word he said that I knew was "give", so I gave him something and it was a lucky guess. Sweet.


Hop onto a nearby moon. Get me some more resources, etc, and complete the tutorial here. 


Decide to see the next star system. Off we go. 


While in universe map, I try to navigate map view to the centre of the universe. Start 17k light years from the centre. 3 minutes of travel towards centre, and map is only 4k light years closer. Ok, this is incomprehensibly big...


Stop off at the spacestation first to see if the trade is better here. Meet an alien who really wanted some old dagger I had in my inventory, so much that he was willing to pay double the average rate. Have it mate. 


Meet another alien who wants something, but I don't know what. I don't have enough of either resource that could help him. He dies, but another consciousness enters his body. These aliens not so happy with me now. Decide to leave. 


Next planet is slightly radioactive, but not enough that I've had to worry about resource management at all. Planet has a lot of these big cubicle things, and am able to add all the inventory slots to my Exosuit.


Continue to hop from POI to POI as I make my way towards the outpost I need to visit to learn how to make antimatter. Exosuit inventory slots are full, for now at least, and I know 5 words, 2 in Gek and 3 in the aliens that I don't know the name of. 


Decide to call it a night after finding the blueprint for antimatter. Trying to find "quit" in the menu, but can't. Find the discoveries menu, and realise that this is where I can rename stuff. Decide to name the hippo sized mice with dog heads who walk on their long, outstretched fingers the "finger flicking hippo-dog-mice" because I am tired and not feeling imaginative. PS4 into rest mode, time to sleep. 


*I hate to be "that guy", but there is only one "solar system", which is our Solar System, and is so called because our star is called The Sun or Sol. Every other system is called a "star system". 

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*I hate to be "that guy", but there is only one "solar system", which is our Solar System, and is so called because our star is called The Sun or Sol. Every other system is called a "star system".

Yeah, in our universe maybe... In mine, every system has a sun so every system is a solar system. In real life we only call one the sun because there's only one system we can go to but if all it takes is a few minutes of warp, those lines become less black and white.

In other news, I hate the Gek spirits. Racist little assholes, that's what they are. Still haven't figured out what the current merchant race has to do with those ancient ones, if they are direct descendants and also racist or if they denounced that propaganda, but I hope my next system has Vy'keen again. I did a Gek monolith "wrong" on purpose because it meant keeping the "non-pure" a bit safer, even if it is just one tiny story without consequence.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Had two planets now where I can't find the last animal to complete my scans ><.  Mostly finding Vy'keen words and get fairly few of the words translated when I speak to them now.


On the Atlas path now a couple of hops in.  Finding the space combat a bit clunky.

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Yeah, in our universe maybe... In mine, every system has a sun so every system is a solar system. In real life we only call one the sun because there's only one system we can go to but if all it takes is a few minutes of warp, those lines become less black and white.


We don't call our star the Sun because it's the only one we can get to. That's just its name. 


I was wrong in this respect though: a star with planets is apparently called a planetary system.  A star system is apparently when you have multiple stars orbiting one another. Thanks Sean Murray for that wrong info! (He called them star systems in an interview with Playstation Access, but he did specifically mention that they're not Solar systems.)


Space is fun. Mind bogglingly huge... makes you realise just how small we are, good for perspective in many ways. Sad that I was born into a time where we haven't yet left the planet properly. There's so much out there. 


Can't wait to find a really lush planet. I'm jealous of some of the screenshots I've seen so far. 


In other news, I hate the Gek spirits. Racist little assholes, that's what they are. Still haven't figured out what the current merchant race has to do with those ancient ones, if they are direct descendants and also racist or if they denounced that propaganda, but I hope my next system has Vy'keen again. I did a Gek monolith "wrong" on purpose because it meant keeping the "non-pure" a bit safer, even if it is just one tiny story without consequence.


Thanks! That was it, the Vy'keen, those are the guys I've been interacting with so far. 


Are we sure that we're human in this game, by the way?


I have found some Gek stuff out and about, but no Gek themselves yet. 

On the Atlas path now a couple of hops in.  


How does one choose a path? I took Atlas' guidance at the beginning - I thought it was a "do you want a tutorial" option - but my log keeps telling me that I could also follow Juno or some other person. Do I flick a toggle between them somewhere?


These story elements are the parts I'm finding most confusing so far. Still figuring out how that works. 

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How does one choose a path? I took Atlas' guidance at the beginning - I thought it was a "do you want a tutorial" option - but my log keeps telling me that I could also follow Juno or some other person. Do I flick a toggle between them somewhere?


These story elements are the parts I'm finding most confusing so far. Still figuring out how that works. 


Well I think you are further than me but in the map I'm following the pink atlas path rather than the yellow to the centr.  You toggle with the l1/r1 buttons in the map to flick between paths.

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Well I think you are further than me but in the map I'm following the pink atlas path rather than the yellow to the centr.  You toggle with the l1/r1 buttons in the map to flick between paths.


Ah, smashing, thanks. I dunno if I'm further, just 1 star system towards the centre compared to my spawn... I've only played 2 hours, but yeah I was eager for that "Holy shit" moment you get the first time you go to the warp map and see how big this game really is. 

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Ah, smashing, thanks. I dunno if I'm further, just 1 star system towards the centre compared to my spawn... I've only played 2 hours, but yeah I was eager for that "Holy shit" moment you get the first time you go to the warp map and see how big this game really is. 


Ah I'm about 4/5 systems in, spent a lot of time trying to scan the planet of the asshole crab monsters but had to leave with one species unfound.  Had small systems with 1 or 2 planets so far though.

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So I found this Alien temple it had a ton of knowledge stones that gave me more words but also it had something like a star chart that gave me some bonus and more Rep with them does every planet have these or is it just luck that you find one on a planet

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We don't call our star the Sun because it's the only one we can get to. That's just its name.

I was wrong in this respect though: a star with planets is apparently called a planetary system. A star system is apparently when you have multiple stars orbiting one another. Thanks Sean Murray for that wrong info! (He called them star systems in an interview with Playstation Access, but he did specifically mention that they're not Solar systems.)

Space is fun. Mind bogglingly huge... makes you realise just how small we are, good for perspective in many ways. Sad that I was born into a time where we haven't yet left the planet properly. There's so much out there.

Can't wait to find a really lush planet. I'm jealous of some of the screenshots I've seen so far.

Thanks! That was it, the Vy'keen, those are the guys I've been interacting with so far.

Are we sure that we're human in this game, by the way?

I have found some Gek stuff out and about, but no Gek themselves yet.

How does one choose a path? I took Atlas' guidance at the beginning - I thought it was a "do you want a tutorial" option - but my log keeps telling me that I could also follow Juno or some other person. Do I flick a toggle between them somewhere?

These story elements are the parts I'm finding most confusing so far. Still figuring out how that works.

Well I think you are further than me but in the map I'm following the pink atlas path rather than the yellow to the centr. You toggle with the l1/r1 buttons in the map to flick between paths.

Ah I'm about 4/5 systems in, spent a lot of time trying to scan the planet of the asshole crab monsters but had to leave with one species unfound. Had small systems with 1 or 2 planets so far though.

Short break in gaming because I'm almost forgetting to eat in real life...

WHAT? Atlas path? I'm seeing nothing of the sort, only the path to the center and freeroam (and own waypoints)... als I have heard nothing about a "Juno".

So many players, so many experiences... I'm still on my second system with one planet undiscovered. All my time today has gone into one planet, which I have meanwhile discovered all the fauna of.

I've been going by that we are not humans in this game by the way, since earth doesn't even exist (wouldn't THAT be a hell of an easter egg). I've been imagining a skinny alien with a spacesuit, perhaps the face even obscured.

About solar systems: I know why we call what we call, I've done an astronomy course while studying maths (edit: not trying to sound high and mighty here. Just making clear that my use of "solar" is not ignorance but 'artistic freedom'). My point was that "THE sun" is an outdated concept because it implies that this system is so special just because it's where we live. We've named one star Alpha Centauri, does that make it the Alpha Centaurial system?

I'm taking the rule of thumb that whatever planet you're on, your sun is the one your planet is orbiting. This gets done a lot in (soft) science fiction. Tatooine has two suns called named Tatoo I and Tatoo II, not two stars. They are called binairy suns.

This is just one of those things that you can get very annoyed by if you want to use 'peoper' language but which you can't talk other people out of if they feel like it.


So I found this Alien temple it had a ton of knowledge stones that gave me more words but also it had something like a star chart that gave me some bonus and more Rep with them does every planet have these or is it just luck that you find one on a planet

Was it actually called a temple in-game? If so I haven't seen any yet, I've seen a bunch of ruins though.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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So I found this Alien temple it had a ton of knowledge stones that gave me more words but also it had something like a star chart that gave me some bonus and more Rep with them does every planet have these or is it just luck that you find one on a planet


Haven't seen one yet, but I've only been on 4 planets and a moon. Sounds interesting. 

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Fellow explorers, I have found a new planet... And I f*cking love this one.


It's the last one in my solar system. It has no life ("undetected" but I could just scan the 100% so I guess nothing will be detected either), it's the first planet I visited which just has "hot" as the hazard, and it looks gorgeous.


I knew my words could never do it justice so I just dubbed it "Bulbleaf Paradise". I think the planet in the sky is Sulfur Flats but I could be mistaken about that.


I'm exploring a cavern beneath my starship at the moment.



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